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_______________________Draft Resolution 1.


Committee: United Nations Development Programme

Agenda: Building momentum towards sustainable economic development in the post-pandemic


Sponsors: Federal Republic of Germany,Russian Federation,Swiss Confederation

Signatories: Republic of Turkey,The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Ireland,Islamic republic of Iran,Dominion of Canada,Republic of Korea,Federative republic of
Brazil, People's Republic of China,Republic of Austria,Repubblica Italiana,Kingdom of
Norway,Republic of Somalia,State of Japan, Republic of Finland,Ukraine,Republic of South
Africa,Kingdom of Spain,Republic of India,Kingdom of Cambodia,Portuguese
Republic,Republic of The Gambia

The United Nations Development Programme,

Abiding by the principle basis of the charter of the United Nations,

Reaffirming its resolution 71/243 of 21th December of 2016 on the quadrennial comprehensive
policy review of United Nations (UN) operational activities for development and its general
guidelines and principles for the United Nations development system, to better position the
United Nations operational activities for development to support countries in their efforts to
implement the 2030 Agenda goals,

Noting that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide the renewed opportunity to
work on common goals and targets to reverse the deterioration of our fragile habitat and restore
development to a sustainable path, thus, demanding resolution of environmental issues to achieve
health targets,
Acknowledging that despite the extraordinary gains made toward the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs), universal sustainable access to safe water and basic sanitation has not been fully
achieved; and communities, schools, and health-care facilities are still inadequate in terms of
resilience to climate-related disasters, and poor air and water quality have become major
environmental threats to human health,

1. Urges the relevant United Nations (UN) bodies, entities, councils, NGOs, and regional
bodies to work for the sustainable goals and for further peace and development of the
agenda at hand:
a) urging United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to cooperate with the Least Developed
Countries and Developing countries in pandemic situation and post pandemic situation to
ensure the education of underprivileged children,
b) urges all members of global community to work together in regards to achieve SDG 2030
goals and share their technologies and resources if the respective countries wants ,in
order to stabilise the economy and trade sectors as well as decrease spread of COVID-19
and post COVID-19,
c) urging United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to suggest
proper environmental development reducing climate problems in pandemic situation and
post pandemic situation regarding of SDG;
d) suggesting Least Developed Countries to take loans from the World Bank, and regional
banks such as Asian development Bank , African development Bank with low interest
rates to have resources to invest into development, Furthermore, the loans can be repaid
once their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increases;
2. Recommends to undertake comprehensive policies of global community to boost
long-term growth, including improved governance and business environments, expanding
and improving the results of investment in education and public health;
a) comprehensive policies will be given by the global community and the policy will be
supervised by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),
b) education and public health investment will be followed as the past national /international
policies accordingly if they are abided by,
c) urging the government to make a state level coordinating mechanism like a country
rapporteur that will provide informations and statistics to UNDP, so that it can make the
comprehensive policy avoiding to the needs of a particular country;
3. Further requests creation of a set of universal guidelines for state sponsored economic
stimulus packages so that it is optimized and targeted towards helping the most
vulnerable and deeply affected parts of the economy thus minimizing the economic
impact of Coronavirus;
4. Strongly urges freezing debt payments and rescheduling the previously sanctioned loans
from IMF to the economically unstable and deeply affected countries heading towards
recession for a period of minimum or maximum they can depending on when the
economy of the country recovers from the adverse economic damage caused by
5. Further reminds to tackle the current and post unemployment crisis as follows:
a) private or government companies are requested to pay the upcoming wages of the
workers who they deem to fire from their job,
b) provide information to people who are unemployed about the sectors which are booming
at the moment and give proper skill training to them so that they have the ability to
engage themselves in those sorts of works,
c) encourages the public and private companies to decrease the wage percentage at times
when they are unable to pay full wage to their employees;
6. Further Invites government to provide immediate financial support for Small and
Medium Enterprises (SMEs), self-employed and others informally employed, at a much
greater scale, through:
a) grants, loans and tax relief to enterprises, which are time-bound, non-bureaucratic and
linked to the maintenance of jobs,
b) employment retention schemes wage subsidies, work-sharing, government paid leave,
salaries paid directly by government for quarantine and lockdown affected enterprises,
c) support to reconverting production towards immediate needs for enterprises to remain in
business by helping them in reaching customers through ICT tools and platforms,
consolidating their supply chains, and developing contingency plans to ensure business
7. Calls for creation of post pandemic Economic Investment Funds(EIF) for least developed
member state in crisis:
a) t​he fund will be formed with voluntary contribution from the developed and
economically powerful member states,
b) u​nder this project, least developed countries having devastated economic conditions, will
establish industries in accordance to the respective least developed countries resources
and will utilizing its man-power,reducing global unemployment,
c) It will be a post-pandemic development project to mitigate economic fallout in least
developed countries;
8. Encourages member states to provide universal age, disability- and gender-sensitive
social protection systems, which are key to ensuring poverty reduction, including, as
appropriate, targeted cash transfers for families in vulnerable situations, such as providing
access to basic services, high-quality education and health service;
9. Recommends execution of policies that ensure solvency of businesses and financial
a) proposes to stimulate business solvency with immediate liquid injections from the central
bank of each government in the form of long term loans ,
b) respective organizations and businesses will have to retain their existing,employed

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