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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Quezon
Tiaong, Quezon

1st Quarterly Examination on Physical Education IX

Name:_________________________________ Score: _________________

Section: _______________________________ Date: _________________

General Direction: Read each questions carefully and choose the right answer from the choices that follows,
NO ERASURES, Erasures of any kind will invalid your answer on that questions.

Test I - Multiple Choices: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.

___________1. What system in sports is used to used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules?
a. Sports Officiating b. Sports Psychology c. Sports Science d. Sports Youth
___________2. What is the meaning of PMHR?
a. Personal Maximum Heart Rate c. Physical Maximum Heart Rate
b. Personal Minimum Heart Rate d. Physical Minimum Heart Rate
___________3. What is the meaning of THR?
a. Target Heart Rate b. Target Hearing Rate c. Time Heart Rate d. Teenager Heart Rate
___________4. What is the PMHR of a 37 year old woman?
a. 200 b. 193 c. 183 d. 173
___________5. What is the THR of a 80 year old man in a 85% moderate state of physical activity?
a. 120 BPM b. 119 BPM c. 118 BPM d. 117 BPM
___________6. What is the THR of a 18 year old man in a 40% moderate state of physical activity?
a. 70.8 BPM b. 8.80 c. 80 BPM d. 80.8 BPM
___________7. What do you call an immediate and temporary care given to a person who has been injured
or suddenly taken ill? a. First Aid b. Hospitalization c. Rescue 911 d. Emergency Room
___________8. What kind of injury is caused by torn fibers in a ligament. Swelling and bruising are some
signs and symptoms? a. Heat Exhaustion b. Strain c. Sprain d. Fracture
___________9. What kind of officiating injury is a response to heat characterized by fatigue, weakness and
collapse due to inadequate intake of water to compensate for loss of fluids during sweating?
a. Heat Exhaustion b. Strain c. Sprain d. Fracture
___________10. What injury is a break in the bone that can occur from either quick, one time injury?
a. Fractures b. Knee Injuries c. Dislocation d. Strain
___________11. What injury is when two bones that come together to form a joint become separated?
a. Fractures b. Knee Injuries c. Dislocation d. Strain
___________12. What do you call a injury when there is a twist, pull or tear of a muscle or tendon?
a. Fractures b. Knee Injuries c. Dislocation d. Strain
___________13. What is the meaning of R.I.C.E.?
a. Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate c. Rinse, Ice, Cold, Easy
b. Rest, Ice, Check, Elevate d. Run, Ice, Collect, Easy
___________14. For sports officials to have lean muscles, What type of food should they eat?
a. Carbohydrates b. Fats c. Iron d. Protein
___________15. What lifestyle-related disease will an official have if if he/she continues to smoke and eat
without cholesterol-rich foods? a. Cancer b. Diabetes c. Heart Disease d. Stroke
___________16. Aside from improper eating habits, what habit also causes diabetes?
a. Genetics b. Jogging c. Environment d. Sedentary lifestyle
___________17. Hydration is important in officiating especially in running continuously for long minutes.
Sports officials do not have the luxury of a time out. If they want to hydrate their body, what’s the best drink
to take? a. Energy Drink b. Softdrinks c. Sports Drink d. Water
___________18. What is the best value that a sports official must posses?
a. Fairness b. Punctuality c. Unjust d. All of the above
___________19. What qualities of a officiating official is pertaining to the fitness of a official and its basis
are BMI, THR and PMHR. a. Social b. Mental c. Physical d. Emotional
___________20. What qualities refers to the ability to deal with others at any given situation?
a. Social b. Mental c. Physical d. Emotional
Republic of the Philippines
Division of Quezon
Tiaong, Quezon

1st Quarterly Examination on Health IX

Name:_________________________________ Score: _________________
Section: _______________________________ Date: _________________
General Direction: Read each question carefully and choose the right answer from the given choices.

Test I - Multiple Choices: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.

___________1. Based on the World Health Organization, what is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being
and not just the absence of disease or infirmity?
a. Health b. Wealth c. Wellness d. Illness
___________2. What do you call with a sociological group in a large place sharing one environment?
a. Environment b. Subdivision c. Community d. Country
___________3. What do you call with the art and science of maintaining, protecting and improving the health of all
members of the community through organized and sustained community efforts?
a. Community Health b. Primary Health Care c. Environmental Health d. Deforestation
___________4. What comprises those aspects of human health that are determined by physical, chemical, biological, social
and psychosocial factors in the surrounding environment?
a. Community Health b. Primary Health Care c. Environmental Health d. Deforestation
___________5. What do you call the program of the DOH in partnership with the community, and government to promote
healthy citizenry among the nation?
a. Community Health b. Primary Health Care c. Environmental Health d. Deforestation
___________6. What primary health program is in charge with the distribution of medicines to all health centers?
a. Medical Morbidity Clinic b. Pharmacy Services c. Dental Health Program d. Nutrition Program
___________7. What primary health program of the DOH is in charge with the Tooth extraction?
a. Medical Morbidity Clinic b. Pharmacy Services c. Dental Health Program d. Nutrition Program
___________8. What primary health program is in charge with the Operation Timbang, and Food Supplementation?
a. DOH b. Pharmacy Services c. Dental Health Program d. Nutrition Program
___________9. Which best describes a community health program?
a. It maintains, protects and improves the health of all members of the community through organized and sustained efforts.
b. It maintains and improves the health of all members of the community through organized and sustained community efforts.
c. It protects and improves the health of all members of the community through organized and sustained community efforts.
d. It maintains, protects, and improves the health of all members of the community.
___________10. Which does not describe to a healthy community?
a. A clean and safe environment c. An environment that promotes social harmony for everyone
b. And environment that meets everyone’s needs d. And environment that is fully aware of its daily opportunities
___________11. Which of the following programs of the Department of Health promotes community health?
a. Maternal Health Care b. Primary Health Care c. Child Health Care d. Control of Diseases
___________12. What kind of Refuse is hazardous solids and liquids? Examples of this are explosives, batteries and radio
active? a. Industrial Wastes b. Garbages c. Street Refuse d. Special Waste
___________13. What kind of refuse are food processing wastes, boiler house cylinder lumber scraps belong?
a. Industrial Wastes b. Garbages c. Street Refuse d. Special Waste
___________14. What kind of refuse are wastes from preparation cooking and serving of food, market wastes belong?
a. Industrial Wastes b. Garbages c. Street Refuse d. Special Waste
___________15. Which best describes the benefits of a healthy environment?
a. Less disease b. Active community involvement c. More budget for health problems d. More community projects for
community development.
___________16. Which of the following problems is a leading cause of environmental destruction?
a. Soil Erosion b. Oil spill c. Illegal Mining d. Deforestation
___________17. Which is not an effect of climate change?
a. Dead trees from oil spillage b. Increased risk of drought, fire and floods c. Improper waste disposal d. Flash floods
___________18. What do you call with any alteration of physical, chemical and biological properties of water, air and land
resources? a. Pollution b. Air pollution c. Noise pollution d. Soil pollution
___________19. What kind of pollution is the excessive sound that causes hearing loss, stress, and fatigue?
a. Water Pollution b. Air pollution c. Noise pollution d. Soil pollution
___________20. What kind of pollution is the alteration of physical, chemical, biological properties of the atmospheric air?
a. Pollution b. Air pollution c. Noise pollution d. Soil pollution

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