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Mettupalayam & Coimbatore

Grade VIII Subject: Social Science Marks: 40
General Instructions
All questions are compulsory
Q1 to Q9 are 1-mark questions. Each question carries one mark.
Q10 to Q13 are 3-mark questions. Each question carries 3 marks.
Q14 is a 4 - mark question. Each question carries 1 mark.
Q15 to Q17 are 5 Mark questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

I. Answer in one word or sentence 1x9=9

1. Correct the sentence.
The Constitution of India came into force on 15th August 1947.
2. ………………. refers to the cruel and unjust use of power or authority. Tyranny
3. _______ section of Fundamental rights serves as a guide to the independent Indian States.
4. State True or False. People are human-made resources.
5.What is Patent?
6. What is resource conservation?
7. Which of these have economic value?
(a) Landscape (b) Home remedies (c) Metals
8. Air is commercially valuable. True
9. Balancing the needs to use resources and also conserve them for future generation is called

II Answer in Short 3 x 4 =12

10. Write a short note on the significance of time and technology in making a substance a resource.
11. Why do we need a Constitution?
12. In each of the following situations, identify the minority. Write one reason why do you think
it is important to respect the views of the minority in each of these situations.
(a) In a city, 5 percent of the population are Buddhists.
(b) In a factory mess for all employees, 80 percent are vegetarians.
(c) In a class of 50 students, 40 belong to more well-off families.
13. Why are resources distributed unequally over the earth?
III . Read the following passage and answer the given questions: 1x4=4

Resources that are drawn from nature and used without much modification are called natural
resources. The air we breathe, the water in our rivers and lakes, the soils, minerals are all natural
resources. Many of these resources are free gifts of nature and can be used directly. In some cases
tools and technology may be needed to use a natural resource in the best possible way. Natural
resources can be broadly categorised into renewable and non-renewable resources. Renewable
resources are those which get renewed or replenished quickly. Some of these are unlimited and are not
affected by human activities, such as solar and wind energy. Yet careless use of certain renewable
resources like water, soil and forest can affect their stock. Water seems to be an unlimited renewable
resource. But shortage and drying up of natural water sources is a major problem in many parts of the
world today. Non-renewable resources are those which have a limited stock. Once the stocks are
exhausted it may take thousands of years to be renewed or replenished. Coal, petroleum and natural
gas are some examples.

14.1 What are natural resources?

14.2. What do you mean by resources being gifts of nature?
14.3. On what basis are natural resources classified?
14.4. Why are coal and petroleum considered non – renewable resources?

IV Answer in Detail 3 x 5 = 15
15. Explain any five Fundamental Rights.
16. Explain briefly how can resources be used productively.
17. State reason.
a) Our constitution upholds the ideals of socialism.
b) Elections are held regularly in a democracy.
c.) India is a democratic - republic country.
d.) Constitution adopts the ‘theory of separation of powers’.
e.) It is important to promote fraternity in India.

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