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Arranged to fulfil the task
Subject : B. Inggris
Supporting lecturer : Amalia Safitri SPd, M.Pd

By :
Name : Muhammad Edi Nur Setyawan
NPM : 21173115043

My Ambitions is to Have My Own House
Hello guys, my name is Muhammad Edi Nur Setyawan, you can call me Edi, I am 23 years
old, and I am the 2nd child of 2 siblings. My dream is to have my own house, why? There must be a
time when we have someone special in our lives, apart from our parents. Who will always accompany
our old age is our partner, who will always be by our side when it's hard or happy. So I want a decent
and comfortable place for sure for my little family later. Even though it's small, it doesn't matter as
long as we are happy to occupy it. Because my family background is a poor family, so I have to try
hard to achieve my goals. Even though it is very difficult, but slowly, whatever it is, God willing, it
will come true, as long as there is a will and prayer for sure.
Surely there are many people out there who are married but do not have their own house and
live with their parents. And some of them would want to have their own place to live. But there are
also some people who choose to live with their parents instead of building their own house, yes
because they want to take care of their own parents because it is the parents who have been taking
care of us all this time, after we are able to generate our own income, then we as children definitely
want to take care of our parents us, with our parents in their old age. Because the older we are, the less
the activities we do because our physical condition is no longer young.
My journey so far, from graduating from school, Alhamdulillah, I immediately got a job in
Bekasi at one of the largest automotive companies in Bekasi. And I was there on a 2 year contract.
Alhamdulillah the salary there is quite large. And I can buy what I want, but I keep some of it. And
because my house back then in 2016 was still not feasible in my opinion, so I thought I would make
my salary while working to renovate my house in the village. And thank God, for 2 years my contacts
worked, finally my house has changed a lot from where I was before working. And I feel so proud of
myself that I can finally make a little more decent home for my parents. Even though I was not
extended to work in the factory, at least I made my parents happy even though what I gave was not
much. After that I went back to my village and worked in one of the companies in the village. It's
different in Bekasi, the UMR in the village is far below the UMR in Bekasi. So for a month's salary
just right for a month's life. But those whose names are Javanese must have a very strong family, and
I met very good friends and I have considered them as my own family until this moment. But because
at that time the Corona virus was in full swing, so I didn't last long working at the company. Because
at that time the company was quiet, so some employees were laid off. After that I was invited to
Bogor by my cousin to help him work in the construction sector until now. And Alhamdulillah, he
also paid for my tuition fees, I am very grateful, even though I didn't really think about continuing
school anymore. Because how can I do that, my brain is already full, so I can't fill it with new material
anymore. But I have to try my best to be able to graduate with the best results for sure, so as not to
disappoint my cousins who have paid for me, and to make my parents proud the most important.
In my opinion, the biggest difficulty that I have experienced so far is fighting laziness, lazy
saving, lazy working, lazy to do positive things, lazy to think and many others. Cause what? because
being lazy will not make you successful, will not make you rich, will not make you happy, will not
make you develop for the better. What's up? there is only you will be lazy people, always depend on
others, will not be successful, do not want to try hard, and in the end will be nothing. So in my
opinion, the biggest opponent is fighting laziness. Apart from that, sudden needs, unexpected needs
also make it difficult for me to save. The money that should have been in the savings tube, ehh instead
was used. That's also sometimes a problem that I often experience when I want to save for the future
but the money is used first for unexpected needs. Yes, how else is it called life, hehehe. And finally
until now I have not been able to realize my dream to have my own house. Because of the problem I
mentioned earlier. With prayer and sincerity, insyaallah, hopefully later I will be given the
convenience to get my goals in the near future, amin.
The conclusion in my opinion is, don't be lazy. Be a person who is willing to try, be a person
who is willing to try new positive things, be a person who is willing to struggle to achieve goals. Even
though there will be many obstacles in the future, don't give up. Behind our hard work, don't forget to
pray to Allah, ask for ease, ask for guidance, ask for smoothness, ask for whatever is good, Allah will
surely grant it. Because Allah loves people who want to try rather than people who are lazy. Cause
why? even if we have worked hard to death if it is not accompanied by prayer, then God will not grant
it either. So hard work and prayer is a unified whole. Hard work without prayer will have no results.
and vice versa, prayer without hard work will not produce anything. So work hard with prayer to
Allah, and get rid of your laziness. That is the key to success in my opinion, thank you.

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