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Marc Yrus P. Parreño Ms.

Irisgy Gabreza

12-Javier B

Critique about Disney’s 2012 short film “Paperman.”

Disney’s 2012 short film “Paperman” was directed by John Karrs. It was a seven-
minute-long animation associated with a black and white style. According to a review by
Sebastian Evidente, “Paperman is a black and white Disney classic that although lacks
the color variance of its Disney contemporaries during its time, does an exemplary job
of retelling an all-familiar story of boy meets girl”. I agree with a minimalistic style that
has been associated throughout the short film as it gives the sense of Disney’s time
back then.

At first, I was wondering what could be the purpose of Disney’s short film,
“Paperman”? and I could not find the right word or phrase to that question as I already
did saw the short film back then. Perhaps, I was also wondering what does a
minimalistic style has something to do with the short film?. I did some of my research
and found similar reviews about it and what keeps bugging me is that upon watching the
short film for another time, I realized that during Disney’s time he had some of his works
not be accepted and most of the time fails at arriving at his goal. Though he was a very
optimistic person, he remains like one. Similarly, “Paperman” was like that too however,
in another context, that is, love at first sight to a woman. The short film resurrects a boy
who was also fond of movies and films which is just like Disney and is persistent to
satisfy his goal. An office worker boy was fascinated by this he just met while waiting for
a train. He was so persistent that he could not make a turn of his head to another
direction because of the woman she saw. He was so adamant that he will no longer see
this woman.

Indeed, it was a wordless love story of a man and a woman. However, a

minimalistic style being associated in the film reflects so much during the time of
Disney’s persistence to his goals.

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