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Amount CSR Proposal

● Established D&I committee + Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)
○ Appointed Head of D&I
○ Increased paid parental leave benefit from 6 to 10 weeks
○ On track to increase diverse hires by 15%+ over 2019 results
○ Internal and External audits to ensure fair pay practices
○ Diverse candidate slates for each requisition tailored to department

● Investor inquiries and requesting transparency

● Defined values

Optimistic Eager

Teamwork Respectful

Risk Aware Committed

Integrity Curious
CSR Program Goals
To attract investment and expand bank partnerships, win the fintech space by:

● Being a leader in diversity and inclusion,

● Being an employer of choice, and
● Providing tech education to the local community to create equitable pathways
into fintech,

With the end goal of addressing systemic inequality within the fintech industry.
Business Value Framework
Our CSR program would add value to the organization through:

Revenue: Long-term revenue growth Brand: Enhancing the Amount brand and reputation
● Adding diverse (womxn + BIPOC led) bank ● PR, awards, and social media engagement
partners, bank partners who align with our related to CSR program
purpose and values ● Attract top & diverse talent
● Bank partner retention ● Attract investors

Cost: Driving cost savings Risk: Reducing risk

● Reduce employee turnover by boosting ● Reduce risk that investors of investors leaving, or
engagement being unable to attract new investors
● Goodwill will combat forthcoming regulatory risk
● Lawsuits over bias
Phase 1: Proposed Plan
GOAL: Implement a formal CSR program at Amount with low or no direct costs.

CSR Program:

Organize cross-functional CSR team with regularly-scheduled meetings to finalize and execute the CSR plan.

Employees: Investors:

Incorporate into the mission statement a commitment Begin publishing an annual transparency report
to reducing social and environmental harm and covering D&I statistics, employee engagement
promoting equity within the fintech space. statistics, compensation equity, and community

Bank Partners (Customers): Community and Planet:

Execute annual customer satisfaction survey Implement a green office policy, including a
including open-ended questions about CSR issues commitment to green purchasing and recycling
important to them. programs.
Phase 1: Business Value

Revenue: Long-term revenue growth Brand: Enhancing the Amount brand and reputation
● Customer satisfaction survey ● Mission statement modification
● Green office policy

Cost: Driving cost savings Risk: Reducing risk

● Mission statement ● Published transparency report
● Customer satisfaction survey
● Green office policy
Phase 1: Budget Items
CSR Program:

CSR Team - Minimal, cost of food for team meetings

Employees: Investors:

Mission Statement - Transparency Report -

Minimal, employee hours to revise mission statement Minimal, employee hours to gather and publish
and executive team approval. information.

Bank Partners (Customers): Community and Planet:

Customer Satisfaction Survey - Green Office Policy -

Minimal, employee hours to develop and send Low, potential up to 5-10% additional for green office
survey, compile results. products (actual amount can be written into policy).
Phase 2: Proposed Plan
CSR Program:

Formalize executive sponsorship and CSR function in the company’s organizational structure.

Employees: Investors:

Implement a formal mentorship program that matches Complete a materiality assessment.

new hires and less-senior talent with Amount’s
management and executive mentors. Issue a full CSR report.

Offer paid volunteer hours to employees.

Bank Partners (Customers): Community and Planet:

Offer preferred pricing for firms owned by or primarily Partner with schools in underserved communities to
serving historically-marginalized groups such as implement a high school and community college
BIPOC, women, and LGBTQ. internship program.
Phase 2: Business Value

Revenue: Long-term revenue growth Brand: Enhancing the Amount brand and reputation
● Mentorship program ● Mentorship program
● CSR report ● Paid volunteer hours
● Preferred pricing ● Preferred pricing
● Internship program ● Internship program

Cost: Driving cost savings Risk: Reducing risk

● Internship program ● Materiality assessment
● Mentorship program ● CSR report
● Paid volunteer hours ● Preferred pricing
Phase 2: Budget Items
CSR Program:

Formalize CSR Function - Low, employee hours for executive sponsor.

