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3, JULY 2019 1585

Distribution System Parameter and Topology

Estimation Applied to Resolve Low-Voltage
Circuits on Three Real Distribution Feeders
Matthew Lave , Matthew J. Reno, and Jouni Peppanen

Abstract—Accurate distribution secondary low-voltage cir- The on-going extensive roll-out of smart meters at utilities
cuit models are needed to enhance overall distribution system across the United States and the growing number of PV invert-
operations and planning, including effective monitoring and coor- ers and other modern distribution system sensors are rapidly in-
dination of distributed energy resources located in the secondary
circuits. We present a full-scale demonstration across three real creasing the available measurement data along distribution feed-
feeders of a computationally efficient approach for estimating ers. This new measurement data has sparked a growing interest in
the secondary circuit topologies and parameters using historical developing methods for distribution system topology and param-
voltage and power measurements provided by smart meters. The eter estimation. Distribution system parameter and topology es-
method is validated against several secondary configurations, and
timation methods have been proposed in various other works, in-
compares favorably to satellite imagery and the utility secondary
model. Feeder-wide results show how much parameters can vary cluding [6]–[11]. The methods, however, typically require volt-
from simple assumptions. Model sensitivities are tested, demon- age angle measurements and/or are not demonstrated/tested on
strating only modest amounts of data and resolutions of data mea- real utility feeders with field measurement data.
surements are needed for accurate parameter and topology results. Compared to these previous works, including our previous
Index Terms—Electrical engineering, energy management, work ( [12]–[14] ), this paper represents three major advances:
resistance. 1) The parameter and topology estimation results are vali-
dated using several real transformers under normal oper-
I. INTRODUCTION ating condition (Section V),
O MODEL, simulate, plan, and operate distribution sys- 2) We present a new method to resolve the parameters for
T tems with growing amounts of photovoltaics (PV) and
other distributed energy resources (DER), more accurate distri-
secondary systems with only a single customer by com-
paring them to other secondary systems (Section IV-B).
bution system models are required [1]. Secondary (low-voltage) 3) We expand on this new method by also applying it to
circuits, those which connect customers to service/distribution secondary systems with multiple customers, to detect
transformers, are becoming important to include in distribution additional resistances that might occur when there is a
grid models since that is where most DERs are connected and node between customers that is not at the transformer
since they have higher per unit impedances and hence a large (Section IV-C).
share of the feeder per unit voltage drop than primary circuits [2],
[3]. Inaccurate secondary circuit models can lead to, e.g., errors II. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SECONDARY CIRCUIT PARAMETERS
in hosting capacity estimates [4], [5] and ineffective choices of AND TOPOLOGY ESTIMATION CONCEPT
smart inverter volt/var or volt/watt settings. Currently, the ma-
jority of existing utility feeder models do not include secondary The overall objective of distribution system secondary circuit
circuits at all. When modeled, they are typically unverified and topology and parameter estimation (DSPE) is to determine the
represented with limited detail. topology, resistance (R), and reactance (X) parameters of a sec-
ondary circuit (shown in red in Fig. 1) by leveraging AMI mea-
surements of voltage (V ), real power (P ), and reactive power (Q)
Manuscript received July 24, 2018; revised December 2, 2018 and April 9,
2019; accepted May 12, 2019. Date of publication May 20, 2019; date of current (shown in blue in Fig. 1). This paper focuses on typical North
version June 20, 2019. This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department American split-phase secondary circuits that can be perfectly
of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy under Solar represented (under appropriate assumptions) with single-phase
Energy Technologies Office under Grant 34226 and in part by the Department
of Energy’s Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium under Project 1.3.10 equivalent circuits. More details on split-phase secondary circuit
(Vermont Regional Partnership Enabling the Use of DER). Paper no. TSTE- modeling can be found in [4].
00736-2018. (Corresponding author: Matthew Lave.) We follow the linear regresstion parameter estimation (LRPE)
M. Lave and M. J. Reno are with the Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore,
CA 94551-0969 USA (e-mail:; method for secondary circuits described in [2] and [15]. The
J. Peppanen is with the Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA LRPE method utilizes the linear approximation of voltage dif-
94304 USA (e-mail: ference between two customers connected in parallel:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSTE.2019.2917679 |V1 | − |V2 | ≈ IR2 R2 + IX2 X2 − IR1 R1 − IX1 X1 , (1)

