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Artificial Intelligence is an approach to make a computer, a robot, or a

product to think how smart human think. AI is a study of how human
brain think, learn, decide and work, when it tries to solve problems. And
finally this study outputs intelligent software systems. The aim of AI is to
improve computer functions which are related to human knowledge, for
example, reasoning, learning, and problem-solving.
The objectives of AI research are reasoning, knowledge representation,
planning, learning, natural language processing, realization, and ability to
move and manipulate objects. There are long-term goals in the general
intelligence sector.
Approaches include statistical methods, computational intelligence, and
traditional coding AI. During the AI research related to search and
mathematical optimization, artificial neural networks and methods based
on statistics, probability, and economics, we use many tools. Computer
science attracts AI in the field of science, mathematics, psychology,
linguistics, philosophy and so on.

There are some main purposes and features in which artificial intelligence is
used in different fields or zones. These are the main purposes of artificial
intelligence. There are some main purposes and features in which artificial
intelligence is used in different fields or zones. These are the main purposes of
artificial intelligence.

1. Improves decision making

2. Singularity
3. Machine learning
4. Business process optimization
5. Creative work in technologies
6. Provides financial services
7. Health care
8. Automotive
9. HR & Recruitment


The scope of Artificial Intelligence in India is still in the adoption stage but slowly it
is being used to find smart solutions to modern problems in almost all the major
sectors such as Agriculture, Healthcare, Education and Infrastructure, Transport,
Cyber Security, Banking, Manufacturing, business, Hospitality, Entertainment.

Taxonomy of A.I

Artificial General Intelligence (AGN)

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)

Self Aware AI

Limited Memory AI

Theory of Mind AI

Artificial Superhuman Intelligence (ASI)

Hardware and software requirements

Software requirements
Operating system
Windows metro
Front end
Functional and Non-Functional Requirement:
Functional Requirement:
Reliability: This attribute of software quality is the extent to which a
program can be expected to perform its desired function over an arbitrary
time period.
Reusability: A software product has good reusability if the different
modules of the product can easily be reused to develop new products.
Maintainability: The software should be feasible to evolve to meet
changing requirements.
Adaptability: Software allows differing system constraints and user needs
to be satisfied by making changes to the software.
Portability: Software can be transferred from one computer system or
environment to another.
Testability: Software establishes test criteria and evaluates software with
respect to those criteria.

Non-Functional Requirement:
• Good knowledge of Mathematics.
• Familiarity with the programming languages.
• Ability to write algorithms to find patterns and learning.
• Good analytical skills.
• Good knowledge of Statistics and modeling.
• Ability to learn new machine learning and deep learning algorithms.
Data flow dia gra

Step 1: Data Collection

While we have the digital data of the organization available,
the one existing in the firewall, and the rest of it is achieved
from social media or any other third party platform.
Step 2: Data Pre-Processing
When this data is collected at a centralized location. At this
stage, a lot of unnecessary data is eliminated as it makes
no sense in running meaningful analysis
Step 3: Model Training
This is nothing but a way of further segregation of data and
creating various model sets which we apply to evaluate the
data further.
Step 4: Model Evaluation
We have tuned the parameters and found the best model
that is able to predict the output, and this will now be
iterated unless the best model is developed.
Step 5: Improved Performance
The base model returns the number of groups to which
particular interaction belongs. These algos are configured
to receive the group to which interaction or tags belong. In
short, this means the algorithms should work real-time and
there shouldn’t be any lag in showcasing the results, which
may result in opportunity loss.
Use case:


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