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I got cameras up now so you guys from fucking play games let's play games never know with

her up there in the corrupt

0, 2017, atiPhone
Sent from my 4:33 PM, Kim Busby <
On May 20, 2017, at 4:33 PM, Kim Busby <> wrote:

me You
hurt me so bad saying those awful things to me!!! All I did was love you and all I wanted
so bad
in return saying
was your those
love and loyalty and youawful things
couldn't give me that andto me!!!
instead All I did w
Faust leaving

wasme alone all you did was say hurtful things to me to try and cause me more pain if you only
knew what kindloveof painand loyalty
I'm already and
in! I said that I wasyou
going tocouldn't
use you becausegive
you have me tha
e all been
you using me and I just said that to you so that you would come see me last night so you
wouldn't think sayyouhurtful
I really loved and then youthings toseeme
wouldn't come to tryyouand
me because would cau
think I wouldn't leave you alone and then you say those hurtful things to me ! I had to block
hat kind of pain
you because I'mhurtalready
those words me so badl likein! I said
the saying thatcutIdeeper
goes words wasthangoing
a knife to
and they do I had to block you because I can't deal with those hurtful words and you have
fucked me up so bad by those words that I can't go on knowing you think that of me those
awful things you said and that you used me for the last two years and that you don't love me
and that your moving to Indonesia to be with that other woman I can't deal with it anymore I
don't want to live like this you come see me and then as soon as you leave you text me and
tell me you can't see me anymore and you've done this like the last five times that we saw
each other and you act like I twisted your arm to get here when I was asleep last night and
you text me and says the gate unlocked and I said yes you should've hear from your work I
did not force you to come here and then you turn around and say I forced you to come here
and you blame everything on me and then you say I'm crazy I can't take it anymore I don't
want to live like this and the awful things you said to me today and you're going to Indonesia
to be with her in a couple years when you retire I can't take that I'd rather be dead it's too
painful so that's what I'm doing and I know I've said it 1 million times but this time I really good
I really did it I really did it I really did it goodbye Jason I can barely hold my eyes open! I really
did it I wished you wouldn't of said those awful things to me and said your going to be wth her
and if my pussy is so bad why did You keep coming back for more well you won't have to deal
with me or my pussy ever again because I will be 6 feet under! Goodbye Jason you had me
all wrong all i did was truely love you and all I wanted in return was your love and your loyalty
you said this wasn't true love it was true love for me but I see it wasn't for you and you didn't
love me you just used me and I can't live with knowing that I thought you really did love me a
d you didn't !! I really did it this time! Goodbye!!!!!!

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

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