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Who We Are

By David, Charlie and Max


In our Inquiry task on Who We Are, each group has chosen one main challenge
and explained how we can overcome this challenge. For our problem, we have
chosen the scenario of New Zealand going into a three-month lockdown. To
complete this task, we used our knowledge of what we have learned about in the
Inquiry topic of Who We Are.
11:00pm, Christmas Eve 2021. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and
Director-general of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield talk in the Beehive Theatre regarding
the latest New Zealand community transmission of Covid-19.

Jacinda Ardern: Tena koutou

tena kotou tena tatou katoa.
Thank you for attending.
Before I hand it over to Dr
Ashley Bloomfield, I would like
to give a few remarks. New
Zealanders have enjoyed free
time more than nearly any
other country in the world.
Over to you Dr Ashley
originated in

Dr Ashley Bloomfield: Thank you Prime Minister. Tena Koutou Katoa. The Ministry of
Health has just found out about new community transmission cases. As you may already
know, there are a total of 21 new Covid-19 scattered throughout New Zealand. All of
them have felt unwell over the past five days and got a test. Genome sequencing have
shown that they have the DELTA* virus. These people have visited various locations,
including a supermarket in Auckland, a gym in Wellington and a wedding in Christchurch
In total, there are 250
close contacts. Please
only go and get a test if
you feel unwell or have
had contact with a covid
case. Thank you Prime
Jacinda Ardern: Thank you Dr Ashley Bloomfield. Cabinet met this afternoon regarding the
sudden resurgence of the Covid-19 cases and have decided that we will have New Zealand in
a 2 month Alert Level 4 Lockdown from mid-night. Thank you everybody for your time.

It was Timmy's first day of lockdown, he

saw a picture online of Auckland in
lockdown, no people out and no cars on
the road.
One Day
Timmy’s Mum: Timmy!
We’re going to the shops
Timmy’s Mum: Oh no! I can’t go shopping now! We are nearly
running out of food.
Timmy: Mum, I got an idea. We
can try online shopping.
Timmy’s Mum: Great idea
Timmy! Let’s give it a try!
One Day
Delivery Man: Delivery is here!

Timmy’s Mum: Thanks bro Timmy’s Mum

On Online
Timmy began to pretend to do
his work on his class zoom
call. “I know this is very hard
for you all” Mrs Bell blabbed.
Then his whole class froze on
the call his internet stopped!
It’s 2:45 pm on Friday, Timmy
has to hand in an inquiry
assignment by 3:00 pm. He is

Timmy: Help! I can’t finish

this assignment. If I don’t
hand it in by 3:00 pm, I will
receive 0 marks.
Timmy wants to ask his mom for
help but she is busy and he can’t
ask his dad either so he asked
his dog Scruffy.

But It was no use :(

Timmy: What can I do? I know! I
should ask my friend Jimmy for help.
Timmy’s text to his friend: Hey Jimmy!
How’s it going with the inquiry
assignment? I’m really stuck, I don’t
think I can hand it in by 3:00 pm! Do
you have any ideas about how I can
get some help? Reply ASAP

Jimmy’s reply: I am also stuck on it. I

have asked Mrs Bell for an extension.
She said I could have until tomorrow
3:45 pm to hand it in. Maybe you
should ask her for an extension as
Timmy’s email to Mrs Bell:

Hi Mrs Bell,

I am stuck on the inquiry assignment. Could you please give me an extension?

Thank you

15 Minutes
Mrs Bell’s reply:

Ok, no problem.
1 Week
Timmy’s mum: Oh no! Our entire family is
becoming so unfit. I am becoming fat
from sitting in front of the computer all
day working from home. What can we
Timmy: Mum, I know! We can go out for
walks each day.

Timmy’s mum: That won’t work, there

are too many new Covid-19 cases each
day from you to be safe while going out
for walks.

Timmy: Mum, I've just thought of

another idea! We can buy a treadmill
and each of us exercises on it every

Timmy’s mum: Great idea!

Timmy’s mum: Hmmm…
Which one should we buy?
20 Minutes
Timmy’s mum: I found the
perfect one that will suit
everybody in our family!
Two Days
Delivery Man: Your treadmill is here!

Timmy’s Mum: Thank you.

Timmy’s Mum: Now everybody can exercise and keep
healthy during lockdowns!
1 Week of
Timmy’s Mum: Wow! I am so fit. What a great
idea to get that treadmill.
1 Week
Jacinda Ardern: Tena koutou
tena kotou tena tatou katoa. As
we are nearing the end of our
four weeks of the extended
lockdown, Cabinet has met this
morning regarding the Alert
Level changes, but first let me
hand it over to Dr Ashley
Bloomfield for an update on the
Covid-19 cases.

Scene: 1:00 pm Daily Covid-19 announcement.

Dr Ashley Bloomfield: Thank you Prime Minister. Tena Koutou Katoa. Among today’s
case number of 11 new Covid-19 cases, all of which can be linked to previous cases. *B.
These cases still infected with the more dangerous DELTA* variant. In total, there have variant
been over 6500 tests administered in the past 24 hours. Thank you Prime Minister. originated in
Jacinda Ardern:
Thank you Dr Ashley
Bloomfield. As I have
said earlier, Cabinet
met and we have
decided to lower the
Alert Level down to
level 3 for the entire
nation for four
weeks, and hopefully
by then there would
be no new cases.
Remember, keep
scanning, get a test if
you feel unwell and
stay at home to save
lives. Thank you.
Timmy’s mum: Yay! Lets goooooo now its level 3 Let do
something sooo excited now, ordering

Delivery Man: Sup Here’s your pizza!

Timmy’s Mum: Thanks

Scene: Timmy playing Fortnite on
his laptop.

Timmy: Let's play some


Timmy’s Mum: Timmy, you

get off that computer now, I
don’t care if you are in the
middle of playing a game of
Fortnite or not, you go and
do your homework this
Timmy: But Mum! I only just started to play!

Timmy’s Mum: No buts, do what I say. If you don’t go and do

your homework now, no games for a month!

Timmy: I don’t care! I am going to play!

Timmy’s Mum: Good luck trying!

Then, Timmy’s Mum forcefully

shutdown the computer.
5 Minutes
Timmy: Errrrr, Mum, I am really sorry
for my bad attitude, I will go do my
homework and extra chores to make
up for it.
Timmy’s Mum: Timmy, I have decided
that you can play some Fortnite once
you complete your homework. I know
that it is quite boring for you during

Timmy: Really Mum!

Timmy’s Mum: Really

Timmy: Thanks
Scene: 1:00 pm Daily Covid-19 announcement.

Jacinda Ardern: Tena koutou

tena kotou tena tatou katoa.
Since we are coming close to
the end of our level 3
lockdown, Cabinet convened
this morning to discuss
appropriate changes in Alert
Levels. First though, let me
hand it over to Dr Ashley
Bloomfield for an update on the
Covid-19 cases.
Dr Ashley Bloomfield: Thank you Prime Minister. Tena Koutou Katoa. Today, I am
pleased to say that there has been no community transmission for the first time in 91
days. I would like to thank the team of 5 million on behalf of the Ministry of Health for
working together to fight this pandemic. Thank you Prime Minister.
Jacinda Ardern: Thank you Dr Ashley Bloomfield. Cabinet met earlier this morning and have
decided on moving the entire of New Zealand to Alert Level 2 for at least 3 weeks. I would just
like to thank everybody for abiding by lockdown restrictions to keep everyone safe. Thank you
Timmy’s Mum: Finally the three-month lockdown
ended! Let’s order KFC to celebrate!
You For

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