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Name: Jivan Raghoo

Date: 23/03/12

Title: Youngs Modulus


1. To investigate how the period of oscillations of a loaded steel blade varies with
the length of the blade.
2. To determine a value for the Young Modulus of steel using the results of the

Materials & Apparatus:

Block of wood
50g masses (2)
Micrometer screw gauge

Name: Jivan Raghoo

Figure 1 showing setup of apparatus.


This experiment shows simple harmonic motion which a body experiences when its
acceleration is directed towards a fixed point in its path and is directly proportional to its
distance from that point. In this case the blade describes simple harmonic motion about
its equilibrium position, oscillating back and forth until its energy is dispersed and it
returns to rest. The longer the steel blade is the longer the period (time for one complete
oscillation) and the equation that expresses this:

T =k d n


T is the period of oscillation

d is the distance from the centre of the masses to the edge of the blocks

k and n are constants

Name: Jivan Raghoo
The Youngs modulus (E) of a material is the ratio of the tensile stress to the tensile strain
the material experiences provided that the stress is not so high that the limit of
proportionality has been exceeded. Stress () is defined as the Force per unit area and
strain is the ratio of extension produced and the original length of the material.

A theoretical treatment of the oscillator suggests that

16 2 M
Eb t 3


E= Young modulus

M= the mass attached to end of the blade

k= constant from oscillation equation

b= width of blade

t= thickness of blade


1 The apparatus was setup as shown in the diagram.

2 The distance, d, from the center of the mass to the edge of the blocks of wood was

3 The end of the blade was displaced from its equilibrium position and released so
that small oscillations occurred in a vertical plane.

4 The time taken for 20 oscillations to occur was recorded twice and the period (T)
was determined.

5 The procedure was repeated 5 additional times with different values for d, ranging
from 0.13m to 0.25m being used. All results were recorded.
Name: Jivan Raghoo
6 The width of the blade, b, and the thickness of the blade, t, were both measured
using a micrometer screw gauge and recorded.


Manipulated: length of blade

Responding: period of oscillation

Constant: mass attached to end of blade


Table 1 showing values of time, period, distance between center of masses and the edges
of the blocks, lg T and lg d.

d/m Time for 20 Time for 20 Average T/s lg T lg d

oscillations1/s oscillations2/s time/s
0.24 11.84 11.44 11.64 0.58 -0.24 -0.62
0.22 10.28 10.37 10.33 0.52 -0.28 -0.66
0.20 8.91 8.90 8.91 0.45 -0.35 -0.70
0.18 7.58 7.72 7.65 0.38 -0.42 -0.74
0.16 6.78 6.59 6.69 0.33 -0.48 -0.80
0.14 5.81 5.37 5.59 0.28 -0.55 -0.85

Table 2 showing values obtained for the width and thickness of the blade.

Width of blade (b) /m 0.0126

Thickness of blade (t) /m 0.00065

Treatment of results:

y 2 y 1
Gradient = x 2x 1
Name: Jivan Raghoo
= 0.60(0.87)

= 1.35

T =k d

Take log of both sides:

lgT =lgk d n

lgT =lgk +lgd

lgT =nlgd +lgk

y=mx +c

Therefore, using graph,

Gradient = n

n=1. 35

y-intercept = lgk

Where n =1.35, and using pt. (-0.75, -0.415)

0.415=1.35 (0.75 )+ lgk



To find E we use the formula,

Name: Jivan Raghoo

16 2 M
Eb t

16 2 ( 0.1)
E ( 0.0126 ) (0.00065)3

16 2 ( 0.1)
E(3.460275 x 1012)

E= 2.91 x 1011 Pa

Error Calculations:

T =k d

k T nd
= +
k T d

k 0.005 1.35(0.0005)
= +
3.9 6 0.58 0.24

k= 0.0 453

From equation:

16 2 M
Eb t

16 2 M
k 2=
Ebt 3

E b 3 t 2k
= + +
E b t k
Name: Jivan Raghoo
E b 3 t 2k
= + +
E b t k

b 3 t 2 k
E=E ( + + )
b t k

0.0005 3 ( 1 10 ) 2(0.0453)
E=2.91 x 1011 ( + + )
0.012 6 0.0006 5 3.9 6

E=1.95 1010 Pa


1. The stop-watch was started after three full oscillations in order to reduce error due
to reaction time.

2. When measuring d, the blade was held horizontally to get accurate measurements.

Sources of error:

1. Due to the quick movements of the blade, it was possible to make errors when
taking values for time taken for 20 oscillations.


1. The period of the oscillation was found to decrease as the length of the blade

2. The Young modulus of steel was found to be 2.91 x 1011 1.95 10 10 Pa.

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