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Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Mengetahui Pengertian Obligation And Necassity In The Present

2. Mengetahui perbedaaan Media Pembelajaran dengan Media Pendidikan dan Media Massa
3. Mengetahui Manfaat media pembelajaran dalam pengajaran bahasa inggris
Obligation and necessity in the present

Explanations and Examples of the Use of Present Obligation and Necessity - The
expressions in English are indeed diverse and each has a different word or phrase as its
creator. One example of the phrase that we will speak this time is about present obligation
and necessity. Do you know the difference between obligation and necessity? In order to
better understand these expressions, the following is an explanation and example of using
present obligation and necessity.
A. Meaning of Obligation and Necessity
Obligation and necessity, although they have almost the same meaning, there are
differences between the two, as follows.
Obligation: This is when you are obliged to do something / required to do something.
(Kewajiban    : Ketika kamu wajib melakukan sesuatu / diharuskan melakukan sesuatu)

Necessity: This is a requirement to do something which somes from external

(Kebutuhan   : Suatu kewajiban melakukan sesuatu yang berasal dari pihak lain / pihak luar.
(contohnya: aturan dan kebiasaan) atau situasi tertentu)

B. Explanation of Obligation
To state obligation in English, we can use several verbs such as must, have to and
have got to.
Example of sentences:

You must tell me. You promised.

(Kamu harus menceritakannya kepada saya. Kamu telah berjanji)
You have to tell me. You promised.
(Kamu harus menceritakannya kepada saya. Kamu telah berjanji)

Besides the verb above, we can also use the word should. The word should generally be used
to refer to a weak obligation expression (or as an expression of giving advice / advisability)
• The word must is more commonly used than the word have to in English conversation to
indicate obligation.
• The word have got to is commonly used in spoken English.
Example of sentences:

• I got to go
(Saya harus pergi sekarang)

• You have got to do it now.

(Kamu harus melakukannya sekarang)
• We can use the word have to to indicate past or future obligations.

 C. Explanation of Necessity

To show necessity in English, we can use several verbs such as must, have to / have
got to and need to. But there are some things that need to be considered in its use, namely:
• The word have to or need to is usually used when the need / need exists because of
regulatory requirements.

Example of sentences:

• You have to wear a uniform in the army.

(Kamu harus mengenakan seragam di tempat militer)

• I need to work at 8.45 every day.

(Saya perlu / harus berada di tempat kerja pada pukul 8.45 setiap hari)

• The word must often be used for warnings or signs in public places (public notices / signs).

Example of sentences:

• Every visitor must report to a reception.

(Setiap pengunjung harus melapor kepada resepsionis)

• Guests must be signed in at the desk.

(Para tamu harus menuliskan namanya / mendaftar di meja penerima tamu)

D. Negative Forms of Obligation and Necessity

1) We can use the word must not to express an obligation or necessity to not do
Example of sentences:

• You must not talk about the people behind their backs. > reason: this is a bad thing to do.
(Kamu tidak boleh / tidak seharusnya membicarakan orang di belakang mereka. > alasan: hal
tersebut tidak baik untuk dilakukan)

• Bananas must not be kept in the fridge. > reason: this is not a good thing to do.
 (Pisang tidak boleh / tidak seharusnya disimpan di dalam kulkas. > alasan: hal tersebut bukanlah hal
yang baik untuk dilakukan)

2) The word don't have to / haven't got to when an obligation or necessity is usually
expected, but not for a situation like in the following example:
• I don't have to go to school today. It is a holiday. > compete: I usually go to school, but
today is a holiday.
(Saya tidak harus pergi ke sekolah hari ini. Hari ini libur. > arti: Saya biasanya pergi ke sekolah,
namun hari ini libur)

• We don't have to wear a uniform at our school. > meaning: I can wear my own clothes.
 (Kami tidak harus mengenakan seragam di sekolah kami. > arti: Saya dapat mengenakan pakaian

3) The word don't need to be similar to the word don't have to and can be used to express
freedom from need.
Example of sentences:

You don't need to bring a sleeping bag. We have got a spare duvet.
 (Kamu tidak perlu membawa kantong tidur. Kami memiliki matras lebih)

4) The negative form of need can also be need not.

Example of sentences:

You need not worry.

(Kamu tidak perlu khawatir).

E. Form of Questions
1) The form of questions commonly used for the expression of obligation and necessity
is to use the words have to and have got to.
Example of sentences:

• Do I have to go to school today?

(Apakah saya harus pergi ke sekolah hari ini?)

• Have I got to wear small clothes?

 (Apakah saya harus memakai pakaian yang kecil?)
2) Questions using the word must / must not may be able to be used but rarely.
Example of sentences:

Must I go to school today?

(Haruskah saya pergi ke sekolah hari ini?)

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