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______1. What is an example of a barrier to physical activity?

A. Lack of time B. Lack of motivation and/or energy.

C, Lack of resources/equipment.  D. All of the above
______2. What does FITT stand for?
A. Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type B. Frequency, Intensity, Tension, Type
C, Frequency, Intensity, Time, Task D. Frequency, Internal, Time, Type
______3. What does MVPA mean?
A. Moderate to vigorous physical activity B. Modern to vigorous physical activity
C. Medium to vigorous physical activity D. Most vigorous physical activity
______4. A state that happens when the loss of body fluids, mostly water, exceeds the
amount that is taken in.
A. Dehydration B. Hyperthermia C. Hypothermia D. Overexertion
________5. A life-threatening and serious condition that occurs when your body loses heat
faster than it can produce heat.
A. Dehydration B. Hyperthermia C. Hypothermia D. Overexertion
_______6. Which of the following is NOT an important aspect of etiquette in physical
A. It leads to different injuries
B. It enhances the social aspects of every individual.
C. It helps you feel good about others and yourself
D. None of the above
_______7. Which of the following is NOT an example of etiquette in physical education?
A. Be humble B. Be polite C. Be responsible D. Be selfish
_______8. What is the importance of etiquette in physical education?
A. It enhances the social aspects of every individual.
B. It enhances communication by breaking down barriers.
C. It is essential in maintaining friendly relationship between people.
D. All of the above
_______9. What do you call the dances of indigenous communities that show the cultural
traits of people in a specific time and place?
A. Ethnic dances B. Festival Dances C. Folk Dances D. Traditional dances
_______10. What is the ability of the muscle to generate force. It is often measured by how
much weight a person can lift?
A. Cardiovascular Endurance B. Flexibility
B. C. Muscular Strength D. Muscular Endurance
_______11. What is the ability to exercise without becoming overly tired because your heart,
lungs and blood vessels are healthy?
A. Cardiovascular Endurance B. Flexibility
C. Muscular Strength D. Muscular Endurance
_______12. What type of dance is a collaborative style of dance that includes modern, jazz,
ballet, and hip-hop elements?
A. Ethnic dances B. Contemporary C. Folk Dances D. Traditional dances
_______13. Which of the following is the most effective way to stay motivated in achieving
your fitness goal?
A. Setting goals B. Planning for the program
C. Assessing fitness needs D. Choosing the right activities
_______14. Which of the following principles states that the overload must be done
gradually to give time for the body to adjust?
A. Principle of overload B. Principle of progression
C. Principle of specificity D. Principle of reversibility
________15 What is a long-term benefit of physical activity?
A. Feeling tired B. Feeling bloated
C. Feeling stressed D. A stronger immune system.
________16. What is the best way to stay motivated in doing your activities?
A. Assessing fitness needs
B. Setting and achieving goals
C. Choosing the right activities for the program
D. Consider the principles of physical training and FITT principle as guides
_______17. What are some of the benefits of regular physical activity?
I. Reduce risk of some cancers. II. Improve mental health and mood.
III. Strengthen bones and muscles. IV. Reduce risk of cardiovascular disease.
A. I only B. I and II C. I, II, and III D. I, II, III and IV
_______18. What will happen if you consistently engage in physical activity, such as
A. Maintain the body physically healthy
B. You may develop a hormonal imbalance
C. Increase the likelihood of developing other heart disease risk factors
D. Your muscles weaken and lose bulk including the muscles you need for breathing
and the large muscles in your legs and arms.
______19. What is the advantage of being flexible?
A. Increases lean body mass
B. Capability to move joints during a full range of motion without severity
C. Improve joints to move during a full range of motion without severity
D. B & C
______20. Why is Physical exercise important to everyone?
I. It keeps you physically fit and able.
II. Promotes a positive attitude and outlook.
III. Boosts your energy level so you can get more done.
IV. Helps you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly.


