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Philosophy Persuasive Speech

Hello, there human! I am Marc Yrus P. Parreño believed in a statement, “To be human
means to live with structures and freedom” so now, allow me to make a breakthrough to each
of your perplexed minds and share my opinion to this statement especially to the determinists
out there.

Based on my early and late experiences, I have been through and lately and mostly it is all
about life and death, for instance, I had an experience of the loss of loved ones and even not so
close friends. With these, I may lack experience but I presume that this is a universal
phenomenon. I can tell that a human’s essence is perhaps to live and to die, Now that made me
think of some question lurking inside me that, What if we change that perspective into
“humans are to live with structures and freedom” now let me get this straight, According to
John F. Kavanaugh, a Jesuit philosopher and member of the Saint Louis University Department
of Philosophy from 1974 until he died in 2012, “Freedom and Structures are complementary.
He says that structures – physical conditions, environment, and immediate controls – are
undeniably present”. Furthermore, it is the idea of which freedom together with structures are
perfect because they complement each other. Moreover, we, humans, usually tend to focus on
the hindrance, that is, the structures rather than an open door of freedom.

On the other hand, with the freedom we, humans, can make any decisions, any
decisions, now that rest the case on you if you decided to allow this hindrance enters in your
life or not allow it. What is your choice? I will just live this statement to you, “To be human
means to live with structures and freedom” if we, humans, cannot even complement these two
I just said then, just imagine an egg, it is vulnerable and the same time it is perfect. Becoming
precedes Choice. Thank you.

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