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Writing Part 2 EMAIL

1º Inglés C1


Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Reservados todos los derechos. No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su


You have received an email from a younger friend who needs your advice. You have
decided to write an email to your friend, responding to the points made in this extract:
Sorry I haven't been touch for a while - I've been spending far too much time recently
in front of a screen doing work for college. As a result, I feel very unfit. I know you're
very active. What kind of sport do you think would suit me? Preferably outdoors, so
I can get some fresh air at the same time. I'm not as sociable as you, remember, but
there must be something I could do, preferably that doesn't take up too much time.

Write your email in 220-260 words.

Hey Anna,

Reservados todos los derechos. No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Long time, no see! What a surprise to receive your email. How long has it been? I think
it was when we were doing the pre-tests to apply to college.

It’s true that I’ve been very active, but I’m not very fit myself these days. I’m studying a
lot because of the college exams, so I really have less time to go to the gym than
before. What I’m doing in my free time is going running in the afternoons. I think it’s a
good idea if you want to feel fitter and get some fresh air. You can start by walking a
few minutes the first days and then start walking faster until you feel capable of starting
running. Besides, you don’t need to do it with anybody, so it’s not necessary to be
sociable. I wish we had all the time in the world because I’d like to go to the gym more
frequently, and we could go running together after that.

Maybe you can go cycling too. There’s a company which offers bikes in the city, so you
can hire one of them if you don’t have one. I did it once and it’s very easy. You don’t
need to be with anyone and it’s an outdoor sport like running, so I think it’d good for

I hope I helped you and contact me if you need anything else.

Ok, well, see you soon! (253 words)

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