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Keto Accelerator Masterclass

By Clauda J. Caldwell


Video - Hormonal imbalance
Hello everybody and welcome back to this video. Today’s lesson is about hormonal imbalance and
how you can recognize the first symptoms when it comes to it before this imbalance really affects, or
should I say attacks, your health status. Women of all ages are more exposed to improper levels of
hormones than men are. For example, estrogen is the primary female sex hormone and it can cause
weight to rise and even boost the formation of fatty deposits. I hope that I have clarified so far that
hormones present as chemical messengers in our bodies. When it comes to hormonal imbalance, this
basically means that you have too much or too little of a certain hormone. There is much evidence
that proves that a number of factors in our lives affect the balance of hormones in our body and that
is essential for our health. So what are the first signs when it comes to hormonal imbalance?

One of the first signs is tiredness. By that I mean chronic fatigue that occurs without real physical or
psychological exhaustion. I agree that it is quite common to feel tired from time to time due to effort,
stress, or even when it’s linked to sudden weather changes. However, if this is a common occurrence
and if you often feel fatigue, especially while you are resting or are not under the influence of stress
or a real external factor, then the cause could be on the hormonal side. The problem is probably
caused by the hormones that our thyroid gland produces.

According to endocrinologists, frequent headaches may be due to low levels of estrogen. Any
headaches can ruin your day and frequent headaches ruin more of them. American scientists claim
that most migraines can be prevented because lack of certain nutrients is responsible for such kinds
of headaches. This is most often associated with a lack of vitamin B and D. Don’t worry; with keto
dieting you will intake the recommended amounts of both of these vitamins through fish, egg yolks
and leafy greens as they are full of them.

The third common sign is the appearance of insomnia. Insomnia is caused by a hormone status
explained by a low level of progesterone. Endocrinologists explain that one of its tasks is to relax us,
so if it comes to an imbalance of that hormone then sudden insomnia can appear. Increased
sweating or a sudden feeling of heat, as well as a feeling of fever, may be indicators of hormonal
imbalance. This symptom is typical in menopause when the hormone status is unstable, but if you
notice a similar occurrence at an earlier time of life, or after the period of menopause, it means
something is wrong with your organism and you need to contact a doctor.
Sudden changes in body weight may surely be linked to hormonal imbalance. Lack or excess of
certain hormones can cause the body to store fat and lose muscles. The good thing is that when you
are in ketosis, your body will use fat as an energy source and keto dieting will help your body restore
the normal balance of hormones again.

Thank you again for watching this video. I hope that you now understand how the ketogenic diet can
help you achieve and maintain your health. That is hormonal imbalance in a nut shell. We don’t want
to go to deep with this topic, since this course is about keto, but it’s important that you have also a
high level overview about that.

Thanks for watching and I see you in the next video.

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