1949-3029 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Fig. 1. Secondary circuit topology and parameter estimation problem [12].

where V1 and V2 are the voltages measured at customers 1 and 2,

IR1 and IR2 are the real currents (IR = P/V ) and IX1 and IX2
are the reactive currents (IX = Q/V ) flowing to each customer, Fig. 2. Layout of feeders studied. Colors indicate phases (white is 3 phase).
P is the measured real power, and Q is the measured reactive
power. This linear approximation typically has negligible error TABLE I
[16]. By convention, we assign customers 1 and 2 such that the FEEDER PROPERTIES
voltage is, on average, higher at customer 1 than customer 2 (i.e.,
mean (V1 ) ≥ mean(V2 )).
Many utilities do not know the secondary circuit topologies.
In [12], we apply linear regression topology and parameter es-
timation (LRTE) algorithm to generate the entire secondary cir-
cuit models, including topology, using only the measurements.
connected to each service transformer. The feeder models also
The algorithm processes one secondary circuit at a time (e.g.,
included a mapping of the secondary system, though the utility
the circuit containing all customer on a single transformer). For
advised us that the secondary system topology was unverified.
each meter pair on that circuit, the algorithm solves the lin-
Table I describes the Feeder properties. Both Feeders 1 and
ear regression problem based on a slightly modified version
2 have a high number of single-customer transformers, which
of Eq. (1):
made the methodology described in IV-B especially impor-
V1 − V2 = IR2 R2 + IX2 X2 − IR1 R1 − IX1 X1 + . (2) tant. All Feeders have similar distributions of transformer size
(10 kVA, 15 kVA, and 25 kVA are most common) and customer
where  has been added to account for a possible offset (bias max loads (individual customer loads rarely exceed 10 kW on
error) in the meter voltage measurements. Note this equation any feeder).
applies to both the situation where the wires between the trans- On Feeder 1, AMI rollout occurred in May 2016, while on
former (or some other upstream node) and the two customers Feeders 2 and 3 AMI data existed since at least November 2015.
are parallel and when they are in series: for series connections, Data was available through October 2016, resulting in approxi-
IR1 and IX1 will be found to be zero by LRTE. The values of mately 6 months of AMI data for Feeder 1 and 12 months of AMI
R and X are recorded as the parameters for that meter pair, but data for Feeders 2 and 3. The AMI measurements are recorded
the value  is not recorded. every 15-minutes and include consumed kWh and kvarh, and
The meter pair with the best fit (as determined by the high- time-averaged voltage.
est Pearson correlation coefficient R2 value) when using linear Fig. 3 shows the measurements from 2 customers on the same
regression is assumed to be the true topology. The method then transformer. As is typical for AMI data, the power consumption
continues to estimate the remaining secondary circuit parame- of each customer is highly variable with large spikes during
ters by proceeding from the tree leaf nodes towards the tree root the duty cycles of large appliances, electric water heaters, and
node. That is, the two customers found to be the best pair create air conditioning. Each customers’ voltages, however, are more
a virtual node at their meeting point. This virtual node is then consistent, as both customers are connected to the same service
run through LRTE with the remaining meters on the circuit, with transformer.
additional virtual nodes created as needed, until the full circuit
topology is found. IV. METHODOLOGY
To compute the parameters and topology of all customers
on a feeder, we use the three-step process that follows. First, we
Three real distribution feeders were studied, each with determine the topology and parameters of the secondary circuits
customer-level AMI data. These feeders were selected by the of transformers with more than one customer by pairing the
utility as feeders of interest due to expected future high pene- customers on the same transformer with one another. Next, we
trations of DERs. In addition to customer AMI data, the utility pair customers who are the only customers on a transformer
provided feeder models as seen in as seen in Fig. 2: Feeders 1 and (i.e., the transformer has only one customer connected to it)
2 are long rural feeders, while Feeder 3 is a short urban feeder. with other such customers to derive the parameters for these
Included in these feeder models were details of the customers single customers. Finally, we pair transformers with multiple

Fig. 3. Timeseries showing measured voltage, real power, and reactive power Fig. 4. Relationship between measured V1 − V2 and predicted V1 − V2 based
for two customers on the same transformer. on R and X values found in linear regression (as listed in the bottom right
of plot).

