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Sri Venkat

To find the Young's modulus of the given material bar by non-uniform bending using pin and
microscope method.


Pin and Microscope arrangement, Scale, Vernier calipers, Screw gauge, Weight hanger,
Material bar or rod.

Young Modulus = Normal Stress / Longitudinal Strain
𝐹∕𝑎 𝑚𝑔𝑙3
Y= =>
𝑙∕𝐿 48𝑙ⅇ

For a rectangular bar,

𝑏 ⅆ3
I = 12
In non-uniform bending, the young’s modulus of the material of the bar is given by,
Y = 4𝑏 ⅆ3 ⅇ - Nm-2

𝑔𝑙 3
Y = 4𝑏 ⅆ3 (𝑚/𝑦) - Nm-2

m - Mass loaded for depression.

g - Acceleration due to gravity.

l - Length between knife edges.

b - Breadth of the bar using vernier calipers.

d - Thickness of the bar using screw gauge.

e - Depression of the bar.

To determine (m/y):
Least count of travelling microscope:
Value of 1 Main Scale Division (MSD), S = 0.5 cm
Total no. of divisions on vernier scale, N = 50 div
Least Count (LC) = S/N = 0.001 cm
Zero Error (ZE)

Observation I:
The distance between two knife edges L = 50 cm
Dead Weight = 50 gm
TR = MSR + (VSC x LC)

Mass Microscopic Reading x= y=

(10-3 Kg) While Loading (x1) While Unloading (x2) (x1 +x2)/2 (x-x0) M/y
MSR VSC TR MSR VSC TR (x10-2m) (x10-2m) (Kg/m)
(cm) (div) (cm) (div)
50 5.0 8 5.008 5.0 10 5.010 5.009 0 0
100 5.05 35 5.085 5.05 28 5.078 5.0815 0.0725 137.9310
150 5.05 9 5.059 5.05 4 5.054 5.0565 0.0475 315.789
200 5.10 45 5.145 5.10 29 5.129 5.137 0.128 156.250
250 5.15 18 5.168 5.15 15 5.165 5.1665 0.1575 158.730
300 5.15 35 5.185 5.15 30 5.180 5.1825 0.1735 172.911
350 5.20 25 5.225 5.20 15 5.215 5.22 0.211 165.877
400 5.20 30 5.23 5.20 30 5.230 5.23 0.221 180.995

M/y = 1288.483/7 = 184.069
From Experiment:
Planet: Uranus
g = 10.67 m/s2
Breadth (b) = 1.0 cm = 0.01 m
Thickness (d) = 0.4 cm = 0.004 m
Length (l) = 60 cm = 0.6 m
Young Modulus Y = 4𝑏 ⅆ3 (𝑚/𝑦) - Nm-2

Y = [10.67 x 0.63 x 184.069] / [4 x 0.01 x 0.0043]

Y = 1.657x1011- Nm-2

From Graph:
Planet: Uranus
g = 10.67 m/s2
Breadth (b) = 1.0 cm = 0.01 m
Thickness (d) = 0.4 cm = 0.004 m
Length (l) = 60 cm = 0.6 m
From Graph M/Y = 215.054
Young Modulus Y = 4𝑏 ⅆ3 (𝑚/𝑦) - Nm-2

Y = [10.67 x 0.63 x 215.054] / [4 x 0.01 x 0.0043]

Y = 1.936x1011- Nm-2
Youngs modules of Steel:
➢ From Graph Y = 19.36x1010- Nm-2
➢ From Experiment Y = 16.57 x 1010 – Nm-2

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