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Training 8.xlxs Workbook

Sheet1 worksheet
Use a function to summarize the value of a cell range
 Cell B16
1. SUM Function
 Calculate the total of the Q1 column, cell range B6:B15
 Use the SUM function
Use relative referencing to duplicate a formula
 Cell range C16:F16
2. Relatice Referencing
 Use the formula in cell B16 created in the previous exercise
 Use relative referencing to summarize the values of each column
Create a named range for a group of cells
3. Define Named Range  Cell range B16:E16
 Name the cell range, “QuarterTotals”
Use a function to report the largest value in a range of cells
 Cell B18
4. Max Function
 Display the largest number in the Total column, cell range F6:F15
 Use the MAX function
Create a chart using data from a cell range
 Postion the chart below the data
5. Create Chart  Use data from cell range F6:F15
 Clustered Column Chart
 Drag the chart into position
Add formatting to a chart
 Chart
 Apply Chart Style 7
6. Format Chart  Chart Title
 Change the chart title to “Sales”
 Alt Text
 Add the Title “Function”
Change the page layout and size
 Page
7. Page Layout and Size
 Landscape orientation
 A3 page size
Insert a break to force objects to print on diffirent pages
8. Page Break  Row 5
 Insert a Page Break
Sheet2 worksheet
Display values located on another worksheet
 Cell B4
 Display the value of cell B16 from the Sheet1 worksheet
 Cell B5
9. Cross Worksheet Referencing  Display the value of cell C16 from the Sheet1 worksheet
 Cell B6
 Display the value of cell D16 from the Sheet1 worksheet
 Cell B7
 Display the value of cell E16 from the Sheet1 worksheet
Use a formula to determine text to display
 Cell C5
 Display the text, “Increase”, If Q2 sale is higher than the Q1 Sales
 Display the text, “Decrease”, If Q2 sale is less than the Q1 Sales
 Use the IF function
 Cell C6
10. IF Function  Display the text, “Increase”, If Q3 sale is higher than the Q2 Sales
 Display the text, “Decrease”, If Q3 sale is less than the Q2 Sales
 Use the IF function
 Cell C7
 Display the text, “Increase”, If Q4 sale is higher than the Q3 Sales
 Display the text, “Decrease”, If Q4 sale is less than the Q3 Sales
 Use the IF function
Use a Named Range in a function to summarize the value of a cell range
 Cell B8
11. Use Name range
 Calculate the total of the QuarterTotals range
 Use the SUM function
Define a cell range for printing
12. Print Area  Cell range A1:B8
 Set print Area
Sheet3 worksheet
Create a named range for a group of cells
 Cell range B3:B25
 Name the range, “Range1”
 Cell range C3:C25
13. Define Name range  Name the range, “Range2”
 Cell range D3:D25
 Name the range, “Range3”
 Cell range E3:E25
 Name the range, “Range4”
Use a Named Range in a function to summarize the value of a cell range
 Cell B26
 Calculate the total of the Range1 named range
 Use the SUM function
 Cell C26
 Calculate the total of the Range2 named range
14. Use Name range  Use the SUM function
 Cell D26
 Calculate the total of the Range3 named range
 Use the SUM function
 Cell E26
 Calculate the total of the Range4 named range
 Use the SUM function
Use a function to summarize the value of a cell range
 Cell F3
15. Insert Formula
 Calcute the total of cell range B3:E3
 Use the SUM function
Use the Fill feature to extend a formula across multiple cells
16. Use Fill  Cell range F4:F26
 Use the formula in F3
Use a Named Range in a function to summarize the value of a cell range
 Cell J3
 Display the largest number in the Range1 named range
 Use the MAX function
 Cell J4
 Display the largest number in the Range2 named range
17. Use Name range  Use the MIN function
 Cell J5
 Display the largest number in the Range3 named range
 Use the MAX function
 Cell J6
 Display the largest number in the Range4 named range
 Use the MIN function
Use a formula to determine text to display Cell range F3:F25
 IF function
 Display the text “Down” if value of Total column less than 150
18. IF Function
 Display the text “A” if value of Total column less than 250
 Display the text “Up” in other cases
Sort from alphabetically
 Cell range A2:F25
19. Sort Data
 Sort by Flavors
 A to Z
Final Steps
Apply a theme to the workbook
20. Themes  Training8.xlsx
 Organic
Save to Folder: 9A_TenHS_Tuan8
21. Save Workbook
File Name: TenHS_Tuan8

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