customers with one another, using the virtual nodes found in the
first step, to determine if there is additional impedance between the highest R2 value was assigned as the actual topology, and
the final virtual nodes and the transformers. Combined, these a virtual node was created. This method was repeated until all
three steps derive the secondary circuit topology and parameters customers were included in the topology. We note that this linear
for all customers connected to the feeder. The three steps are regression is very fast, taking less than 0.1 s on a typical laptop
described in detail in the following sections. circa 2016. Because of the iterative nature, the number of linear
regressions that must be calculated increases with the number
A. Step 1: Transformers With Multiple Customers of customers. However, total runtime remains modest even for
transformers with many customers: the linear regressions for all
For transformers with multiple customers connected, all pos-
pairs of a 20 customer transformer, for example, can be run in
sible pairs of customers on the same transformer are evaluated.
about 2 minutes. Additionally, this process only needs to be run
For example, for transformers with 3 customers, all 3 possible
once: DSPE derived parameters will continue to be valid unless
combinations of customers pairs (1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 1) are
there is a system configuration change.
evaluated. AMI data for voltage and real and reactive power, are
For most customers, the voltage fluctuations depended heavily
used to solve for R1 , X1 , R2 , and X2 using Eq. (2).
on the real current draw and only weakly on the reactive current.
To understand how well the linear regression fits the data,
That is, the reactive current was typically only responsible for
we computed the Pearson correlation coefficient (R2 ) of the fit.
explaining a small fraction of the variance in the voltage drop, in
This can be seen visually in Fig. 4, which shows the predicted
part because the real and reactive power draws were often well-
V1 − V2 using the right side of Eq. (2) with R1 , X1 , R2 , and X2
correlated. Therefore, we have more confidence in the derived
from linear regression on the x-axis plotted against the measured
resistance values than reactance values. In some cases, including
V1 − V2 on the y-axis.
when negative reactance is found, it may be best to use the found
Once R2 values were computed for all customer pairs, the pair
resistance and then assume a reasonable X/R ratio to determine
with the highest R2 value was assigned as the actual topology.
the reactance.
If this pair was found to be connected in parallel, then a new
virtual node, representing the point where these two parallel
lines connect, was created. The voltage at the virtual node was B. Step 2: Transformers With Only One Customer
found by adding the voltage drop to the measured voltage: On transformers with a single customer, Step 1 will not work:
we only have one voltage measurement (at the one customer),
Vvirtualnode = V1 + IR1 R1 + IX1 X1 . (3)
and so cannot solve for R and X between two voltage measure-
Based on the convention mentioned in Section II, mean(V1 ) ≥ ments using Eq. 2. Instead, we find a nearby transformer that also
mean(V2 ). Thus, equation 3 ensures that the voltage at the vir- has a single customer by finding the shortest latitude/longitude
tual node is, on average, higher than the voltage at each of the distance to another single-customer transformer on the same
customers. Real and reactive power consumption at the virtual phase. Because of the high voltage level on the primary system,
nodes were found by summing the real and reactive power of the per unit resistance on the primary voltage system between
the two customers. two nearby transformers is much smaller than the per unit re-
As a second iteration, all remaining customers (those not con- sistance on the low voltage secondary system from transformer
tributing to the virtual node) were again paired with one another to customer, as per unit resistance is inversely proportional to
and also were paired with the virtual node. Again, the pair with voltage squared. For example, on a 12-kV system, 900 feet of

