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Character: Tubby

Age: 3 weeks (Beetle age) 10 Years Old

Description: Tubby is technically a child probably in human years, 10 years old but that’s beetle
years. Tubby is a tiny little beetle with a faded white color because of his monster genes. He has
two horns that are beetle like and are not at all pointy because he is a child beetle.

Past: Tubby was born in a world where evil is powerful and good is a different story entirely, no
one shows any emotion to each other, there are no peaceful emotions, just anger, pain, sadness,
greed, etc. Tubby is one of the thousands of beetles who are the children of the beetle kind,
Tubbies mother is Mother Beetle (Details on mother beetle in mother beetle category).

Abilities: Can curl up into a ball, spits toxic balls that can melt anything
Weakness: Spitballs cannot penetrate the beetle shell that easily, is kind hearted unlike the
State: Tubby is a sensitive beetle child and can easily fright, Tubbies mental state is just as
depressing as his physical state, he longs for love however that is something beetle people do not
do, which is why his mental state is decreasing and is killing him on the inside (slowly),

Prefernces: Happy things such as family, friends, things that bring people joy, love.
Dislikes: Sadness, Hate, War, etc.

Flaw: He needs bravery and strength which both he lacks because he is as tiny as an opened
laptop, Without bravery and strength he cannot defeat the shadows (villians), he is also

Tubby is a beetle child born in the shadow world, the beetle people are a type of mutant species
out of the many. The beetle people are ruthless and cruel, they show harsh emotions, they never
smile mainly because the rulebreakers mouths were ripped out by their ansestors and slowly the
beetle people started to be born without mouths, they had souless eyes that represent the horror
of the beheaded beetles who spoke against the “Elder Beetles of Time”. All the beetles who
wanted a better world were ripped limb by limb and fed to the Mother Beetle. Mother beetle is
the mother of most beetles in the population of the tiny grove, however mother beetle was a
rulebreaker but the Edler Beetles could not harm her, however they threatened her to wipe out
every beetle there and would tie her up and make her forcefully watch as everyone of her beetle
children would die a most grusome death. Mother Beetle could not leave nor could she protect
the others and that broke her, she went mad. Tubby would miss mother beetle since she was the
only person who would show love and happiness, in secret though, however ever since she had
gone mad, she had been taken to the beetle graveyard known as Riptide. Tubby had watched
every single thing that went on. And thus he was afraid that his Mother would be in pain as she
watched her children die right infront of her. Tubby then decided he has to do something to
prevent such a thing and save the good hearted beetles from the bad ones. He then decided while
lying in his leaf pile that he will travel to Riptide and find his mother because he had to ask
someone for help even if it were his Crazy Mother. He packed his things and set out on his quest
to Riptide. During his travels tubby passed by a pub, he then felt a little thirsty and decided to get
a bottle of Tixin (Their water). As he walked up to the enterance of the pub he saw two big and
frightening looking beetles, one of the beetles had two droopy eyes, which made him look really
sad, horrifying and lifeless. The other beetle looked just as souless however this beetle had an
angry looking eye on the left side of its face while on the right side it had a broken eye as if it
had been struck with lightning and left with nothing. Tubby was too afraid to go near them, he
thought about what to do for a couple of minutes and could thing of nothing, tubby thought of
crying and sulking because of his fear of facing his problems and then those two guards were one
of his problems. He then tried to sneak in over and over again but would backout because of his
fear and each time he tried getting he got even thirstier.

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