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Name: Muhammad adnan khan

ID: 50550

Subject Islamic studies

1. Migration of holy prophet from Macca to Madinah:

The Holy Prophet was completely aware of the fact that the people of Makkah were
indulged in superstition worshipping man made idols and had their hearts filled with
ignorance and hatred towards the Muslims. Migration of Madinah was a real struggle for
the Prophet and for the Muslims of Makkah as well. It was plain to see that destroy
completely all evils from the society and spreading Islam. The people of Makkah were
facing a lot of trouble from the non-Muslims and it became very hard for them to survive.

The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him came to his companion Abu Bakar Siddiq
(R.A) and told him about the permission God gave them to migrate from Makkah to
Madinah. On the other hands these people were also familiar with the truthfulness and
the trustworthiness of Prophet Muhammad. Yet they were convinced to plot against him.
it was decided that the Muslims of Makkah will all be migrating to Madinah. All the people
of Makkah had firmly decidedly to kill the Holy Prophet and surrounded his house before
dawn. Allah Almighty revealed on The Prophet that he should leave Makkah by the night.
On the basis of this revelation he knows what was going to happen he decided to leave his
beloved homeland and migrate to Madinah. Imam Ali (A.S) to sleep on his bed while he
escaped. Although, Imam Ali (A.S)’s life was on stake but he did not hesitate to do this
favor for his beloved Prophet and he was very delighted to do this for him. Imam Ali (A.S)
said he had the best sleep on the night of Prophet Muhammad. As Allah Almighty was the
supporter of the Prophet thus, escaping was not hard for him. Coming out of his house
that night, he threw some sand at the men waiting to kill him. Meanwhile, Imam Ali (A.S)
was lying on the bed and Prophet made his journey out from Makkah. When dawn began,
the people who were ready to kill the Prophet for waiting for him to come out of the
house to pray but all in vain as they kept waiting and waiting but no one came out. Being
tired of waiting they rushed inside the house and found Imam Ali (A.S) instead. Upset and
outraged they asked about the Prophet on which they were told by Imam Ali (A.S) that he
has left the city while you intended to expel him.

Ghar-e-Suhr: Muhammad peace be upon him met Abu Bakar Siddiq (R.A) on the way
and they both reached Ghar-e-Suhr and resided there. They remained in the cave for
three days and night. Food was supplied by Abu Bakar Siddiq (R.A)’s son and Imam Ali
(A.S) visited them on one of the nights. Imam Ali (A.S) was directed by Prophet to payback
all the loans and return all the belongings to the people of Makkah. After dealing with
this, they all set for the migration to Madinah. They only travelled on foot. People of
Madinah were waiting for Prophet to arrive and they welcomed the migrators whole

2 : Charter/constitution of Madinah:
The Medina Charter which provided a basis for a city-state between the Muslims and
the Jews in the medieval Muslim city of Medina was the first written constitution in
Islam and the first documented case of constitutional law.

3 : The Battle of Badr and its consequences.

The battle of Badr was the most important among the Islamic battles of Destiny. No
one was aware of the importance of the outcome of the Battle as the Prophet (S)
himself. We might read the depth of his anxiety in his prayer before the beginning of the
Battle when he stood up supplicating his Lord.

The Battle of Badr is known to be significant in many ways. The victory of Muslims
against the predominant Arab tribe Quraysh established the former as a formidable
force in the region. With the passing of time, the Quraysh had to allow the Prophet’s
followers to worship at the Great Mosque of Makkah. As per Islamic history, in 630, the
Arab tribe accepted their defeat and surrendered to Prophet Muhammad. According to
the holy book Quran, post victory, Allah reminded the followers that it was due to his
divine intervention that they were victorious.

The lesson of the power of prayer and supplication at Badr

The Prophet (PBUH) prayed to Allah for the whole night before the battle started. Even amidst
the intense battle, he was supplicating to Allah. Subsequently, Allah sent His help in the form of
a thousand angels to strengthen the forces of the Muslims. Despite the disbelievers vastly
outnumbering the believers, the believers eventually triumphed. As we see in Surah Al-Anfal,
Allah sent 1000 angels to help the believers in the battle. The outnumbered believers strove
with firm conviction in the path of Allah and were then blessed with a thousand angels that
would assist them. Additionally, by Allah’s will, when the Prophet (PBUH) threw a fistful of dust
at the Makkans, a vicious sandstorm engulfed them and went in their eyes. We should follow
the example of the brave Muslims of Badr, for Allah can open all sorts of avenues for us that we
never even envisioned.

4 : The Battle of Uhud and its consequences.

The Battle of Uhud was the second battle the Muslims fought against the disbelievers.
The believers went into the battle on a high after victory at Badr. However, the result this
time around wasn’t entirely as they had foreseen. As a result, the lessons that we can
gain from the ghazwa of Uhud are of immense importance. There is always an
opportunity for Muslims to take lessons from events when things don’t quite go to plan,
and Uhud is no different. In the first battle fought by the Muslims, they faced the
disbelievers at Badr. In this ghazwa, 313 Muslims faced off against around 1000 from the
Quraish. The Muslims fought with heart, and with Allah’s grace, they defeated the
disbelievers comprehensively. Muslims eliminated much of the Quraish’s top leadership
in this battle. Hence, the Meccans were thirsty for revenge.

