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DepEd’s PRIMALS: dramatic or realistic? The role of making 21st century learners as critical readers and creative writers is a
tedious responsibility for every teacher. With the influx of technological advancements, rapid globalization, ASEAN integration,
multicultural education, civic collaboration, and social transformation, teaching becomes more demanding and laborious.
With these changes, teachers often suffer too much pressure, incompetence, lack of support and strategic direction. Beating
the odds, recalibration and enhancement of the curriculum must be reengineered so as to meet the learning gaps. Thus, the
adoption of the K to 12 Program in the Philippine educational system is quite a good start. The constructions of school
buildings together with the “Last Mile Schools Project” ensure physical development in our educational structure. What is
seemingly more lacking and important is the quality of teaching and learning. The Department of Education (DepEd) launched
in 2018 the Pedagogical Retooling in Mathematics, Languages (English & Filipino) and Science otherwise known as PRIMALS in
grades 4-6 and junior high school. It aims to enrich teachers’ 21st century skills and competence gearing towards the global
standards and in developing a more holistic Filipino learner. The program also ensures connection, integration and
continuation in the implementation of the DepEd's DAP-ELLN (Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Early Language and
Literacy) program. This program was painstakingly administered in the Kindergarten to Grade 3 classes in order to master the
learner's basic competencies particularly in reading and numeracy. With the means of decentralizing the conduct of this
training, the department established “module system” to assure a unified implementation. DepEd was further able to save
thousands of its training budget allocation as it finds to be cost-effective in mentoring teaching practices and sustaining
professional development system. However, a year after of its implementation, the sustainability and effectiveness of the
training program in the grassroots level opted to experience the biggest loophole of the execution. Teachers assessed the
program as “too shallow” since the 7-day rigid training doesn’t totally equate teachers’ instructional competence. The
program perhaps is evaluated as 'too dramatic' without addressing the basic needs of the teacher towards a lifelong, life-deep
and life-wide retooling. The unavailability of instructional materials, textbooks, teaching guides and the lack or insufficient
technological resources among schools nationwide are still prevalent in the locality marking the program as useless. DepEd
should solve these adequacies first before the conduct of massive retooling practices as it greatly affects the teaching-
learning performance. On the other hand, neither thrice a month nor quarterly training enhancement scheme should be
strategically offered to the teachers. Every teacher should be entitled to at least 100 hours of professional development per
year. The certificates and courses rendered should be monitored and evaluated thoroughly by the district and division offices
and will serve as requirement in every opening of the school year. This will be attained through the conduct of school-based
mentoring and coaching sessions by the master teachers, schools heads, and education program specialists. Eventually, this
will address to the clamours of the teachers that only few of them were sent to various trainings, workshops and conferences
yearly. In addition, the creation of Teaching Hub is hereby recommended to every district or division offices so as to eliminate
gaps. Teachers’ pedagogical needs will be identified and nurtured easily rather than leaving it by chance. Teaching hubs will be
tasked to innovate, implement and evaluate recent teaching and learning strategies. It will further showcase school’s best
pedagogical practices in Mathematics, Languages and Science. It envisions to steer a new phase of nurturing critical thinking,
collaboration and culture of research. While DepEd is aiming to localize the training, an increment of MOOE’s (Maintenance
and Other Operating Expenses) budget must be also observed. Top-down budgeting should empower schools to initiate and
implement seminar-workshops, conferences and other relevant activities that aim to fasten and strengthen teachers’
effectiveness. With the current trends of the department’s budget allocation to every public school nationwide, it cannot
suffice for training purposes as it is mostly spent on water and electric bills, janitorial services and minor repairs. Revisiting
the curriculum and its content must be likewise conducted as much place should focus on mastering basic skills in reading,
writing, analysing and computing. Students are expected to visualize constructing, interpreting and evaluating content
knowledge from different perspectives. Learning for life and embracing holistic development are prime considerations in
enhancing the curriculum. Nevertheless, teachers become effective and efficient if they are provided with sufficient support
and enhancement. In our pursuit of delivering quality education, continuous efforts in enhancing teachers’ welfare and
competence must also be poured by its stakeholders and the government in general. While DepEd take steps in
strengthening the professional training and development of its teachers, there are still so many things that need to be
address, revisit and upgrade. However, if retooling is just merely labelled as “one of its quick solution”, it will never upraise
teachers’ effectiveness. Long-lasting and effective pedagogical retooling are urgently required or else until when will every
teachers’ effectiveness. Long-lasting and effective pedagogical retooling are urgently required or else until when will every
Juan will ask: Is DepEd’s PRIMALS dramatic or realistic?

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