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1. The question paper contains 4 sections.
2. Section A has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
3. Section B has 22 questions. Attempt any 18 questions.
4. Section C has 12 questions (Case based ) attempt any 10 questions.
5. Section D contains 2 map based questions attempt both the questions. Attempt both the
6. All questions carry equal marks.
7. There is no negative marking.

Attempt any 20 out of 24 questions

a.1.Which of these ideas emphasised the notion of united community enjoying equal rights under a
A. la patrie and le citoyen.
B. Union jack flag.
C Estate general.
D. Abolition of internal duties.
Q.2. Identify the ideology under which people demanded freedom of market in early 19th century
A. Romanticism.
B. Liberalism.
D. Rationalism.

Q.3. Which of these was significant feature of the Napoleonic Code.?

A. Guild restrictions were removed.

B. Transport and communication system was enhanced.

C. Privileges based on birth was abolished.

D. All of the above.

Q.4. What is the time period of unification of Italy?



Q.5. Which of these symbolized "being freed"?

A. Oak leaves.

B. Rays of the rising Sun.
C. Eagle.
D. Broken chains.

Q.6. The piece of land left uncultivated for the past 1 to 5 agricultural years is called the .

A. Barren land.
B. Forest land.
C. Grazing land.
D. Fallow land.

Q.7. Which one of the following conferences was convened to discuss environmental protection and

socio economic development at the global level in 1992?

A. Kyoto Protocol.
B.Montreal Protocol.
C .Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit.
D.World Summit on Sustainable Development.
Q.8.Jowar is a..... crop.
A. Cash.
B. Millet.
C. Fodder.
D. Commercial.

a.9. Solar energy in Rajasthan is an example of...resources.

A. Individual
B. stock.
C. potential
D. abiotic

Q.10. India's territorial water extends up to a distance of:

A. 10km.
B. 12 nautical miles.
C. 22 miles.
D. 200 nautical miles.

two kinds of:

Q.11. Federations have been formed with the

A. Government.
B. Resources
C. States
D. All of these

Q.12. Who is responsible for ensuring sustainable development?

A. State government
B. Community as a whole
C. Farners
D. Environmentalists.

different organs of government called as
Q.13. Why is the power shared amongst
distribution of power?
Identify the correct reason.
power than legislature and
A. It gives Judiciary level.
of the government to be placed at the same
8. It allows different organs
to different ideologies at political level.
C. It gives representation
coordinates in the decision-making process.
D. It influences and
Article 371-A of the
states of India enjoy special powers under
Q.14. Which of the following
Constitution of India ?
A .Nagaland
B. Rajasthan
C. Himachal Pradesh
D. Tamil Nadu
have the power
the central government and the state governments
Q.15. In India's Federal system,
to legislate on all those subject
which are included in the.. list.
A. Union
3. State
C. Concurrent

D. Residuary subjects
in the Seven and above
following the proportion of literate population
Q.16. Which of the

age group?
A. Net attendance Ratio

C. Literacy Rate.
D. Drop out Ratio.
Q.17.The total number of children attending
school as a percentage of total number of children
the same age group is called.
A. Net Attendance Ratio.
B. PerCapita Literacy Rate.
C.Cumulative Enrolment
D. Total Development.


STATE P.C.I (in)

Haryana 1,80,174
Kerala 1,63,475
Bihar 34,409 state.
table above, per capita income
of Kerala is higher than that of..
As perthe
A. Bihar.
B. Punjab.
C. Gujarat.
D. Haryana.
method of measuring economic
Q.19. Which is the most common
A. Trade.
B. Population Trends.
C. Income.
D.Technological Development.
Q.20. What is GDP?
A. Value of all intermediate goods
B. Total income of all the farmers
C. The sum of production in the three sectors.
D. None of the above.

Q.21. Arrange the following in the correct sequence.

i. Transporting cloth to the workshop.
i. Sale in shops and showrooms.
ii. Spinning the yarn.
iv. Weaving of the fabric.
A. (1)-( iv)-( ii)-( i )
B. (ii)-(iv)-(i)-(i)
C. (iv)-i)-(ii)-(ii)
D. (ii)-(iv)-(i)-(i)

a.22. Analyse the information given below, select one of the following correct option.
" U n d e re m p l o y m e n t " is a situation where people..

A do not want to work.

