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Business Growth Mastery

Session – 10

Mithilesh Chudgar
Peak Performance Coach
Mobile - +91 9327114164

Centre for
Excellence in Performance
Learn How to Sell More
Psychology of Sales
The first thing about sale is enthusiasm.
You must confidently expect the prospect to buy your

Mithilesh Chudgar
The Leading Expert in designing Sales Pitch and Sales Coaching
15 Sales Closing Techniques
1. Isolation

He is convinced with everything accept for the one objection,

isolate it!
Isolate customer objection
Reconfirm if the objections raised are the only areas of concern
Focus on sorting them one at a time.

Mithilesh Chudgar
The Leading Expert in designing Sales Pitch and Sales Coaching
15 Sales Closing Techniques
2. Feel, felt, found

Empathize, tell them you understand how they feel

Then tell them about another customer experience
How customer found that it actually suited his requirement and
worked to his benefit.

Mithilesh Chudgar
The Leading Expert in designing Sales Pitch and Sales Coaching
15 Sales Closing Techniques
3. The partner Close
I need to show this to my (partner, boss, etc..)

"That is perfectly fine, Sir. I think you should show this to (whomever
they claim they need to show this to). And let me ask you
something—if after you show this to , he/she says 'It looks good do
whatever you want to do,' is this something that YOU would move
forward with today?“
"Great, then I take it you're going to recommend this to, right?
What can WE do to make sure he agrees with us?"
Mithilesh Chudgar
The Leading Expert in designing Sales Pitch and Sales Coaching
15 Sales Closing Techniques
4. The Price is Too High, its expensive
Expensive is a comparative word sir, Can you please tell me
what is it you are comparing me with?”
"I understand. , let me ask you a question. If price was not an
issue on this, would you move on this today and place an order
with me?“
If YES, "Where does our price need to be for you to place an
order with me?”
If NO, “Sir then what is it that stops you from getting a
Mithilesh Chudgar
The Leading Expert in designing Sales Pitch and Sales Coaching
15 Sales Closing Techniques
6. Alternative close
Would you like to pay with cash or check?
Would you like to go with the red or white?
When can we meet Monday at 11:30 am or Tuesday at
Would you be happier to arrange your finance or taking our
easy instalment scheme?

Mithilesh Chudgar
The Leading Expert in designing Sales Pitch and Sales Coaching
15 Sales Closing Techniques
7. Concession Close
This is offering discount and it is tricky. Customer might feel that you
are desperate to sell or a good discount can make things too good to
You have to always tell that you are not sure if you will be able to get
the discount and you will talk to your senior for it.
Then ask the prospect how much discount he is expecting
If I can get you the discount do we have a deal? Go for the hand
If I can jump the queue and have t delivered by Monday, do we have
a deal? Go for a hand shake
Mithilesh Chudgar
The Leading Expert in designing Sales Pitch and Sales Coaching
15 Sales Closing Techniques
8. The question close.
Answer question with a question

Prospect: “If we decided to go with your product, we’d have to

take delivery by June 13th. Could you handle that?”

You: “If I could guarantee delivery by June 13th, are you

prepared to approve the paperwork today?

Mithilesh Chudgar
The Leading Expert in designing Sales Pitch and Sales Coaching
15 Sales Closing Techniques
9. The I will think it over close.
Of course, you will not think it over if you were not seriously
Just for my clarity, curious to know what you want to think over

Is it about the integrity of my company?

Is it my personal integrity then?
Is it the lifts capacity to handle the load?
Is it about the delivery schedule?
Its money, isn’t it?
Usually it concludes to money. Isolate this and use a close
Mithilesh Chudgar
The Leading Expert in designing Sales Pitch and Sales Coaching
15 Sales Closing Techniques
10. The reduction to the Ridiculous close

“Today most things do seem to cost too much. Can you tell me
about how much ‘too much’ you feel it is?”

Once you get the figure, hand the calculator to the prospect
divide it by 3 years 50 weeks and then by 7 days to get a per
day extra cost, then close. You can even divide it by 24 to
conclude the per hour cost.
Mithilesh Chudgar
The Leading Expert in designing Sales Pitch and Sales Coaching
15 Sales Closing Techniques
11. The Echo Close
It is base on the principle that if you stand in front of a mirror and
smile, your reflection will smile back. This is one of the simplest form
of close.
When the prospect asks a question states an objection, you echo it,
but in a puzzled voice and with somewhat surprised expression
I can’t afford it
Its more than I thought
I cannot manage this
It does not feel right
Mithilesh Chudgar
The Leading Expert in designing Sales Pitch and Sales Coaching
15 Sales Closing Techniques
12. The ABC Close
It is called ABC because there are three questions to be asked.
It is one of the basic closes and also a simple one
Q1. Do you have any questions? Is there anything you would
like me to go over again?

Q2. So are you happy with everything then?

Q3. Good welcome aboard, with out stretch hand

Mithilesh Chudgar
The Leading Expert in designing Sales Pitch and Sales Coaching
15 Sales Closing Techniques
13. The Secondary Issue Close

You pose the major decision but you ask for a minor decision –
either way the customer answer, he has bought the product.
The minor decision is always an alternative close.
It seems to me that the major decision now is how soon you
want to take the delivery, by the way are you going to have it
installed in your office or warehouse?
So we have pretty much agreed that this would best suit your
needs. By the way, would you like to take delivery tomorrow or
Mithilesh Chudgar
The Leading Expert in designing Sales Pitch and Sales Coaching
15 Sales Closing Techniques
14. The indecision close
As the name suggests is only for prospects who are indecisive
U - Sir, it is said that indecision always costs more than a wrong
decision. There can be only two things
You either say no or yes. If you say no nothing will happen but if you
say YES these things will happen ( continue with the benefit
summary) what do you want to happen absolutely nothing or all
these things?
P - I would obviously like all this things, but........
U - If you would obviously like all this things then give it a try, hand
Mithilesh Chudgar
The Leading Expert in designing Sales Pitch and Sales Coaching
15 Sales Closing Techniques
15. Its expensive – The Lion Heart Close
It is simple and still called the lion heart close because you
need guts to do it!
The moment the prospect says its expensive, your response is
Yes it is (silence)
It requires a lion heart because after this the prospect will
either back down or justify his statement

Mithilesh Chudgar
The Leading Expert in designing Sales Pitch and Sales Coaching
15 Sales Closing Techniques
16. The Sharp Angle Close
Every time the customer makes a positive statement or a positive
question, go for a sharp direct close
Q. Do you have apartment on ground floor?
C. If I could find one on ground floor would you have it?
Q. Can you do 10 year finance instead of 5?
C. If i could get you a 10 year finance would you be willing to go
Remember 5 magic words
If I could ...............Would You

Mithilesh Chudgar
The Leading Expert in designing Sales Pitch and Sales Coaching
Centre for Excellence in Performance
Mithilesh Chudgar
Call: +91 9327114164


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