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According to Wikipedia << Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a group

to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in the most effective and
efficient way >>

According to, "Teamwork means that people will

try to cooperate, using their individual skills and providing constructive
feedback, despite any personal conflict between individuals."

According to MyAccountingCourse "Teamwork is a set of actions done

by a group having a common purpose or goal. Teamwork is generally
fulfilled under a collaborative environment since there is the assumption
that working together produces a better outcome than making separated

According to cambridge dictionary teamwork is "the activity of working

together in a group with other people, especially when this is successful."
→ 25/10/2021: The lesson was about :

1- the structure of a presentation

2- the evaluation
3- teamwork definitions

In the beginning we talked about the structure of a presentation. for a

good presentation, First we need to select information, just the important
information Secondly, we need to present the main idea, for example <<
The lesson was about 1 2 3 >> and finally we have use passive voice in
our presentation.

After that, we talked about the evaluation, and how we will be evaluated
this semester. First ,class participation , Secondly portfolio , in this
portfolio we wil have lessons and our reflection and addition. Thirdly we
have to presnt a novel with a group of four or five students, and Finlly
the exam wil be in writing.
At the end of the class , we deed four definitions of teamwork.

In general teamwork means that a group of people will work together to

achieve a goal.

A)-Listen to the first part of the interview and complete the chart
Managers need to be good at in order to
1) observing
2) listening
3) asking Questions
4) speaking
B)-listen to the second part of the interview, decide what there statement
are true or false, according to kreingsot
Management need to:
 plan in advance
 find out about the local language , culture and
 get to know the local people
 try to become experts as soon as possible
 spend time observing and asking question
A)-verb and proposing combinations are often useful for describing
skills and personal qualities, match the verb 1 to 7 with the prepositions
and phrases a to g.
1. respond. a)
2. listen . b)
3. deal . C)
4. believe . D)
5. delegation . E)
6. communicate . F)
7. invest . G)

Managing people
6)-Managing problems always turn out be people problem:
Starting up
A) - what Qualities and skills should a good managers have? Chose the
six most important from the list
1. Like people
2. Enjoy working
3. Listen to others
4. Make suggestion
5. Plan a head
6. Be persuasive
7. Make good presentation
Managing people
What is people management?

According to "people management is the process of training,

motivating and directing employees to optimize workplace productivity
and promote professional growth. Workplace leaders, such as team
leads, managers and department heads use people management to
oversee workflow and boost employee performance every day."
The combination of exercises A, B, and C

The combination of exercises A, B, and C shows that a good manager

should listen to all employee suggestions, communicate with them clearly
and believe in their abilities, this will give them motivation and positive
energy to work and be more creative. He should also know how to talk to
his staff about business goals, and work problems. A good manager
should know how to apologize to his employees or his boss, for any
mistake form on his part.

Someone Something
1- A- report to X
B- report on X
2- A - apologise X
for B- X
apologise to
3- A- talk to X
B- talk about X
4- A- agree with X
B- agree on X
5- A-argue about X
B-argue with X

Complete with these sentences with suitable prepositions from exercice

1- I agreed with her that we need to change our marketing strategy. 2- I
talk to my boss every Monday at our regular meeting.
1- We argued about next year’s budget for overran hour.
2- He apologized for losing his temper.
3- We talked about our financial problems for a long time.
4- The finance director argued with our managing director over profit
5- I apologized to Paula for giving her the wrong figures.
6- Can we agree on the date of our meeting?

Theory X and Theory Y

What de managers think of their staff? McGregor (1960) said there were
two opposing views, Theory X and Theory Y.

Theory X managers believe that people dislike work. Work is necessary

because if you do not work you cannot live. People are naturally lazy.
The prefer to be directed. So managers have to tell their subordinates
what to do. Managers have to organize the workers and pressure them
to do things. The manager’s job is to think about the goals of the
organization then make workers realize the goals. Subordinates want
security. They want managers to organize and control everything. So
theory X managers are authoritarian. Managers are the bosses. They
decide the goals and give orders. They direct everything, from the top

Theory Y is more or less opposite to Theory X.

Theory Y managers believe that people like work. Work is necessary

because people want to work to feel happy. People are naturally
industrious. They prefer to participate in decision-making. Managers
discuss with their subordinates what to do. Managers organize
communication channels with the workers and listen to their opinions.
The manager’s job is to establish the goals of the organization with the
workers, so that together they can realize the goals. Subordinates want
managers to involve them, to delegate decisionmaking, to allow them
autonomy. Theory Y managers are team-oriented. They trust their
subordinates. The organization is less hierarchical and more creative.
1. Theory X and Theory Y are theories of leadership.
2. Theory X is a more traditional description of
True/False Management/worker relations.
3. Theory Y is typical in hierarchal top-down organizations.
4. Theory Y managers tell workers what they want. Workers
True/False Do it.
5. Theory X managers are authoritarian.
6. Theory Y workers are lazy and don’t want to work.
7. For theory X workers, work is natural.
8. Theory Y working relationships are open, communicative
And creative

theory Y Theory X
It’s flexible Demanding
Confident Stressful
Be most productive Toxic: give others
Enjoy the work Security
Freedom Negative energy
Motivation Direction
Positive energy Work is natural
Creative Traditional
Feel responsible
Work is a necessity

Philip kolter defines marketing as “the science and art of exploring,

creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a
profit, and to face competitive.

2 parts of definition of marketing:

• Customer’s analysis
• Competitor’s analysis


• China business behavior:

 No drink
 Ponctuality
 Hand shaking
 Emotions
 Proyer breaks
 No ruch
 Appearance
 Sething /setting Project
Chinise ethiquette

• Formal text :
To be a Chinese manager in morocco you have to: be a good coach,
must always be behind his team. He must help her more for word and
overcome the trials that present themselves, but also congratuatate
her in the minutes of success. Moreover, caning about send a good
performance on the part of the employees. The good managers is
grateful to others because recognition is a fundamental quality in the
professional environment and especially for a manager with forgetting
the punctuality which represents a sign of professionalism and helps
you stand out as a reliable and trustworthy manager. Finally, clothing
etiquette is important for a good manager

• Informal : Greeting and public displays of affection: greeting in

Morocco tend to be formal, and to be very warm and friendly.
Friday: a holy day a day of couscous, finally clothing etiquette.
Speech about applying to Proctor and Gamble:
I am wishing on applying for the position of a chief executer officer
inside the company Procter and Gamble, as I am convinced that
my work and personal experience would fit this position.
As a previous Chinese manager, I came to gather much qualities
such as: being able to communicate with staff and being capable of
transmitting my points of view clearly to each team member.
Another value that I was being able to collect was having a strong
conflict resolution skills. It is known that there can be a lot of
differences between colleagues, so a team manager should always
meditate disagreements between them and resolve them.
I also made sure to improve my leadership qualities; understanding
what the company needs and willing to work for it, will make both,
the employees and myself give more benefits to it.
In conclusion, I hope that you will consider my application and I
hope this letter will find you well.

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