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Answer the following questions.

1. Why science and technology policy is important?

- The goal of the Science Policy Conference is to better the essential convergence of science and

policy. Scientists will accomplish this by bringing together a diverse group of experts from

leading scientific research institutions, federal and state agency representatives, industry leaders,

and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to build connections, share information and

experiences, and engage in a solutions-focused dialogue. Scientists must ensure that politicians

understand the importance of research and have access to the most up-to-date scientific

knowledge. Science-based policy decisions are vital in laying the groundwork for a long-term

future. Understanding the implications of climate change on everything from public health and

safety to economic security can help us minimize and adapt to its consequences. Understanding

the origins and effects of natural catastrophes can help us better control the risk, ensuring the

safety of countless people and businesses. Understanding our long-term energy and water

requirements, as well as the availability and affordability of different energy and water sources.

Technology policy helps people to Understanding the implications of climate change on

everything from public health and safety to economic security can help us minimize and adapt to

its repercussions. Understanding the origins and effects of natural disasters can help us better

control the risk, ensuring the safety of countless people and businesses. Understanding our long-

term energy and water demands, as well as the availability and sustainability of various supply,

will help us manage these vital resources safely and sustainably.

2. What is the goal of science and technology in nation building?

- Science, technology, and engineering are the foundations of every successful economy,

particularly in today's search for knowledge-based economies. If nations do not utilize science

and technology, their chances of being developed are minimal, and they may even be classified

as underdeveloped. Science and technology are intimately connected to modernity, and they are

a necessary instrument for rapid growth. Science and technology have played a significant part in

improving people's lives across the world, but all countries must gain the greatest advantage.

With the progress of medications and illness analyses, science and technology has made life a lot

simpler and better. Apart from medicine, considerable progress has been made in education,

communication, agriculture, manufacturing, and other fields; worldwide economic production

has expanded 17-fold in the twentieth century. Despite progress in practically every field, the

globe is still burdened by hunger, sickness, pollution, illiteracy, and poverty. The wealth

inequality gap has grown. With the correct uses of research, development, and science and

technology implications in the twenty-first century, a significant difference might be made.

3. If you are the President or belong to the lawmaker or committee assigned to science and

technology, what law will you propose for science and technology?

- I will make a law that supports young inventors in their study and exploration about science

and technology. A law that provides them financial assistance if they showed an outstanding

performance in discovering and creating new inventions. I will make a law that will be very

beneficial to young inventors and that might help them to be encouraged in pursuing their

desires. In addition, they need someone who believes in them and financial needs as well. In that

way, we can make great inventors in the future.

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