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Context, Audience, Mood, Tone & Purpose - 1 paragraph

Form & Structure - ⅔ Paragraphs

Language & Style - ⅘ Paragraphs

4-5 sentences for each paragraph
1. Main point
2. Give evidence (from the text)
3. Line 3 - 5 (explain the meaning and connect it to the text)
■ Make a POINT.
■ Support it with a QUOTATION.
■ Explain or develop it with a COMMENT, usually on the effect created or the
meaning suggested.
■ Connect or link your point with other points or observations you make.
The text contains several literary devices and one of them is imagery. The types of
imagery used in this advertisement are touch and sight. Touch imagery was used in
line 30-31 by using the word “finger” to allow the readers to have a sense of the
design of the hotel. The word finger gives a sense that the design of the cabinets
were hand-made. It also indicates that the quality of the appliances is high-class and
meets the international standards. On the other hand, words like “enjoy a languid
drink at sunset” and “looking over the water” creates a vivid image in the reader's
mind about how pleasury the view of the marina will be. The sight imagery was used
in this prose to promote the hotel by creating an experience in the reader's mind.

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