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Senior High School

Personal Development
Module 11:Week 6
Career Development

LU_Personal Development_Module11

The progress and actions taken by a person throughout a lifetime, especially

those related to that person's occupations. A career is often composed of the jobs
held, titles earned and work accomplished over a long period of time, rather than
just referring to one position.


After going through this learning material, you are expected to:

1. explain that through understanding of the concepts of career and life goals can
help in planning his/her career (EsP-PD11/12PC-Iif-12.1)
2. identify the personal factors influencing career choices (EsP-PD11/12PC-Iif-
3. prepare a career plan based on his/her personal goal and external factors
influencing career choices (EsP-PD11/12CP-Iih-i-13.3)

a. define career and career development
b. describe the internal factors that affect decision making in your
career choice
c. compare career development concepts and personal life goals in
career planning and decision-making
d. explore career choices
e. examine yourself by doing the values clarification exercise in
planning for a career
f. use and fill-up career tools for a career choice

1 LU_Personal Development_Module11

Activity: Agree or Disagree.

Directions: Read from the list below and decide whether you agree or disagree with
the statements by putting a check in the appropriate column. Answer the table and
analysis in a separate sheet of paper.
Agree Disagree
1. Arts and humanities are usually
unemployable after college.
2. Selecting what’s “hot” at the moment is
3. Career assessment/counselors will not be
of use for me.
4. If my best friend is happy in a particular
field, I will be happy for him.
5. If I wait long enough, luck will eventually
bring me to the right career.
6. Making a lot of money will make me happy.
7. Once I choose a career I’ll be stuck in it
8. If I change careers, my skills will be
9. I will decide after the results of the board
exam are out.
10. I love this hobby, but I have doubts if I can
make money out of it.

What was the easiest and most difficult statement to decide on and why?

2 LU_Personal Development_Module11

4 3 2 1 Points
Development Ideas were Ideas may be Ideas were Ideas were
of Ideas clearly evident, but present but poorly
organized, the vague developed
on point and organization and lack
supported of thoughts
with valid need to be
reasons strengthened
Elaboration Well written Well written Awkward Poor writing
and fully and most writing with little to
elaborated points style and no specific
points with elaborated points are details
clear and with clear general.
accurate Errors are
information also
Total =

3 LU_Personal Development_Module11

Career Development
A career is a profession that a person may get into, either because he has
found a good match between his life goals, skills, personality and interest with a
dream job, or it may be just a means to earn a living. In the Philippines, education
comes first among many families after basic needs are met. The opinion that a college
diploma can improve one’s life is a significant factor that moves Filipinos to search
for the most popular courses in a university that can afford that best opportunity to
find a career.
In the past generations, the father chooses the courses for his children to take
up. One of the first choices were medicine, accounting, law, engineering and
education. Business administration was added afterwards including nursing,
management, engineering and hotel and restaurant management. Further the most
up to date courses such as physical therapy and computer science were the
additional to the preferred course list. Parents and students pursue college degrees
that sometimes are not in line with their interest, skills and passion. For the thought
of quick employment and good pay. Students selecting what course to take becomes
the pressure to please their parents. But in some instances, students were given a
free hand in choosing their courses. Another strong influence in choosing a course
and school to enroll to is peer pressure.

1. Trait factor - are skills, interests, values and personality characteristics.

They are analyzed and matched with an occupational profile. This theory was
formulated by vocation experts namely Frank Parson and E.G. Williamson during
the 1990’s and is the base of career counseling and aptitude exams.
2. Psychological- was developed by John Holland. It is a branch of Parson’s
Trait factor theory, where he described six personality categories: realistic,
investigative, social, conventional, enterprising and artistic. A person is made up of
six personality categories and is dominant of one type but may show up to three of
these types. People searching for a career are sometimes confused for the reason that
they mix their dominant type with other preferences. For instance, a senior high
school student saying that he or she is interested in political science but would also
like to design clothes or experiment on cooking different types of dishes.
3. Decision- is based on Albert Bandura’s theory of self-efficacy meaning that
a person may perform control over his or her thoughts, beliefs an action and that
self-efficacy is the predictor of behavior. He defined self-efficacy as the belief in one’s
capability to plan, organize and execute a set of actions that will lead to desired
results. Bandura explained that self-efficacy is tied to motivation which is the most
important driver of one’s career development. John D. Krumboltz, was another
proponent of this theory. He theorized that social learning is the basis of our career
decisions and development and that people choose their own careers based on what
they know and have learned. Krumboltz identified four factors: genetic influences,
environmental conditions and events, learning experiences and skills like goal