TABLE II D. Data Quality Control

Customers with less than 1-week of data were not considered,
as we found the limited data often led to errant results (see
Section V-E). Measured customer voltages which deviated
by more than 5% from nominal voltage (i.e., V > 252 V or
V < 228 V) were not considered, since these may be unusual
wire has the same per unit resistance as approximately 1 foot grid states. An additional voltage filter, eliminating the times
of wire on the low-voltage system. Thus, the primary voltage of the 1% most extreme voltage measurements was applied.
side of two nearby service transformers can be assumed to be This eliminated typically abrupt voltage excursions (e.g., the
identical with little impact to the estimated resistances. Thus, three voltage dip seen on October 25th in Fig. 3) which also
two customers on nearby transformers (who are each the only were likely caused by a grid event and not by power draw by
customers connected to their transformers) can be compared in the customers. Times when real or reactive power was zero or
the same fashion as described in Step 1, as though they are on negative were also eliminated, as they typically indicated no
the same transformer. (e.g., kW = 0) or errant (e.g., kW < 0) measurements.
However, following this method means that we have included Additional data challenges included errors in the secondary
the transformer resistance and reactance in the parameter es- model such as incorrect customer locations, incorrect phase la-
timation. Utilities typically have access to the kVA rating of bels, incorrect customer to transformer pairings, and data mea-
transformers, and hence the transformer resistance can be fairly surement errors including unreasonably large or small values.
accurately estimated using the values in Table II, which are based Results presented in this paper have been manually inspected
on National Electrification Association specifications. There are for reasonableness of the model and measurement data. How-
no United States standards for transformer impedances, but we ever, feeder-wide validation of DSPE results was difficult due
used a typical value of 2% impedance for all transformer sizes. to these errors, especially inaccuracies in the secondary model
The transformer resistance and reactance are subtracted out from which were not systematic and were difficult to correct except
the estimated parameters to find the customer resistance and re- through manual inspection.
actance. An additional benefit of this method is that including
the transformers in parameter estimation can validate or identify
errors in the transformer sizes in the utility models. Specifically, V. RESULTS
the one noted time when a negative value resulted for customer In this section, we present results of DSPE applied to the three
resistance, inspection found this was clearly a typographical er- feeders. DSPE-found topology and parameters are compared to
ror in transformer kVA, which was labeled as 1 kVA but was in the utility secondary model. For parameters, DSPE resistance is
fact 10 kVA. compared to model distance (following conductors in the model)
using typical resistances per distance for different wire types
C. Step 3: Pair Multi-Customer Transformers With (Appendix A in [18]). For example, aluminum #2 American
One Another Wire Gauge (AWG) triplex has a resistance of 0.058 Ω per 100 ft
(round-trip resistance for a 240 V load).
The impedances found in Step 1 are not guaranteed to be the
complete impedances of the secondary circuit since the final
A. Transformers With Multiple Customers
virtual node found may not be located at the transformer such
that there may be additional wiring between the virtual node and Fig. 5 shows results for a transformer on Feeder 1 with two
the transformer leading to additional impedance. To account for customers. DSPE results (Fig. 5a) show a parallel configura-
this possibility, we paired transformers with multiple customers tion, with similar resistances for the two customers, consitent
with one another. This is similar to Step 2, though instead of with the utility secondary model (Fig. 5b). This relationship be-
using voltage and power measurements at single customers, we tween DSPE resistance and utility secondary model distance
used the calculated voltage and power at the final virtual nodes from transformer to customer is plotted in Fig. 5c, and shows
found in Step 1. that DSPE results are consistent with the secondary model dis-
In most cases, the final virtual node from Step 1 was at tances, assuming #2 AWG wiring, which is commonly used by
the transformer, such that after subtracting out the transformer this utility.
impedance, essentially zero remaining impedance was found. Fig. 6 shows results for a more complicated connection. Cus-
In some cases, slightly non-zero impedances were found (e.g., tomers 394 and 521 were first paired in parallel by DSPE to
a resistance of 0.002 Ω), which are likely due to slight varia- form virtual node 1. This virtual node 1 was paired with cus-
tion of transformer impedance from the assumed values listed tomer 579 in parallel to form virtual node two. Virtual node 3
in Table II. was created by pairing customers 534 and 630. Finally, it was
In some cases, though, the final virtual node from Step 1 determined that virtual nodes 3 and 4 had such little resistance
was away from the transformer. For these cases, the additional between them that they were, in fact, the same point. The utility
impedance of the wiring between the transformer and the virtual secondary model (Fig. 6b) confirms this topology. The com-
node must be accounted for and added to the secondary topology parison between DSPE resistance and utility secondary model
found in Step 1. distance (Fig. 6c) suggests that customers 394 and 521 may be

Fig. 5. (a) DSPE results for a transformer with two customers on Feeder 1. (b) Satellite map showing utility secondary model for connections of customers to
this transformer. (c) Scatter plot of the DSPE resistances (y-axis) versus the utility secondary model distance (x-axis). Dashed lines show the resistance of different
wire types.

