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Mini-Project One page Synopsis for AY 2020-21 (Even Semester)


Semeste Sunil S 2BU18EC0
Group r Karaganve 74 Dr.Sridhar Dr. Shilpa Dr. Sridhar
No Vishwanath S 2BU18EC0 Iyer Mayannavar Iyer
6 Name University
Shetti 87
of the Seat
Vikas S 2BU19EC4
Division Student Number
Taware 21 Min Project
19 Supervisor I/c HOD
Avinash A 2BU19EC4 Coordinator
Kutigol 03
Digitization and automation is the rule of the world and is quickly growing and covering the entire nations. There were days
when it started with paper based system now be it anything automation is the key for faster delivery of any system. Due to
increase in traffic problems we see so many cases of breaking red signal daily, so for overcoming this problem we have
been developed system entitled as “Intelligence challan System for On Road Signal Violation” . The purpose of the project
is to track the traffic signal violations correctly using Cameras with use of RFID tag and Ultrasonic sensor. There is android
application also for maintaining the data, which is accessible from anywhere and anytime. This paper shows all the system
of handling traffic signal rule breakers with latest technologies. Whenever there is red light on system works. In existing
system there is sms sent on mobile so we are using email notifications Thus, our system would prove helpful for the traffic
management officers to successfully track all traffic signal issues in the best suitable and desired manner.
Keywords—Automation; Rfid; Sensor; Red light; Arduino; signal.
The main objective of this paper is to reduce
the road signal violation, and helps in
collecting challan from all road signal
violators using RFID and Arduino.Here the
people who do not follow the traffic rules
will automatically be imposed to a challan
and will get notified using a message on their
phone about when, where and how much
challan has been imposed to them. Traffic
inspectors’ work has minimized using the
system as they don’t need to stop the running Fig. 1: Proposed Model
or over speeding person to impose him a
challan. Basically an rfid tag will be attached to the vehicle which will have the user’s
HARWARE/SOFTWARE information stored in them. Whenever the vehicle user crosses the traffic signal the
data will be stored and sent to the server. This data will now be sent to a decision
DETAILS making system which will check whether the vehicle has crossed the signal on
green signal or red signal. If the signal was green then no challan will be imposed
• Arduino and if the signal was red then a challan will be imposed automatically and the
• Wi-Fi Module ESP8266MCD mobile number stored in the vehicle’s RFID tag will receive a challan notification
and the challan will also be sent to the RTO’s database.
• LCD Display 16x2
• Step down power supply unit 3.3v
• RFID Sensor EM-18
• Rfid tags
• Jumper wires
The proposed Intelligence challan system for
on road signal violation access the
information of vehicles which are violates the
road signal through Rfid tags and vehicles
detail are fetched and the penalty challan will
be sent to the vehicle owner through message
or email. Using this system we can reduce
traffic or road signal violation and also it
ensures the proper collection of penalties Fig 2: Intelligence challan system
enabling a corruption free environment. FUTURE SCOPE
It enables people to follow traffic rules as we know the current scenario in
UP nobody follows the traffic light. It reduces the police effort by
generating challan automatically. It helps pedestrians as people will stop
their vehicles before the zebra crossing. It will help in safeguarding
unnecessary accidents happening due to people skipping red lights and not
following traffic rules. It will enable to keep a track of RTO’s challan funds
and will reduce corruption.

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