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Continued Study (CS) for self-isolating trainees who remain well.

Alternative Approaches to Addressing the Teachers’ Standards.

The list below are remote alternative approaches to addressing the Teachers’ Standards. Each week, you need to
concentrate on addressing just one Standard. Yr2 BA(QTS) and TLPP2 should focus on tasks that they have not
previously addressed whilst undertaking PSP last year.
Record your reflections using Bluesky (see guidance), clearly stating the Teachers’ Standard and task you are
addressing, e.g. CS- Prog.B -Primary - TS1-i
All Teachers TV videos available via YouTube.

TS1. Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils
i. Investigate the ‘Vision Statement’ for two contrasting Bradford Primary schools. Identify how their visions
are the same, and how they differ in particular regard to inspiring, motivating and challenging pupils.

ii. Observe and comment on the following YouTube lesson that has a focus on children’s engagement and
interest. Reflect on strategies used to encourage these? Comment on what you think makes this an
‘Outstanding Lesson’?

iii. Investigate and comment on the impact of questioning within a lesson to inspire and engage pupils, as well
as encourage critical thinking. Draw on and refer to a lesson you have taught, observed or watched on

iv. Describe how an effective Early Years environment can motivate and enthuse pupils Quality Interactions in the Early Years

v. In a mixed ability/gender classroom, reflect upon matters relating to motivating and challenging all children.

vi. Design and upload a wall display for an appropriate age group/subject matter. Explain how it could be used
to inspire, motivate and/or challenge.

vii. Look at these resources to support addressing TS1 -

Select an appropriate matter to discuss further e.g. Anti-bullying Alliance; Understanding Students’
Emotions; Creating a Learning Culture

TS2. Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils

i. Research and explain what is meant by a ‘book scrutiny’ and a ‘learning walk’.
Reflect on what the impact of these might be on your future practice. Watch this video describing ‘learning walks’ Learning Walks; structured observations by teachers

ii. Describe the purpose of Baseline assessments and reflect on the implications of these for Nursery and Early
Years staff.
iii. Consider - An Introduction to Observation, Assessment & Planning Webinar by an EYFS advisor: Comment on what you have learned regarding the purpose of assessment, and
this is used to ensure good progress.

iv. From the list below, select professionals who might be involved in a child’s education. Describe a possible reason
for their involvement and reflect on how this involvement can support children’s academic and social
a. Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO)
b. Speech therapists
c. Education Welfare Officer (EWO)
d. Attendance and Home School Liaison Officer
e. Educational psychologist
f. Childhood and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).

v. Explain the concept of a child-centred/ pupil-led approach to learning.

Consider: How does this differ from a teacher led approach?
What are the advantages or drawbacks of these.

vi. Research the Mastery approach. Explain the rationale that proposes this approach supports progress for all.

vii. Look at these resources to support addressing TS2 -

Select an appropriate matter to discuss further e.g How Children Learn; Understanding Working Memory;
Learning with Scarlett.

TS3. Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge

i. Select one of the following videos which focus on a Foundation Subject.
Consider the impact on your own practice.
a. History session
b. Geography
c. Art
d. How to teach primary computing - BETT 2015 - YouTube Computing

You can select this task more than once.

ii. Select a video from list below and reflect on the implications for your own practice. (NB You could select this
task more than once)
a. Observe a phonic lesson
b. Maths mastery
c. Developing talk
d. Science lesson

You can select this task more than once.

iii. Sign up to some free CPD, Complete this short activity on the importance of
working scientifically in science.

iv. Consider the National Curriculum for your age-phase of year group. Identify a relevant topic within a
particular subject area that you currently know little about. Complete appropriate research. Reflect on what you
have learnt. You can select this task more than once.
v. Look at these resources to support addressing TS3 -
Select an appropriate matter to discuss further e.g. Primary Mathematics resource packages; Primary Science
Resource Packages; Primary Resources for Cross curricular Topics.

TS4. Plan and teach well-structured lessons

i. From the grid below, select what you consider to be the 3 most important features of an effective lesson.
Explain and justify the decision for each choice. You can select this task more than once.