4 LU_Personal Development_Module11
setting, information gathering and self- observation. According to him, these factors
influences career choice.
4. Developmental, life span or life space theory- was proposed by Donald
Super basing the theory on the idea that individuals are always in constant change
and go through life by learning new things while change roles in the process. Middle
age people often talk about reinventing themselves in the process while acquiring
new set of skills, attitudes and experience new things that they have never done
Keep in mind that there is not one particular theory that can explain
everything about career development. Individuals have to develop their own approach
or method in searching for career choices. Career choices may change through time
for many potential reasons since our lives are constantly changing.
Challenges are real. Minimal changes in reality such as financial constraints,
parental approval and other might still be present. There are internal factors that
affect decision making in your career choice.

1. Self -concept or self-identity

It will be difficult to choose a career or course to take up in college if your
self-identity is not as solid as it should be. You need to understand what to
do or not want to do. For instance, you want to become a Doctor but when
you think you don’t have the intelligence or perseverance to become one, that
thought will keep you distant from fulfilling your dream.
2. Personal preferences
You decide to take up accountancy but your parents told you to take up
nursing like your aunts will help you earn a lot of money and travel abroad.
This situation mostly happens in many Filipino families. No matter good their
intentions are, these can still boomerang because the child is forced to do the
opposite—what his or her parents want. The adolescent will abide by the
wishes of the parents over what college course to take. Take this situation for
instance. Juniele always wanted to become a copywriter for an advertising
agency. His father wanted him to take up engineering. Being the eldest in the
family, he set aside his personal preferences and took up engineering. He did
well since he was smart, graduated on time, took the board exam. When he
passed, he went to his father and gave his engineering diploma and
professional license and told his father now that he fulfilled his father’s wish,
he would like to fulfill his own wish of becoming a copywriter. The father
allowed Juniele and now he is a successful copywriter and eventually became
the president of an advertising company.
3. Motivation
The best motivation a person can ever have in a meaningful life is the
drive to fulfill one’s fullest potential. Many Filipinos are motivated by their
desire to improve their quality of life. Many Filipinos are working abroad for
this reason. They took up a course in college and graduated then they venture
out to find a fortune for themselves and their families. When they have saved
enough money, they return home to pursue their personal dreams. There are
many success stories of OFW’s, they set up their own business and eventually
became successful. A person without motivation will end up wasting a life of
unfulfilled potentials. news is reported and advertising is meant to sell
products work on their fear and device.
4. Self-confidence
A self-confident person will keep his eyes on his goals and tell everyone
that he can do it and will succeed in pursuing his dreams. Some statements
like, “Yes, I can.” Or “Kaya ko to!”

