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May your chains be broken...


A long time ago in a galaxy
far, far away...

The Jedi Order has been annihilated. A brutal civil war has
decimated the Order, leaving the Republic on the verge of
inevitable collapse. However, in the most inhospitable corners
of the galaxy, another war is taking place.

The time of droids, ships, and soldiers has been left behind
to make the path for the real war. The one that resides in the
hearts of all living things against their own will. Light and Dark,
will merge in this terrible hour to shape the galaxy.

After Kattar Conclave, a few Jedi desperately try to reach their

definition in the maelstrom of conflict, clinging to life while
surviving in the heart of devastated worlds and trying to avoid,
from the shadows, the collapse of the galaxy.

Antonio Ganfornina Andrades

Taken from The philosophy of Kreia: a critical examination of Star Wars.


Brian Menze, Daniel Lieske, Corvin Hunter, Jan Urschel, Chrysomela, Anthony
Ismagilov, Nokse Mojo, Mathieu Chevalier, Chris Anderson, Mark Chiarello,
Twilight of the Apprentice (SW Rebels), @lemonnidas, SW Galaxies Trading
Card Game, Ryan Valle, Two Dots, Dave Keenan, Oliver Larsen, Hideyoshi, @
iSneezeStars, Wang Hao (Modelo), Selkath (SW KOTOR), Skypher, Michael
Pedro, RJ Palmer, Petri Rahkola, Patrick Teeninga, Space battle SWTOR,
Revand and Malak SWTOR, Darren Tan, Tomasz Jedruszek, Witch King 42,
Lan Jun Kang, Šime Bilić, Tony Foti, John Burns, Ryan Van Dongen, dywa,
artificialdesign, Jackie Felix, Tristan Rettich, Eric Ryan, Micah Brown, Mar-
cin Koszalski, John Gallagher, Pablo Domínguez, Young Kim, Nokse Mojo,
Magali Villeneuve & Alexander Tooth, Fabrice Ros, Mauro Borrelli & Aaron
McBride, Green Explosion (Nvidia), Javier Charro, Guillem H. Pongiluppi, Pa-
trick Bloom, Devburmak, Corvin Hunter, Annie Ragnarek, Jake Murray, Brian
Menze, Alex Cristi, John Burns, Selkath (SW KOTOR), Plo Koon (SW Ep. I),
Toshiro Mifune (actor), Sharon Duncan-Brewster (actress), Airagitt, Tobin
Lee, Eva Soolu, k04sk (Kalen Chock), @Wadabadah, Erik Tiemens, Utapau
(SW. Ep III), Arctrooper (SWTOR), Randall Mackey, Ilya Borodin, Daniel Terra-
do, Piotr Mucha, Nathema (SWTOR Knights of the Fallen Empire), Nathema
Zealot (SWTOR Knights of the Fallen Empire Trailer)

All the visual content and setting are unquestionably inspired by the Star
Wars tm saga (Disney/LucasFilm). It is also inspired by the stories told
in the video games Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic (LucasArts/
Bioware), Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 The Sith Lords (Luca-
sArts/Obsidian) and Star Wars The Old Republic (EA/Bioware). The system
used is an adaptation of the acclaimed Cthulhu Dark (Graham Walmsley).

Special mention to @lemonnidas for reflecting the gloomy face of the ghosts
of the past in Familiar Faces. To Cecilia G.F. for helping me with a villain who
doesn’t need to hide anything behind his mask. You can, and you should,
see their effulgent illustrations in artstation. To those who help me to gave
shape to the one planet I include in this book and, very tragically, to Alejandro
(Paton), Mario, Urbano and Sergio, as only they could save an entire planet,
condemn it to oblivion and delay the inevitable collapse of the galaxy.







The darkest hour

By 4021 C.R.C., the Jedi Order had passed through one of the most turbulent
periods in its long history. Three galaxy-wide wars occurred in the short span
of fifty years, two of which had been orchestrated by fallen members of the
Order itself.

After these devastating conflicts, the Order had been diminished and
weakened to the point of becoming a shadow of its past. Not hundreds, but
thousands of Jedi were lost in the Great War of the Sith, the Mandalorian
Wars, and the Jedi Civil War.

Those conflicts erupted throughout the galaxy in such close succession that
they did not have enough time to rebuild their ranks; the Order simply could
not bear such great losses in such a short period of time.

The Order’s problems were compounded by the fact that the Jedi faced a
dramatic loss of knowledge from the destruction of vital centers of learning,
including the Great Jedi Library at Ossus and the Jedi Enclave at Dantooine.

Too many holocrons, records, and important stories had been scattered,
lost, or looted during the wars. As a result, there were too few experienced
Jedi to instruct aspiring Jedi and the libraries that served as a knowledge
base proved inadequate to train them. By the end of the Jedi Civil War, the
already exhausted Jedi Order had been virtually exterminated.

Less than a hundred members survived to rebuild it.


While the Galactic Republic was on the verge of collapse, the Jedi Order
began to slowly deteriorate. In addition, a redeemed Revan left the space
of the Republic, denying both the Republic and the Jedi the possibility of
gathering to recover all that had been destroyed.

An intense atmosphere of disillusionment permeated the ranks of the Jedi,
as the few surviving members faced an unprecedented level of anger and
resentment from the citizens of the Republic who had begun to fear their
former heroes.

The Jedi themselves lost faith in the Order, as they began to wonder how and
why so many of their members had fallen to the dark side over the years.
The scars opened wider when even the members of the Jedi High Council
began to question the validity of their own teachings.
After the death of Darth Malak and the destruction of the Star Forge, the
infrastructure of the Sith Empire disintegrated. Most of the Dark Jedi who
have survived the war have annihilated themselves in internal struggles, but
hidden centers of power are suspected. It is currently unknown whether they
have leaders to guide them.

But they still exist. Their strategy has changed, they have abandoned total
warfare for a war in the shadows, which seems to have only one goal in
mind: the complete extermination of the Jedi.

This wave of events cannot be a mere coincidence.


Their way of operating seems to follow a constant: they manipulate events

where nobody can observe them, with the same patience and caution that
characterized the Jedi masters, causing local conflicts on key planets of the
Republic, which in case they fall, will mean a quick and decisive end for the

It is a dark and chaotic time for the Order. A steady stream of Jedi, including
the Jedi Watchers who oversee several distant worlds, have withdrawn,
resigned from the Order, or simply never been heard from again.

Entire congregations of Jedi have begun to disappear, leaving behind a

strange disturbance in the Force that only a few members of the Jedi Council
could recognize.

In time, the Jedi began to suspect they were being hunted. According to
the rumors, a number of the most powerful and influential Jedi Masters
were summoned not long ago to a secret conclave on the Miraluka world of
Katarr, under the pretext of discussing the emerging threat.

However, the conclave was not as secret as the Jedi thought. For that
information about was announced without discretion in an attempt to bring
whoever was attacking them out of the shadows. Then, the worst omens
came true.

How it happened is not well known, but the truth is that the planet now orbits
dead in space, as if it has been devoured to such an extent that life cannot
flourish there. Rumours indicate that no survivors were left.

It is now inhabited only by echoes, with no one to hear them.


The Jedi Order has died and if by any chance there are any members of the
Jedi Council left there is no doubt that they have followed the path of exile.
The few historians interested in this talk think that this movement could
transform the events of the Katarr Conclave into a false victory, making this
new threat be unmasked. By finally showing itself to the galaxy.

The setting that is intended to be described in Star Wars Betrayal takes

place a few weeks after the Kattar Conclave (4024 C.R.C), during the First
Jedi Purge. These are bleak and dismal times when, with great mistrust,
one can hear about the shattered lives of these survivors in exile. It is here
that the rumors are confused with the story, not one of heroes, but of those
who, eaten up by discouragement and apathy, prevented the collapse of the
entire galaxy from the shadows.

The temptation of darkness
The Dark Side The three foundations
“The evil began in a time before recorded history, “In our efforts, we have learned that life is not
when the wizards became kings and then gods. It rare. Rather, if given a chance, life will happen.
all started when they began to use the powers of It is tenacious and aggressive, it seems to yearn
the dark side. The weak have always been willing for existence. So it’s impressive to hear about the
to obey and those who learned the powers of the Jedi code and the Sith code, but the Force is like
dark side were quick to exploit this weakness life, it takes so many forms that we wouldn’t even
to make war. Again and again the dark side has know where to begin to describe it.”
emerged, like a storm, devouring worlds and star
systems. Those who dominated it moved on to it. Whenever the uncertain outcome of an action may
They unleashed destruction, for no other reason be interesting, a six-sided die (d6) is thrown and the
than selfish gain. They stripped nations, destroyed result is interpreted according to the type of die. In
civilizations. I am ashamed to say that most of Star Wars Betrayal actions are identified by three
them were Jedi.” dice:

The Light must always be lessened by the fires of THE KIND DIE
Darkness. Your Dark Side score starts at 1, 2, or
3 depending on the wars you have fought. When A single die if what you’re doing falls within the
you hear the voices of these teachings, when basic abilities of any intelligent species.
you unleash your full potential, when you employ
universal and Dark Side powers you will feel its THE RANK DIE
temptation stronger. It is an instant that feels
unique and defining. A die if what you are doing is part of the skills
performed within your rank in the Jedi order or
When this happens, do a Dark Side roll. This is the outside it.
core mechanic of Star Wars Betrayal. Throw your
Dark Side die, if the result is higher than your current THE DARK SIDE DIE
score, add 1 to it and interpret that moment. What
does every tragedy that cries out across the galaxy A die if you want to risk your bond with the light side
say? Is there a much deeper truth in the Force? to succeed in the task at hand. If you get a higher
Look at it through their eyes, not through some score on your Dark Side die than any other, roll a
flawed code. Dark Side die as described in Dark Side.

The trail of the Force If it’s a 6, You will discover all the information and
also be able to glimpse for a few moments sparks
of a knowledge that are far beyond all understan-
“Because I hate the Force. I hate that it seems ding of the Force, that some beings, neither jedi nor
to have a will, that it controls us to achieve some sith, consider unnatural. Do a Dark Side roll...
kind of balance, when countless lives are lost. The
same one that deafens us, made us hear. The same
one that empties us, completes us. The same one
that blinded us, made us see. Seeing beyond the
A manifest power
Jedi and the Sith. It allowed us to see through the “Choose someone to succeed you and you’ll
eyes of an indomitable beast.” succeed. Choose someone who is hungrier and
he will devour you. Choose someone faster and
As indicated on the next page, your highest die you won’t dodge his sword on your back. Choose
shows how much information you get. Roll the someone with more patience and you won’t block
ones you think are appropriate and interpret the roll their blade in your throat. Choose someone more
according to the following: cunning and you’ll have the sword to kill you.
Choose someone smarter and you’ll never know
If it’s a 1, you get the minimum to proceed, plus your end. Despite these precautions, an apprentice
two or three complications. is essential. A Master without an apprentice is a
If it’s a 2, you get the minimum to proceed, plus Master from nothing.”
one or two complications.
If it’s a 3, you get the minimum to proceed, that’s Narrative effects are intrusions from both the
all. player characters and the side characters relevant
to their plots. They can never be as lacking in detail
In any case, a 1, 2 and 3 never represent a Failure, as a simple “attack” or “kill”, but rather something
only complications. that concerns the circumstance in which the power
of the Force, an emotional conflict, a duel or even
If it’s a 4, you get everything you would reasonably all of these take place simultaneously. Remember,
expect from a Jedi. in Star Wars Betrayal, the characters dominate the
If it’s a 5, you get everything possible, without Force and therefore would not be expected to have
missing any details. great difficulty in dealing with armed groups with
blasters, small-time thugs or even some devious
These scores represent the epitome of a Jedi’s lone bounty hunter. The real duel, the hardest task
abilities. is to survive their own misery and the impending
rumours of a Sith triumvirate in the shadows. That’s
However, there is one final result that not only why every time you can introduce a narrative detail
implies a victory for you, but the power that comes it unleashes the power of the Force.
with it and the teachings that those words carry:

His sword slides, leaving him defenseless for If someone thinks the story would be more
another attack. interesting if your roll was a miss, they are the ones
As I strangle with the Force I remember how he who describe how you could miss and then, the’ll
ended my teacher’s life. roll a Failure Dice. The Failure Dice is never rolled
These are not the droids you’re looking for, and if you are investigating, as it is on that success that
that blaster does not belong to you. the scenario continues from a path to another. If
The glow of the blade stuns my opponent and the the result of the Failure Dice is greater than any
blow throws her several meters away from me. of yours, you fail, in the manner they described
before rolling their dice. Otherwise, you succeed as
In the struggle described in the previous sections.

