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0 Introduction of quality education

Sustainable development includes various aspects that need to be considered to

achieve an objective or goal. Sustainable development also emphasizes development in a
community such as in the economic, health and educational aspects. Therefore, the goal of
sustainable development has a lot to do with shaping a society that develops sustainably.
One of the goals of sustainable development is quality education. Quality education must be
emphasized in every community or family to achieve the objectives of sustainable
development. This is because education not only forms a good personality education is also
able to produce intelligent and creative thinking people to help society to solve problems
instead of preventing achieving sustainable development. The study found that a community
does not prosper because they do not have access to quality education. In fact, many
communities in rural areas are still unable to teach children to read and count. Most people
in the interior think that they only need to teach their children to find food to survive. They are
not aware that education can change the fate of a community. This is because they do not
have good equipment or facilities for which the children do not have the opportunity to get a
good education. In addition, the lack of teaching staff is also a factor in barriers to getting
quality education. Lack of teaching staff also occurs due to remote educational areas making
it difficult for teachers to reach schools.

PSD or Public Service Department is a government body responsible for ensuring

good service to the public. PSD also plans human resources in the civil service towards
ensuring quality contributions to all levels of customers. PSD does not only focus on
customer service only, but PSD also plays an important role in education. The government
agency helps students a lot to help them to continue their higher education. The government
is aware of the importance of students to continue their studies after sitting for SPM so that
the future of the government is in the right hands. To ensure that students get a quality
education at the university level. PSD has designed various programs to ensure that
students have the opportunity to obtain higher education.

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