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Dearest God, I need reassurance and support to believe that all is well in my world. Help me
to feel safe and to trust that the universe and your angels are guiding me and supporting
me every step of the way. Help me to believe and know beyond any doubt that we are secure
and provided for as we move through this transition. I trust in your love to guide me and I
accept peace now.

Dearest Angels, I surrender my wish list to you, knowing that you have the power to
manifest abundance and prosperity. Please assist me in opening the gates of manifestation
so everything can flow freely and easily into my life.

Archangel Michael, you know my fears and what might hold me back from fully owning my
true power. Release me from my fears and give me the courage to be all of who I am and do
what I love to do.

Healing angels, please send healing, comfort, and peace to _________________ (state the
name or names). Please surround them in your loving support and healing presence. You know
exactly what they need for complete healing and I pray that they are open to receive this.

Archangel Haniel, please come to me now. My true desire is to enhance and develop my
intuitive and psychic abilities. Please gift me with the graces of God so I can clearly see the
divine and easily interpret any messages of divine guidance.

Archangel Michael, please come to me now and surround me in your protective shield of
light. Please clear my energy field and release me from all negativity. Help me to feel safe
and protected in your loving presence and provide me with the courage I need.
Angels please come to me now. I surrender this situation with myself and
____________________ (state the names) and I ask for healing and a quick and peaceful
resolution for all involved. Bless us with the miracles of peace, harmony, love, and cooperation.

Archangel Jeremiel, help me to receive clear guidance through my dreams and gift me with the
ability to interpret their meaning.

Dearest Angels, one wish I have is to manifest… (state your wish to the angels). Show me the
path to experience this or better and help me to notice the miracles of grace all around me.
Thank you for your endless love and support.

Barakiel, open my heart so I can receive the blessings and good fortune that awaits me. It’s here
and it’s now and I am inviting these gifts of abundance into my life.

Gadiel, Gadiel, Gadiel, please assist me in my life right now. Release me from any conscious
or unconscious blocks I have about being abundant and prosperous. Help me to know that I
am worthy and deserving of the best.

Angels please help me to become one with God and believe in the power of miracles and
divine magic. I am open, I deserve, and I allow myself to experience heaven on earth in all
aspects of my life.

Archangel Ariel, I know you have the gift of divine magic and I ask for your help with the
following desires and wishes (share with Ariel). Continue to show me all that I need to
know so I can play my part in manifesting.

Archangel Haniel, help me to discover my spiritual gifts and give me the confidence and the
courage to use them so I can help others. Thank you, Haniel, and please give me the
patience I need as this all unfolds.

Archangel Zadkiel, I request your help for emotional healing. Help me release and dissolve
any negative feelings toward myself and others. Help me to heal and be free from the
negative effects of judgment, unforgiveness, anger, and resentment.

Archangel Raziel, you hold the wisdom and gifts of the universe and therefore you know
exactly how to help me fulfill my wishes for increased abundance and prosperity. Teach me
what I need to know about manifesting.

Archangel Suriel, please watch over our home and our possessions at all times. Surround
our home with angels and keep it safe and protected. Fill it with love and light so only good
can come into our home.

God, I know I am here on earth for a reason and a purpose. Help me to discover who I am
and how I can best express myself. Help me to get in touch with my unique gifts and talents
and show me how I can best serve others and the world.

Archangel Chamuel, I am ready to find the perfect work that fulfills all my heart’s desire
and I need your help. I trust that you know what’s in my highest and best and what I am
destined to do and you will easily lead me to this work.

Gamaliel, you are the gracious gift giver and I call upon you now. I am asking for your help
in fulfilling the following desires (share your desires). I know you have the power to
perform miracles and I believe in miracles.

Archangel Uriel, you carry the light of God and I ask you to illuminate the following
situations in my life (share your desires). I am ready to experience the power of alchemy
and divine magic in my life so I can manifest my true desires and intentions.

Archangel Michael, please release me from all negativity and heal me right now. Release
me from the negativity of others. Release my energy from anyone I am in fear with.
Archangel Jehudiel, you know the path of my true desires and I ask you to lead me in this
direction. You know how I can be successful with my gifts, talents, and abilities. Show me
the divine direction where I may serve for the greatest good of all.

Archangel Raphael and all the healing angels, please illuminate every cell in my being with
green emerald healing light and restore my cells back to perfect health and wholeness. Give
me everything I need to heal as a whole person: mind, body and spirit.

Archangel Raphael, Archangel Zerachiel, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel

Azrael, and all the healing angels, please send healing, comfort, and peace to
(state the name or names). Please surround them in your loving support and
healing presence. You know exactly what they need for complete healing and I
pray that they are open to receive this. Thank you for giving them the
miracles of love and healing for their highest and best.
Archangels Raziel, Gadiel, Barakiel, Gamaliel, and Pathiel, please
gather around me and support me in your unconditional love.
Please help me believe and experience that God's universe is
abundant. I affirm that, as a child of God, I deserve financial
freedom. I am open and willing to receive everything I need to
pay all my bills on time, in full, and I have more than enough left
over to put in savings and to enjoy the good things in life. Thank
you, angels, for showing me the way and blessing me with the gift
of financial freedom.

Archangels Raziel, Gadiel, Barakiel, Gamaliel, and Pathiel, please

open the gates of manifestation so prosperity can flow easily,
consistently, and abundantly into my life. With your help, I
joyously receive everything I need and I am especially grateful
for the unexpected opportunities that come my way. I am happy,
fulfilled, successful, and prosperous in everything I do. As I
continue to receive good fortune in my life, I graciously share it
with others who are in need.

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