“From such small things, from such critical points,

the universe and its pillars can be moved. That’s Persisting
why you have to be careful in everything you do,
and with every choice you make.” “Maybe Revan never fell. The difference between
a fall and a sacrifice is sometimes difficult, but I
When you do more than research, roll the dice as feel that Revan understood that difference, more
above. If you roll your Dark Side die and your score than anyone knew. The galaxy would have fallen if
is higher than any other die, make a Dark Side Roll. Revan hadn’t gone to war.”
Again, your higher die shows how well it does what
you were trying to do. With a 1, you barely succeed. If you included your Dark Side die in the roll and you
With a 4, you are competently successful. With a 5, are not satisfied with the result, you may repeat the
you succeed and get an advantage of their situation. roll (of all dice). If not, you may add it now and roll
With a 6, you succeed brilliantly, unleashing all your it again. Then, look at the new result. As before, the
unknown potential, the chains are broken, the Force higher die indicates how well your character does.
flows with passion and untamed, the words vanish, If the result of your Dark Side die is higher than any
leading the way to moments of pure expression, an other die, make a Dark Side Roll, even if you have
unfathomable burden. already made one after the previous roll.

As a tip, don’t abuse this rule during in game

sessions, as a few good Dark Side rolls can move
In the defeat your character foward to a premature descending
into the heart of darkness, leading to preposterous
“I can’t force you to listen to reason, I just hope scenes as the indiscriminate killing of newly arrived
you grow beyond these childish and maniqueans padawans after letting a Jedi master die.
illusions of good and evil. You’ll discover by yourself
that plans are such a fragile thing, and life often
shatters expectations.”

Support and disturb POINTS OF NATURE
They are the definition of the nature of every being
that wanders in its grief. Their value ranges from
“If you seek to help all those who suffer, you will -2 (terrible) to +2 (masterful), passing through 0
only weaken yourself and those around you. It is (mediocre). They do not affect any roll.
the inner struggles, when fought and won on their
own, that produce the greatest rewards. Beware POINTS OF TRAINING
of charity, lest you do more harm with open hands They correct the destructive tendency of nature
than with a closed fist. ” itself. They do not affect the print runs on a regular
basis, except when the mechanics described in
Cooperating: all those who cooperate roll their dice. Arrogance and Frustration are used (see below)
The highest die determines the outcome.
“The death of all living things? There is no victory They are a measure of the character’s current
in such a thing. You can’t win like that. If you win, situation. Positive scores represent an enhanced
may it be because you are right, may your vision of state and negative scores represent a diminished
the teachings be true.” state. You should interpret them properly.
Challenging: Everyone who defy each other, rolls
their dice. Whoever gets the highest die wins. If
there is a tie, the one with the highest Dark Side
value wins. If this does not resolve the tie, it is rolled “She has brought you truth yet you condemn it.
again. As in the previous cases, if the Dark Side die The arrogance! To have fallen so far and learned
is the highest, make a Dark Side roll and if anyone nothing.”
is not satisfied with their result, they may repeat
the roll using the rules already described. Playeable characters can can take the control of the
scene based on their essence points by employing
Attributes one, two or three points of arrogance or frustration,
depending on their veterany. Arrogance increases
your limits of exigency causing frustration in the
“Nice to see you here. I have a whole bunch of process. Frustration generates a unique feeling of
theories about Jedi abilities, but I’m still running deserving a unearned special destiny.
out of Jedi.”
When you use one point of arrogance or frustration,
In Star Wars Betrayal, the attributes fulfill narrative it is subtracted from your current score and added
functions. They operate more as story gauges than to the other. You have to be very careful with this
a few closed numerical values, this is reflected in power. It grants you what you desire, outwitting
three factors: your fate, but at what cost...

Ghalid Muari has 3 points for her veterany (she Her Dark Side score plus his Dexterity training
served in the Jedi civil war), so she decides to split points add up to 4. He rolls the die, gets a 6. His
those two points as follows: 1 point for arrogance lightsaber lights up, savoring the innocent flesh. It
and 2 points for frustration. is time to flee.


When a situation arises and you don’t want to leave When a situation arises and you are interested
any margin for luck in actions linked to attributes in colluding with the defeat in actions linked to
with positive or zero points of nature, spend one of attributes with negative or null points of essence,
your points of arrogance. spend one of your points of frustration.

Ghalid Muari has 2 nature points in Dexterity. She Ghalid has a score of -1 in Empathy essence points.
employs 1 point of Arrogance. Instead of risking She states that she will use a frustration point.
the course of the action to a dice roll, she decides The scene is described accordingly, (in this case
to overcome the tribulation according to her the character’s empathy is poor). However, going
Dexterity score (masterful in this case). However, a long way and failing carries a higher price than
confronting her fate comes at a price in the eyes of simple defeat. Sometimes, the only experience
the galaxy’s writhing tragedy. There are watchful gained is knowing that absolutely nothing was
eyes, ears accustomed to long eons in the void, learned. This is one of the tropes of Star Wars
the Force is the mirror to an unknown evil; you. Betrayal, keep it in mind.

Do a Dark Side roll, if you get a number greater Do a Dark Side roll, if you get a number less than or
than or equal to the sum of your Dark Side score equal to the sum of your Dark Side score plus your
plus your training points in the linked attribute training points on the linked attribute (minimum
(minimum 1, maximum 6), you advance to the Dark 1, maximum 6) increase the number (in absolute
Side the number indicated by the nature points of value) indicated by the essence points of that
that attribute. attribute.

Ghalid Muari was a promising jedi padawan who Ghalid’s words never seemed very confident,
decided to put control over her untamed prowess. unlike his actions. Negotiating a lesser penalty is
She has 1 training point in that attribute. For vital, but a sense of impotence is taking her over.
reasons beyond her control, her current Dark Side She uses the point of frustration and describes
is 3 and she has found the bounty hunter that the scene as follows: tomorrow she will be judged
killed her teacher. He cannot escape. She uses the in a fight to death, being deprived of food, water
point of arrogance from the previous example. He and sleep the night before. Her Dark Side is 5, she
describes the scene as follows: the crowd allows has no training points in Empathy. She rolls the
her to hide, flanks the bounty hunter, and puts the associated dice and gets a 4. She has been within
hilt of her lightsaber on the bounty hunter back. striking distance of fully embrace the Dark Side.

The path of war The “best of four rounds” rule is used for combat.
Each round is represented by the turns of all the
characters involved in the scene. When the last turn
“Think carefully on your choice... if you choose to of the last assault is described, the combat is over
fight... if you choose war, you must know that it is a and the story must flow.
path few turn from once the first steps are taken.
It carries with it a terrible price and, in the end,
you may find you have nothing left to sacrifice.” The Force in balance
If you try to defeat any user or spirit of the Force, “The Force is conflict. The jedi only comprehended
your character will move between life and death. it partially. They’ve failed to understand the most
Try a different strategy instead. To fight against fundamental nature of the Force. That it’s conflict.
something mundane, proceed as explained in the
Survival section. However, if you want to design Your Dark Side score indicates how many narrative
antagonists you must take into account that: effects you can introduce into a scene by using a
Force power, regardless of where it comes from:
Their Dark Side score may increase but the number
of effects you introduce when using Force powers If it’s 1 or 5, introduce a narrative effect.
is always 3. You don’t have to wait a turn between If it’s 2 or 4, introduce two narrative effects.
using one Force power and the next. In fact, you Si es un 3, introduce three narrative effects.
may use 2 Force powers in a single turn.
This has the following interpretation: the Force
Nature points add up to a value of 6. No training at its extremes does not manifest itself in all its
points are applied to antagonists. Neither do they potential. However, when your Dark Side reaches 3
follow the rules of Arrogance and Frustration, points, you will have reached equilibrium with the
instead they are resolved as described in Support Force.
and Disturb.
Balance is necessary for the universe to prosper.
Their wealth is calculated by adding 2 to the nature Without it, everything falls apart. If evil were
points of an attribute of choice. The inventory follows exterminated, the galaxy would become complacent
the same rules as for player characters. Finally, it and passive, weakening its ability to maintain its
adds as many Force powers as corresponds to the own state of peace. Evil could easily settle down
character’s rank. Antagonistic characters cannot and return to annihilate and take over the entire
have the rank of padawan. galaxy. However, if evil is allowed to overcome, then
the galaxy would be consumed in a wave of chaos
and death. Ashes to ashes.

So, when you portray your character remember: a At the end of a story arc, if a character has not died
Dark Side score of 3 represents the coexistence of or completely succumbed to the temptation of the
Light and Darkness in the spirit of your Force user. Dark side, he may have a greater understanding of
the evil that stalks the galaxy and wish to prepare
for an imminent confrontation. In case this is the
Redemption case, you should consult the sections correspon-
ding to a higher rank in the Jedi Order, in case you
“When you return on the steps of your torment, belong to it, or to accede directly to the rank of Jedi
you will see what happened to you. The weight of Knight/Lady or to increase the dominion of your
all those deaths in the war within you and then, Force powers (as if it indicates later) if you were a
you will feel a horrible emptiness, a burden that Force Adept. In any case it is advisable to dedicate
cannot be forgotten, but accepted.” some session to represent this change, highlighting
the emotions and conflicts of the newly promoted
When your Dark Side is 5, you are just one step user of the Force. Alternatively, you can reduce your
away from succumbing utterly to the power of the current Dark Side score by one if justified.
darkness. Yet there is still hope, there is still conflict
within you. It can be reduced by following the path
of redemption and meditation: for example, by re- Embrace the Darkness
treating to inhospitable places in the galaxy where
the Force can be denied, by honorable actions, by “In a pale, old monster with a hoarse voice, scars
mastering your emotions with peace and serenity, and yellow eyes. Like the one you see before you in
or by destroying Sith holocrons. Whenever you wish your reflection. However, you should know that the
for something like this, throw your Dark Side Dice. power of the dark side does not weaken the prac-
If you roll less than the value of your Dark Side die, titioner as much as those who lack it. The power
your bond to the dark side of the Force will be redu- of the dark side is a disease no Sith would wish to
ced by 1. You may continue to reduce your affinity be cured of.”
with the Dark Side later, but it can never be less
than 1, as war has left an incurable scar on you. When your Dark Side reaches 6, your character will
be irretrievably consumed. This is a special mo-
ment: all the attention is focused on your character
A greater purpose and how his will is broken. Act as you see fit: fight,
scream, run or collapse. Then think of a new cha-
“Light is conflict. Darkness is conflict. They are the racter or continue to play a potential Sith Lord.
Force made manifest. That is why it is so beauti-
ful, because those who survive that conflict come
to understand it more deeply. Their understanding
evolves, and that is purpose enough.”

