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Structural Engineer

Structural engineers design the frames and supports of a structure, ensuring ways to construct buildings the sturdiest
and safest. They do detailed calculations and analysis to strengthen the areas of the structure most prone to the wreckage.
Often, qualified in jobs of consultancy where task involves design assessment and revision of any infeasible designs
concerning practicality and capacity of withholding the elements to which it will be exposed. They monitor and inspect, as
well, projects to ensure no discrepancy from the design to construction. Their expertise to oversee a project’s integrity and
efficiency is deemed vital.

Construction Engineering and Management

Construction engineers are labeled as contractors wherein they design, execute plans, monitor workers, inspect
project areas, supervise, and are responsible for the construction processes and implementation of designs. Their scope of
work is so vast, from planning to execution. They are primarily the ones to plan out the methodology and to create their
explicit working drawings, needing a strong analysis to precisely oversee the construction. Not only are they to focus solely
on the construction but are the ones to manage schedules, equipment selection, materials procurement while minding the
safety and well-being of the workers as well. Also, they work with other civil engineering specialists from different fields as
expertise is best when made in consensus. Some opportunities to pursue as a construction engineer are facilities manager,
site engineer, building surveyor and services engineer, and sustainability consultant.

Geotechnical Engineering

Geotechnical engineers are the first to be involved in designing a building as they are to carry out site geotechnical
investigation works to determine the factors how a building foundation should be designed. They are the ones responsible for
the assessment of soil hazards, and it is one way to know if the site is safe to situate a building or not. They drill the soil
beneath to evaluate the sub-surface condition of the site, which will inform them of the design parameters and construction
methods that can be utilized in the project. A geotechnical engineer can pursue careers as an engineering supervisor, or get
employed in the department of works and highways can teach as a college instructor, sales or procurement manager.

Water Resources Engineering

Water resources engineers are concerned with creating structures and processes that alleviate and allocate human
water resources. Often employed in water distribution companies and works involve are ensuring the storage and provision of
clean water, a proper system of wastewater and sewage disposal, and to oversee water treatment facilities. They play a vital
role in the optimal planning, designing, and operation of water resources. From distribution to treatment and the cycle of it,
they are ensuring the availability of safe and clean drinking water to run off in every household in the community, providing
farmers sufficient water resources through irrigation systems, and harnessing water resources to distribute electric power to
the community. Works and careers for a water resource engineer are becoming an engineering technician, drainage
engineer, hydrology engineer, and city planner.

Transportation Engineering

Transportation engineers are involved in the design and operation works to ensure hassle-free, safe, and timely
movement of goods and people from and across one place to another. It is their great aim to design and develop solutions to
improve the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of these movements for our current and future societies by building fortifying
bridges to connect rural to urban, building railways to fasten city to province commute, and among others. A transportation
engineer is legible to pursue careers such as construction supervisor, project engineer, or transportation systems designer.

Environmental Engineering

Environmental engineers help ensure meeting the needs of the human race whilst preserving and conserving the
environment using the principles of engineering. They are responsible for designing new technologies and processes to
alleviate, control, and address environmental issues such as land, water, and air pollution. They design effective landfills,
water treatment facilities, and work with other disciplines to create new environmental engineering technologies and
equipment to pacify global environmental issues. Career paths include environmental engineering technician, environmental
scientist, and natural sciences manager.

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