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Romeo and Juliet: Alternate Ending

Act 5: Scene 1-3

{Friar Lawerence hears that Friar John was unable of making the news to Romeo due to the
Bubonic Plague. As a new route he hear that Balthasar is going to tell Romeo the bad news, and
lets him in on the secret no one else knows, to carry to Romeo. Balthasar makes haste to get the
news to Romeo before Juliet may awake, and quickly arrives in Mantua.}
{Enters Romeo}
Romeo: If only that love stricken dream could have yet been true. Waking up next to my beloved
on the fourth day of our uncontainable love bound marriage. If only this feud hadn’t formed a
barrier of hatred thrusted between the Capulets and Montagues, my love and I could be thriving
like normal newlyweds, not divided due to ghting and murder. I pray and dream of the day
when I can once again see my beautiful wife, and press my lips upon hers just once more.
{Enters Balthasar}
Do you carry good news from Verona? May I nally return to my love after these treacherous
few days of loneliness longing for my one true love? Do you bring news from the Friar? Is my
family well? Oh please spill this news! I long to know if my torture has come to a haste ending,
and I may thrive back in my old life in Verona with all whom I deeply love!
Balthasar: Dear friend, you must keep it down. I bring you potentially risky yet rewarding
directions if you are willing to do anything for your one love.
Romeo: Yes! I will do any task under the Sun and moon in order to see my lady Juliet, kind and
fair, and conquer all challenges which end in our unity!
Balthasar: Romeo you must keep it down! I will tell you the plan, but only if you promise not to
shout on the rooftops of every town far and near! Friar Lawrence has made a proposal. We must
hurry though! If we do not make it to Verona by midnight, Juliet, and the two of yours’ love
a air, may be gone forever, and never to return.
Romeo: Then make haste! Tell me this plan, as we rush to my lively beloved in Verona!
{The trip to Verona is initiated by horseback ride, as Romeo and Balthasar speed through the
shadows and alleys, in order to not get caught}
Balthasar{talking over high winds, but quiet so that only Romeo may hear the reckless plan): At
midnight Juliet shall awake. Do to the marriage arrangements made for her and Paris that were
to take place just this morn, this was the last resort to leave her future life behind and for her to
prosper with you. She took a potion making her seem lifeless, but only for a mere 24 hours. Her



funeral has occurred since she was found “dead” early this morning, and took the place of the
wedding that was planned to occur. You shall meet Friar Lawrence at the Capulet’s tomb, where
you shall nd her alive, and you two shall thrive together in Mantua, with no family feud and no
Romeo: Only a short hour until we meet again! We must hurry!
{Romeo rushes to the Montague’s mansion as Balthasar hurrying to tell Friar Lawrence of their
recent arrival. It is currently 11:15, and the duo, soon to be trio, plans to meet at the cemetery
by 11:45 to rescue Juliet.}
Romeo{climbing the vines to his parents balcony in order to tell them his secrets and plans}:
Mother and Father please wake! We are in a time crunch with the goal I may not get captured!
Lady Montague: Oh dear son Romeo, how I have missed thy smiling face every morning,
noon, and eve! {kisses Romeo all over his face} However did you get back into Verona?
Romeo: That part of my journey is invalid. I needed to tell you why I am here, and what you
may not have known about my previous week of events.
Lord Montague: Now you have my attention! You are illegally trespassing into my city so you
had better have a good explanation for 1) allowing you good friend Mercutio to get killed, and 2)
becoming a murderer and getting banished putting your mother in distress! Explain yourself or I
will call the Prince and have you banished for good!
Romeo: I will explain everything if you just give me a few minutes of your time! You must
keep it down or I may be caught without being able to nish the duties I am here for. Last
Sunday I attended the Capulet’s costume party and fell in love. I know you both would have
wanted me with anyone else, but on that eventful day I fell in love with the Capulet’s daughter
Juliet. That night we vowed to marry due to our immediate connection and undying love for each
other. And on Monday we were wedded. As you know, in that same day Tybalt attacked
Mercutio, leading me to nish him for harming my be loved friend. If I was not so love stricken
none of this would have happened. I would have been watching out for Mercutio and made sure
he was in no harm. Sadly I can not go back in time, and so I was banished. For the past days I
have longed for my dear Juliet, as well as to reveal the truth to my loving parents. Just today I
got news from Balthasar that Juliet had died. But yet this is not the whole story. In order to live
with me until death do us part, Juliet framed her death, and I am to go rescue her out of the
Capulets tomb in a mere… 15 minutes! So hopefully you are both well receiving of this news,
and will live happy knowing I am happy even though it is against you beliefs towards the
Capulets. Juliet is fair, kind, and beautiful. Anything and everything you would want in a wife
for your only son. If it weren’t for this dispute, none of this would have happened, and I am sure



