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Grupo 5: Holidays
Integrants: Allison, Kyari , Natasha and

What is a holiday?

A celebration or holidays are act or event of a social nature organized publicly or privately in the
course of which participants share time and space and which is associated with leisure and

According to scholars, the term presents a complex, extraordinary and paradoxical nature.1

Many authors consider that although it is not possible to identify party and rites, it is necessary to
take into account that there is a kind of rites inside every party, even though this concept has
undergone a transformation over time, so that having a sacred aspect has become a formal and
routine behavior.

Why holidays are important?

Festivities have an importance in our lives that is simply undeniable. These can be constantly reflected in
dates such as Christmas, which, whether we want it or not, fills us with an attitude that is generally very related
to certain values such as sharing or love among family. Something very similar usually happens with other
dates such as Valentine's Day, which by its specific characteristics brings an atmosphere and feeling of leaving
behind the fears of being detailed and make known the true feelings you have towards one or more people.
Without the feelings that certain festivities bring us, surely several aspects of our life and coexistence with
others would be very different. Our relationship with family and friends can even be altered on dates like
Halloween or April Fool's Day, in which we tend to release certain things that we normally cannot.


Some holidays….

in Ecuador
○ The Ecuadorian carnival is very cultural and is celebrated with water, carnival foam, talcum powder
or flour to paint the face or any type of vegetable paint. The best known place for this celebration is
the city of Guaranda, capital of the Bolívar Province, 4 hours from the capital of Ecuador. Where
they arrive from the same mountains and the Ecuadorian coast because they are in the middle of
Ecuador. Drink the typical liquor of the area, the "blue bird." There is a parade of floats, identifying
various themes and most of the troupes dance the traditional carnival hymn "El carnaval de

● A different celebration is the one that takes place in Ambato, land of flowers and fruits. Where the
characteristic, unlike the rest of Ecuador. They are the cultural troupes. Where the parade of floats,
decorated with flowers and fruits from the area, takes place and delegations from other countries arrive to
parade in it. On the coast the celebration in addition to the water. The foam and balloons also join the
cultural celebrations of the area as in Esmeraldas where international festivals of Afro-American cultures
are held in places such as 8th street and Balneario las Palmas. This celebration is very well received by
the entire population, so much so that in each of the cities beautiful and cultural shows are offered.
○ In the southern part of the country, especially in the provinces of Azuay and Cañar. Water and some
other elements such as flour are also used in a kind of war. Usually between relatives and
acquaintances. In addition there are also several public and private shows. The typical dish of this
festival in Cuenca is the motepata. However in this area. This date is also used by many to go on
vacation to other parts of the country. Which is why, in the city of Cuenca, the most populated in the
area, the number of pedestrians and vehicles decreases considerably.
Contents of this template
What is christmas:

Christmas is a religious holiday in which Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on December 25 of each
year. In fact, the word Christmas, as such, comes from the Latin nativĭtas, nativātis which means 'birth'.

This term, however, is used not only to refer to the day on which the birth of Jesus is celebrated (Christmas Eve), but is also extended to
designate the subsequent period, until the Day of Kings.

Today, Christmas is celebrated in many places and in very different ways. In general, one of the current characteristics of
Christmas is the increase in consumption, especially of objects used as gifts and food.

From a Christian point of view, however, this is not considered the true meaning of Christmas. The meaning of Christmas,
on the contrary, responds to the manifestation of certain human values that are more or less forgotten throughout the year.

Values such as solidarity, union, love, peace and hope are more typical of the Christmas season, and are represented in
the religious beliefs of Christianity.
Christmas origin

Christmas was established on December 25 as a solemn day by the Catholic Church in the year 350 thanks to Pope Julio.

In the Bible, however, the exact day of Jesus' birth is not mentioned. Hence, the celebration of Christmas in principle was not
part of Christian traditions.

The reason for setting December 25 as the date of celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ responds to the need of the Church
to replace the festival of Saturnalia (or Saturnalia), traditional in Ancient Rome, which coincided with the winter solstice and
which was celebrated by the so-called pagans, and thus facilitate the acceptance of Christianity.
Symbols of Christmas

Christmas tree

The Christmas tree has a Christian meaning although its use has become widespread in people of different beliefs. The Christmas tree
refers to the tree of Paradise, original sin and the figure of Jesus as the redeemer of sins, but the evergreen is also a symbol of eternal life.

The typical decorations of the Christmas tree are

The star, symbol of guidance, in reference to the star of Bethlehem;

The balls, originally apples, in reference to temptations;

Garlands and tinsel, symbol of unity and joy;

Lights, originally candles, symbolizing the light of Jesus that illuminates the world.

Santa Claus

Santa Claus is the name given in some countries to the character of Santa Claus, Santa, San Nicolás, among others. He is a character
dressed in a red suit, belt and black boots, who is responsible for manufacturing and delivering the toys desired by children on the night of
December 24 to 25.

The manger, also known as a nativity scene or nativity scene, is an important symbol of Christmas, as it represents the arrival of
Jesus into the world.

Inside the manger, the essential figures are the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus, along with the mule and the ox. Other
figures in the manger are the three Magi (Melchior, Gaspar, Baltazar) and the shepherds.

Christmas wreath

The Christmas wreath, also called an Advent wreath, is used to represent the four-week Advent period that precedes the arrival of
Christmas. It is made with pine or fir branches. Four candles are placed in it, one for each week.
Grace sofia
Thanksgiving is a national holidays celebrated in the United
States and Canada, just as in some Caribbean islands, Liberia
and by worker networks Americans and Canadians in Mexico,
Central America and Israel. Initially, it was a day of appreciation
for the gather and for the earlier year. Comparable year's end
occasions are seen in Germany, Switzerland and Japan.
Thanksgiving is commended on the fourth Thursday in
November in the United States, and the second Monday in
October in Canada. Despite the fact that Thanksgiving has
verifiable roots in strict and social customs
Personally, I think this is a very nice tradition since it is based on
gratitude, which is considered by many to be one of the purest
and most important feelings in human beings. In most U.S. and
Canadian families make a big dinner in which the main dish is
turkey, at dinner everyone gets together, hold hands and say
something for what they are thankful this year. Another
Thanksgiving tradition are the parades organized by some large
commercial chains in major U.S. cities. The most outstanding is
the one organized by the Macy's chain in New York with big
floats and the characteristic balloons representing cartoon
characters going through the famous Times Square.
Thank you




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