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English School


Candidate Name: Shanoia Powell

Candidate Number:
Subject: English Language
Territory: Jamaica
Topic: Sexual Abuse
Sub-topic: Effects Of Sexual Abuse on Adolescent

Title page

Table Of Content

Plan of investigation ……..4

Reflection 1…………………..5
Reflection 2 ………………….6
Reflection 3……………………7
Written report ……………..8-9
Plan of oral presentation..

Plan Of Investigation

The topic for my SBA is “Effect of Sexual Abuse on Adolescent”. I became

interested in this topic after noticing how grown men are sexually abusing teenagers and nothing

is being done about it. In order to successfully complete this investigation, I will ensure to do the

following tasks:

 Select three pieces of materials that correspond with this topic.

 Meet with group to discuss materials and share information.
 Plan and present a oral presentation
As a student of English, I expect to improve in my writing and reading comprehension skills by

researching. The way I intend to collect the information for the SBA is by using three newspaper

articles, to complete this SBA.

Reflection 1

The newspaper article “Britain shocked by growing soccer child scandal (2016)”. is very


It showed me that no matter how innocent people may look and how you look up to them as a

role model they can be the reason for your pain. According to my first newspaper article Andy

Woodward was afraid to report that he was being abused by his coach at a young age. However

since he has turned forty three years old, he endured an abusive relationship with coach for many


The newspaper article “ Inquiry is given file on Sexual Abuse of foster children” by Nebraska

(1988) is very traumatizing. This would crush anyone heart. The people that she trusted to her

safety had now become those of whom she was most afraid. Because her own adoptive father

asked her to undress and take nude photos.

The newspaper article “ Sexual Abuse Victims protest at Nazareth Moravian church” by Tamara

Baily (2017) is very unpleasant. Here it refers to the use of one’s power and position to engage in

unwanted sex with age-appropriate persons. In other words, this was a dark and destructive force

that had its roots deep in the essence of the institution itself.

Reflection 2

I identified several contracts in the use of literary devices, writer’s tone and register in my

selected articles. To begin the article by Nebraska (1988), refers to given file on Sexual Abuse of

foster children. This metaphorical reference refers to the people she trusted. They were “like a

bear in the night” whom she was afraid. In the third article the words “dark” and “dangerous” are

symbols. “ This was a dark and destructive force that had it roots deep in the essences of the

institution”. In this sense, the dark symbolizes pain.

Additionally, each piece of material was written using different tones. The tone of the newspaper

article is one of concern. The newspaper article “Shocked by growing soccer child abuse

scandal” has tone of sadness. The tone of the first article is one of regret, The article adopts a

narrative tone in the eight line when he finally reported at 43 years old he was being abuse wen

he was a child.

Another thing I observed with the uses of language is that each piece has a unique diction or

word choice that made it appropriate for its target audience.

The first newspaper article uses words like “regret” to show that it is a self-accusation article.

The second article had a teenage girl asking herself a lot of rhetorical questions. The third article

used a number of slangs, as “Self-destructive” which shows that they are destroying or causing

serious harm to oneself. In brief each article uses devices, tones and register in a manner that was

appropriate for its audience.

Reflection 3

Doing my English language SBA has helped me to improve my

communication skills , work together as one, listening to another person and learn how to

compromise with each other. It has helped my penmanship to gain more knowledge for English,

structure my sentences properly and how to used my punctuation mark. My SBA has helped me to

conduct myself words , confident and believe in myself , to be outspoken in front of people. I am

better of conducting myself when I’m doing my research because I know what I am looking for to

combine a paragraphs together. My writing skills has improve because of my English language

SBA research . My SBA process has helped me to be a better person in my school work as a

High School Students who is pursuing a career , organize myself and manage my time wisely.

Written report

In order to complete this portfolio, I joined a group with similar interest, I would have assistance

to collect, analyze and report on my topic. We choose the best strategy for each task, each group

member had a different but important task to do while we choose the Best Strategy, we all

worked on the same things, brought it back to the group and then we choose the best one’s to

use. The choose the Best Strategy was used in selecting the pieces to include. In the end, we

decided to choose a poem and two newspaper articles to answer our group’s question:

 How has sexually abuse scared the victim more emotionally or physically.
 How do you think sexual abuse will affect a child in the future.
 Different types of sexual abuse and how it affects it victims.
For all three pieces, we used the SOAPSTONES procedure to analyze each document and

used the text analysis matrix to allow for easier comparison of the three pieces.

SOAPSTONES required us to identify the speaker, occasion, audience, purpose, subject,

TONE and style for each selected piece. This was done in the matrix.

In studying these pieces, we have found out that the percent of sexual abuse victims has

increased. As an abused man, you may also face a shortage of resources and a lack of

understanding from friends and family. However, men are often reluctant to report abuse

because they feel embarrassed and fear they won’t believe. As for Andy Woodward

(2016 Britain Shocked by Growing Soccer Player), who was being scared both physically

and emotionally after being molested as a boy by a youth team coach.

Victims react to sexual violence in their own ways. Some express their emotions while

others choose to do so.

My second article which was a poem by (Tita –“I’m A Survivor Too”)

Had portrayed a series of reactions that victims of sexual abuse have expressed. Some of

these are:

 Embarrassment
 Self-blame
 Confusion
 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) etc.
All survivors of sexual abuse react differently some outcome can be fatal such as suicide, this

is why it is important to respect each persons choices and style of copying with the traumatic

event .

Sexual abuse can affect a child in the future very intensively. A child can grow abusive and

troubled because of abusive actions in the past. The child may think its okay to abuse people,

relating to the poem (“Sexual Abuse Victim”-Tiasha Anderson). The poet has pointed out

that the victims normally experience pain, self -blame and flashbacks which may result in

“physiologically troubled” especially if it was done by a family member.

Plan for oral presentation


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