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4 G R A M M A R comparatives and superlatives 6 L IS T E N IN G

a Read the sentences. Are the highlighted phrases right or wrong? a Read the text and then talk to a partner.
W rite a check ( / ) or an X next to them and correct the wrong 1 Which o f these things do you (or people you
sentences. know) do when you are driving?
1 □ What's the quicker way to get around Miami?
2 Which do you think are the most
2 I ] Driving is more boring than going by train. dangerous? Number them 1-3 (1 = the most
3 Q The boat was almost as fast than the hike. dangerous).
4 L J West Hollywood is the same distance from Los Angeles as
3 Which one do you think is the least
South Gate.
5 □ There aren’t as much trains as there were before on this line.
6 Q It was the more exciting trip I’ve ever taken. b 2 15))) Now listen to a safety expert.
7 Ld The worst time of day to travel in New York City is between Number the activities 1-7. Were your top
7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. three right?
8 [ ] Women drive more careful than men.
c Listen again for more inform ation about
b > - p.136 Grammar Bank 3A. Learn more about comparatives and each activity and why it is dangerous.
superlatives, and practice them.

5 P R O N U N C IA T IO N linking

We often link words together in English, especially when we speak
fast. We link words:
1 when a word ends in a consonant sound and the next word begins
with a vowel sound, e.g., more^exciting
2 when a word ends in a consonant sound and the next word begins
with the same consonant sound, e.g., the fastest^train
3 when a word ends in /t/ or /d/ and the next word begins with HI or
/d/, e.g., the biggest^dog

a 2 14))) Listen and repeat the sentences. Try to link the marked
words and copy the rhythm.

ı Ridings motorcycle j s morejexciting than driving.

2 Thefastestjtrairuonly ta k e ^ itjio u c a n o half.
3 it's more d iffic u lty drivq^t night than during the day.
4 My fa th e r’s worsq^tjdriving than my mother
5 The mostjdangerous roadjn my tow rljs the freeway.

b Talk to a partner. For each group o f three things compare them

using the bold adjective, i.e., for 1 decide which is the most
dangerous, and then compare the other two. Say why.
1 dangerous: riding a bike; riding a motorcycle; driving
2 easy: learning to drive; learning to ride a bike; learning to ride
a horse
3 relaxing: flying; traveling by train; driving
4 difficult: sleeping on a train; sleeping in a plane; sleeping
on a bus
5 boring: being stuck in a traffic jam; waiting at an airport;
waiting for a bus
I think riding a bike is the most dangerous because
sometimes drivers don’t notice bike riders. Riding
a motorcycle is more dangerous than driving.

26 3A
7 S P E A K IN G
Which of these things a Look at the statements below and decide

is the most (and least) whether you agree or disagree. Check ( / )

the ones you agree with and put an X next

dangerous to the ones you disagree with. Think about

your reasons.

Slow drivers cause more accidents than

when you're driving a car? fast drivers.

People who drink and drive should lose

A car magazine tested drivers in a driving
their driver’s license for life.
simulator. The drivers had to drive in the
simulator and do the things in the list below. Speed cameras do not stop accidents.

Drivers who are over 70 are as dangerous as

E a t in g o r d r in k in g □
young drivers.
T a lk in g o n a c e ll p h o n e (n o t h a n d s fr e e ) □
Bike riders should have to wear helmets.
S e ttin g or a d ju s tin g a G PS □
The minimum age for riding a motorcycle
L i s t e n i n g t o y o u r f a v o r it e m u s ic □ should be 25.
L is te n in g to m u s ic y o u d o n 't k n o w □ The speed limit on freeways should be lower.

S e n d in g o f r e c e iv in g t e x t m e s s a g e s □
b In groups, give your opinions about each
D o in g y o u f h a ir or p u t tin g o n m a k e u p □ statement. Try to use expressions from the
box. D o you agree?

P Agreeing and disagreeing

I agree/don’t agree with this.
with Juan.
I th ink/d on't think you’re right.
I com pletely/totally agree.

> - p.115 Writing An article for a
m agazine. Write a magazine article about
transportation in your town or city.

9 2 1 B«) S O N G 500 M/'iesj:

Online Practice 3A 27

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