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Gender Cartoon Precis

Liza Donnelly

1. Political Cartoon - Tanner Abbott lenge-gender-perceptions-meet-liza-donnelly/

Observation Notes

What choices do you see? What do you notice? Analysis

(symbolism, exaggeration/distortion, (What might it mean? How does it contribute to
stereotypes, irony, analogy, captions/labeling) the purpose of the artist? Is it effective?)

● The adult woman has distorted and ● The distorted femenine features and the
exaggerated feminine features woman’s manner of dress are intended to
● The woman is wearing a dress, heels, illustrate the female stereotype, and that
earrings, and high heels, matching the the woman is playing along to the
female stereotype stereotype
● The baby is dressed in and surrounded ● The pink blanket is likely meant to show
with pink, which is a color affiliated with that the female stereotype is being
the female stereotype imposed upon the baby by its mother,
● Captions dictate objects typically showing the age at which girls are
associated with the female stereotype. presented with the female stereotype by
other women
● The captions, which dictate objects and
ideas associated with the female
stereotype, are meant to convey that the
woman is imposing the female
stereotype upon the baby

The author utilizes color, visual distortion, and

commentary in order to portray and ridicule the
fememine gender stereotype. They introduce the
female stereotype by visually including aspects
of the female gender stereotype such as the color
pink and distorted femenine features, as well as
through the use of commentary such as
“lipstick!” and “handbag!” which dictates the
products and other objects typically associated
with the female stereotype. They also detail
when the female stereotype is taught to girls, as
the character that the woman is speaking to is a
baby girl.

Considering the observations above, what is the message? What is the purpose of the cartoon?

This cartoon is meant to exhibit and ridicule the stereotype that women expect each other to follow
from such a young age. It’s meant to convey the reason why the female stereotype has lasted for so
long, being that it is imposed upon girls from birth, and so they grow up only knowing that
stereotype. It also demonstrates a flaw in many feminists’ arguments, as it demonstrates that the
predominant imposers of the female stereotype upon young girls are not men, it is women.

Write a Rhetorical Precis

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In her cartoon, “Before we blame Patriarchy” (2022), Liza Donnelly, a femenist, political cartoonist,
and activist, argues that before blaming men for imposing and continuing the female stereotype,
feminists must first aknowledge that women are primarily the ones to blame. Donnelly utilizes
captions, distortion, and exaggeration to support her claim. Donnelly wants women, particularly
feminists, to reexamine their roles in imposing and continuing the female stereotype, rather than
simply blaming it on men. Her ridiculing and exaggerated tone prompts her audience, primarily
feminists, to reevaluate themselves examine their methods of talking to young girls.

2. Political Cartoon

Observation Notes

What choices do you see? What do you notice? Analysis

(symbolism, exaggeration/distortion, (What might it mean? How does it contribute to
stereotypes, irony, analogy, captions/labeling) the purpose of the artist? Is it effective?)

-The boss is thinking of a girl as he looks over the Together, symbolism and stereotypes symbolize
woman’s resume. In his thought, the woman is a how the women is seen as childish due to the
girl playing with a doll. boss’s outdated and oppressive views on women.
-The woman is in a less comfortable chair The male boss has a better chair than the women
compared to the man. The man’s chair is bigger which is an analogy of how women are viewed in
and the woman’s is smaller. the workplace. Women are given less resources
-The woman looks put together and worthy of than men. This alludes to the gender pay gap
the job she is applying for which is why she is where men are payed more than women are. The
giving her resume to her boss. woman looks respectable, put together and
worthy for the job, but because of the boss’s
outdated views, she is seen as a joke to him and
probably won’t get the job.
Considering the observations above, what is the message? What is the purpose of the cartoon?

The message of this cartoon is that there is gender inequality in the workplace. It wants the viewer to
recognize that women aren’t equal to men and that workplace inequality is perpetuated by distorted
and stereotypical male views on women. It does this by alluding to stereotypes, the gender pay gap
and oppressive views. The purpose of this cartoon is to help people make the first step of change: to
recognize the inequalities of women and men. It does this through humor, symbolism, stereotypes,
and allusions.

Write a Rhetorical Precis

(follow instructions on the canvas page)

In her political cartoon, “Man Sexist Towards a Woman Applicant” (2022), Lisa Donnelly, a political
cartoonist, change-maker, and femenist asserts that stereotypes and outdated views contribute to
the oppression of females in the workplace. Donnelly combines stereotypes, allusions, and
symbolism with real world depictions to support her claim. Donnelly wants induce change by helping
all genders recognize the inequalities between women and men. Her humorous, yet educational tone
inspires a broader audience which consists of working men and women-people who have
experienced gender inequality in the workplcae firsthand.

3. Political Cartoon (Luke Parker)
Observation Notes

What choices do you see? What do you notice? Analysis

(symbolism, exaggeration/distortion, (What might it mean? How does it contribute to
stereotypes, irony, analogy, captions/labeling) the purpose of the artist? Is it effective?)