Fig. 6. (a) DSPE results for a transformer with five customers on Feeder 3. (b) Satellite map showing utility secondary model for connections of customers to
this transformer. (c) Scatter plot of the DSPE resistances (y-axis) versus the utility secondary model distance (x-axis). Dashed lines show the resistance of different
wire types.

Fig. 7. (a) DSPE results for two single-customer transformers Feeder 2. (b) Satellite map showing utility secondary model for these two customers. (c) Scatter
plot of the DSPE resistances (y-axis) versus the utility secondary model distance (x-axis). Dashed lines show the resistance of different wire types.

connected with #2 wire while customers 534, 579, and 630 may 1046 are connected through underground wiring, which is likely
be on lower resistance 2/0 wiring. This highlights the value of higher gauge. However, it is perhaps more likely that customer
DSPE: resistances from transformer to customer cannot be cal- 1046 is connected using 2/0 wiring and the secondary model
culated from secondary topology (or satellite imagery) alone; distance is inaccurate (i.e., actual distance is shorter).
accurate wiring type is also required. DSPE, resolves the topol-
ogy and parameters without need for the wire type as input.
C. Pair Multi-Customer Transformers With One Another
Fig. 8 shows the results of pairing two neighboring multi-
B. Transformers With Only One Customer customer transformers. In Fig. 8a, we see that for transformer
DSPE results are shown in Fig. 7. The resistances found 416, an extra 0.085 Ω of resistance were found between the
through DSPE are consistent with 2/0 and 4/0 wiring. These transformer and its final virtual node. This is consistent with
may be the actual wire types used as both customers 147 and the satellite imagery and the utility-provided secondary model

Fig. 8. (a) DSPE results for two transformers on Feeder 1, each with multiple customers. (b) Satellite map showing utility secondary model for these two
transformers. (c) Scatter plot of the DSPE resistances (y-axis) versus the utility secondary model distance (x-axis). Open circles show unadjusted parameters,
while filled in circles show parameters adjusted based on the additional resistance found between the final virtual node and the transformer. Dashed lines show the
resistance of different wire types.

Fig. 10. Measured voltage, and calculated voltage based on DPSE parameters
and a 100 ft of #2 wire assumption for customer 541 on feeder 1. The resistance
values for each method and the mean absolute errors (MAE) compared to the
measured voltage are shown in the text at the top.

common to have customer resistances around 0.05 Ω. However,

even though this is most common, there are a large number
Fig. 9. Distribution of customer resistances (x-axis) across each of the three of customers which vary significantly from this value: resis-
tances of 0.15 Ω were still common. This shows the value of
DSPE on a feeder-wide basis, as it can be used to determine
(Fig. 8b), which show the wiring from customers 325 and 883 customer-specific parameters rather than relying on assumptions
meets at a virtual node away from the transformer. which may, on average be accurate but which on a customer-by-
For transformer 415, this method found essentially zero addi- customer basis may be quite inaccurate.
tional resistance between the transformer and the virtual node, The impact of errors in the resistance and reactance param-
which is also consistent with Fig. 8b. The found resistance was eters when assuming a set value for all customers (e.g 0.05 Ω
actually slightly nonzero (−0.003 Ω), likely due to slight errors resistance which is about 100 ft of #2 wire), is partially depen-
estimating the transformer resistance, but we set the resitance dent on the power draw of each customer. Customers with high
between the virtual node and the transformer equal to zero if the power draw will have large discrepancies between measured
DSPE found resistance is less than 0.005 Ω. voltage and voltage found based on the resistance assumption.
Fig. 8c compares the unadjusted and adjusted resistances to Two extreme examples can be seen in Figs. 10 and 11. Customer
the distances listed in the utility model. Adjusted resistances 541 on Feeder 1 (Fig. 10) is a dairy barn with high power draw
were found by adding the resistance found between the virtual (up to 40 kW) and low DSPE resistance between the transformer
node and the transformer (Fig. 8a) to the previously found resis- and customer meter. Assuming 100 ft of #2 wire instead of us-
tance in Step 1. Resistances for customers 325 and 883 increased ing DSPE results in an overestimation of voltage drop, resulting
significantly when adjusted, and all 5 customer resistances are in a large underestimation of the customer voltage. Conversely,
consistent with #2 wiring. customer 1089 on Feeder 3 (Fig. 11) is a mini-golf course with
high power draw (up to 10 kW) that has high resistance between
the transformer and the customer meter, and the 100 ft of #2
D. Full Feeder Results
wire assumption overestimates the customer voltage.
DSPE was run for all customers on Feeders 1, 2, and 3. Sum- Building on these examples, Fig. 12 shows the mean absolute
mary results are shown in Fig. 9. On all three feeders, it is most errors for voltage modeled using either DSPE parameters or the

Fig. 11. Same as Fig. 11, but for customer 1089 on feeder 3.