5 LU_Personal Development_Module11
5. Personal skills
We learn skill since we were children by observing the people around us.
Basic education teaches us the hard skills we need to acquire so we can be
qualified for higher education, such as learning math and sciences. Soft skills
such as dealing with people or communicating a thought non-verbally are
skills not taught in our education system. Ask yourself what you like and
enjoy doing, when you enjoy cooking, then that is a skill. You may have hidden
skills because some people around you do not accept it or you may be afraid
to be misjudge if you show it. Have the courage to stand up, hone your skills
and develop your own destiny.
6. Personal characteristics
Understanding your personal characteristics will definitely assist you in
choosing a career. There are certain characteristics that match certain types
of work according to Holland’s Trait Factor theory. Personal traits are
important because they define you as a person. They further comment your
professional qualifications and other advantage. Mentioning your abilities on
your resume in a thoughtful approach can express successfully why and how
you can be an asset to a company.
7. Personal Health
Your health is a significant factor in the career choice you will make. This
will measure, how tough you are to take difficult courses like medicine or law.
Many health conditions can be handled given proper guidance from a
professional medical specialist. However, physical conditions or health issues
did not discouraged individuals in pursuing their dreams. Healthy people are
more likely to be employed, have a good job and retire later, while people
experiencing health issues or disabilities are more likely to see their labor
market chances deteriorating, lose employment and struggle in finding a new
8. Emotional considerations
Generally, making decisions is difficult when one experiences strong
emotions such as anger or sadness. An individual will end up deciding the
wrong thing because of strong emotions felt. Assess yourself when deciding
what course to take. It is best to be sensible and calm when taking life-
directing choices.
9. Self-sabotaging thoughts
Self-sabotaging thoughts are thought to discourage a person from
developing a wholesome self-concept. Statements such as “I can’t do this. I
will not succeed.” I am not intelligent enough for that course.” “Nobody
believes in me, so why should I believe in myself?” These statements are
stumbling blocks in your road toward self-actualization. Understanding one’s
strength and weaknesses will put a person’s feet on the ground and turn his
capabilities and limitations into reality.

Career Plan
Planning one’s career takes several steps. It includes an awareness of many
things about us like our personal core values, passions, life goals, strengths and
challenges, personality characteristics and traits, and the internal and external
factors in our circumstances, including our limitations. We start this exercise by
going through a values clarification exercise. We will validate the values that are
meaningful to us, those ones that resonate at the center of our being, the ones we
can proudly announce to our friends and to the world, because they are the values
that find expression in our everyday life.

6 LU_Personal Development_Module11
Make sure you are comfortable and prepared for this exercise. It would be
good for you to have a notebook or pad paper and pen to write down your answers
as you go through the questions in this exercise.

Values Clarification: What are Your Personal Core Values?

These values are personal because we own them and they are in our
innermost core that define us as persons. Our personal core values are what
we will stand up and fight for. Values may change over our lifetime as
circumstances change as we grow older.
1. Try to ponder on the following: Think of one incident when you were able to
accomplish something that made you very proud and happy of your
achievement. List down your answers for each of the following questions:
a. What was the nature of the situation?
b. What was the task that you needed to accomplish?
c. What skills did you employ to accomplish the task?
d. What personality traits helped you in achieving your objective?
e. What or who motivated and inspired you to pursue and finish the
f. What would have happened if you did not fulfill the task?
g. What was so important to you about finishing the task? What
personal core value/s did you see being validated when you finished
the task?
1. Think of a person you admire very much because of what he has
achieved in his life that made an impact on people.
a. What personality characteristics or traits do you think this person
have that were instrumental in accomplishing his achievements?
b. What did this person represent? What do you think were his personal
core values that enabled him to achieve his accomplishment?
Compare these personal core values of this person with your personal
core values you had validated in 1(g) above. What did you observe?
2. From the list given below, choose (20) personal core values that
resonate well with you. If there is a value that is not on the list but you
would like to add, you may do so.
a. On a piece of paper, list the 20 values you chose. After choosing the
20 values, rank them according to their importance and significance
to you with “1” being the most significant, and so on.
b. Review your first 20 choices and their rankings. This time, choose
your top 10 choices and discard the other 10. Do another ranking of
the top 10 choices you made. Are they still the same or have you
ranked them differently this time?

7 LU_Personal Development_Module11
Authenticity Aesthetics Genuineness Loyalty

Peace Security Sevice Solitude

Openness Love Spirituality Fairness

Health Clarity Integrity Responsibility

Order Reputation Respect Self-love

Honesty Dignity Self-worth Empathy

Compassion Family Heritage Pleasure

Meaning in Life Success Accomplishment Generosity

Connection Faith Life Self-Actualization

Competence Safety Creativity Honor

Equality Goodness Silence Privacy

Freedom Originality Sharing Accountability

Sensitivity History Equality Balance

Choice Autonomy Relationship Simplicity

Kindness Trust

3. If the ranking has changed, ask yourself what made you change your
ranking? Compare these top 10 values you ranked with the personal
core values you wrote down in 1(g). Is there any difference? How about
the values of the person you admired in No.2 above? What do you
notice? What conclusions can you draw based on the changes revealed?
4. What can you draw after comparing these values?
5. Are these the values that are truly significant and meaningful for you?
Will these values define you as the person you want to be? Will you be
committed to your future behaviors in order for them to be aligned and
consistent with these values? If not, what would be your reason/s?
What will make you commit to these values?