B. are not paid of their work.
C. are working in a lazy manner
D. are working less than what they are capable of doing.

Q.23. Who has been called the "Hero of Two Worlds" in E

A. Guiseppe Mazzini
B. Count Cavour
C. Guiseppe Garibaldi
D. Otto-von Bismark.

Q,24. Which of the the following country is considered as "the cradle of Cvilization"?
A. England
B. France
C. Greece
D. Russia


Attempt any 18 out of 22 questions

Q.25. Which revolutionary is depicted in the image below ?

B. Louise Otto Peter C. Metternich D. Napoleon

A. Mazzini
industrialisation in Europe?
Q.26. Which of these
emerged due to
A. Clergy
B. Monarchy
C. Middle classes
D. Revolutionaries

Q.27. Balkan was a region of..

A. Cultural heritage
B. Immense conflict
C. Uniformed administration system
D. All of the above

modern democracies?
Q.28. How can power be shared in
A. Among different organ of the government
B. Among various levels
C. Among different social groups
D.All of the above

Q.29. When was the Brundtland Commission Report published?

A. 1990
B. 1987
C. 1991
D. 1995

with high temperature and heavy rainfall is called....

Q.30 The soil which develops in areas

A. Regur
B. Alluvial
C. Laterite
D. Arid

Q.31. Tyranny of the majority is not just oppressive

for the minority; it often brings ruin to...
A. The minority as well
B. The country as well
C. The majority as well
D. All of the above.

Q.32. In the questions given below, there are two statements marked as Asserti n{A) and Reason

Read the statements and choose the correct

(R). option:
Assertion(A): Indian Federation has three list.
constitution clearly provided a three fold distribution of Legislative powers between
Reason(R) the
Union Government and the State Governments.

A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of


B. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A

C. A is correct but R is wrong
D.A is wrong but R is correct.

Q.33. Who among the following is most likely to suffer from under employment?
A. Teachers
B. Administrative officers
C. Bankers
D. Farmers

Q.34. Which of these activities belong to the secondary sector?
A. Smelting.
B. Bankin8.
C. Teaching.
D.Working at tea Garden

Q.35. In Belgium ,the percentage of French communityis.


Q.36. Since the second half ofthe twentieth century,a number of scientists have been warning that
present type, and levels, of development are not.
A. equal
B. sustainable
C. retainable.
D. lawful.

Q.37. Recent evidence suggest that the groundwater is under serious threat of.
A. pollution.
B. contamination.
C. overuse.
D. none of these.

Q.38. Ernest Renan in his idea of a nation attaches importance to . . .

A. women
B. discipline
C. laws
D. martyrs

Q.39. A direct vote by which all the people of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal is
called as.
A. Utopian
B. Feminist
C. Plebiscite
D. Conservatism

Q.40. According to Ernst Renan... would cease to exist the world was ruled by an individual.
A. freedom.
B. constitutional amendment
C. natural resources.
D. technology

Q,41 in a country,a vegetable seller has income of T5000 but an IT professional in the same
country has a salary of R 1,25,000 the average income of the country is T 68,000.
What does it show?
A. Income disparities. B. High per capita income
B. The country is rich. C. Total income is more suitable for comparison

1824 in France?
Q.42. What is this picture signifies during

A. Peasant Uprising B. The Massacre at Chios

C. The Club Thinkers D. None of the above.

Q.43. Which of the following pair is not correctly matched?

A. Alluvial soil -ideal for sugarcane and paddy.
B. Black Soil-Cotton
C. Laterite soil-- Cashewnut
D Red soil-Wheat and Bajra

Q.44. Complete the following table with correct information with regard to forest soil.
Soil Soil Areas Humus
Texture| where Content

Forest Loamy
Soil (a). (b)..
Silty B. Plain- low
A. Hills, Mountain-low
D. Plateau, - low
C. Desert,- high

A with that of column B.

Q.45. Match the following items of column
COLUMN.A (Fruits) COLUMN.B(Area of growth)

a) Guava i Jammu and Kashmir

b)Orange ii) Kerala

c) Apple ii)U.P
d)Banana iv).Maharashtra

A. (A-(),(B)-(IV),(C)-(0).(D)-()
B. (A)-(IV),(B)-(1),(C)-(),(D)-(0)
C. (A)-(U).(B)-(V),(C)-40),(D)-(0)
D. (A)-(),(B)-(1/),(C)-(),(D)-(1)
Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R)
Q.46. Two statements are given in the question below as

Read the statement and choose the appropriate option.

need to find a sustainable
Assertion (A): Crude oil reserves in the entire world are depleting, we

substitute for it.

