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A Woman Inventor

In this opportunity we have decided to interview Marie Curie because she is one of
the most well-known woman inventor in the world. In addition, now a day her
invention allows many people to know about the radium and polonium.

KEVIN: Good afternoon everyone. Today it is my pleasure to introduce to Marie

Curie. She developed methods for the separation of radium from radioactive
residues in sufficient quantities to allow for its characterization and the careful
study of its properties, therapeutic properties in particular.

Marie Cuire: Hello, I am pleased to give this interview. Let's start with the

KEVIN: Where were you born? and What is the weather like there?

Marie Cuire: I was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867( eigthteen sixty seven). I
remember the weather was cold and windy those years.

KEVIN: Where have you studied?

Marie Cuire: I have studied in a bunch of places but one of the most remarkable
times and places was when it was 1891, I went to Paris to continue my studies at
the Sorbonne where I obtained Licentiateship’s in Physics and the Mathematical

KEVIN: What’s your favorite food?

Marie Cuire: My favorite food is Pierogi, because my mother was used to made it
me when I was a child. There was a lot of food when I got home.

KEVIN: What are the activities that you were used to do when you were at home?

Marie Cuire: I read a lot of books and spend the rest of the day in my laboratory.
Then I'm going to sleep very early.

KEVIN: How do you usually dress every day?

Marie Cuire: It depends on the day. I usually wear a dress with the merry widow
hat or coat dress. In my free time I like wear simple clothes, for example jumper
or tunic.

KEVIN: Which were the places you liked to visit on your holidays?

Marie Cuire: Since 1891, I always travel to Paris in France. I think it was a
beautiful experience because I met my husband. It was here where i took a lot of
decision about my life.

KEVIN: What can you tell me about your researching?

Marie Cuire: During my life I was focused studying radiation. It was in this field
that me and my husband Pierre, both together discovered polonium and radium.

KEVIN: Were you also the first woman who were in charge of the laboratory of
the University of Paris?

Marie Cuire: After my husband Pierre dies, the university offers me the same
charge that my husband had when he was alive, so I did it trying to continue his
job and willing to create a world-known laboratory.

KEVIN: Thanks for this interview Marie, I’m a big fan of your life and your career.

Marie Cuire: Your welcome, Kevin. I hope my life would inspire more women to
follow their dreams in their life.

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