Employees: Investors:

Mentorship Program - Materiality Assessment -

Low, employee hours for administration of the Low, CSR team hours to research, gather feedback
program and those involved in the program. from stakeholders, and complete assessment.

Paid Volunteer Hours - CSR Report -

Low, employee hours used for volunteer work. Moderate, CSR team hours to gather information to
complete report. Marketing hours to design report.

Bank Partners (Customers): Community and Planet:

Preferred Pricing - Internship Program -

Moderate, but indirect as it is still additional revenue, Moderate, employee hours for administration of the
but lower than normal for the service provided. program and those involved in the program to train
Phase 3: Proposed Plan
GOAL: Begin to fulfill initial CSR program goals with additional investments and executive
CSR Program:

Limited, dedicated hours from existing employee as Director of CSR.

Employees: Investors:

Implement donation matching for employees. Public disclosure of pay compared to gender, race, and
Publicly commit to a 20% increase in diverse hiring,
and 50% leadership roles held by women and Complete and share B Impact Assessment results.

Bank Partners (Customers): Community and Planet:

Partner with an academic team to research biases in risk and lending algorithms and publish/promote results
along with key recommendations to remove bias.
Phase 3: Business Value

Revenue: Long-term revenue growth Brand: Enhancing the Amount brand and reputation
● Public diversity commitment ● Donation matching
● Public diversity commitment
● Public pay disclosures
● B Impact Assessment
● Bias research project

Cost: Driving cost savings Risk: Reducing risk

● Donation matching ● Public pay disclosures
● B Impact Assessment
● Bias research project
Phase 3: Budget Items
CSR Program:

Director of CSR - Low, part-time employee hours for non-dedicated employee.

Employees: Investors:

Donation Matching- Public Pay Disclosures -

Moderate, recommended $500 per employee, though Moderate, HR & CSR team hours to compile and
not all will take full advantage of the program. publish information.

Public Diversity Commitment - B Impact Assessment -

Low financial investment, but high executive Moderate, CSR team and other employee team hours
commitment required. to gather information to complete report.

Bank Partners (Customers): Community and Planet:

Bias Research Project -

High, CSR team hours and likely financial funding to partner with academic institution.
Phase 4: Advanced CSR
Potential opportunities for further impact:

CSR Program:

Dedicated CSR Director and employees with dedicated budget to CSR initiatives.

Employees: Investors:

Implement employee stock purchase plan. Respond to data requests from ESG ratings
Create leadership development program.

Bank Partners (Customers): Community and Planet:

Partner with customers for policy advocacy to reduce Focus on reduction of carbon emissions.
social injustices related to financial services.
Increase local community engagement and
Marketing + Storytelling
Position Amount as a D&I thought leader to attract investors and reduce regulatory risk
● Robust PR strategy, including op eds and guest research blogs/papers, about inequities
within lending algorithms featuring Amount leaders.
● Third party relationship building around convenings about bias research results.

Use lifecycle narratives to illustrate the importance of equitable fintech pathways

● Storytelling around mentorship program and the internship program, focused on building
equitable pathways.
● For interns, tell the narrative of their entire lifecycle with Amount, from school through their
internship and then beyond.

Customer testimonials to explain how D&I gives Amount a competitive edge

● In the customer survey, include an optional space for customers to share their stories around
D&I in fintech and how D&I work drives their decision-making.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
In alignment with our ultimate goal to address systemic inequality in the fintech industry, we
have identified the following SDGs to help guide Amount’s progress.

SDG #4 Quality Education

● We seek to provide opportunities including internship programs to women and BIPOC
and/or young people without 4 year degrees to support diversity in the industry.

SDG #10 Reduce Inequalities

● We seek to identify and combat inequality within the leadership team at Amount and
strive to provide equitable practices that achieve 50% leadership held by women and
BIPOC. This will begin to differentiate Amount from the rest of the industry by calling
attention to the inequitable practices and offer a solution that increases employee
retention and engagement while citing the company as a diverse and inclusive place to

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