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Short Film Shooting Script.

Description of visuals Script

Script 069
At this part of the production we have
both characters walking towards each Ext. Henley town – afternoon
other the camera switches between
both of them, and then brings each ELIJAH and HARPER are walking towards
character into frame at the same time each other both distracted by their phones. They
showing the viewer they will walk gently bump into each other and look up to
apologise, then they realise they know each
into each other. other from college.

Elijah walks with confidence through the town

but his eyes show that he is unsure of how he
comes across.

Harper has intrusive thoughts, due to graphic

videos online. she looks tired and dissociated
she walks slow and hesitant.

Harper continues to walk whilst keeping her

eyes glued to her phone as she walks Elijah
comes into frame, also glued to his phone. They
gently bump into each other and look up to


Sorry! (he says with a sympathetic look on his


Here, as the characters talk back and No not at all, my fault (she says patting
her chest as she speaks)
forth, there is. A 180-degree rule
shown back and forth from both
characters sides, then there are some
wide shots as well.

After they walk off together there is a Oh, hey Harper didn’t realise it was you! Have
small intervene of them walking you finished your lessons for today?
together through the town with HARPER
uplifting music in the background,
there is shots of the atmosphere and Yeah! I was going to get a coffee do you want
setting as well as them walking and to join?
chatting together. Some clips are have ELIJAH
the duration set higher and lower to
add a more intriguing effect. Yeah

He turns towards the camera and shrugs.

Sounds good.


Elijah turns back to look at Harper and the scene

has changed. They are sat on a small round table,
two coffee cups in front of them. Elijah takes a sip
of his coffee (I’m a twat) whilst looking at his
phone. And Harper does the same.

Harper looks at Elijah and smirks.

For this scene it is another 180 degree HARPER
rule as they talk
Elijah, did you see this video on Twitter? It was
posted last night and still hasn’t been removed.
She turns her phone towards Elijah to
show him a video *graphic audio from
video plays*

Elijah’s face slowly turns more concerned

as the video goes on, he eventually looks
away. Harper laughs at him.


Harper what the fuck? That’s so messed up.

When Elijah is viewing the video I didn’t even think it was that bad. You are a pussy
there is a zoom in on his face to show mate.
the emotion in more depth.
She giggles under her breath as she speaks.


Why hasn’t that been reported?

Throughout this scene the camera
work is a switch between 180 and
wide shots.


It has, multiple times. But it gets people on the

app. So why would they remove it? Gets people
on the app.


You should really delete Twitter those videos

won’t stop coming you know? Violent video after
violent video. I deleted it a long time ago, and I’m
glad I did.


You’re over reacting.


No. Trust me I’m not. You are desensitized

because of those repulsing videos and you don’t
realise it. Nothing good comes out of watching


Okay but-

How many times do these videos pop into

your mind?


It’s not that ba-


No. how many times? Think about how many

hours in a week you are thinking about this. It
leads to intrusive thoughts that are bad for you.
I’m sorry I’m being harsh, but it’s for your own
benefit that you delete that shit.

Harper looks to the side as Elijah replaces her

coffee with the mug he previously used. She then
takes a sip and shows the camera the bottom of the
mug, then shrugs.

INT. Elijah’s bedroom.

Elijah opens the door abruptly


Silly bitch.

He sighs as he speaks, spins and flops himself

onto his bed continuing to pull out his phone. As
he scrolls through Instagram he sees men on his
page along with some women.
He sighs. After a few minutes of scrolling he
puts his phone down. He stares at the ceiling in
silence. He rolls himself off the bed and strolls
over to a bathroom. He looks at himself and
inspects his face and body.
For this scene we have an overhead
shot of him lying on the bed to show
how is feeling defeated and over
powered by his emotions.


Elijah goes into his completely clean kitchen

and looks through the cupboards and fridge. He
As he walks to the bathroom the ends up looking in the freezer and pulls out a
camera follows him from behind and tub of ice cream and begins to slowly
eat it. (Zoom in shots). He continues to
in front, switching between the both. eat multiple different foods. At the end,
As he is in the bathroom looking at he looks guilty and feels sick. He looks
himself there is an over the shoulder at the camera. He speaks sarcastically.

As he walks down to the kitchen the
camera follows like before from all He looks back at the food and the camera zooms
out instead of in. It shows the contrast of the
different angles. amount of food he’s eaten compared to the start.
He looks at it with guilt. He picks up his phone
again and calls Harper.
As Elijah binge eats, the camera is in
mostly one position, which is in front
with him in the centre of the screen. Ext.
As the scene goes on there is a zoom On a bench Elijah and harper facing each other
in on his face flashing forward as he
eats. There are also other angles that HARPER
are flashed briefly to the audience,
this helps show the intense rushed What’s up? I feel like you have something to
say you have been off all day. Has something
feeling his is going through whilst happened?

If I’m honest, I’m a little confused. Yesterday, I

was just scrolling through Instagram, looking at
all these – guys, working out with their amazing
bodies and confidence. And I felt so shitty.
Like, I hated the way I look afterwards.




And then, I went to the kitchen. And its almost

like I blacked out *chuckle* I just ate, so much
food. So much food that I felt sick, physically
During this scene, the camera films a sick to my stomach. And I hated it, but in a way.
few over the shoulder clips of them I liked it, it felt like.. like a weird sense of
walking towards each other just like comfort? I know, it sounds silly but I don’t
know how to explain.
the first scene. And when they meet
in the middle it is a wide shot. After HARPER
they have sat down, the camera goes
between more over the shoulder 180 That isn’t silly at all, it actually is a common
thing, especially after you have felt like that,
shots and then wide shots from in and put yourself down. Binge eating. That’s
front and behind. what it sounds like you did.




But, because you are aware of it, you can stop it

from happening again, before it becomes a
habit. Before it gets serious.


Yeah, you are right.


Binge eating is actually a really common eating

disorder. But it isn’t talked about as much which
is why you are probably so confused as to why
you did that.


Yeah. It defiantly isn’t talked about enough.


Start a routine. I know a few people who have

experienced this as well, and having a routine
really helped them get on the right track to


It’s been 3 months since by little eating binge

and all it did was make me feel guiltier about
not being the healthiest vision of myself which I
wanted to do so badly, it’s just
 you know?. I spoke to my friends about it all
and they helped me realise I was blocking my
feelings by eating. Now I’ve been going to the
gym living a way healthier lifestyle I’m feeling
good about myself, feeling supper fluffing
motivated and energised. I still eat quite a bit for
enjoyment but I’ve earned it.
During Elijah’s monologue, we see
the two characters walking with their
friends having fun, there is more
uplifting music in the background
making the audience see how it is a
positive outcome, this whole scene
the camera is following the group
from in front having them all in the

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