Tearing the canvas Encourage persistent discomfort. Don’t introduce
them to a colossal beast, instead, insinuate a
serious, greasy, almost inaudible whisper from
RUN A SESSION the bottom of the cerulean thicket of twisted,
If you’re reading this section you might be interested leafy trees. When they travel through space, the
in some tips on how to run Star Wars Betrayal interior of the ship should feel more like a primitive
games. Your role will not be to guide, but to explore submarine than a safe means of transportation.
the various dimensions of horror and provide the Uncomfortable for them, uncomfortable for you,
tools necessary to make the game table fun. because you play with the same expectation as the
In Star Wars Betrayal, as you’ll see from the tone
of the character creation and setting chapter, the Don’t worry about relinquishing control of the
focus is on a rather uncertain, faded and tense era scenes to the gaming table, two heads make
as evil no longer needs to be shown to dominate the more than one when they collaborate. Keep a
galaxy. It is on the lookout, unbeatable, relentless, good channel of communication. When you want
always on the alert to strike the final blow that will to make a confrontational roll, state your outcome
bring down the Republic and plunge the galaxy into and let the dice decide.
a future, albeit not necessarily evil, unknown, grey
and apathetic. Remember, the Dark does not present itself as that
hegemonic iron fist evil. No, the Darkness dwells
What you present to the gaming table is nothing in everything that frightens us, in what we would
more than a canvas on which to trace their actions, fear to lose, that which can make us lose control,
their footprints and tear it apart every time they get Sometimes it will be more evident, sometimes not
a 6 to show them the unknowable horror that lies so much. Sometimes it will show itself frequently,
on the other side. They are users of the Force, yes, and sometimes as many as small hits of the same
but even the Jedi order is dead. Perhaps it is time piano key from the end of an unlit corridor. Until
they began to see snippets of reality from a different another different key sounds.
perspective than the one demanded by a code that
ranges from the obsolete to the untenable. A LOOK INTO THE ABYSS
While Lovecraft was a superb craftsman of horror
You decide what situations will present themselves; and Star Wars films a good foundation of space
a personal vendetta, an evil that ravages a decisive opera, they share a myopic view of life. Both often
place to prosper. You play with his motivations and fall into opinion biases marked by the society of the
the relationships between the characters. As long moment.
as they live, there is conflict. Use that premise.
When you play, look beyond binary and manicheans
schemes. If you do, you will discover that you have
more stories and more interesting stories to tell.

The missing scriptures
Play it online Dice rolls
The stories of Star Wars Betrayal are built through When it is necessary to make a roll, use some
the actions of the characters throughout the darkest application, either external or specific to the
hour of the galaxy. platform (forum, google drive, discord, etc) and
indicate the number of dice you want to throw. From
These stories will fall safely into the jaws of oblivion. left to right, the first will be your Species Dice, the
But it is possible to avoid, at least partially, the loss second your Rank Dice and the third your Dark Side
of some of them in the corners of the HoloNet. Dice. The rules regarding the interpretation of roll
results do not change from the manual. Accompany
It is recommended that an episodic format be your message with your results.
used for seasonal content. In each episode the
protagonists of each story write respecting the
order of action in the same way as in forum role- Combats
playing games. When the plots of those episodes
The fights are resolved, unless you wish to extend
end, they close one season giving way to the next,
them, under the mechanics of “best of four rounds”.
thus dynamically building an intra-story that runs
Each round is represented by the turns of all the
parallel to the events that take place officially in the
characters involved in the scene. When the last turn
canon of the expanded universe in the years 3952-
of the last assault is described, the combat is over
3951 ABY.
and the story must flow.
The following sections include the fundamental
aspects of the rules that will be used for the
Narrative effects
construction of stories. As indicated in the manual, it is recommended to
use detailed narrative effects with the use of Force

Character creation powers. For example, describing with a “I push it”

using the Push force power is a poor narrative
effect, instead, “I push trying to direct your body
The same process described in the game manual to the busiest place in the canteen” is a good use.
is followed. Instead of using the basic character In fact, “I push him trying to direct his body to the
sheet of the game (see page 18), a template will busiest part of the bar so I can have some time to
be used according to the online media or platform sneak around in the crowd” is a masterful use.
to fill in the sections regarding their characteristics,
relationships, motivations and other aspects.

Sometimes the narrative effects will be easier to Furthermore, playing characters always put their
use, sometimes not so much. Don’t worry, the story picture aligned to the left. Non-playing characters
must flow. It escapes all logic to impose that the will always have their picture aligned to the right.
story always stays at its peak, without stops or This rule may change from a play group to another.
routine situations without, apparently, any kind of
relevance. In the next page you will find a scene between two
characters that serves as an example to illustrate
the flow of actions in a Star Wars Betrayal play
Narrative structure session. Although it is represented in a web format,
it can be perfectly applied for face-to-face game
As explained in the introduction, no informants experience.
are sent on missions. The characters are Jedi in
exile, their backgrounds, their motivations and
relationships with the rest of the group already Written in stone
offer an interesting story to tell among them. The
structure of each episode, unless you want to If after completing a story you want it to be saved
approach it in a different way, will usually be as as part of the Star Wars Betrayal events, simply
follows: send a document to the following email address:

1. The game director poses a situation in the same

way as in the opening credits of a film or video
game of the saga. When it is reviewed, you will be informed about it
2. Next, he describes an initial scene that has to do and it will be published in the section More Civilized
with the motivations of each character and using as Times of the Exiles & Betrayers blog.
a hook that which unites the group.
3. The characters are in that scene and the plot
moves forward.

When the episode is considered to have come

to an end, it is closed. Now there are some
recomendations I have seen in some rpg adventures
played on different internet forums:

Players must write at least once a week. If this

rule is not met, on the third unjustified fault your
character will become a non-player character.
Thoughts must be in italics and in quotation marks.
Dialogues must be in bold and between dashes.

Scene layout
Then I confront his visage, of whom had been the best friend of my former master,
until the day she sold him to those Sith killers just for their financial gain. I feel my
pulse quickening with the same power as a thousand star destroyers ready to prey
on a helpless being. But it is only a slip of my imagination that I try to contain by
materializing into a verb and form, such swirling thoughts.

--You killed my master. I need to at least know why.- I mean without hesitation.
My voice trembles, my body may not respond, but my thoughts are quite focused.
“There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.”

The crimson-eyed blue face advances serenely over the battered remains of that
ship. She takes a firm step and does not hesitate to spread his memories through
the harshness of his words.

-They weren’t Sith, the Jedi Order commissioned me to do it. Many influential Jedi
were publicly disgracing the code dangerously. Besides, he wasn’t just your mas-
ter... he was your father.- She says as he dust off his uniform.

-No, you are a liar- I cry out in disbelief at his words. -It is time for you to pay for your
crimes.- I sentence while I position my lightsaber on my back straight up in the Ni-
man form with the intention of running quickly towards her and, through the Force,
pushing her towards me to immobilize her legs with a precise cut. “And if it’s true
that he was my father, I can’t let you run away. It ends here.”

One die (kind) for being human, another die (rank) as a jedi sentinel... may a Dark Side die would fit well
too? In this case it has a very important weight. The human’s motivation is “Hunt down the one who killed
my master” so if she decides to use the Dark Side die and it turns out to be the highest value, by rolling
this die again she can increase her Dark Side score by 4 or more. (see further Familiar Faces). Here we
will roll all three dice.

#1 Kind die : 2
#2 Rank die : 3
#3 Dark side die : 5

Both the Kind die and the Rank die are below 4. However, the highest value die has been the Dark Side
die, with a formidable 5. For this case let’s assume that the Jedi Sentinel’s Dark Side score is 3, so the
die roll has been higher than the fomer score.

Whenever this happens the die roll is automatically made afterwards to interpret the next move of the
character in full detail.

#4 Dark side : 2

The score obtained was lower (2) than the current Dark Side score indicated above (3). The interpretation
of this is that while the Jedi Sentinel is driven by the emotions of the moment, she uses them as a tool
and does not succumb to them. Of course, another interpretation is possible as long as it does not involve
an approach to the Dark Side.

-Your anger shows me that you were also a danger to the Jedi order. Even if you
can master it, it will eventually overpower you like it did your father.- She spits
severely as she draws his lightsaber without turning it on, without stooping, main-
taining an extremely elegant and straight pose.

After uttering these words, her cloak, devoured by the debris of the dying destroyer,
falls, revealing a small arsenal of thermal detonators and a cyan dagger that glows
slanderously and humiliatingly in the darkness, feigning a humility that is not her

This character is an important NPC who dominates the Force, so she follows the rules of The Path of
War (see that section). Remember the results of the Jedi Sentinel (2,3 and 5) for a Dexterity action (she
was speeding towards her opponent). This Chiss is a Jedi Weapon Master (expert in the Makashi form as
suggested by the description). So the stoic chiss weaponmaster must roll a 5 or higher to dodge or block
the attack. He chooses to block and throw.

#1 Kind die : 6
#2 Rank die : 1
#3 Dark side die : 2

The chiss weaponmaster manages to block the attack without any problem. Since she has rolled a 6 on
a die, she must roll a Dark Side die (npcs can also see their Dark Side score altered and succumb) to see
what happens next. Let’s skip that part to illustrate another more interesting situation.

-Why did you kill him? ¿Why did you want to separate us?- Tears begin to flow
violently. They are evaporated by the cross presence of two lightsabers. The Niman
form is insufficient for me, but the presence of its triggers makes me even more
alert. I concentrate and try to use a powerful force push to throw her as far as

Let’s assume that in the opposite roll the Jedi sentinel is successful. It’s time to
see how many narrative effects it can introduce. The first is his Dark Side score;
he adds three additional narrative effects by using that power. Also, because of
his rank in the extinct Jedi order he had access to a form of the Force (Power), so
he adds 3 more effects. Making a total of 6.

I break the blockade by throwing a powerful wave that launches her twenty meters (1), colliding in her
trajectory with different rusty structures (2) and dropping several detonators (3). Some of them have
activated from the blow creating several unstable breaches(4), now she clings, as she can, to the edge of
a metal plate to avoid falling into the void (5).

When everything seems to be over, there is still a narrative effect remaining. Narrative authority proposes
the following: What if on the verge of the fall she shout -I would never let your father sell you to the Sith.
Not my daughter.- All the players involved agrees (6). The course of the scene would continue as shown
above until it is resolved or concluded whatever the situation.

star wars betrayal
Wealth: Comfortable
Completa los espacios con el nombre de tu personaje, su planeta de origen, su especie y
su apellido. A continuación, indica su rango y la primera guerra que luchó (su veteranía). 1 +1 narrative effect Lightsabers Write down the color and the narrative effect of each crystal.

Green lightsaber (Barab Lingot Ore)

Dalya Tong
These words are my last solemn vow. I am__________________, 11 +2 narrativeeffects
Grey lightsaber (Sapith/Sigil)
I was born under the skies of _______________. I am the legacy of
my people, the ____________; Tong
I am the last ________________. 111 +3 narrativeeffects Lightsaber III (color/crystal 1/crystal 2)
Lightsaber IV (color/crystal 1/crystal 2)
a jedi custodian
I am _______________, but above all, I am a dying wound in 1v +2 narrativeeffects Clothing Write down your clothes along with their narrative effects.
the Force, a void in which its will can be denied. All these decades
Master jedi robe and Baran Do sage robe.
of conflict, I have felt and lived through the teachings of the v +1+1 narrative effect
greath sith war
___________________________. This is my tragedy. Clothing
v1 Embrace the Dark Side Items Write down your tools (weapons, shields, kits, etc) and their effects.
1 training point. Stimulant (physical) and one kolto kit.
Adept You didn’t join the Jedi order. Dark Side Feat
If you receive training, pass to this rank.
Justicar in the exile:
1 training point. +1 training point. +2 training points.
Padawan Knight Master If you use telepathy, you must do a Dark Side die roll with a 5 the force
Choose combat forms and Force forms. Use the available space to write down the narrative
Guardian Weaponmaster
Consular Scholar or a 6. effects. Choose your Force powers and their potential according to your rank.
Sentinel Custodian
Jedi civil war Mandalorian wars Great sith war Arrogance Frustration
-1 narrative effect. +0 narrative effects. +1 narrative effect.
3 nature points. 2 nature points. 1 nature point. Shii-Cho, Makashi, Soresu, Ataru, Shien and Niman.

