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On August 25th, the

school allowed us to get to
know our new classmates
with various workshops
provided by Pier-K. Every
workshop was given by a
different person and gave
us different moments to
In the first workshop, the instructor handed out name get to know our new
cards. During the activity, we were ordered to make peers.
one line. The game we were supposed to play was like
the game ‘’Would You Rather’’, where you get 2
options and you must choose one. The contestants chose a side, right or left from the line we created.
Everyone got a chance to express their interests. The purpose of this workshop was to find out things about
your peers, and in my opinion, it achieved its goal. I enjoyed this workshop because my classmates found out a
lot of things about me and vice versa.

One thing I disliked about this workshop was the part where we were supposed to name 5 characteristics of
our new classmates. This part didn’t make any sense to me because we just met. So this part of the workshop
was completely based on interpretations others had made about you.

In the same workshop, we watched a short film about motivation. I thought it was a bit odd because the movie
consisted of short scenes. Nothing in the video caught my eye, it was simple and boring. Because of that, I
didn’t see it as motivating at all. If it contained more exciting scenes it would have been a lot more amusing to

The second workshop was more of an acting one. We were ordered to walk around showing off different walks
we came up with. It was fun at first but quickly became exhausting because of the energy we used. Though it
was funny to see my new peers having fun. This workshop worked for me because I like seeing the silly side in
people, completing its goal.

During the last workshop we had to lay on the ground and imagine our summer break. We were given the
chance to exchange memories about our summer break with the person next to us. Afterwards, we got split
into groups. The instructor gave us the theme ‘’out of this world’’ and ordered us to combine our memories.
This part I didn’t like at all because the people I was grouped with didn’t have a very vivid imagination and
chose something simple. The workshop didn’t achieve its goal because it became tedious to do the longer we

Overall this experience was quite fun and well-led by the instructors. I liked the second activity because we got
to act silly, and I love seeing people bring up their humour. Another thing I enjoyed was the instructors because
they were kind and knew how to handle large groups well. One thing I disliked was the film we were shown. It
was quite boring. It would be great if they added something more exciting to it next year.

Written by Yvonne Harms, BV4B

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