● The woman has a distorted look with a This cartoon may symbolize what women today
nose coming from her forehead feel as are the rules, with the woman looking so
● She has no smile, has a look of no emotionless that she is reading this, but she is
emotion or joy also about half way through it. It could be
● She is reading a rule book in pink something that she is pressured to read, much
(matching the female stereotype) like how women today feel pressured to follow
● She is most likely reading a rule book the “rules” that are set by standards today. The
based on the femine way to walk, talk, author uses simple colors, but the most used is
act, ect. purple and pink. By using those colors the author
is using the stereotypical colors for females. If the
book and shirt was darker blues and blacks it
would make the cartoon masculine to the point
where it could be said that a man is reading
“rules” about men.

Considering the observations above, what is the message? What is the purpose of the cartoon?

The message of this cartoon is to express what women feel like when they are made to act a certain
way, because it's more feminine. It expresses their emotions towards it, it is not happy or sad, just
almost as if they just do not have their own personality anymore.

Write a Rhetorical Precis

(follow instructions on the canvas page)

In Liza Donnelly’s cartoon, “Liza Donnelly on the social rulebook,” Donnelly, a political cartoonist,
speaker, and a feminist, depicts the rules that women today feel they have to follow to be accepted.
Donnelly combines stereotypical colors, as well as little to no emotion to support the way women feel
about these rules. Donnelly wants everyone to know of the opinions of many women around the
world about the way they are made to act and feel. Her simple yet interesting tone informs the
audience to let these rules go, and to know the value of not being tied down by what everyone else
wants you to do.

4. Political Cartoon - BRAYDEN

Observation Notes

What choices do you see? What do you notice? Analysis

(symbolism, exaggeration/distortion, (What might it mean? How does it contribute to
stereotypes, irony, analogy, captions/labeling) the purpose of the artist? Is it effective?)

● One woman at table with men The artist having her more distanced than the
● She is further from table than the men men at the table shows that she is kind of left out
● Text bubble that says “I am supposed to of the group as well as her leaning back in the
be here” chair shows her trying to act like she is
● The text bubble is the focus of the comfortable in the situation. She is trying to calm
artwork as it is near center and is larger and remind herself that she is supposed to be
than the woman here. Her effect of feeling out of place is also
● She is leaned back in her chair. shown in her wearing a jacket that has purple,
which is the only color that is on that side of the
color wheel. All of the men are wearing green or
blue suits and also is another example of her
feeling like she doesnt fit in. And because the
text is the focal point of the cartoon, it shows
how overwhelming her sense that she doesn't
belong is.
Considering the observations above, what is the message? What is the purpose of the cartoon?

This cartoon is conveying the message that we need more women in higher positions and in the
corporate workforce. Author Liza Donnelly was trying to convey the message that women feel out of
place in the work force and need to be accepted. They also need to learn that they can find a place in
the workforce and that it shouldn't be this big scary corporation that they can't find a way to fit into.

Write a Rhetorical Precis

(follow instructions on the canvas page)

In her cartoon “I am supposed to be here”, artist Liza Donnelly ___ that women in the workplace feel
uncomfortable and are insecure about not having more women in the force with them. Donnelly uses
text bubbles, color, and irony to convey her message about gender equality. Donnelly gives a deeper
look into the realities of a male dominated workforce while also using a cartoon to convey her
thoughts as less confrontational. Her informal look at a woman’s idea of what she is thinking tells a
side of the debate that many people may not know what it is like to be in a field like that.

5. Political Cartoon

Observation Notes

What choices do you see? What do you notice? Analysis

(symbolism, exaggeration/distortion, (What might it mean? How does it contribute to
stereotypes, irony, analogy, captions/labeling) the purpose of the artist? Is it effective?)

The dog in humanized, and the dog is most likely The dog seems slightly disturbed and or
the one speaking. depressed, and has large marks underneath their
● At a coffee bar, or just a regular bar. The eyes. We can only assume that the women feels
dog seems tired and kind of depressed. the same way.
● We can assume that the lady must of Also, when he states “he agrees”, it is implying
already brought up the word “heel”. that the lady has already brought this word up.
This is showing that she feels the same way, and
we can assume she said something around the
line of “I feel like I am always told to heel”.
Other then that, the environment of the scene is
fairly basic, but it is the characters identity and
the dogs quote that delivers the message.

Considering the observations above, what is the message? What is the purpose of the cartoon?

The irony of this is that the dog is forced to “heel” which means to follow the demands of their owner,
and not to have free will on where to go. What is ironic about this is that it represents that many
women are forced to “heel” within society, and to confine themselves to stereotypical gender roles
assumed by others.
I think it is effective, as it clearly summarizes an issue within society, as women are forced into these
stereotypical roles and positions.
It can also be interpreted that treating women like this, in many ways dehumanizes them and take
away many of their rights.
They are required to do things, just like dogs are required to do what they are told.

Write a Rhetorical Precis

(follow instructions on the canvas page)

6. Political Cartoon

Observation Notes

What choices do you see? What do you notice? Analysis

(symbolism, exaggeration/distortion, (What might it mean? How does it contribute to
stereotypes, irony, analogy, captions/labeling) the purpose of the artist? Is it effective?)