SHARED WOUNDS attributes

Elige las motivaciones de tu personaje así como su relación con el grupo. Una de las moti- Distribute nature points according to your veterany and training
vaciones debe ser compartida (sobrevivir, ganar una fortuna, venganza, etc.) points according to your rank. Keep space for temporary modifiers.
Nature Training Temporary
MOTIVATIONS points points modifiers Channel and Maestry.

1. Manaan risks being forgotten. is this a blessing or a curse? You decide. Intellect +2 +2 Formas de la Fuerza
2. You have felt a disturbance on the ocean floor. You must silence it. Willpower +1
Physical −1 FORCE POWERS
3. Atton Rand has stolen the sword of Ajunta Pall, you must find him.
Dexterity +1 Anya Seff Shock
Secondary motivation. Empathy −2 +1 Battle meditation Telepathy

RELATIONSHIPS Kind Feat Burst of speed Stun

Strumbor and you are strangers bound by the same name: Atton Rand. Scions of Dorin: You chose +2 to intellect and -1 to phy- Force aura Power XI

Yeda hates you for not instructing her, but in fact this is part of your teachings. sical as your nature points initial score. Force sight Power XII
Qualesh survived because of your intervention and he decided to make amends. Wind performer: You get an extra narrative effect in combat Force shadow Power XIII
Other relationship. and when you pilot a ship. Inspire Power XIV
Character sheet
This page illustrates the sections that are Write down the kind feat that affects your
part of character creation. To do this you character’s initial nature point(s) and the
will need the character sheet, which is at kind feat, that affects a particular field.
the end of this book, and follow the rules in
the next chapter. Then, distribute the following values: -2,
-1,0,+1 and +2 on your essence points so
1. IDENTITY. that the sum is equal to the value indicated
Here you will find your character’s name, by your veterany. Finally, indicate which
family’s surname, kind, rank according to attributes have received training and the
Force mastery and the veterany given by the value of this training.
oldest galactic conflict lived.
During the character creation the temporary
3. RANK AND VETERANY. modifiers do not appear, they are added to
Fill in the boxes to locate the rank and the the sheet during the course of the game,
verany of your character. The three boxes you can see it as an indicator of the current
below represent different aspects within status of your character when playing it.
each rank. By setting an order, the lower
squares correspond to the different classes 5. INVENTORY.
within the last ranks of the order in a Write down your character’s weapons, tools,
counter-clockwise direction. clothes and lightsabers.


Write down here your character’s main Write the combat forms, the Force forms
objectives. One should be common to the and the Force powers (indicating their
group. Then, write down the emotional potential by filling in a square per level).
bounds with the other characters in the
group. It’s recommended a relationship COMPLETING THE CHARACTER SHEET
of sympathy, one of hate and the rest of Print the sheet at the end of this book and
indifference. follow the order marked by the sections of
the next chapter dedicated to the creation
3. THE DARK SIDE. of characters. You can also download the
Indicate your character’s current Dark Side sheet from the Exiles & Betrayers blog.
score, as well as the kind dark side feat and
distribute, as you estimate, the points of
frustration and arrogance.


A fading galaxy
-I dismissed the Jedi Code. It was a big mistake on my part, because to
forge the future, I must first break with the past.-

You feel a soft, velvety breeze blow through your body as you close your eyes
trying to remember your own words.

The teachings born from the Mandalorian wars and the Jedi civil war manage
to violently open up before you. Your lightsaber.

You don’t carry it with you.

You search relentlessly in your luggage, you don’t seem to care what you are
doing, you can’t even tell if you are on the verge of a wasteland, waiting in
the passenger line of a crowded refugee ship, in the room assigned to you
in a palace, at the doors of a recent model of space freighter, or facing the
impatient look of a colossal battle beast lying in an astroport, in a roughed
desert, or who knows in what kind of desolate skies.

All those details are completely indifferent to you, right now none of that
matters without your lightsaber.

Your weapon is what defines you, but maybe you get to it by trying to
remember who you are. You manage to concentrate, at least this once. After
a few seconds, you finally remember...

-It’s long since stopped being a symbol of hope.- you recite in your head, as
if you were trapped, buried and alone.

A cold sweat begins to flow from the furrows in your forehead and slips down
in panic like a stampede into your arms. In your head there is only space for
one memory, for now. A fragile lesson sung from the deepest cracks of your
jaded heart.

-All beings crave what they do not have. Do not pretend you’re different.
Do not forget that.- you think as you contemplate the worn-out memory of
your lightsaber.

Familiar faces
After remembering the fate of your lightsaber, the ghosts of the past begin
to haunt you. Confusing images of disjointed memories. Hands that wield
power with serenity, chains that are broken with passion, bringing peace to
you. Hands that serve the Force by breaking its chains and those of death.
fulfilling your reborn.

But that was a long time ago. Now you’re nothing but a dead end, a void
where his will can be denied. In the face of a wave of apathy, you close your
thoughts with the intention of unearthing all those memories. Out of the
mist, a flash emerges. You confront your old face, your old ways and finally
your intentions that seem to be antique, useless and anachronic.

-What do you see?- whispers a pale voice from a myriad of unfamiliar faces
reflected in the infinity of a well-known visage.

A shadow that thinks in terms of politics, secrets and persuasion.

Its goal is to go through life and make people listen to what its has
to be said. (page 28)

The ashes of an extraordinary mental aptitude focused on every

detail, meditation, calm, rationality and harmony. Now, a disrupted
catharsis. (page 29)

The ethereal mantle of a brave, intelligent and ingenious

countenance that shines with pride. Intensely loyal and unwilling
to be subdued. (page 30)

A handful of dust and debris that proliferates through space like

a protein germ equally capable of the most ruthless and altruistic
acts. (page 31)

A seed plucked from the harvested remains of an infinite horizon,

bright and naive purposes desolated by the claws of war. Nothing
grows within. (page 32)

A mournful brushstroke inclined towards the tactile, the visual and
the non-verbal. An exhausted maelstrom of practical conventions
and colorful adjectives. (page 33)

You did not have to close your eyes to contemplate the echo of
all your thoughtful and humble brothers drowning in the cries of
Katarr. (page 34)

The charred remains of your destiny drawn by every action. A

lexicon of symbols stains your chlorophyll forehead waiting for
one last challenge. (page 35)

An unusual blue abyss where secrets can be confined, but which

could not prevent the fall of the salted nectar for the pain and the
oblivion. (page 36)

The fears of a civilization denied to isolation and subordinated to

a legendary fidelity, to tranquility and to the fiercest combat yet
to come. (page 37)

The weakened jaws that no longer whisper ready to win the favor
of their goddess the Teller in the great hunt. Now they just scream
and grunt. (page 38)

A mark of broken identity, far removed from the rich ancestral

history of non-violence of a heterogeneous people, slaves to the
vices of others. (page 39)

A tree cut down and gnawed to its roots that now wanders about
with a debt of life denied, prone to devastating and untammed
outbursts of anger. (page 40)

An independent and confident attitude transformed into the chaos

of bellicosity and competition, the downfall of those who seek to
hurt what they love. (page 41)

A vision of mistrust, and without trust, there is no peace. (page 43)

Bothan will General information

Each Bothan puts the achievement of its own destiny above the rest. As a Bothans are very hairy
species they put their own advancement ahead of the entire galaxy. Score a anthropoid mammals of
+1 for WILLPOWER in nature points. 1.5 metres of height.

Prolongued influence They come from Bothawui

Bothan think in terms of political influence and persuasion, not military and a bunch of colonized
power. Their goal is to go through life and make people listen to what its has worlds. Bothans differed
to be said. It introduces an additional narrative effect when you persuade. in a variety of appearance
and body structure, with
Assured success canine, feline and equine
Reduce the most immovable pillars of your rivals to dust. It’s either the characteristics.
enemy or the bothan. The precepts of the Ar’kai, it’s pride made manifest.
When persuading, you must do a Dark Side die roll if you get a 5 or a 6. They are known to be great
politicians and spies, who
Home planet passionately enjoy a life of
Mandell, Sennatt, Torolis, Bothawui, Krant or Kothlis. intrigue and subterfuge.


Two different insights, same mistake committed twice. (page 43)

Rational spirit General information

Cerean society lives in harmony with nature and they preferred to isolate Cereans are a species
themselves from technological noise. Meditation is an essential aspect of of highly educated and
their daily rituals. Score a +1 for INTELLECT in nature points. sophisticated humanoid
mammals from the planet
Refined intuition Cerea, in the Middle Rim.
The ability of the brain to analyze is indistinguishable from precognition. An
assortment of visions and warnings that help to follow the course of future They have characteristic
events. You get an additional narrative effect when you investigate. elongated heads, which
host large binary brains.
Binary brain (challenging) In addition, they have one
Light and dark. Meditation perfects the combat, aggressiveness directs the more heart that pumps
thought. Catharsis supports a peaceful society. Your Dark side increases if blood to that extra brain.
the associated die is greater than or equal to your current score.
Males age faster than
Home planet females, so polygamy is
Cerea necessary in this kind.


It’s useless to shine where the light can’t live. (page 43)

Chiss ascendancy General information

From the first days they learn that it is not the person who occupies the The Chiss are a carnivorous
position that matters, but the position itself. Everyone represents everyone. humanoid of blue skin,
Score a +1 to WILLPOWER or INTELLECT in nature points. black hair and reddish eyes
from the frozen worlds of
Endowed manufacture the Unknown Regions.
Any species in the galaxy can only hold a sacred admiration for the Chiss As-
cendancy. They don’t just steal your technology, but they manage to improve Due to the remote position
it. It introduces an additional narrative effect to your items. of their territory, they are
an enigma to the rest of
Nefarious impurity the galaxy that remains
Any Force-sensitive chiss within the territories of the Ascendacy is sentenced distant, but calm.
to death, without exception. They will therefore always live in exile. Decrease
by 1 the narrative effects introduced when you use the Force. They are a calculating and
disciplined culture.
Home planet
Csilla. They don’t seek to be
judged by anyone, not
Wealth even the galaxy.

Betrayers, the galaxy always needs its betrayers. (page 43)

A galaxy divided General information

Some human communities have more in common with their neighbors of Humans are the most
other species than with their own kind. Each individual is a world. Score a +1 virulent form of life in the
to an ATTRIBUTE and a -1 to another ATTRIBUTE in nature points. galaxy.

Freedom from inhibition Thanks to their great

The right to follow their passions gets them to cast aside their titles. Think of adaptability, they have
a competence (combat, science, persuasion, etc). From now, you will get an come to reside on most
additional narrative effect when you perform it. habitable worlds, explore
the most inaccessible
Your goal, your downfall corners and establish a
To go so far and yet learn nothing, the greatest defeat. A great obstacle is wide variety of colonies.
transformed into an excessive ambition to overcome it. When a motivation
is at risk, do a Dark side roll. Your dark side increases if you get a 4 or more. Because they are the most
common specie in the
Home planet galaxy, they are considered
Alderaan, Corellia, Coruscant, Hapes, Chalacta, Lorrd, Onderon or Telos. the comparative standard.

2+ATTRIBUTE (at your choice).

Hope does not flourish in the mourning of the dead. (page 43)

The wandering herd General information

The Ithorians are a peaceful people of naturalists, who enjoy exploring the The Ithorians come from
galaxy and a friendly conversation while respecting the point of view of Ithor and are known for
others. Score a +1 for EMPATHY in nature points. their hammer heads.

