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TAYUM CENTRAL SCHOOL, founded in 1907.

The Gabaldon Building was the first concrete building built in 1914 during the incumbency of
Presidente Municipal (present-day Municipal Mayor) Francisco Molina. The building followed the
standard plans designed by the American Architect William Parsons. It is named after Assemblyman
Isauro Gabaldon of Nueva Ecija who authored Act 1801 also known as the Gabaldon Act of 1907.

First teacher was Maestro Prisco Martinez of Bangued, Abra. The first teachers from Tayum,
Abra were Don Teodoro Brillantes and Maestra Sabina Terrenal.

The intermediate building made of wood was started by the Presidente Municipal Don Jose
Cariño. and was completed during the incumbency of Presidente Municipal Don Eriberto

Special Science Elementary School was first offered in S.Y. 2009-2010. The opening of this
program was made possible through the initiative of Mrs. Victoria Cariño – Elfante, former
Principal III.

The present Principal is Dr. Silverio T. Cariño.

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