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Solve For Impact: Solve a pressing problem in the social development sector

Problem statement: Circular vision for electronics to eliminate precious metal wastage
Introduction to Circular Economy:
Circular economy (CE) is an industrial system, which is an alternative to highly extractive
and resource intensive linear economy principle of take-make-dispose. CE replaces the end-
of-life concept with restoration and regeneration, shifts towards usage of superior design of
materials, products, systems, and business models for waste elimination. CE aims at retaining
value of resources, products, and materials at their highest by keeping them in use as long as
possible, minimizing wastage at each life-cycle stage, and extracting the maximum value
through reusing, repairing, recovering, remanufacturing, and regenerating products and
materials at the end of each service value.1
E-waste in India:
India is the third largest consumers of raw materials produced globally and estimated to
consume nearly 15 billion tonnes of material by 2030 with the current economic trends.
Electronic and Electrical Equipments (EEE) manufacturing is dependent on high material
consumption with metals like Iron, copper, silver, gold, aluminium, manganese, chromium,
and zinc along with various rare earth elements. Rate of extraction of these abiotic resources
for EEE manufacturing is significantly higher than the rate of their formation in nature. CE
approach will thus be imperative to fulfil the resource needs for the country. EEE waste is
considered as one of the rich sources of secondary raw materials and can contribute towards
resource security and environmental sustainability. India is the third most electronic waste (e-
waste) generated country (with 3.2 million tonnes in 2019), however, only 10 per cent of the
waste is collected for recycling. The collection and management of EEE waste remain a key
challenge. This necessitates the shift to a more circular approach for the sector.2
About Attero:
Attero finds opportunity in deriving value from e-waste and li-ion batteries and is leading the
way for recyclers globally by repurposing and recycling various complex streams to extract
precious, non-ferrous, and rare earth metals. Attero is the only producer of Cobalt, Lithium,
Tin, and rare earth metals, which are otherwise not mined in India. Using the most Advanced
Recycling Operations, we are India’s Largest producer of Tin. Through our cutting-edge

technology, we can recover nearly 98% of precious, base, and rare earth minerals. The
minerals recovered are of the highest purity and are readily put back in the cycle for a
sustainable future.
“It’s not waste until it’s wasted”
It’s this unflinching belief and constant endeavour to Rethink, Redesign, Restore and
Reuse resources from end-of-life electronics and li-Ion batteries in an eco-friendly manner,
that today Attero is India’s Largest Electronic Asset Management Company.
How can you help solve the problem?
(Assume the tech to recycle and process e-waste exists)
1. Educating people about Electronic Waste/Battery/Lithium-ion battery as a very
different class of waste which is extremely hazardous and therefore important to be
segregated and disposed responsibly
2. Understanding that its waste and while it does cost a lot to buy it has little economic
value once its obsolete
3. Change behaviour to ensure users dispose off Electronic Waste/Lithium-ion batteries
sooner and to the right recyclers considering the right benchmarks - especially
environmental friendliness.
How to ensure that this happens and citizens, corporates, and government recycle
responsibly and in time.

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