Appropriate Assessment Group Meets individual Group work Clear planning

Pace discussion needs
Teacher led Pupil led Differentiation Practical Independent Questioning
activities work
Pupil Use of IT Homework Linked to NC Resources Classroom
engagement environment
Active pupil Good behaviour Tests Challenging for Sharing lesson Inclusive
participation management all objectives
Purposeful Clear Being adaptable Frequent oral & Plenary Other- please
instructions & flexible written feedback state

ii. There are mixed findings about whether homework actually increases a child’s academic attainment. What
do you think? Reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of setting homework.

iii. Look at these resources to support addressing TS4 -

Select an appropriate matter to discuss further e.g. Group Work Videos; How TAs Can Make a Real
Difference in the Classroom; Planning for Misconceptions

TS5. Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils

i. Watch the video and reflect /comment on the ideas suggested to create a fully inclusive classroom. Inclusive Practice

ii. Reflect on the importance of quality interactions within the Early Years as key for a child’s future
a. Quality interactions in Nursery.

iii. From the list below, select and describe the impact that one of these may have on a child’s ability to learn
and succeed. You could repeat this task for all four ‘conditions’.
o Dyslexia
o Hearing impairment
o Visual impairment
o Anxiety.
Describe how you will attempt to ensure an inclusive classroom for a child with this condition.
(There are many online videos available to view). You may select this task more than once.

iv. Reflect upon 3 strategies that you would consider particularly effective for working with children with EAL.
v. Look at these resources to support addressing TS5 -
Select an appropriate matter to discuss further e.g. Autism- A Resource Pack for School Staff; Effective
Teaching of EAL Learners; High Attaining Pupils in Primary Schools

TS6. Make accurate and productive use of assessment

i. Reflect upon the differences between Assessment for Learning (AfL) or formative assessment and Summative
assessment (AoL)

ii. Select 3 key Assessment for Learning Strategies (AfL) strategies – reflect upon why you would aim to include
these approaches within your classroom.

iii. Select one of the lesson plans attached. Complete the blank sections to identify how you would assess the
children before, during and at the end of the lesson.

iv. With reference to the following government reports, reflect on factors which may impact on the attainment of
EAL learners, and their language proficiency. Consider school and classroom strategies to address these issues.

v. Look at these resources to support addressing TS6 -

Select an appropriate matter to discuss further e.g. Day to Day Assessment Strategies; Getting Started with AfL; Peer
and Self-Assessment; Top 12 AfL Strategies

TS7. Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good & safe learning environment
i. Consider school websites. Select a behaviour policy that you would consider to be effective- reflect upon
reasons for choice.

ii. Create your own list of classroom rules and sanctions, justifying these.
iii. Reflect on the importance of a teacher’s personal qualities in ensuring a ‘good and safe learning
environment’. Reflect on other factors that may impact on behaviour.

iv. Reward or sanctions? Discuss which would be the most motivating and why.
v. Discuss each of the following in relation to behaviour management

Ensuring wider school Peer mentoring Use of Class/House Classroom environment

opportunity for the Pupil points
voice to be heard e.g.
school council

vi. Look at these resources to support addressing TS7 -

Select an appropriate matter to discuss further e.g. Behaviour Checklist; Ensuring a Settled and focused
Class; Key Routines and Practices; differentiating Behaviour Management
TS8. Fulfil wider professional responsibilities
i. Reflect upon the ways that you will be able make a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the
school, e.g. running an after-school club – what would you offer and how would this benefit the children?

ii. Consider 3 areas for your own professional development. Discuss how you identified these areas and how
you might address them. Create personal action plan (upload as evidence).

iii. Plan an enrichment activity. What would it be and why?

iv. Schools spend over £4 billion or 13% of the education budget on Teaching Assistants. Your TA will be your
most expensive resource. Read and reflect on how you will make the most of a TA to ensure they are
effective in pupil progress:
 What have you observed about how TAs are used in your school experience so far?
 Why do you think it is important to build a positive relationship with a TA?
 What barriers are there which can prevent a TA being effective?
 What is the role of school leadership in ensuring TAs are effective?
 Make a list of points of good practice that you will aim to follow in managing and utilising a TA.


 Consider school websites. Reflect on the information available concerning the school’s policy on:
o e-safety
o British Values

 Read each of the following documents:

 .
 DFE(2018) Keeping Children Safe in Education.

For each, select aspects to further discuss/reflect upon.

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