What Are Your Passions?

Answer in all honesty the following questions making sure that
your answers are exactly what you feel and think now, and not in any
future situation. Your answers are not something that you wish to do or
have sometime in the future. Instead they represent what you are today.
(Based on the 7 Questions to Finding Your True Passion by Frederic
1. What do you enjoy doing that always puts a smile on your face?
2. What things do you find easy to perform or do?
3. What brings out the creativity in you?

8 LU_Personal Development_Module11
4. What will you do for other people that you will not receive any
payment or compensation for?
5. What things are you sure you will not fail on?
6. What gets you all excited you can talk about it all the time?
7. What makes you give up other seemingly important things and prefer
to do this at the expense of other things?
8. What do you want to recognize for?

What Are Your Personality Traits?

Putting together everything you have learned and discovered about
yourself, based on the topics discussed in the previous lessons which includes self-
identity or self-concept; personality traits; duties and responsibilities, or roles;
stress and stressors; whole brain theory; mental health; emotional intelligence and
emotions, personal relationships; social relationships; conflict management styles;
family legacies; and personal factors influencing career choices.
Create your personal profile covering all the characteristics and traits you
were able to discover and define about yourself.
What are your Strengths and Challenges?
List them down in a sheet of paper and add the special skills you think
you have.
What are your Limitations?
List down your personal factors and limitations in choosing your career.
What Are Your Life Goals?
Look over your lists and get to know yourself a little bit better. As what
has been said, with knowledge comes understanding, then acceptance. With
acceptance comes the celebration of the person that you are. In this section, put
together your personal core values and craft your life goals based on them. For
example, if balance is one of your personal core values, one of your life goals is to
“always maintain balance between the different aspects of my life such as family,
work or career, health, interpersonal relationships, finance, leisure and relaxation,
and spirituality.” Complete your life goals following the same procedure for the
remaining personal core values that you clarified.
You may also wish to check out O-Net Online
(http://www.onetonline.or/explore/interests/realistic, which provides the searcher
with different types of occupations and their corresponding functions and interests
that describes them. It covers six occupational areas: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic,
Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (RIASEC)
CHED came up with a list of priority courses that will be in demand for
the next couple of years. Several government agencies were called in to coordinate
with CHED to identify the courses that will hopefully provide the skills and jobs to
match the requirements of local industries, and eventually spur economic growth
and wealth for Filipinos. (Refer to Annex A for the CHED Priority Courses Until 2018).
For technical and vocational courses, Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA) ( provides a list of
courses for those who are technically and vocationally inclined.

Be smart now on how to

make your career plan.

9 LU_Personal Development_Module11

Activity 1: Match them!

Direction: Connect the following statements in column A to the Career development
theories given in column B.

Column A Column B
1. Career choices may change through time. a. Trait Factor
2. Self-efficacy is the predictor of behavior b. Decision
3. Skills, interests, values and personality c. Psychological
4. Genetic influences, environmental conditions d. Developmental,
and events, learning experiences and skills lifespan or life
space theory
5. Realistic, investigative, social, conventional, e. Motivation
enterprising and artistic.

Activity 2: Guess What?

Direction: Identify the internal factors that affect decision making in career
choice stated in the following phrases.

_____________ 1. “Yes, I can.” Or “Kaya ko to!”

_____________ 2. Have the courage to stand up, hone your skills and develop
your own destiny.
_____________ 3. You need to understand what to do or not want to do.
_____________ 4. Healthy people are more likely to be employed, have a good
job and retire later.
_____________ 5. An individual will end up deciding the wrong thing
because of strong emotions felt.

