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An Action Research Proposal

Presented to the

Schools Division Research Committee

Department of Education

Division of Antique


Leonora Mae S. Cepeda

Moscoso-Rios National High School

Vilavert-Jimenez, Hamtic, Antique

January 2022

Context and Rationale

Practical activities represent a form of teaching in which students not only listen

to theoretical concepts but are also able to link theory and practice, and their

importance in the biological sciences is notable. 

Research suggests that a variety of informal and formal activities can lead to a

range of desirable skills and knowledge for children (Skwarchuk, Sowinski, & LeFevre,

2014). During the early years, academic socialization ideally involves a linguistically

strong and resource-rich home environment, which is known to predict children’s

language and social skill development (Jeon, Buettner, & Hur, 2014; Taylor et al.,


Due to the spread of corona virus which greatly affect the teaching and learning

process as well as everything. Blended learning was introduced in the schools since

that there is no face to face classes because of the pandemic. Some of the students in

Moscoso-Rios National School having difficulties or lack in basic science processes

skills especially the Grade 7 students. The researcher created a Home-based laboratory

Experiment guides which is a tool to enrich their basic science processes skills. It

provides real word application for learners to let them explore using the Home-based

Laboratory Experiment guides.

The Home-based Laboratory Experiment guides will help Grade 7 learners to

enhance their Science processes skills with the guidance of their parents. The teacher
will provide guides for students to instruct them on what to do. It is an interesting

practical approach that aims to engage the learner’s in processes skills. Home-based

laboratory experiment guides is a contextualized self-learning tool to enrich the basic

science processes skills of grade 7 students. It addresses the problem on how we can

get students to experience hands-on science procedures without a fully stocked and

supported teaching lab. This guide emphasizes the practical application, skills and

enhances their ability to read and comprehensions in reading instructions. Since it will

be done at their home, that will ensure their safety and apply their skills. It is designed to

develop the critical thinking of the learners as well as their applications of their


Action Research Questions

This action research will examine the Basic Science Processes skills of Grade 7

learners at Moscoso-Rios National High School during the school year 2021-2022.

Specifically, this study seeks answers to the following questions:

1.What is the basic science processes skills of Grade 7 learners before the

intervention was implemented?

2. What is the basic science processes skills of Grade 7 learners after the

intervention was implemented?

3. Is there a significant difference in the level of basic science processes skills of

Grade 7 learners before and after the implementation of the learning intervention?
4. What actions should be undertaken to further enhance the basic science

processes skills of Grade 7 learners?

Proposed Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy

This proposed study will utilize the manipulative skills of the learners through the

Home-Based Laboratory Experiment Guides. In which a contextualized learning tool to

enrich their basic science processes skills.

Home-based laboratory guides is the contextualized self-learning tool to guide

students because of distant physical teaching from school. The parents and guardian

play an important role in guiding the students with their Home-based laboratory

experiments. This guide helps them to follow the systematical process skills and

effectively employ the steps at their home.

In this study, the researchers will create a Home-based laboratory experiment

guides for learners to enhance their basic science processes skills. The researchers will

create 10 laboratory experiment guides to be employ.

Action Research Methods

in this study, pretest and post-test design will be used to measure the basic science

processes skills of the learners to enrich their contextualized self-learning.

a. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information

The participants of the study will be the 30 purposively selected Grade 7 learners

who are officially enrolled at Moscoso-Rios National High School for the school year

2021-2022. These students belong to regular sections and were identified to have

knowledge of Science basic processes skills. The test measures their science basic

processes skills on the competencies incorporated in the MELCs. In addition, these

students belong to one section and will allow easy access to the researcher for the

implementation of the intervention that will help them enhance their science basic

processes skills.

b. Data Gathering Methods

To gather the needed data in this study, the following stages will be followed:

pre-intervention stage, intervention stage, and post intervention stage.

Pre-intervention Stage

In the pre-intervention stage, the research instrument and other related data

gathering tools will be prepared by the researcher. The instrument to be used in this

study will be a 50-item researcher-made test that will be named as Home-Based

laboratory experiment assessment (Quantitative Research). The test will be sequencing

test that will be used to measure the basic science processes skills of the students on

the subject.

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