Mother Jungle They are characterized by

They called the forests of Ithor as Mother Jungle and swore not to desecrate being a calm and peace-
her. They built floating cities, where they have lived ever since. Introduce an loving specie, devoted to
additional narrative effect when you heal and study the local flora. contemplate their plants
and trees, to respect for all
Final Harvest forms of life.
Their throats can expel air that creates, if you will, a rumble capable of
breaking the iron. Little is known about this technique. When you use this They are also wonderful
force power, you must do a Dark Side die roll if you get a 4 or a higher result. builders, so much curious
and sociable, they dedicate
Home planet their lives to finding their
Ithor, Takobo or the wandering fleet. way among the stars.


So much wisdom is not air, but an ocean in which to be drown. (page 43)

Scions of Dorin General information

They have elevated reflexes, as a result of the extrasensory organs in their Kel Dor are known for
heads, but their constitution is weaker. Score a +1 for DEXTERITY or +2 for their masks to protect
DEXTERITY/INTELLECT and -1 for PHYSICAL in nature points. themselves in oxygen-rich
Wind performer
Hearing Dorin’s breeze, the wind spirits may mistake the Kel Dor for one Their skin color varies
of their own, taking them to be raised as children of the wind. Introduce an from ochre to crimson and
additional narrative effect in combat and when you fly a ship. they are usually rejected
for their disturbing facial
Justiciar in the exile appearance.
The Kel Dor approach to justice boils down to good and evil, yet they’re not
afraid to take the law into their own hands and abuse the Baran Do’s exploits. Kel dor civilization is so
If you use telepathy, you must do a Dark Side die roll if you get a 5 or a 6. characterized by their own
gentle nature and simple
Home planet sense of justice who view
Dorin (It’s considered a misfortune to name a Kel Dor on another planet.) moral issues with great

That’s the problem of the wars, you never see them coming. (page 43)

Force Sensitive General information

Because of their connection to the Force, many were drawn to the Jedi Order. A humanoid species of
They fought in the Great Sith War and helped shape the Order during these a Force-sensitive nature,
decades. Score a +1 on WILLPOWER in nature points. with no pupils or irises,
only vestigial white eyes (or
Beyond the veil even empty sockets), they
Thoughtful, cautious and deliberative. They have little interest in personal perceive the environment
gain or glory. For social reasons, they hide their appearance by wearing a through the Force.
ribbon. With this feat you ignore any impediment to sight.
They are a very spiritually
Echoes of Katarr (Very challenging) united people, so much so
If it is not attached to the Force, it is bizarre. After the Conclave, life has been that they call themselves
severed from that bond, leaving a terrible lesson. You have 2 additional force “brethren”, members of a
powers. You must do a Dark side roll if you get a 5 or 6. large family that worships
Ashlan and Bogan. For
Home planet them there is no good and
Alpheridies, Katarr (dying, sterile world). evil, only life and death.

2+WILLPOWER, maxium of 3.

Engravings are erased, destiny is obscured. (page 43)

Force Sensitive General information

A deeply religious people who practice a primitive approach to the Force. Mirialans are almost
The Mirialians have always been present throughout the ranks of the Jedi physiologically identical
Order. Score a +1 WILLPOWER in nature points. to humans. The biggest
difference in their biology
Tribal tattoos is their green skin and
A unique tattoo to indicate that they have passed a test, or that they have their flexibility.
achieved sufficient aptitude for a certain martial skill. Introduce an additional
narrative effect in combat and situations that require athletics. This last particular feature
gives them the advantage
One last challenge over humans in terms of
The actions of each individual contribute to their own destiny. The successes agility and martial arts.
and failures of the past lead them to their fate. When a motivation is at risk, This is why they are fast
do a Dark side roll. Your dark side increases if you get a 4 or more. and formidable rivals
in combat and in other
Home planet facets which involve a high
Mirial dexterity.


They’re a big secret. No one will tell their stories. (page 43)

Amphibious behaviour General information

They’re skilled swimmers. On land they move cautiously, although their The Selkath come from the
neutrality annoys. Score +1 for INTELLECT and -1 for EMPATHY in nature oceanic planet Manaan,
points. You get a temporary modifier of +1 for DEXTERITY in the water. the only natural source of
The kolto must flow
The Selkath keep the secret of the kolto. Its healing properties are enough This is why they had a
to respect the Selkath policy and its scientific knowledge. Introduce an great diplomatic influence
additional narrative detail when treating wounds, illnes or researching. during the course and the
end of the Jedi civil war.
The Order of Shasa
The protection of the Manaan is a priority, the rest can wait. The voice of the They held fast to their
Progenitor is one with the Force. Her message will cross the galaxy. If you neutrality, cancelling some
use Progenitor voice, you must do a Dark Side die roll if you get a 5 or a 6. agreements and forming
others in secret, when the
Home planet integrity of their world was
Manaan. compromised.


In exile, who will lead an entire people. (page 43)

Notion of group General information

Social, open, perceptive and caring. They prefer to work in groups and are A carnivorous humanoid
experts in the complex social interaction between their acquaintances. species from the planet
Score a +1 for EMPATHY or +1 for DEXTERITY/INTELLECT in nature points. Shili, the Togrutas are
easily recognized by the
Sense of awareness combination of their head
They come from a world of dense forests, wild scrub and urban areas that and horn-like monster
grew out from ancient hunting villages. Introduce an additional detail in tails.
cooperative subterfuge actions.
Only those of an
In the shadows independent character,
Togrutas have little sympathy for those who do not contribute. Individuality a relatively rare trait in
is a sign of depravation. When you fulfill an individualistic motivation, do a them, travel out into the
Dark side roll. Your dark side increases if you get a 4 or more. galaxy alone.

Planeta natal Their exceptional spatial

Shili senses are crucial in their
ability to respond to their
Wealth environment.

To have come so far, to return with the hands empty. (page 43)

Battle armour General information

Slowly regenerating scaly skin and limbs. Their strength is unrivalled, but Trandoshans are intelligent
their dexterity can be a hindrance in combat. Score a +1 for PHYSICAL or +2 reptilian humanoid native
for PHYSICAL and -1 for DEXTERITY in nature points. to the planet Trandosha,
sharing a star system with
Relentless hunt the Wookiees of Kashyyyk.
Infrared-sensitive eyes, adapted for trades where their presence is common.
Bounty hunters and slavers waiting for their trophy. Introduce an additional They are known throughout
narrative effect when hunting. the galaxy for enjoying the
thrill of a good hunt and
The wrath of the Scorekeeper for their great strength.
A deity beyond space and time that must be appeased. There is no greater
dishonour than to waste a great hunt. When your hunt is at risk, do a Dark Despite their so millenary
side roll. Your dark side increases if you get a 3 or more. traditions, they are noted
for their openly aggressive
Home planet culture.


Slaves of a shrinking galaxy. (page 43)

Natural born deceiver General information

Twi’leks are a calculating, pragmatic and charismatic people. They prefer a Twi’leks are an omnivorous
life of planning and preparing to take advantage of every situation. Score a humanoid specie common
+1 for EMPATHY or a +1 for INTELLECT in nature points. throughout the galaxy,
especially in less reputable
Tentacular delusion places.
They do not profess any particular faith in the Force, but the tails on their
head allow a special kind of communication based on it. Introduce an This is because the Hutts
additional narrative effect when you persuade or seduce someone. have been selling Twi’lek
offspring as slaves for
Ryloth survivor millennia.
Even for those who escape, time in captivity writes their lives. In the presence
of slaves and/or authority, the passionate desires for freedom are unleashed. They’re easily recognized
Do a Dark side roll, your dark side increases if you get a 3 or more. by the tentacle tails on
their heads. Despite
Home planet their status, they are an
Ryloth. ancient people with a rich,
decentralized tradition.

Even the trees couldn’t bear the weight of their debt. (page 43)

Honourable people General information

Honor and loyalty. The family extends beyond blood ties through the Debts The wookiees or the village
of Life by forming honorary families. Choose between a +1 to an ATTRIBUTE of the trees, are a kind of
in nature points or a Debt of Life (other species nature points distribution). tall and hairy humanoid
inhabitants of the planet
Pillars of Wroshyr Kashyyyk.
The colossal wroshyr trees are the cradle of the Wookiee civilization,
supporting cities miles above the planet’s forest floor. Introduce an additional As arboreal mammals,
detail when you explore and deal with the nature. the Wookiees live in the
canopy of the towering
Wildlands wayfarer (May be changelling) Wroshyr trees.
The Shadowlands is a place imbued in the Dark Side. Wookiees rarely go
there and the galaxy now feels the same way. When you are far away from Despite their fearsome
the calm of nature, you must do a Dark side roll if you get a 5 or 6. appearance, they tend to
be gentle, although they
Home planet are prone to devastating
Kashyyyk or Alaris Prime. outbursts of anger if they
are provoked.
1+ATTRIBUTE, maximum of 3.

Fear, anger, grudge. It’s hard to hide those feelings. (page 43)

Unwavering General information

Iridonia is known for its violent character. The Zabrak therefore have a strong Zabraks are a carnivorous
sense of self-determination that is sometimes exclusionary. Score a +1 to humanoid species from
WILLPOWER or +2 to WILLPOWER and -1 to EMPATHY in nature points. the planet Iridonia. They
have distinctive horns on
Etched in the skin their head and two hearts.
The right to follow their passions gets them to cast aside their titles. Think of
a competence (combat, science, persuasion, etc). From now, you will get an They are a highly proud,
additional narrative effect when you perform it. determined and even
arrogant people, which is
Iridonian fever reflected in the many facial
In the heat of battle, pride speaks, honor is killing your opponent, and reward tattoos on their faces.
is the taste of your enemy’s fresh blood. When motivation is at stake, do a
Dark side roll. Your dark side increases if you get a 4 or more. Nevertheless, they have
earned their place as one
Home planet of the most independent
Iridonia, Dathomir, Talus or Corellia. species in the Galaxy.


50 years of conflicts
The unstoppable march of time that slowly leads us to an inevitable death.
There is no death, there is only the Force. But you have seen so much that
you begin to doubt that the Force has any control over anything, when count-
less lives are drowned in the flames of conflict. Once again, you remember
your lightsaber, but a primal fear that has always dominated the world, as a
hand that swings a cradle, takes over you.

The true war

The true war has never been fought with droids, ships, or soldiers. Those are I refuse all my honors
just obstacles. Raw, disgusting matter to which you have proven yourself on Once you make a choice,
several occasions. Sometimes more than you’ve ever wanted to, as if you there’s no turning back.
ever had a choice. True war, as you well know, is that which is forged in the Each one represents the
heart of all living things, against their very nature. Light and dark, that is historical conflict in which
what shapes the galaxy and not these creations of an ephemeral age. your journey along the
unknown paths of life.
The lessons of a culture and, more importantly, the nature of its people
reach their definition in conflict. It has taken a hundred years to learn that Choose carefully. Each
hard lesson. Seeing the flag of evil fly across the galaxy would never have option will lead you to a set
been a problem if you had not looked up. But all beings are at war with the of values that affect the
past and that leaves its scars, for in battle words are set aside to give way mechanics of the game,
to moments of pure expression in which heroes are born. They felt no fear namely three; the sum
or pain, the cold of death did not extinguish their passion, but with the loss of a few attribute points
you died inside. you’ll have to spread,
the number of narrative
You remember that you are in 4025 C.R.C. (3952 ABY), barely a month has effects resulting from your
passed after the fateful Conclave of Katarr, and when the ashes of the wars actions and your initial
that have devastated the galaxy begin to invade you, a more and more timid dark side score.
lesson is pronounced by your mouth:
These are detailed below.
-There is no fear. Only the recklessness of youth.- (page 45) It has been considered
that your character feel the
-There is no emotion. Just broken pieces to pick up.- (page 47) Force in the conflict of your
choice. But If you want to
-There is no strength. Only a fragile shell.- (page 49) break this rule, you can do
so. Do it.