10 LU_Personal Development_Module11

Activity 1: Career Exploration

Direction: Complete the questions for a career of your choice or assigned career.

Career #1

a. Name of Occupation (Job/Career): _________________________________

b. What do they do? (Task, physical demands, responsibilities)

Task Physical Demands Responsibilities

Career #2

a. Name of Occupation (Job/Career): __________________________________

b. What do they do? (Task, physical demands, responsibilities)

Task Physical Demands Responsibilities


Career #3

a. Name of Occupation (Job/Career): __________________________________

b. What do they do? (Task, physical demands, responsibilities)

Task Physical Demands Responsibilities

11 LU_Personal Development_Module11

4 3 2 1
Explanation A complete Good solid Explanation Misses key
response response is unclear. points
with a with clear
detailed explanation.
Demonstrate Shows Shows Response Shows lack
d knowledge complete substantial shows some of
understand understandi understandi understan
ing of the ng of the ng of the ding about
career. career career. the career.

Activity 2: Doing My Part

Directions: Below is a sample Career Analysis Sheet. Fill it up to give some
information about yourself and what the learner is planning in the future.
A. Career Analysis Profile Sheet
1. I am (name)______________________________________________________________.
2. I am________ years old.
3. I am enrolled in (track/strand) ____________________________________________.
4. I am planning to take _________________________________________.
5. I believe that______________________________________________________________.
6. I have the following values_________________________________________________.
7. I have the following soft skills _____________________________________________
8. I have the following hard skills ____________________________________________
9. I have the following realities in life__________________________________________
10. The Labor Market Information in my Region shows that the following sectors
are Key Employment Generators___________________________________________
I have a General Weighted Average of ___________________________ which is
described as _____________________________________________________________.
Answer briefly the following question in a separate sheet of paper.
1. What are your thoughts/feelings and realization after the activity?

12 LU_Personal Development_Module11

4 3 2 1
Explanation A complete Good solid Explanation Misses
response response is unclear. key
with a with clear points
detailed explanation.
Demonstrate Shows Shows Response Shows
d knowledge complete substantial shows some lack of
understandi understandin understand understa
ng of the g of the ing of the nding
career. career career. about the

13 LU_Personal Development_Module11

Let’s see how far you have learned and understand the lesson.

Directions: Read each item carefully and answer on a separate sheet of pad paper.
I. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer.
1.What is the branch of Parson’s trait factor theory describing six personality
categories where one type is dominant and may show up to three of these
A. Decision
B. Trait factor theory
C. Psychological theory
D. Developmental, life span or life space theory

2.This is based on Albert Bandura’s theory of self-efficacy meaning that a person

may perform control over his or her thoughts, beliefs and actions and that self-
efficacy is the predictor of behavior. What theory is this?

A. Decision
B. Trait factor theory
C. Psychological theory
D. Developmental, life span or life space theory

3. According to Krumboltz, these factors affect career choice. What are these factors?

A. Genetics
B. Natural experience
C. Social responsibility and situations
D. Genetic influences, environmental conditions and events, learning
experiences and skills.

4. What is the internal factor that if person focus on his goal and keeps in mind that
he can do it and will succeed in pursuing his dream.

A. Self-identity B. Self-perception
C. Self-confidence D. Self-sabotaging thoughts

5. What makes health a significant factor in the career choice you will make?

A. An individual will end up deciding the wrong thing.

B. Health makes the person difficult to choose a career or course to take up
in college.
C. This will measure, how tough you are to take difficult courses like medicine
or law.
D. None of the above

14 LU_Personal Development_Module11
6.Which is an internal factor used to describe a young person who really wants to be
a writer, but his parents want him to take nursing instead after graduating and
passing the board exam, he continued to pursue his dream?

