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Rapu-Rapu Community College

Midterm Examination in Problem Solving

Student Name: Arvy Shaun C. Yorac

Class/Section: 4th Year Block A


A. Solve the following problems.

1. Each cow has 1 head and 4 legs.  Each chicken has 1 head and 2 legs.
Let x = number of cows and y = number of chickens
Then x + y = 53
       4x + 2y = 150
Multiply the first equation by -2:    -2x - 2y = -106
                                                    4x+ 2y = 150
-2x + 2x -2y + 2y = -106 + 150 To Check:
2x + 0 = -106 + 150 x + y = 53
2x = 44 22 + y = 53
2x = 44 y = 53 - 22
2x 2 y = 15

x = 22

2. with 8 people you will have the equation as:

7+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 28 handshakes.

3. A 24-foot log cut into 3-foot sections

Equation: 24/3=8 sections therefore: to get 8 sections, you must make 7 cuts.

7 cuts x 2 minutes = 14 minutes.

4. Let Monday represents 1, Tuesday represents 2, … and Sunday represents 7.
In this question, 4 (Thursday) + 25 = 29
29 ÷ 7 (number of days in a week) = 4 weeks and 14 days
Remainder is 14, so after 25 days is Sunday.

If one number is three times as large as another number and the smaller number is increased
by 19, the result is 6 less than twice the larger number. What is the larger number?

(Let x be the number.)

Equation: x+ 19 = 2 (3x) -6 To Check:

Solve for x: x+19 = 2 (3x) -6 x + 19 = 2 (3x) -6

x+ 19 = 6x – 6 5 + 19 = 2 (3 (5)) -6
24 = 2 (15) -6
-x+ x + 19 = -x +6x -6 24 = 30 - 6
19 = 5x – 6+6 24 =24
19 = 5x – 6

19 + 6 = 5x – 6+ 6 Final answer:
25 = 5x
25 = 5x Larger number is 15.
5 5x


6. N and T, they are the acronym of Nine and Ten therefore they are the next in the sequence-
based form the given problem O-One, T-Two, T- Three, F-Four, F-Five, S-Six, S-Seven, E-Eight.

7. Answer:

1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11+ 13 + 15 + 17 + 19 + 21 + 23 + 25 + 27 + 29 + 31 + 33 + 35 + 37 + 39 + 41 +
43 + 45 + 47 + 49 + 51 + 53 + 55 + 57 + 59 + 61 + 63 + 65 + 67 + 69 + 71 + 73 + 75 + 77 + 79 + 81
+ 83 + 85 + 87 + 89 + 91 + 93 + 95 + 97 + 99 = 2.500

8. No Answer
9. Let x be your present age.

Equation: therefore, your present age is 21.

x + 4 (years) = 5 (x-16)

x + 4 = 5x – 80

4 + 80 = 5x – x

84 = 4x
84 = 4x
4 4x
21 = x

10. Comprehension solution:

Since, there are 10 points on the circle and to draw a chord we need to connect any two points
on the circle to make it a straight line, which implies that the number of chords = No of lines
connecting any two points out of the 10 points

= 10C2 = 10*9/2 = 45 chords.

B. Provide what is asked.

1. Problem solving is a mathematical question to solve for a problem using your logical thinking
and problem-solving skills.
2. Mathematical Exercise is an activity that hinders a person to develop and improve their
mathematical skills by answering and solving problems based on mathematical equations.
3. The Father of Problem Solving is George Polya .
4. The 4 Principles of Polya’s Problem-Solving are of 4-step, 1 st step is to enumerate and
understand the problem, 2nd step is to device a plan, 3rd step is to carry out the plan and the
4th step is to look back.
5. The 8 Different Strategies in Problem Solving are as follows:

 draw a diagram
 make a systematic list
 guess and check
 work for pattern
 work backwards
 simplify the problem
 use a variable

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