that if you could have acquainted with my lady, you would know she was the right t for me. I
hope you two may give us the best of wishes, and use our love as a reasoning to end the dispute
with the Capulet heir. You may never tell a soul, and if need be, you may say I have died as well,
but please transform this feud into something better, to better the Capulet and Montague families,
as well as to better the city of Verona you both rule. I hope we may have your blessing, but I
must go. If we may never meet again, I hope to see you in the godly heavens, were Capulets and
Montagues may unite in unity, though I pray our families may nd justice before another death
must occur. Farewell, and I love you both even in these heart wrenching circumstances!
Lord and Lady Montague {shouting from the window as Romeo rushes back to his horse}: May
you and Juliet prosper, as all those involved may try to reunite and nd common grounds for the
generations to come!
{Romeo, Balthasar, and Friar Lawrence all meet at the cemetery precisely a quarter to twelve,
ready to rescue Juliet. Yet there is still one challenge they must face other than to not get
Paris{alone, and mourning Juliet’s death?}: Oh my dear lady Juliet. You could not have held
out one more day? All I wanted was to rule the rundown town of Verona, I would have killed you
soon enough dear! That is, after I murdered you father and mother giving us full reign of
Verona. I really tried darling, to make you fall in love. You are a very clever girl. Your foolish
parents had one thing right. They may have ruined this town and made it full of treacherous
feuds of two ghting parties, but they sure raised a daughter wise beyond her years. Unless that
was up to the peasant you parents payed to parent you when they both knew they never could.
All your parents did was party with the riches. I had a plan! You just had to spoil it my love
didn’t you!
{As Paris threatens Juliet’s family, the clock slow hits 12:02, without the knowledge of Balthasar,
Friar Lawrence, or even Romeo. The door down to the Capulet’s tomb bursts open as Juliet,
fully awaken, stabs Paris with a sword left in Tybalt’s holster.}
Juliet: I am not and hath never been thy love, thy dear, or thy darling! How dare thy disown my
father and come anywhere near my family with nothing but harm in plan! I had a gut feeling you
were up to no good, and my love for Romeo was gladly enough to steer me away from the mess
you would have made! True love is the only love to trust! For only my dear Romeo did I ever
feel such love! And due to you and everyone else involved, I may never see him again!
{Romeo can wait no long and runs to Juliet assuring her that he is there}
Romeo {not getting to close to Juliet, fearful that she may strike again if she cannot see his
face}: Oh my love Juliet! What a strong and bold move to make! I have come to rescue you and




take you to my banished land, where we may prosper on this true love you speak of, that I too
have only ever had for you. You shall never face the family feud, never be forced to love that
thou don’t, and never have to risk you life ever again! Now wife seal this promise with a kiss,
that we will forever live and love each other only for true love, as we prosper as newlyweds,
forever, with no feud or problems that we will now leave behind.
{Their love is sealed with a heart felt kiss.}
{Romeo and Juliet now turn from each other to begin the journey back to Mantua. But both Lady
and Lord Capulet and Lady and Lord Montague are standing behind them all teary eyed.}
Lady Capulet: We told them everything. And we have all come to the conclusion that our
choices have drastically ruined our children, as well as other family members and the whole city
of Verona.
Lord Montague and Lord Capulet: We are no longer the right people to rule Verona. There is
a better match that has conquered all in order to prove love trumps hate. There are better
potential rulers with better morals than to quarrel and allow people to get murdered due to a little
feud. We have already talked with the Prince and the plans are nal. If you two are whiling to
take it, we want to lead Verona onto the next heir, which would be thou who’ve proven much
more than worthy. We believe Verona should now be placed in the hands of you Romeo, and you
Romeo: With thy love I believe we shall prosper with our passions, and that Verona too, can
prosper on the love of the two who were once enemies but now are one. Together, and with the
guidance of our loving parents, we shall turn this wrong into a right, and in turn better the city of
Verona and all of those in it.
Prince {approaching the group}: Though there have been many legal ordeals, I believe that if we
have this past week erased, that Verona will come out stronger with Romeo and Juliet as rulers.
Friar Lawrence: Well then, we can arrange for a proper wedding of Romeo and Juliet, as well as
feast for the change of rulers. This week has been very eventful with everything good and bad,
and though erasing all the legal mishaps, I believe we have all learned a very important moral.
Love always wins, and it took everything that happened this week to show us that. Praise Romeo
and Juliet, for they have turned a feud into one united family that will forever change Verona!


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