______21. What solution do you have to overcome barriers to physical activity like a lack of
A. Monitor your activities for one week and identify at least three, 30-minute slots you
could use for physical activity.
B. Explain your fitness and/or health improvement goals to friends and family and ask
for their support. Invite friends to participate in physical activity with you.
C. Plan ahead. Schedule physical activity for specific times/days and “check” it off your
list or calendar each time you complete it. Determine what time of day you feel more
energetic and try to fit activity into that time frame.
D. Select activities that require minimal facilities or equipment, such as walking,
jogging, jumping rope or calisthenics. Identify inexpensive, convenient resources in
your community, such as parks and recreation programs, worksite wellness groups,
walking clubs, etc.
________22. What exercise will you do to improve your flexibility?
A. Perform bench press regularly B. Weekly abdominal push-up
C, Perform leg press every morning D. Do sky reach, reach as high as
you can
________23. What exercise will you perform to maximize your muscular strength? 
A. Perform bench press B. Daily abdominal push-up
C, Perform leg press every morning D. Do sky reach, reach as high as
you can
________24. How will you keep yourself away from overexertion?
A. Know your body limits B. Drink water
B. C. Don’t skip meal D. Sleep at least 8 hrs
______25. What will you do to avoid injury while engaging in physical activity?
A. Warm & stretch
B. Use proper gear
C. Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment
D. All of the above
______26. Which of the following illustrates the meaning of progression?
A. start fast to improve quickly
B. start easy and go for a long time
C. change from running to swimming
D. slowly increasing the amount of exercise
______27. What will you do to maximize your energy system?
A. Avoid doing exercise B. Participates in an organized event
C. Perform bench press everyday D. Use alcohol to your advantage
______28. Which of the following is NOT a benefit connected to good level of flexibility?
A. Development of posture B. Avoidance of lower back
C. Preservation of health D. high risk of injury
______29. Which of the following statements describes a physical benefit of physical
A. Physical activity can enhance body shape.
B. Physical activity can help develop friendships.
C. Physical activity can help to relieve stress and tension.
D. Physical activity can develop an understanding of rule
_______30. What is the importance of FITT in designing your fitness plan?
A. FITT cannot be applied to exercise in general or specific components of exercise.
B.  Enables you to push your limits just enough to make progress without harming your
C. It also increases your likelihood of developing conditions like hypertension, obesity,
or diabetes. 
D. Provides recommendations for frequency, intensity, time, and type that comprise an
imbalanced and safe fitness program.
_______31. What is the most practical way you can do to avoid dehydration?
A. Drink water B. Don’t skip meal
C. Drink energy drink with electrolytes D. None of the above
_______32. Who among the following is at the highest risk for hyperthermia?
A. Those who live in cities B. Those with air conditioners
C. Those who live in the mountains D. Those who live in the country
_______33. What do you think what will happen to a person with no physical exercise?
A. Can lead to heart disease
B. Good mental performance
C. Excellent performance in school
D. Can finish all his task in short time
_______34. Which training principle gives the idea that all people are different from one
another, and fitness program must be designed according to his needs?
A. Principle of overload B. Principle of progression
C. Principle of specificity D. Principle of individuality
_______35. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Exercise hinders your heart pump more efficiently. 
B. If you do less exercise or activity, you will become conditioned.
C. If you continue to be inactive you will feel worse, need more help and eventually even
simple daily tasks will be difficult.
D. Physical activity plays such a critical role in how your body processes carbohydrates
that even missing a few workouts can impair control of blood sugar levels
_______36. Which of the following is a benefit of participating in organized events?
A. Positive peer pressure B. Improve self-esteem.
C. Step towards a long-term goal. D. All of the above
_______37. What will happen if a person does not observe proper etiquette in the use of
facilities and equipment?
A. Higher risk of accident B. It will improve the outcome
B. It keeps the activity organized D. It developed good performance
___________38. How would you start a fitness program?
1. Setting goals 2. Assessing fitness needs 3. Planning for the program
4. Choosing the right activities for the program
A. 1, 2, 4, 3 B. 1, 3, 2, 4 C. 4, 3, 2, 1 D. 2, 4, 3, 1
_______39. How will you treat a person suffering from Hypothermia?
A. Give him something to drink B. Let him rest in a cool place
C. Remove the person’s unnecessary clothing D. Move gently to a warm, dry
shelter as soon as possible
______40. How do you organize a fitness event for a target health issue or concern?
A. Consider your goals.
B. Plan a logical progression of activity.
C. Allow time for recovery after exercising and make sure you have an adequate healthy
D. All of the above

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