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Full Name: Hector Luis Ganal Section: Amethyst

Quarter: 2 Module #:10

Title of Activity: What I Can Do p. 5 and What's More p.4
Date of submission:

What I Can Do (Speech Outline)

Type Of Speech Outline: Problem – Solution Outline

War On Drugs

Illegal drugs are those that a person is not permitted to possess or use. A person
cannot own a restricted substance without permission, according to the law. Any
substance that has an effect on the human body or mind when eaten in any form is
referred to be a drug. A psychoactive substance has an effect on the brain. In our
culture, illegal drugs have long been an issue. It's illegal for a reason. Illegal drugs can
have a negative impact on one's mental and physical health. It also has a link to
domestic violence in our country. It also affects your relationships with other people
because illegal drugs change the way you think.

Long-term health consequences of consuming illicit substances like cocaine and

marijuana include damage to organs and systems in the body, including the throat,
stomach, lungs, liver, pancreas, heart, brain, and neurological system. Drugs can
damage your mental health in a variety of ways. Taking drugs can lead to long-term
mental health issues in certain people. Cannabis usage on a regular basis might raise
your chances of developing anxiety or depression. Stronger cannabis use has also
been linked to the development of psychosis or schizophrenia. Illegal drug usage and
addiction can also make it difficult to socialize. Someone who is abusing drugs is likely
to have relationships that are suffering as a result, with the ones they love suffering the

Illegal drugs can have devastating effects on a person’s life. Thus, the
government are spending millions just to help people recover from drug addiction. One
of the governments projects to combat drugs are anti-drug campaigns which spreads
information to people about drugs. These campaigns have a goal to mobilize support
and inspire people to act against drug use. The anti-drug campaign also focuses on
drug rehabilitation and the government are funding the anti-drug campaign to improve
their facilities in order to help more people.

Finally, we must abstain from using illicit substances. We can save our own lives
by doing so. We can also save lives by informing others about the negative
consequences of drugs on our mental and physical health. In order to tackle drugs, we
must work together. When we teach students about the effects of drugs, for example.
The students will understand why they should abstain from using drugs and when they
will be responsible when they turn into an adult. When it comes to fighting drugs,
knowledge is essential.

What’s More
Indicators Analysis/Remarks
1. Demographic Data -Data shows that we should focus more
on adults that has an age of 20-
29 because they are still the most likely to
use illicit substances.
-A new study from Arizona State
University has found that wealthy teens
are at higher-risk for substance use and
mental health issues than middle and
lower-class children. Higher family
income may be associated with
substance use because of the increased
ability to access or purchase substances
and to have social associations with
others who also have financial resources.
-Those who dropped out of high school
were significantly more likely to report
drug use disorders compared to those
who obtained a college degree.
-For some people, losing their job can be
the start of a slippery slope that may
eventually lead to drug addiction. The
reason for this slippery slope may
involve declining mental health as the
unemployed individual is unable to find
another job.
-Men are more likely than women to use
almost all types of illicit drugs, and illicit
drug use is more likely to result in
emergency department visits or overdose
deaths for men than for women.
2. Affiliation -The certain things that unite to combat
drugs is to protect ourselves and other
people. We care about other people using
drugs because it affects their overall
health and the way they think which is
linked to violence in our community.
3. Interests -The speech will cover the interest of the
audience which is the information and the
data that are connected to illegal drugs.
4. Feelings -The audience will feel safer when the
information about drugs will be presented
because it will help them fight or prevent
illegal drug use.
5. Purpose of the Speech -The purpose of the speech is to present
information about drugs to the audience.
The speech aims to educate people to
help the say no to drugs.
6. Manner of Delivery -The manner of speech delivery will be a
manuscript. This is the type of delivery
used primarily by formal speakers when
they prepare their speeches well in

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