Reason(R): oil and petrol prices are increasing day by day.
A. Both and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R true, but R is not the correct explanation ofA.
C.A is true but R is False.
D. A is false but R is true.


This section consists of two cases. There are a total of 12 questions in this section. Attempt
any 10 questions from this section.

Read the sources given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most
appropriate option.
Following the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, European governments were driven by a spirit of
conservatism. Conservatives believed that established, traditional Institutions of state and
Society- like the monarchy,the church, social hierarchies, property and the family- should be
preserved. Most conservatives however did not propose a return to the society of Pre-
revolutionary days. Rather, they realised, from the changes initiated by the Napoleon ,that
modernisation could in fact strengthen traditional Institutions like the monarchy. It could
make state Power more effective and stronger. A modern Army ,an efficient bureaucracy, a
dynamic economy, the abolition of feudalism and serfdom could strengthen the autocratic
monarchies of Europe In 1815, representatives of the European powers who had collectively
defeated Napoleon, met at Veinna to draw up a settlement for Europe. The Congress was
hosted by the Austrian chancellor Arch Duke Klemen Von Metternich. The delegates drew up
the Treaty of Vienna of 1815 with the object of undoing most of the changes that had come
about in Europe during the Napoleonic Wars. The Bourbon dynasty which had been deposed
during the French revolution, was restored to power ,and Frances lost the territories it had an
annexed under Napoleon. A series of states were set up on the boundaries of France to
prevent French expansion in future.

Q.47. Which of the following statements correctly describe about European conservative ideology?
A. Preservation of beliefs introduced by Napoleon.
B. Preservation of two sects of Christianity.
C. Preservation of traditionalist beliefs in state and Society
D. Preservation of socialist ideology in economic sphere.

Q.48. Identify the purpose of convene the Vienna of Congress in 1815 from the following options.
A. To declare competition of German unification.
B. To restore conservative regime in Europe.
C. To declare war against France.
D. To start the process of Italian unification.

Q.49. What did conservatives focus on at the Congress of Vienna?. Select the appropriate option.
A. To re-establish peace and stability in B. To establish socialism in Europe
C. To introduce democracy in France D. To set up a new parliament in Austria
How did the Congress of Vienna
ensure peace in Europe? Select the appropriate
A. With the Restoration of Bourbon dynasty.
of Northern Italy
B. Austria was not given the control
between all the great powers in Europe.
C. Laying out a balance of power
D. By giving power to the German
hosted the Congress at Vienna in
Q.51. Who among the following
A. Guiseppe Mazzini
B. King of Netherlands

C. Duke Metternich
D. Otto Von Bismark .

been deposed during the French Revolution?

Q.52. Which dynasty has
B. Remove
C. Bourbon
D. Hapsburg.
Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most

appropriate option:
It is also grown in tropical and sub-tropical
It is equatorial crop, but under the special conditions,
centimetre and temperature
areas. It requires moist and humid
climate with rainfall of more than 200
material. It is mainly grown in Kerala, Tamil
above 25°C .It is an important industrial raw
Karnataka and Andaman and Nicobar islands and Garo
hills of Meghalaya.

Q.53. The crop discussed in the extract above i s . .

A. Jute
B. Sugarcane

Q.54. Which state in lndia is the highest producer of this crop?

A. Himachal Pradesh
B. Delhi
C. Uttar Pradesh
D. Karnataka

Q.55. The crop is grown in.. ******

A. Tropical area.
B. Sub tropical areas.
C. Dry areas.
D. Both A and B.

Q.56. The crop is in great demand fo. aw material.

A. industrial
B. agricultural
C. plantation
D. None of the above.

Q.57. What type of crop is it?
A. Man-made
B. Equatorial
C. Potential
D. Salty

Q.58. The crop is grownin.. part of Meghalaya.

A. Garo Hills
B. Deccan Plateau
C. Sandy
D. Dry.

Attempt both the Map based questions

On the given outline map of India,identify the locations with the help of specified information.
a.59.0n the political map of India "A " is marked as a Dam. Identify it from the following options.

A. Salal
B Bhakra Nangal
C. Tehri
D. Rana Pratap Sagar

Q.60. On the same map, "B "is also marked

as a major Tea cultivating state.
Identify it from the following options.
A. Assomn
B. Punjab
C. Bihar

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