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1. What are the three basic units of communication system.
2. Name the types of communication systems according to the mode of transmission.
3. Name an appropriate communication channel, needed to communicate a signal of
bandwidth 100 kHz over a distance of 8 km.
4. How does the effective power radiated by an antenna vary with wavelength.

5. What is meaning of the term attenuation in communication system ?

6. Name the mode of propagation of radio waves which travel in a straight line from
the transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna.

7. Name the type of communication that uses carrier signal having frequencies in the
range of 1012 Hz to 1016 Hz.
8. Define modulation index as referred to AM.
9. What should be the frequency of carrier wave ?
10. Why short wave band is used for long distance radio broadcast?


1. (i)Transmitter (ii) Communication channel (iii) Receiver

2. (i) Analog Communication (ii) Digital Communication
3. Space wave communication
4. P is inversely proportional to λ2
5. Loss of strength of signal while propagating through a medium.
6. Space waves
7. Optical Communication using fibre optics
8. Modulation index µ = Am /Ac
Where Am = modulating signal
Ac = carrier signal
9. It should be from kHz to GHz.
10. (i) As it has high frequency hence It can travel long distance without getting
absorbed by earth’s atmosphere.


1. With the help of diagram show the basic constituents of communication system.
2. Write two basic modes of communication with atleast one example.
3. Write the function of transmitter and receiver in communication system.
4. Write the function of transducer and repeater in communication system.
5. Why is the amplitude of modulating signal kept less than the amplitude of carrier
6. A TV tower has a height of 400 m at a given place. Calculate its coverage range if the
radius of the earth is 6400 km.
7. A carrier wave of peak voltage 12 V is used to transmit a message signal. What
should be the peak voltage of the modulating signal in order to have a modulation
index of 75%?
8. What should be the length of the dipole antenna for carrier wave of frequency
6x108 Hz?
9. Define modulation and demodulation.
10. Name any two types of transmission media that are commonly used for transmission
of signals also write their range of frequencies.
11. Identify the parts X and Y in the block diagram of communication system.

X Transmitter Y Receiver

12. The maximum amplitude of an amplitude modulated wave is found

to be 15 V while its minimum amplitude is found to be 3 V. What is
the modulation index?



2. (a)Point to point –Telephone

(b) broadcast-Radio and Television
3. (i) Transmitter-Processes the incoming message/information signals so
as to make it suitable for transmission and transmits it to the receiving
end through a channel
(ii) Receiver-recovers the desired original message signals from the
received signals at the end of channel.
4. (i) Transducer -It is a device that converts one form of energy to another form.
(ii) Repeater – It increases the range of transmission of signal.
5. To keep modulation index less than 1 so that noise level can be kept small in the
6. Coverage Range dm = √ 2 Rh = 71.5 km
Where R is radius of the earth , h is the height of the tower

7. modulation index =
75× 12
Am = = 9V
λ 1 c 1× 3× 10 8
8. Length of dipole antenna , l = = ×( ) = = 0.125 m
4 4 v 4 × 6 ×108
9.Modulation : process of superimposing message signal on a high frequency
carrier wave.
Demodulation : process of retrieval of information from the carrier wave to the
receiver. It is a reverse process of modulation.
10.Coaxial Cable : Bandwidth of 750 MHz
Optical Fibre : Frequency range of 1 THz to 1000THz.
11. X - information source , Y- transmission channel
12. modulation index, μ = Amax + Amin / Amax - Amin
= 18/12 = 9/6 = 3/2 = 1.5


1. Give reason, why high frequency carrier waves are needed for effective
transmission of information signals.
2. What is the range of frequencies used for T.V. transmission? State two
factors by which the range of TV signals can be increased.
3. What is ground wave communication? On what factors the maximum
range of propagation in this mode depend.
4. What is space wave communication ? Write the range of frequencies
suitable for space wave communication. Give two examples of space
wave mode of propagation is used.
5. (i)Which mode of propagation is used by shortwave broadcast services
having frequency range from a few MHz upto 30 MHz. Explain
diagrammatically how long distance communication can be achieved
by this mode.
(ii) Why is there an upper limit to frequency of waves used in this
6. Explain the process of amplitude modulation. Draw a schematic sketch showing
how amplitude modulated signal is obtained by superposing a modulating signal
over a sinusoidal carrier wave.
7. (i) Write the factors that prevent a baseband signal of low frequency to be
transmitted over long distances.
(ii) What is to be done to overcome these factors?
8. A message signal of frequency 20 KHz and peak voltage of 20 volts is used to
modulate a carrier signal of frequency 2 MHz and peak voltage of 40 volts.
Determine (i) modulation index, (ii) the side bands produced. Draw the
corresponding frequency spectrum of amplitude modulated signal.
9. What does the process of detection of amplitude modulated wave mean? The
amplitude modulated carrier wave of angular frequency ω c , contains the
frequencies ωc ,(ωc + ωm) and (ωc -- ωm) ,where ωm is the angular frequency of
the modulating signal. Discuss ,in brief , with the help of a block diagram the
essential details of a simple method used for detecting the modulating signal
from this modulated carrier wave.
10. In the block diagram of a simple modulator for obtaining an AM signal identify
the boxes A and B . Write their functions.

X(t) y(t)
A B AM wave
Modulating Carrier
Signal Wave


1. (i) need for long antenna diminishes

(ii) power is inversely proportional to (wavelength) 2
(iii) signals from different transmitters can be distinguished
2. Range: 76-88 MHz and 420-890 MHz
Factors: by increasing height of transmitting antenna and using
repeater stations
3. The mode of propagation in which wave glides over the surface of the earth
is called ground wave communication .The maximum range of propagation
in this mode depends on (i) transmitted power(ii) frequency
4. When a wave propagates in a straight line , from the transmitting
antenna to the receiving antenna ,its mode of propagation is called
space wave propagation . Frequency range : above 40 MHz
Use: Television broadcast, microwave link , satellite communication
5. Sky wave propagation, by ionospheric reflection.

(ii) because frequencies higher than 40 MHz sky waves penetrates the
ionosphere and are not reflected back.
6. In Amplitude modulation, the amplitude of the carrier wave is made to vary
with time in accordance with the amplitude of modulating signal.
7. (i)(a) Size of the antenna should be comparable to the wavelength
(b)Effective power radiated by the antenna
(c) Mixing up of signals from different transmitters
(ii) modulation
8. (i) Modulation Index = Am/ Ac = 20/40 = 0.5
The side bands are (2000 + 20) KHz = 2020 KHz and
(2000 - 20) KHz = 1980 KHz
Amplitude versus ω for amplitude modulated signal :

Ac = 40 Volt, μAc/2 = 10 Volt

9. Detection is the process of recovery of the modulating signal from the

modulated carrier wave. The amplitude modulated carrier wave contains
three frequencies ωc , (ωc + ωm) and (ωc -- ωm) . In order to detect the original
message signal m(t) of angular frequency ωm , a method is shown by the block

10. A -square law device ,used to produce output voltage or current that is
proportional to its input voltage or current
B -band pass filter, it allows specific range of frequencies to pass to the next

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