Revan vanquished Malak, but in the end, Malak had already won.

-There is no fear.- An out-of-tune lesson sounds in your head. You go over KIND
those inquisitive questions one more time, as if you were still in that now- Your nature points sum,
forgotten academy. -Do you believe Revan died? Do you think the Sith Lord after you allocate them,
was not born from the teachings of the Jedi Order?- you wonder as your eye must be 3.
sockets continue descending at breakneck speed. You’re young, you still think
you can do your best.
-Although no one is eternally young.- that desolate thought overwhelms you
as you cling to the latest events: Foerost, the bombardment of Telos IV, the EPIC TRAGEDY
battle of Iridonia, the capture of Revan, the destruction of Taris, the desperate You have 3 points to
search for the star charts that pointed to the Star Forge, the defeat of Darth distribute among your
Malak at the hands of a redeemed Revan that led both the Republic and the score of arrogance and/or
Jedi Order to a pyrrhic victory. Both were lethaly injured. Only a few hundred frustration.
Jedi were left after the conflict. The jarring waves of the echoes of the Force With this power, I will claim
grew louder and louder, until they reached an impasse. A wound so deep my victories.
that in it the Force itself can be denied.
There is still time to accept the passage of time in your body and mind, to When applicable, you have
accept that these dismal tides of apathy are not the result of a single war, one narrative effect less.
perhaps even two conflicts are not even enough to explain your most inner You’re young, you still have
deep desolation. a lot to discover.

-No.- you scream within yourself, confirming that these memories are real. DARK SIDE
Initial score: 1.
But then… The Jedi code still resides
in you.
The out-of-tune lesson seems to have ceased as if you had thrown it from the
top of a cliff into the abyss.

The most important war of all wars.

Just because we were in it, what a mistake.

And if you stare into the abyss, the abyss will stare into you. (page 51)

The mask covered another face, but no Jedi could cover that shame.

-There is no emotion.- An out-of-tune speech sounds in your head. You check KIND
the sound of those words. An exalted Jedi. --We will march to the front, and Your nature points sum,
beyond, if it will save the galaxy. Sometimes you have to go into the dark- after you allocate them,
ness to save the light.- you try to hold onto those words as your eye orbits must be 2.
descend, unlike your years. You’re older, the time has
balanced the odds.
-The fair virtue of golden middle way does not figure in your years...- That
cruel thought invades you while you cling to those memories: Mandalore, DISOWNED EXPERIENCES
the invasion of the Mytaranor sector, the expansion of the Mandalorian Cru- You have 2 points to
sade allowed by the Senate until several trade routes were compromised, distribute among your
Saul Karath, the divisions within the Jedi Order, the revanchists, Revan and score of arrogance and/or
Malak, the end of a ruthless war where both sides were buried in the trap of frustration.
Malachor V. One chapter of galactic history had closed to make way imme- With each victory, I will
diately for another. The discordant waves of the Force echoes became more break my chains.
and more strident.
There is still time to accept the passage of time in your body and mind, to Where applicable, you
accept that you may be at one end of the rope of life. May all those names do not add or subtract
are just tales from your childhood or stories that if previous wars had not narrative effects.
already drowned you into an endless burden of apathy, this one has. Over time, the tides seem
-No.- you scream within yourself, confirming that these memories are real.
But then… Initial score: 2.
It’s up to you to bring the
The jagged melody is silenced as if you had activated the Shadow Mass Force into balance.
Generator in Malachor V. An endless stream of drowning cries.

The era that would end all other eras.

Heroes and tyrants fall, history picks up their pieces.

And in a sea of mourning and regrets, you stayed afloat. (page 51)

It took five decades before the Jedi realized how much they had lost.

-There is no strength.- An out-of-tune rhyme sounds in your head. You check KIND
the sound of those voices. A children’s choir. -The jedis who have fallen are Your nature points sum,
the most treacherous- You try to hold onto those words as your eyes descend, after you allocate them,
trying not to give way to their own weight. must be 2.
En tu hastío vital, eres un
-Just because you feel them, does not mean they are there.- That cruel thought recuerdo de quien fuiste.
invades you while you unveil those memories: the new awakening of the Sith,
the rise of Freedom Nadd, Exar Kunn, the destruction of Ossus, the fall of LAST BREATH
Ulic Quel Droma, his defeat and redemption through the humiliation that led You have 1 point to
the Republic to a final decisive victory in Yavin IV. But those memories may distribute among your
well have been acquired, as well as the feelings hidden in their teachings. score of arrogance and/or
The warring swells of the echoes of the Force are becoming more and more frustration.
discordant. Con mis cadenas rotas, yo
me rompí con ellas.
There is still time to accept the passage of time in your body and mind, to
accept that you are still young or even that the righteous virtue of the golden RANK
middle way is among your years and that those memories are only lessons, When applicable, you have
not experiences. one narrative effect more.
En la apatía, te siguen más
-No.- you shout within, confirming that these memories are real. enseñanzas que personas.

But then… DARK SIDE

Initial score: 3.
The melody seems to have ceased like the screams of Ulic Qel-Droma La Fuerza vive en ti, el con-
holding the corpse of his brother, whom he killed in a fit of rage. flicto vive en ti.

This battle will last forever.

And we will burn forever.

And after decades of apathy, the corpse is you. (page 51)

The Force in the exile
Each title (inside and outside the Each rank will give to your character To crave for a grave
Jedi Order) grants a main attribute, training points to distribute among Star Wars Betrayal seeks
certain training points and a series your attributes and a series of feats to play characters that do
of feats. However, the ways of the that are divided between combat not exist beyond their own
Force are a mystery, and it would forms, force forms and force powers. tragedy. They are neither
not be surprising to hear of a Revan, nor Meetra Surik,
master-at-arms who has laid down AN ACCELERATED LESSON nor part of any future
her lightsaber, a Jedi consular prophecy. They are beings
who awaits the call of battle, or a The next page illustrates what is who crave what they do
custodian who shows off his wealth expected of each rank both inside not have or for what they
gained during the wars. and outside the defunct Jedi order. have lost. Your character
cannot escape that reality.

Comparison chart
Each rank has an advantage associated to an attribute, in the table they The False Prophecy
appear in increasing order of responsibility. The ‘’+’’ sign refers to the training Prophecies are illusions.
received compared to the padawan and previous ranks. The fact that the Sith crea-
ted their own saving myth
If your character manages to survive and receive training, she can access is predictable... I’m not a
to higher ranks. In this case, she takes the characteristics of the next rank creature of superstition.
by completing the current number of them. For example: a Jedi guardian But if the clothes of the Si-
passing to Jedi Custodian gets access to 3 additional combat forms. th’ari, that perfect being,
fit, I see no reason why I
shouldn’t claim them.
Trained Forms Force
Attribute feats powers
Adept CHOOSE 1 - 6
Padawan CHOOSE 1 Form I 3
Knight Combat Force
• Jedi guardian +PHYSICAL +2 +0 6
• Jedi consular +WILLPOWER +0 +2 10
• Jedi sentinel +INTELLECT +1 +1 8
Master Combat Force
• Weaponmaster +DEXTERITY +4 +1 8
• Sage +INTELLECT +3 +2 12
• Custodian +EMPATHY +4 +2 10

The Call of the Force
The Jedi temple on Coruscant is empty. The waterfalls of the great Hall of a
Thousand Fountains are still flowing, as condolences for the fallen Jedi and
those who wander lost without training. A vague description is enough to
give you an image of what it would be like to walk through its long and wide
unpolluted corridors. A place permeated by a total absence of desire and
fear, which now seems indifferent to the eyes of others. A monument, which
like you at this moment, harbours more ruin than dignity. You contemplate
your face once again in those pale waters of an almost transparent milky
colour. Then you remember. A drop falls, its echo is felt. First a few feet
away, then across the room, the temple follows, and in a matter of minutes
it has been felt across the galaxy. He was calling you, to indoctrinate you in
uncertain ways and manners, to transform you from within. In the end you
made a strange decision. A unique choice.

Did you attend to the call of the Force?

-I flatly refused.- (page 55)

-I followed the call during the Jedi civil war.- (page 57)

-I followed the call during the Mandalorians wars.- (page 59)

-I followed the call during the Great Sith War- (page 65)

Their codes and philosophies can hardly matter now. (page 71)

Wizards, witches, shamans, seers, prophets. You have been called and insul-
ted by some of these titles, but in the end you were just a strange presence
in your home, if you found one in the galaxy. Light and Darkness are the fuel
of the Force, which burned in you like an untamed beast. Today you drink
only from the warm waters of apathy. You may not have answered the call of
the Force, but you have always followed his trail.

You didn’t join the Jedi Order, no matter how many wars you lived through.

Force users from all species with powers and abilities. In combat, they often
use weapons imbued with the power of the Force: whips, vibro-swords, their
own fists or even a blaster. Those who have not undergone formal training
by the Jedi are considered as adepts of the Force and usually come from
primitive planets.

Main attribute
Score 1 training point in one ATTRIBUTE.

Feats of the forms

None. You must receive instruction for a higher rank than Padawan.

Force powers
Choose 6 powers. Allocate 6, 9 or 12 points (from lower to higer veterany).

A title to remind them of what they were not. The arrogance! (page 71)

You remember the first warnings. A life without reward, without remorse,
without regret. It was the lies that laid the foundation for the path they laid
before you without choice. You never really had one. You gaze at your echo
in the waters of the Jedi temple and hear the whispered stories of good and
evil. They warned you that it would be a hard life, but that in the end you
would discover who you were when the answer was always there. No one.

Your training began during the Jedi civil war.

When the Jedi Order still existed, it was the title given to force-sensitive
teenagers who had begun to be trained. After reaching a certain age, they
became apprentices to a Jedi Knight or a Jedi Master, taking their first steps
on their individual training. They used to accompany their masters as part
of their training.

Main attribute
Score 1 training point in one ATTRIBUTE.

Feats of the forms

Write down Form I in Combat forms.

Force powers
Choose 3 Force powers up to level 1.

Those who kept justice were the same monsters they vowed to fight.

You squeeze the hidden memory of your lightsaber, you try to feel the fire
of the flame that burned forever in those who kept peace and justice across
the galaxy. The Force still whispers like the echo of the mistakes that were
made in an abyssal chorus. The cries and tears fade into the shadows as
the light of truth is brought. These are the words of those who trained you.
Though they never told you, they had seen and felt through the Force the path
on which you had already begun to take several steps before that question.

Your training began during the Mandalorian wars.

The rank of Jedi knight was held by those who, being members of the Jedi
Order, had completed their training and passed the Jedi trials. With full
membership in the Order, these individuals received tasks directly from the
Jedi Councils and strove to find peace and the maintenance of the Galactic

What do you desire to obtain?

-Peace- (page 60)

-Serenity- (page 61)

-Knowledge- (page 62)


A Jedi Guardian was a Jedi whose duty was to fulfill a mission entrusted by
the Jedi Council. The nature of these missions varied greatly, from protecting
representatives of the Republic, to attending to distress signals, to freeing a
system or occupying it.

His expertise was focused on combat. The Guardians opted more for the use
of the saber and physical training than for the Force. Many were noted for
carrying a double or two-bladed sword. Their traditional color was blue, but
they were free to choose their own color.

Main attributes
Score 1 training point in one ATTRIBUTE.
Score 1 training point in PHYSICAL.

Feats of the forms

Write down Form I in Combat forms.
Choose 2 additional combat forms.

Force powers
Choose 6 powers. Allocate 10 points among them, up to level 2.


