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Transverse Standing Waves on a String

St. Cloud State University

Sydney Green

I. Abstract

A test concerning the principles of transverse standing waves on a string was performed.
The purpose of this experiment was to verify the relationship among wave velocity, wavelength,
and frequency of a transverse wave. If the amount of masses on the mass hanger increases, then
less waves will be produced across the string because the wavelength becomes larger. This
hypothesis was proven through given data and graph presented below. A mechanical vibration
device was used to produce the appropriate wave motion mounted at the end of the string with a
frequency of 60 Hz. An oscillator, string, pulley, mass hanger and masses were used to perform
this experiment. Varying the tension by changing out the hanging masses made it possible to
record the distance between each node, and apply the appropriate principle equations of standing
wave motion.

KEY WORDS: wave, node, wavelength, standing waves

II. Introduction

The objective of this experiment was to compare the wave velocity, wavelength, and
frequency of a string under varying amounts of tension. The velocity, v in (m/s) of a transverse
wave on a stretched string depends on the tension, F in (N), in the string and the mass per unit
length, µ in (Kg/m). Standing waves were first discovered by Franz Melde1 around 1860. By
1970, the first study of periodic traveling waves was conducted by Nancy Kopell and Lou
Howard which proved several fundamental results on periodic traveling waves2. One of the first
electronic oscillators was an oscillating arc built by Elihu Thomson in 1892. Thomson's
oscillator was placed in an LC tuned circuit in parallel with the arc, used metal electrodes3.The
result of the comparison between two waves can be modeled using the principles of wave
motion. Standing waves are produced when two waves of identical frequency interfere with one
another, while traveling opposite directions along the same string. Standing wave patterns are
characterized by certain fixed points, called nodes, which are points of no displacement. Nodes
are always located at the same location along the string, giving the appearance of standing still,
therefore given the name ”standing waves”4. The highest points of displacement occur at anti-
nodes which are also located at the same location along the string. The modes of vibration are
numbered according to the amount of standing waves produced. The letter N is the number given
for harmonic motion, must be a positive whole number.
The wavelength of the standing wave is given by the formula L = (λ/2).
Where L represents the length of the strings between the fixed ends and λ is the wavelength.
The velocity of a wave on a string is given by V = sqrt(T/µ).
T is the tension in the string and µ is the linear mass density of the string.
The equation for the traveling wave can be expressed as y(x,t) = Asin(Kx-Ωt + o).
This equation was established by the principle of superposition to help our understanding of
wave forms in the 1700's5.
The wave's speed, frequency, and wavelength are related as V = ΛF.

III. Experimental Methods

The first step was to set up the equipment as outlined in physics lab manual, transverse
standing waves on a string experiment. Obtain materials needed; different varying masses and a
ruler. Measure the distance L, from where the string is attached to the end of the vibrator to the
pulley and record as the length of the string. This value is needed to calculate the wavelength.
Vary the tension by changing the hanging masses. Add or subtract masses in small increments in
order to avoid overshooting the precisely required values. Lastly, record the mass required to
produce as many discrete loop sets as possible. Use given equations in the lab manual to find
wavelength, frequency, and wave velocity. Construct a table of these values as well as a graph.
There were some errors acquired in the experiment. Possible sources of error include, the
precision of the measuring equipment and taking the measurements. Also error could have been
produced by the precision of the mechanical vibrator’s output frequency.

Mechanical Oscillator

Mass hanger and pulley

IV. Results and Discussion

There are six calculations performed for each string, using the equations provided to
calculate the experimental values and compare them to the theoretical values. The data provided
below proved the hypothesis to be correct. As the number of waves increased, the mass
continued to decrease because the wavelength became smaller. Although the wavelength and
tension in the string have an inversely proportional relationship, the graph below displays a
positive exponential growth. There was enough data provided in order to compare the number of
waves, make calculations, and notice trends.

Table 1
# of waves Mass Tension Mass Wavelength Wave Frequency
(kg) (N) density of (m) speed (Hz)
string (m/s)
2 2.038 19.993 12.574 1.590 95.400 60
3 0.95 9.320 5.861 1.060 63.600 60
4 0.51 5.003 3.147 0.795 47.700 60
5 0.32 3.139 1.974 0.636 38.160 60
6 0.23 2.256 1.419 0.530 31.800 60
8 0.122 1.197 0.753 0.398 23.850 60

Graph 1
V. Conclusions

The purpose of this experiment was to verify the relationship among wave velocity,
wavelength, and frequency of a transverse wave. This lab was conducted to get a better
understanding on how waves behave on a string. The results that we acquired were very accurate
and confirmed that the principles that were derived are very accurate at making prediction on the
behavior of standing waves on a string.

VI. Acknowledgements

Saint Cloud State University’s Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering department

provided the funds for this lab. This lab was also made possible and credited to Dr. Sinko of the
Physics Department.


1. Wikipedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Standing Waves . Web. 20 Mar. 2016.


2. Wikipedia . N.p., n.d. Traveling wave . Web. 20 Mar. 2016.


3. Wikipedia. N.p., n.d. Electronic oscillator . Web. 20 Mar. 2016.


4. Wikipedia. N.p., n.d. Nodes. Web. 20 Mar. 2016.


5. Davidson Physics . N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2016.


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