They planned to avenge the deaths of their fallen comrades. To do this, they gathered up
an army of around 3000 fighters and headed toward Madinah. They stopped short near
Mount Uhud, giving the Muslims a choice to encounter them there or to be invaded. The
Muslims opted for the former, heading toward Mount Uhud. The Muslim army contained
around 1000 people, but 300 were part of the hypocrites and withdrew. Still, the
Muslims had high morale and began the fight with the upper hand. However, the archer
regiment of the Muslim army deserted their positions at a critical point, opening up the
way for a counter-attack. The Muslims suffered heavy losses and had to retreat. They
didn’t lose the battle outrightly, but the disbelievers would have been happier.

6 : Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, its, its conditions and its consequences

The treaty of Hudaybiyyah also known as Sulah Hudaibiya was one of the events that
took place during the initial stages of Islam. It was a treaty between Madina, represented
by Prophet Muhammad PBUH and Makkah Quraish tribe on March 628. This treaty
helped to resolve the conflict between two cities Makkah and Madinah, ensuring a 10
years peace clause which was authorized by Muhammad PBUH’s followers to come back
following years in peaceful. In 628, Prophet Muhammad PBUH along with 1,400 other
Muslims went to Makkah to perform Umrah, without carrying arms and to respect the
treaty of Hudaybiah between Makkah and Madinah. They were dressed as pilgrims
having sacrificial animals along with them, hoping Quraish tribe would give them a warm
welcome. Muslims were in Ihram, which means there was no sign of arms or anything.
Prophet Muhammad PBUH with his fellow Muslims camped outside Makkah. Later,
Prophet Muhammad PBUH met Makkan emissaries who restricted the pilgrims to enter
Makkah. After long negotiations, both parties decided to resolve the matter without any
war but with diplomacy. It was the time when the Treaty of Hudaybiah was founded. And
it was Ali (RA) was the person who wrote it for Prophet Muhammad PBUH. and Prophet
Muhammad PBUH signed the treaty himself.

 There should be peace between the Muslims and the Quraish for a period of 10 years.
 The Muslims will return to Madinah without performing Umrah this year.
 The Muslims should be able to perform Umrah the next year with the stay of three days
in Makkah.
 The Muslims will only be armed with Swords and those swords will be hidden
underneath sheaths.
 The Muslims living in Makkah can stay in Makkah but if any Muslim wishes to come to
Madinah, should not be stopped.
 If a person migrates to Madina, they can be returned. If a person migrates to Makkah,
they cannot be returned.
 Tribes of Arabia are free to take any side they want.

7 : The conquest of Macca:

Conquest of Makkah is one of the greatest events taken place in the holy month of
Ramadan. This is a great show of courage and bravery. The early history of Islam is vital
for Muslims even to the present day. The Prophet Muhammad’s life, particularly, is
thought to be a case for all adherents. There are various occasions that represent the
Prophet Muhammad’s battles and his character. These occasions have assumed a
characterizing part in the arrangement of the confidence and the Muslim people group.
In prior posts, I have expounded on a few critical occasions that include: The Night of
Power, the hijra the Battle of Badr, and the Farewell Sermon. In this post, the emphasis
will be on the Conquest of Makkah when the Muslims took control of the city subsequent
to being far from it for a long time. Prior to the conquest of Mecca, a few occasions
occurred. In 628 the Prophet Muhammad set out with around 1400 Muslims from
Medina to perform umrah the minor journey. When they achieved the edges of Mecca,
the Prophet sent an emissary to the Meccans them that the Muslims were not coming to
battle but rather coming to play out a custom. The Muslims were not allowed to play out
the journey that year, but rather an understanding was come to between the Muslims
and Quraysh. This understanding was known as the Treaty of Hudaybiyah. As indicated
by the arrangement, the Muslims would put off their journey to the next year. At the
point when the Muslims returned for the journey, the Meccans would clear the city so
that the Muslims could play out the custom gently. Likewise, all the Arab tribes would
align themselves with the Meccans or the Muslims and would shield the particular side
ought to there be an assault. At long last, the arrangement illustrated an arrangement for
a long time of peace between the two sides, keeping any gore. Both sides clung to the
bargain at first. In any case, after two years there was an infringement of the
understanding. One of the tribes aligned with the Meccans assaulted and executed a few
individuals from a tribe aligned with the Muslims.

8 : The Farewell Pilgrimage (at least 10 points of the speech of holy

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) delivered his last sermon (After praising, and
thanking Allah he said:

“O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be
amongst you again. Therefore, listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take
these words to those who could not be present here today.

O people, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life
and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to
their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will
indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. Allah has forbidden
you to take usury (interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived.
Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity.
Allah has Judged that there shall be no interest and that all the interest due to Abbas ibn
Abd Al-Muttalib (Prophet’s uncle) shall henceforth be waived.

Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be
able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.

O people, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also
have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under
Allah’s trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the
right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them
for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not
make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste.

O people, listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast
during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can
afford to.
All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-
Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a
black has any superiority over white except bypiety (taqwa) and good action. Learn that
every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one
brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim
unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.

Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer your deeds. So beware, do
not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.

O people, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born.
Reason well, therefore, O people, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave
behind me two things, the Qu'ran and my example, the Sunnah and if you follow these
you will never go astray.

9 : Death of holy prophet Muhammad (pbuh):

On Sunday, a day before he died, the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam set his slaves free,
paid as a charity the seven dinars he owned and gave his weapons as a present to the Muslims.
So when night fell 'A'ishah had to borrow some oil from her neighbor to light her oil-lantern.
Even his arm our was mortgaged as a security with a Jew for thirty of barley.
On Monday the 29th of Safar in the eleventh year of Hijrah, he participated in funeral rites
in al-Baqi'. On the way back he had a headache, his temperature rose so high that the heat
effect could be felt over his headband. He led the Muslims in prayer for eleven days though he
was sick. The total number of his sick days were either thirteen of fourteen.

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