A. Motivation B. Personal skills

C. Personal preferences D. Emotional considerations
7. Which describes a profession that a person may get into either because he has
found a good match between his life goals, skills, personality and interests with
a dream job or may be just a means to earn a living?
A. Career B. Experience
C. Motivation D. On-the-job-training
8. What is the best motivation a person can do to have a meaningful life?
A. The drive to fulfill one’s fullest potential.
B. The desire to improve the quality of life.
C. Saying some statements like, “Yes, I can.” Or “Kaya ko to!”
D. Basic education teaches us the hard skills we need to acquire.
9.Which is TRUE about “self –efficacy” according to Banderas?
A. Self-efficacy is tied to motivation which is the most important driver of
one’s career development.
B. Self-efficacy is to learn skill since we were children by observing the people
around us.
C. Self-efficacy described six personality categories: realistic, investigative,
social, conventional, enterprising and artistic.
D. All of the above
10. Which factor if an individual will end up making the wrong choices if strong
emotions get in the way?
A. Motivation B. Personal characteristics
C. Personal skills D. Emotional considerations
11. This takes you to undergo several steps which includes an awareness of many
things about us like our personal core values, passions, life goals, strengths and
challenges, personality characteristics and traits, internal and external factors
in our circumstances including our limitations.

A. Choosing a Career B. Looking for a Job

C. Planning One’s Career D. Taking One’s Fate
12. What validates the values that are meaningful to us, those ones that resonate at
the core of our being, the ones we can proudly announce to our friends and to
the world, because they are the values that find expression in our everyday life?

A. Life Goals B. Personality Traits

C. Strengths and Challenges D. Values Clarification Exercise
13. What expression a person can say to himself/herself if he/she showed his/her
self-confidence in achieving one’s goal?

A. “Go away! I don’t want to see you”.

B. “I am the best, nobody can defeat me”.
C. “Yes, I can or kaya ko to!”
D. “I will just stop and plant Camote”.

15 LU_Personal Development_Module11
14. Of what agency in the government that came up with a list of possible priority
courses likewise several agencies were called to coordinate with them to identify
the courses that will hopefully provide the skills and jobs to match the
requirements and eventually spur economic growth and wealth for Filipinos.
A. Department of Health
B. Department of Public Highways
C. Department of Trade and Industry
D. Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
15. Which is TRUE if balance is one of your personal core values?
A. Health is a significant factor in the career choice you will make
B. Putting together everything you have learned and discovered about
C. Always maintain balance between the different aspects of my life
such as family, work or career, health etc.
D. Create your personal profile covering all the characteristics and
traits you were able to discover and define about yourself.
16. Put together everything you have learned about yourself in the previous lesson
which includes your self-identity or self-concept; duties and responsibilities, or
roles stress and stressors etc. This is called ______.

A . Life Goals B. Personal Core Values

C. Personality Traits D. Strengths and Challenges
17. This is all about what you feel and think now and not in any future situation.
A. Life Goals B. Passion C. Personality Traits D. Values

18. The following are steps in planning one’s career EXCEPT:

A. An awareness of our personal core values

B. An awareness of the vices we like to develop as a habit
C. An awareness of our personality characteristics and traits
D. An awareness of the internal and external factors in our circumstances,
including our limitations

19. Chapter 14 allowed you to list down the external as well as your internal factors
that influence career choices. Aside from personal factors what other ways you
consider in choosing your career.
A. Life Goals B. Limitations C. Passions D. Traits

20. For example, if balance is one of your personal core values, what has to do is
“always maintain balance between the different aspects of my life such as family,
work career, health, interpersonal relationships, finance, leisure and relaxation,
and spirituality.” This is what you call ______.
A. Life Goals B. Limitations C. Passions D. Traits

16 LU_Personal Development_Module11
17 LU_Personal Development_Module11
Activity 1: Match them!
1. D
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. C
Activity 2: Guess What!
1. Self-confidence
2. Personal skills
3. Self-identity
4. Personal Health
5. Emotional Considerations
Deepen: Career Exploration
Answers may vary
1. C 11. C
2. A 12. D
3. D 13. C
4. C 14. D
5. A 15. C
6. C 16. C
7. A 17. B
8. A 18. B
9. A 19. B
10. D 20. A
Answer Key

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