A Jedi Consular (also known as a jedi seer) was, like all Jedi, an expert in
battle, but rarely went into combat, they prefered to study the mysteries of
the Force. The consuls were the first scholars, diplomats and seers of the

Instead of developing their connection to the Force through a physical

approach, the Jedi Consuls did it through the Force. Traditionally, they carried
a green light saber, but, like all Jedi, they were free to choose their own color
for a lightsaber.

Main attributes
Score 1 training point in one ATTRIBUTE.
Score 1 training point in WILLPOWER.

Feats of the forms

Write down Form I in Combat forms.
Choose 2 additional force forms.

Force powers
Choose 10 powers. Allocate 18 points among them, up to level 2.


The Jedi Sentinels were a branch of the Jedi Order that sought a balance
between the two extremes of the Jedi, the Jedi Consulars, and the Jedi
Guardians. They possessed adequate combat skills and a practical knowledge
of the Force geared toward withstanding outside mental influences.

Their specialized training made them ideal candidates to be sent to

remote regions of the galaxy, to uncover the truth and investigate unusual
concentrations of the Force. They traditionally handled yellow blade
lightsabers, although this was not a formal rule.

Main attributes
Score 1 training point in one ATTRIBUTE.
Score 1 training point in INTELLECT.

Feats of the forms

Write down Form I in Combat forms.
Choose 1 aditional combat form and 1 aditional Force form.

Proeza de la Fuerza
Choose 8 powers. Allocate 14 points among them, up to level 2.

A master without an apprentice is a master of nothing.

It was a sound, like power, like a heart, but with a voice. Your time to hide
your presence was coming to an end, and you needed to increase your tra-
ining. When the time came, you opened yourself to more risky techniques
and higher mysteries. You still remember, only you knew the path you would
take, no one could choose for you which rivers you decided to flow.

Your training began during the Greath Sith War.

It was the highest rank a Jedi could achieve. It was a requirement to be
qualified for membership in the High Jedi Council on Coruscant, the main
source of communication between the Jedi and the government of the Old
Republic. This was a title reserved for individuals who had demonstrated
exceptional devotion and skill in the Force.

Where did the Force lead you?

-Where harmony never yields to chaos.- (page 66)

-Where the Force never dies.- (page 67)

-Where Knowledge can never be ignored.- (page 68)


It’s the battle that moves you, challenging the enemy in a single combat. Such
is the way of the greatest Jedi warriors, the Jedi Weaponmasters. Respected
both within and outside the Order, it was a title given to Jedi Guardians
who dedicated themselves to the study of physical combat with the Force.

They spent years perfecting their skills in the art of their chosen
weapon: lightsabers, double-bladed lightsabers, batons, whips, flails,
firearms and even their own body as a weapon. It was all they had
to do to be considered Masters of Weapons by the Jedi High Council.

Main attributes
Score 1 training point in one ATTRIBUTE.
Choose between 2 training points in PHYSICS or 1 training point in PHYSICS

Feats of the forms

Write down Form I in Combat forms.
Choose 6 aditional combat forms and 1 aditional Force form.

Force powers
Choose 8 powers. Allocate 21 points among them, up to level 3.

SCHOLAR (page 71)

Your curse lies in the ancient mysteries and the teachings of the paths
of the Force. Generation after generation, you have contemplated the
path of virtue of the Scholars of the Force, a title granted to those Jedi
consulars who devoted themselves to academic and instructional work.

They dedicated decades of their lives to perfecting their affinity with the
Force, both intellectually and in combat, having access to the Jedi and Sith
holocrons in the Order’s archives. All this to train dozens of generations of
Jedi knights and padawans.

Main attributes
Score 1 training point in one ATTRIBUTE.
Choose between 2 training points in WILLPOPWER or 1 training point in

Feats of the forms

Write down Form I in Combat forms.
Choose 3 aditional combat forms and 4 aditional Force forms.

Force powers
Choose 12 powers. Allocate 33 points among them, up to level 3.

CUSTODIAN (page 71)

To investigate the mysteries of the galaxy, to seek out injustice and bring it to
light, that was the path of the Custodians in the times of Ulic Qel-Droma and
Exar Kun. It was a title given to the Jedi sentinels who operated as keepers
on specific planets or systems, watching over diplomacy.

By studying special Force techniques, the custodians were able to work

undercover, subtly manipulating political events in a benevolent manner,
based on their familiarity with local governments, without having to inform
the Councils before making every decision.

Main attributes
Score 1 training point in one ATTRIBUTE.
Choose between 2 training points in INTELLECT or 1 training point in

Feats of the forms

Write down Form I in Combat forms.
Choose 5 aditional combat forms and 2 aditional Force forms.

Force powers
Choose 10 powers. Allocate 27 points among them, up to level 3.

Forgetting what you’ve learned
The Force was a metaphysical, spiritual and binding FEATS: FORMS AND POWER
power that was of enormous importance to both
the Jedi order and the Sith. Known as the Way in According to your rank in the Jedi Order, choose for-
ancient times, the Force was seen in many different ms of combat, from the Force and powers of the
aspects not limited to the light side and the dark Force. If you are an adept, choose 6 powers of the
side of the Force, including the Living Force, the Force. Below are the available feats:
Unifying Force, the Cosmic Force and the Physical
Force. Nowadays it is only a terrifying tale. Combat forms: Schii-Cho, Makashi, Soresu, Ataru,
Shien, Niman, Juyo.
Force forms: Channel, Affinity, Potence and Mastery.
The first two aspects (the light side and the dark
side) were related to the moral compass of the Force powers: 43 Force powers (7 exclusive of their
Force, which manifested itself in the conduct respective kind).
and emotions of the living beings that were part
of its tissue. The light side was the facet aligned
with compassion, altruism, introspection, healing,
mercy and benevolence, while the dark side was
the element aligned with hate, fear, greed, anger,
aggression, jealousy and malevolence.


The last four facets of the Force were defined by

prominent Jedi philosophies.

The Living Force was concerned of all the living

beings. The Unifying Force was an understanding of
all space and time. The Cosmic Force was dedicated
to the study of life after death. The Physical Force
was devoted to interact with a external reality.

Combat forms
These fighting forms were necessary to compensate for or take advantage
of the unique attributes of the lightsabers, in particular the strange balance
of the weapon, the weight on the hilt and the cut. The most prominent
lightsaber-oriented fighting styles were the seven forms of the Jedi Order
detailed below.



When you are outnumbered, you can add an extra When facing one or two lightsabers, introduce 1
narrative effect. narrative effect and remove 1 against blasters.

It was the most basic form of combat, and from which This form was suited to fight in a final duel against
most others are derived. A perfect multi-purpose one or two opponents with lightsabers. It required
form, specializing in fighting multiple opponents, precision, serenity and a confidence bordering on
thanks to its wide sweeping movements, was arrogance. It was suitable for experienced duelists.
designed to disarm or slightly injure, but not kill. It was a very elegant form that required extreme
Trainees used to be taught this form first because precision, and was based on graceful attacks that
of its versatility. Although it is really quite simple, in allowed, for minimal effort defense, carrying the
fact, it could actually kill. lightsaber with one hand for more freedom and
fluidity in combat. However, this form of combat
Disarm: A blow directed to the opponent’s weapon, was ineffective in a multiple confrontation and
in an attempt to tear it out of her hands or even to practically useless against long-range weapons.
destroy it. The starting position of this form was a low guard in
one hand, with the lightsaber at a downward angle
Sarlaac sweep: A broad-based attack in which the to the side of the swordsman.
duelist strikes multiple enemies.
Contentious opportunity: This technique allows to
recognize and exploit an opening in the adversary’s
defense before moving quickly to strike the exposed

Makashi retaliation: The duelist slightly alters

the angle of an opponent’s attack before quickly
retaliating with a counter attack.



When facing blasters introduce 1 narrative effect When facing one opponent, introduce 2 narrative
and remove 1 against lightsabers. effects and remove 2 against blasters.

It was considered one, if not the most defensive It was a fast, aggressive and useful form of combat
of all forms. It requiered movements very close to in one-on-one, but paled in close quarters or
the body with the purpose to achieve the greatest prolonged combats. Those who actively practiced
protection without consuming much energy. The this form of combat were always on the offensive,
aim was to expose the practitioner’s body as little as attacking with broad, fast and powerful punches
possible, so if the user of this form was well trained, and invoking the Force to assist them in their
she would be almost invincible. The Soresu form movements and attacks. By allowing the Force
was more effective at reflecting blaster attacks, to flow, they were able to overcome their physical
requiring quick reflexes and many movements to limitations and perform amazing acrobatics.
overcome the rapid firing of the guns. Those who All Force powers that involve exceeding normal
practiced this form resisted any attack patiently standards of movement, speed, and agility need
until their opponent made a mistake, at which point to be incorporated within the style training to be
they would attack aggressively. Though they did not successful in its maestry. This form was common
seek to injure, even in the midst of a battle they among those who have opted for exceptional Force
would attack only when it was strictly necessary. mastery over combat.

Circle of shelter: A protected area is created around Crushing blow: This maneuver aims to quickly hit an
the user and their allies, making it difficult for opponent without giving, under any circunstances,
enemies to penetrate this defense. any chance to react.

Deflecting slash: The momentum generated by the Swarm strike: Numerous short attacks are directed
deflection of an enemy missile is redirected to an at the opponent mercilessly in the midst of the
attack from an adjacent target. battle rush.



When facing blasters introduce 2 narrative effects In any situation, introduce 1 additional narrative
and remove 2 against lightsabers. It needs form III. effect.

This was the best way to reflect blaster shots so that This form attempts to balance all aspects of the
they could return to the opponent. When fighting lightsaber combat, creating fighters with moderate
on the defensive, this form employed typical knowledge in each of the individual aspects, without
techniques of the Soresu form and occasionally mastery in any of them but competent for all. This
some of the Makashi, constantly and efficiently combat form is used by many Jedi diplomatics,
making counter-attacks, but blocking and repelling who first try to use their political strategies and
attacks in a more brutal manner, even employing negotiate, to reach a peaceful agreement with
mere brute force to knock down an opponent and minimal bloodshed. Even with that, this form should
perform demanding stunts. However, this was not not be underestimated under any circunstance.
usual, due to the pursuit of direct frontal combat to Mastery of this form allowed to deal fluently a
the detriment of other more subtle tactics. At the group of enemies and eliminate them one by one.
same time, and despite its advantages, the style In addition, this form was associated with the use
adopted in this direct form makes it simple and of two lightsabers and favored the use of Force. Not
predictable, and extremely vulnerable to a more surprisingly, rhis is why it became Revan’s favorite
patient and flexible fighting style. form above all.

Blade curtain: It protects the former user against Come closer: The duelist put her opponent, through
gunfire and manages to redirect some of the physical confrontation or using force powers, and
incoming explosions. places her in the path of her sword.

Shien deflection: This technique allows to deflect Push cut: Putting an opponent before pushing her
every gunshot and explosion away from you while aside with the Force. It was used as a final, decisive
jumping to an opponent. and smart movement.


FORM VII FEROCITY (JUYO) Quick Flank: Jumping or running around an the
When facing one opponent, introduce 3 narrative enemies to make a quick strike. The speed of the
effects if attacking. You can’t defend yourself. maneuver took the opponents by surprise.

Juuyo was the result of integrating all the other Certain impact: Channeling the power of the Force
forms into a single style and adopting an aggressive in the almost assured scenario of a devastating
and pragmatic fighting approach. impact on the ground.

Formidable in both attack and defence, this form

was perhaps the most dangerous for the user,
as the demanding and constant concentration it
required and its similarity to the Sith fighting style
caused many of its users to fall to the dark side.
It was based on the extensive exploit of all kinds
of skills: fast lightsaber movements, hand-to-
hand combat techniques that combine strength
and speed, a untamed use of the lightsaber to
absorb the blaster gun fire increasing the power
of the blade... everything to deal with any possible
situation or circumstance in combat.