In this political cartoon there are two girls playing I found this cartoon slightly offensive, in the
with dolls. notice that they are in a normal home. sense that, for girls, having self esteem is
also notice that the girl asking the sexest considered a bad thing. I also noticed that the girl
question to the other, has dressed her doll in a on the right has dressed her doll in a shirt and
little dress whereas the other little girl who looks pants. This was such a small detail and yet I
angry at these remarks has a doll dressed in a found it important because The purpose of this
shirt and pants cartoon was either to be funny or offensive,
dressing a certain way or having self esteem
shouldn't determine whether you are a woman or

Considering the observations above, what is the message? What is the purpose of the cartoon?
“When are you thinking of losing your self-esteem?” This quote poses that it is not “lady-like” to have
self esteem, or in the case of her doll, wear certain clothes. The purpose of this cartoon is to
stereotype extremes of women and make people realize that these stereotypes are wrong. This
technique is very persuasive because as a consumer it made me want to change.

Write a Rhetorical Precis

(follow instructions on the canvas page)

7. Political Cartoon - Shreejha Sureshkumar

Observation Notes

What choices do you see? What do you notice? Analysis

(symbolism, exaggeration/distortion, (What might it mean? How does it contribute to
stereotypes, irony, analogy, captions/labeling) the purpose of the artist? Is it effective?)

● All the girls have distorted features. This cartoon might symbolize how women
● The girl is mentioning how they always always feel that they are expected to be a certain
feel like they are expected to be a certain way. Either from movies, music, new channels, or
way. shows. They are sad and are relaxing. It is similar
● They are eating chips and drinks. how women these days are pressured into
● They are all dressed casually and are dressing and being a certain way, while the
laying around. women in the cartoon are just relaxing at home
which would be considered not perfect. The
author uses chips, which is a food item that girls
usually told to not eat to make sure they dont
gain weight.

Considering the observations above, what is the message? What is the purpose of the cartoon?

The cartoon is symbolizing how girls are made to act, eat, and behave in a spectific way. It might
highlight the expectations set by society and how some girls choose to follow it and other dont. The
purpose could be to send a message to society to not set expectations on girls.

Write a Rhetorical Precis

(follow instructions on the canvas page)

In her political cartoon, “ Liza Donnelly on expectations” Lisa Donnelly who is a feminist, cartoonist,
and public speaker, announces that most girls live according to the expectations of their peers to be
accepted. She also depicts that women are tired of having to be a certain way and just want to be free
and be accepted for who they are. Donelly is trying to express some of the struggles that women
around the world have to face. She is trying to express her concerns in a comedic/informative tone
which draws the audience to look at more details.

8. Political Cartoon - CARTER COX

Observation Notes

What choices do you see? What do you notice? Analysis

(symbolism, exaggeration/distortion, (What might it mean? How does it contribute to
stereotypes, irony, analogy, captions/labeling) the purpose of the artist? Is it effective?)

1. The pictures on the walls are nothing but 1. This taken in conjunction with the fact
chats/graphs. that only men are pictured in the cartoon
serves to symbolizes the domination of
men in the corporate world
2. The cartoon is drawn in greyscale. 2. Noting that Donnelly has drawn cartoons
in other color palettes (indicating that it
is not a mere artistic preference), this fact
can be taken to symbolize how the
exclusion of women has led to a less
vibrant work environment than would
have existed had they been included.
3. The “feminist viewpoint” is a man 3. This decision of Donnelly introduces a
wearing a skirt and heels. level of irony to the cartoon, as a reader
would expect the “feminist viewpoint” to
be a woman. This is indicative of the
traditional male belief that women’s
opinions are never valuable, even when
the issue is directly related to them (i.e. a
“feminist viewpoint” is needed),
4. There are no women pictured in the effectively drawing the readers attention
cartoon. to this apparent paradox.
4. Similar to #3, the choice to not include
any women in the cartoon represents
mens exclusion of women from the
business world.
5. The cartoon is rendered in a simple style. 5. Though it may simply be indicative of the
artists preferred style, this fact may,
similarly to #2, represent the complexity
that men are missing out on through
their disregard of women.
6. The men pictured are all effectively the 6. This fact is representative of how a
same height, wearing the same clothes, society that excludes women (and
have the same short hair, and have consequently anyone that is viewed as
similar body structures. less) will ultimately lead to the sort of
bleak uniformity that is presented in the

Considering the observations above, what is the message? What is the purpose of the cartoon?

The underlying message of the cartoon is that men typically undervalue women's knowledge, even if
the issue pertains to them specifically. This fact is then what ultimately leads to the creation of a less
rich society dominated by the opinions of but a single group of people.

Write a Rhetorical Precis

(follow instructions on the canvas page)

In her political cartoon “I’ve asked Harold to provide the feminist viewpoint” (2022), Liza Donnelly, an
American cartoonist and educator, asserts that men undervalue the input of women in the
workplace. Donnelly makes use of symbolism, irony, and stereotypes alongside an effective use of
artistic style to support her claim. Donnelly wants men to not only accept but welcome women in the
workplace in order to enrich American culture. The satirical tone used in the cartoon serves to
heighten the apparent nonsensical nature of the situation, inspiring readers to take action.

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