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Muhammad Surya Gustiantoro

XI IPS 5/19

Analytical Exposition Text

what is an Analytical Exposition Text?

Analytical Exposition Text is a text that contains a person's views, can be through
writing or someone who wants to do a speech to discuss an issue that is
considered important to be discussed. So in the analytical Exposition text, there
are several arguments presented by the author or the speaker.

Structure of the Analytical Exposition Text

1. Thesis
2. Arguments
3. Conclusion


The Importance of Learning English

Language is the means of communication. We can interact with other people by
using language. Well, roughly 6,500 languages are spoken in the world today.
Among them, English becomes the international language. If we go around the
world, we can use English to communicate. Not all people in the world are able to
speak English even though English is very important to learn. There are some
reasons why learning English is important.

First, English is the language that is used in Gadgets. In this era, we use our
gadgets every day. Cell phones, tablets, computers, laptops, and many other
gadgets use English as the main language. We can change the language into
Indonesian language or another language. However, if we do not understand
about English, we cannot operate the gadgets and change the setting of the
language. Thus, if we learn English, we will be able to operate and use any
gadgets which can give us many advantages and help our life easily. (1)
In addition, if you want to study abroad. English is one of the requirements. You
should reach the 500 TOEFL score or at least 6.5 for IELTS. Both TOEFL and
IELTS are English test. You will not be accepted by the university if your score is
under the standard. Although you do not want to continue your study abroad and
choose to continue your study in Indonesia, you still have a TOEFL test as the
requirement to graduate from the university. Therefore, learning English is
important for us. (2)

Moreover, English is the most used and spoken language around the world. If
you want to go around the world, you should be able to speak English. You
cannot communicate with foreigners from other countries if you cannot speak
English. Maybe one day you go to America, Singapore or Australia and you get
lost. You cannot read the direction or sign which uses English, so how could you
communicate with the people there? You cannot ask for help if you are lost.
Besides, learning English will help you understand different cultures and observe
habits that are different from yours. That is why English is important to be
learned. (3)

Learning English has many advantages for us. It is very important to learn
English because it is used in most Gadgets, it becomes a requirement if we want
to study abroad or graduate from a university and it is the most used spoken
language around the world. Let's learn English and get the advantages of it!

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