Fig. 13. DSPE sensitivity to the amount of data.

Fig. 12. Binned mean absolute errors (x-axis), measured versus modeled volt-
age, for all customers on two-customer transformers. The y-axis shows the num-
ber of customers in each bin. Modeled voltages are either from DSPE parameters
(solid lines) or based on the 100 ft assumption (dashed lines).

100 ft of #2 wire assumption for all customers on two-customer

transformers. Over the three feeders, there are a total of 113
customers for which the 100 ft assumption leads to a larger
than 1 V mean absolute error in modeled voltage, versus only
24 customers with greater than 1 V errors when using DSPE
Fig. 14. DSPE sensitivity to the resolution of voltage (top), real power
(middle), and reactive power (bottom). The reactive power plot has a special
E. Sensitivity to Measurement Errors entry on the far left showing the DSPE resistance found when not using reactive
power measurements at all (“no meas.”).
We applied filters to the input data to test the sensitivity of
DSPE results to input data quality of voltage, real power, and
reactive power AMI measurements. Fig. 13 shows the sensitiv- measurements was 0.1 V, 0.04 kW, and 0.04 kvar; worse resolu-
ity to the amount of input data. For transformer 233 (the trans- tions were simulated by rounding the data to different intervals.
former in Fig. 5), the DSPE resistances of both customers when The sensitivity to voltage resolution was small. For trans-
considering only 2,000 data points was within 5% of the value former 233, results within 5% of the full resolution case were
found when considering all 17,023 data points. 2,000 data points obtained for voltage resolutions as poor as 1 V. Of the other two-
corresponds to approximately 21 days of 15-minute resolution customer transformers evaluated, 20 of the 25 needed voltage
data. Other transformers had similar results: of 25 transform- resolution of only 1 V to maintain DSPE results with 5% of full
ers with two customers that were evaluated for sensitivity to resolution data; and all 25 were within 10% of full resolution
the amount of data, all but three had converged to less than 5% data when using only 1 V resolution voltage.
difference from full data when 8,000 data points were consid- Real power resolutions of 0.5 kW or less resulted in greater
ered (less than 3 months of 15-minute resolution data). When than 5% deviations in DPSE resistance values versus full
this difference threshold was relaxed to 10%, all 25 test trans- resolution. Over the 25 test transformers, 18 of 25 resulted in
formers had converged by 6,200 data points (about 2 months of less than 5% deviation from full resolution data when using
15-minute data). 0.5 kW resolution power and 23 of 25 resulted in less than 10%
Next, we examined the sensitivity of DSPE results to vary- deviation. Reactive power resolutions of worse than 0.5 kvar
ing resolutions of voltage, real power, and reactive power mea- similarly led to greater than 5% deviations from full resolu-
surements, as shown in Fig. 14. The actual resolution of the tion results. However, accurate DSPE results did not depend on

having reactive power measurements at all. As seen by the dots Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under con-
in the bottom plot of Fig. 14 when no reactive power measure- tract DE-NA0003525. This paper describes objective technical
ments are used, DSPE results are very similar (less than 3% results and analysis. Any subjective views or opinions that might
difference) to results when using full resolution reactive power be expressed in the paper do not necessarily represent the views
measurements. Similarly, over the 25 test feeders, the differ- of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Govern-
ence between using no reactive power measurements at all and ment. SAND2018-8168 J.
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managed and operated by National Technology & Engineer- leadership-associations-of-ecs%26Itemid%3D143&usg=AOvVaw25k3
ing Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of [18] W. Kersting, Distribution System Modeling and Analysis, 3rd ed. New
Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of York, NY, USA: Taylor & Francis, 2012.

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