The Force was used to enhance the user’s physical

capabilities: tumbling, jumping, running... which
allowed prolonged combats. It was also used
for throwing objects (usually medium size or
compressed, although large objects could also be
thrown), or its use as a shield.

Force forms
The force forms were meditative battle postures that served as alternatives
to the various combat forms. The Force Forms increased the power of the
Jedi to sense and control the Force at the expense of physical ability. They
were popular among Jedi Consulars and those who depended more on the
Force than on lightsabers, even in battle.


Pay special attention to the force forms that you will focus on during the
battle. Shifting from one combat form to another is a flexible and elegant
move. Alternating between two (or even more) force forms requires a wise
and diligent dominance of your force powers.



It reduces the time of use between one Force power Introduce an additional narrative effect by using
and the next during a combat. If this form is kept Force powers and put a temporary modifier of +1
active, wait until your next turn to use another Force on the linked attribute on every turn. If this form is
power. kept active, wait until your next turn to use another
Force power.
This basic meditation technique was mastered by
all Jedi, being the only form of the Force generally It was the ideal way to keep a constant focus on
used by non-consulars. In her days of service, Master the Force. It allowed to rest on its use, even in the
Arren Kae even described this technique as a gift, fiercest fight, in a way that would normally only be
as it provided a modest boost to the connection of possible thorugh a peaceful meditation and away
every sentient being of the Force without exposing from distractions. This was a form of resistance
them to vulnerabilities. for the Jedi; it allowed them to remain on guard
while an enemy spent all his energy and eventually
became tired. For this reason, it was used more
effectively in alternating cycles with other forms
of the Force, regaining strength before launching a
counterattack against a tired opponent.



Introduce 3 additional narrative effects by using Introduce 2 additional narrative effects by using
powers of force and put a time modifier of -2 on the powers of force and put a -1 time modifier on the
linked attribute. If they are universal or dark side, linked attribute. If they are universal or dark side,
roll the dark side die. roll the dark side die.

You must wait two turns to use another Force power. You must wait a turn to use another Force power.

It was offensive by nature, increasing the ability to Despite its name, it was not limited to those with
attack others with the Force. By attacking enemies great experience. It enhanced abilities over an ex-
with more force, the user quickly left the sensation tended period of time in order to amplify the effects
of exhaustion. It was common among practitioners of the Force powers. However, it severely weake-
of the dark side, as they were often manifestations ned the energies and limited the ability to defend
of hatred or other dark emotions. Even so, a jedi against other Force powers. Those who were not
could use this form to decisively resolve a conflict if very proficient in the Force took this form, to appear
it was a priority to finish it immediatly. more proficient than they actually were.

Force powers
The Force is a river from where many can drink from, and the training of the
Jedi is not the only glass you can take a sip.


Depending on your rank, choose any combination of Force powers, wether The Force is a weapon, a
they are from the light side, the dark side or universal powers. If your character tool, but foremost, it is a
has a kind-specific power, you must add it to your selection. Finally, when mirror to the most inner
making your character, keep in mind that each power has different levels of deep horrors in the galaxy,
mastery, acquiring each one costs one point. When using the Force, a roll is yours. In any case, the
made with two dice and in case of using points of arrogance or frustration, mechanics described here
the attributes linked to that power are taken into account. It is possible to do not seek a numerical
leave two powers unselected to acquire them during the game. complexity or advantage.
Instead of this, you must
THE FORCE IN BALANCE interpret force powers
When choosing a Force power, consider your Dark Side score. When your like the other feats that
character’s Dark Side has a score of 3, you can add up to three narrative introduce narrative effects
effects for all the force powers that you know. As the Dark Side value moves into each scene, as a series
away from 3, the number of narrative effects you can add into a scene in of narrative mechanics
which your character use the Force is reduced by one. that seek to facilitate the
action of the characters.
But most importantly, Star
There are powers that can be used when you need them. However, those
Wars Betrayal is about
marked as exclusive to the light side and the dark side will be inaccessible
the triumph of darkness
if the dark side score exceeds a value of 3 (for light side powers) or is lower
over the waning flame
than this (for dark side powers). If you have left two force powers unchecked,
of the characters. This
you can unlock them during a game session.
means that, although
there is a rule to introduce
Shredding the Force elements in each scene,
the narrative authority lies
with the person who leads
You have touched the Force, it is time to talk about how it feels, both its the game session.
presence and its absence. It’s time to understand what it all means. Every
power is a victory and with every victory, the Force vibrates in harmony, in
the Light and in the Darkness.


They are those who have developed the traditions Terentatek pose (VOLUNTAD) (Wookiee force power)
of certain species. They represent very concrete te- In the Shadow lands, maturity is reached by keeping
chniques that only they can learn. one’s eyes on these creatures of the abyss.
Effect: Gives a natural immunity to panic and
Final harvest (FÍSICO) (Ithorian force power) poison.
Four throats moved at will are capable of breaking
steel. Iridonian way (Zabrak force power)
Effect: It can break metals with its voice, not to The freedom to be independent is not achieved in
mention the flesh. a feather coat.
Effect: You automatically learn an additional form
Anya Seff (FÍSICO) (Kel Dor force power) of combat.
Literally, brain dead. It allows you to conceal your
brain activity.
Effect: The user of the Force seems to have died.
You can awake from this state whenever you want. MASTERING THE FORCE

Energy sense (VOLUNTAD) (Miraluka force power) You have touched the force. Tell me of its absence.
They coul see through the Force even that which It is standing atop the summit of a great mountain,
was foreign to it. the winds tearing about you, and finding yourself
Effect: They can perceive that where the Force does buried alive, trapped, helpless and alone. It is
not reside clearly. knowing what you want to say and never finding the
words. It is a chorus replaced with silence, hearing
Progenitor voice (INTELECTO) (Selkath force power) teachings without meaning. It is like having the
Shasa’s order talks to the great shark Firaxa, even energy of youth, then feeling the cloak of years fall
when they are light years away. upon you and knowing you are weak, fragile and
Effect: Allows you to communicate with the beasts a thing easily discarded. It is like a beloved pupil
as if they were an intelligent species. to whom you have shared everything, sacrificed
everything and then having them turn from you and
Natural sense (EMPATÍA) (Togruta force power) forget all you were.
His connection with nature has been rewarded by
the Force.
Effect: Allows you to communicate with the beasts
as if they were an intelligent species.


Affect mind (INTELLECT) Force body (PHYSICAL)

Using the Force to create an uncanny or terrible Reduce the integrity and the time between powers.
confusion in various minds. Tier 1: -1 to PHYSICAL temporary mod., 1 turn less.
Tier 1: Mind trick. Tier 2: Confusion. Tier 2: -2 to PHYSICAL temporary mod., 2 turns less.

Battle meditation (WILLPOWER) Force deflection (DEXTERITY)

A unique technique that changed the course of the It allows to divert the shots of any kind of ranged
Jedi civil war. weapon without a lightsaber.
Tier 1: +2 to a temporary mod. Tier 2: +2 to two Tier 1: Deviate the shots far away. Tier 2: Redirect
temporary mod. the shots back to the oponent.

Beast trick (EMPATHY) Force push (WILLPOWER)

It allows you to dominate the unintelligent creatures This powers allows you to hurl your foes at a variable
of the galaxy. distance and in a peculiar way.
Tier 1: Lesser creatures. Tier 2: Medium size beasts. Tier 1: Throw away one foe. Tier 2: Trap your foes in
Tier 3: Colossal creatures and swarms. a whirlwind. Tier 3: Unleash a destructive wave.

Breath control (WILLPOWER) Force resistance (WILLPOWER)

It slows down the metabolism to the point where This power creates a living force shield around the
breathing is not necessary. user and protects against the effects of the Force.
Tier 1: In water. Tier 2: You don’t inhale toxic gases. Tier 1: Cancels 1 effect. Tier 2: Cancels 2 effects.
Tier 3: You won’t die of asphixia in vacuum. Tier 3: Cancels 3 effects.

Burst of speed (DEXTERITY) Force shadow (DEXTERITY)

Speed and reflexes are increasing. In combat, delay A variable cloack field that allows you to sneak
your action to avoid: through in the face of adversity.
Tier 1: an attack/effect. Tier 2: two attacks/effects. Tier 1: Cunning evasion. Tier 2: Masterful hiding.
Tier 3: Three attacks/effects. Tier 3: Complete invisibility as a stealthy ghost.

Energy resistance (PHYSICAL) Force sight (INTELECTO)

Absorbs the damage from the blaster batteries, It allows you to see using the Force at a variable
nullifying their effects. distance according to your domain.
Tier 1: Cancels 1 effect. Tier 2: Cancels 2 effects. Tier 1: An immediate distance. Tier 2: A medium
Tier 3: Cancels 3 effects. distance. Tier 3: Far away (even light years).


Force supression (INTELLECT) If you want to create your own Force powers you
This power overrides the active force powers in only have to think of a quasi-magical effect and
another being during: grant it levels of potential. At a higher level, that
Tier 1: One turn. Tier 2: Two turns. Tier 3: Three power grows.
As you have seen, some powers are up to tier 3,
Telepathy (EMPATHY) others are up to tier 2 and someones are interesting
It grants the ability to read the mind and, if you are enough to have just one tier of proficiency. If you
shrewd enough, to write in it. want to design a new Force power keep that in
Tier 1: Mind reading. Tier 2: Mind reading in area. mind. Perhaps the effect you introduce at tier 2 is
Tier 3: Access the minds of a whole region. already more than enough to finish making that
power, either because of its description or because
Throw lightsaber (DEXTERITY) the effects it introduces are powerful enough.
You can throw it up to the target distance, being
able to hold it and finally return. Follow this structure when designing them:
Tier 1: Throw. Tier 2: Hold. Tier 3: You can hold on
lightsaber telekinetically. A yet nameless force power (LINKED ATTRIBUTE)
Just write down a brief description of this one,
Precognition (INTELLECT) concise but evocative.
It’s that inner voice that speaks saying you “I have a
bad feeling about this”. Tier 1: A clear manifestation of such power, a
Tier 1: Alerts you about a decisive confrontation. more (or less) narrative effect under certain
circumstances, or a temporary modifier.
The knowledge of the Force has remained intact Tier 2: Another way of presenting that power,
through generations throughout the galaxy. Today, two more (or less) narrative effects under certain
a few years after the end of the Jedi civil war, circumstances or two temporary modifiers.
there are no more Jedi, no more Sith. A strange,
amorphous and unorthodox mix of philosophies Tier 3: A final expression of this power, up to three
converge in one last cry for survival. more (or less) narrative effects or three temporary
But they all have one thing in common, their tragedy
is written through the echoes of the Force. Light In addition, the effects introduced with each tier
and Darkness, but in a new way. may or may not be cumulative.


Force aura (WILLPOWER) (Cumulative effects) Stun (WILLPOWER)

It protects the force user against the effects of It immobilizes the opponents, avoiding to lengthen
harmful force powers. or even to start a fight.
Tier 1: Removes 1 narrative detail. Tier 2: Removes Tier1: Immobilize. Tier 2: Ecstasy. Tier 3: Ecstasy in
2 narrative details. area.

Force barrier (PHYSICAL) (Cumulative effects) Revitalize (WILLPOWER) (Cumulative effects)

It protects the force user against a particular type Return any unconscious ally to combat.
of damage. Tier 1: Return consciousness, all time mods to 0.
Tier 1: Physical damage. Tier 2: Energy damage. Tier 2: +2 to a time mod.
Tier 3: Environmental damage.
Force valor (WILLPOWER)
It protects each ally from a variable state of shock Distinguishing good from evil is not a quite simple
and agitation. matter. However, good is not the absence of evil;
Level 1: Panic. Level 2: Horror. Level 3: Insanity. it is the ability to calmly deny it when it presents
Battle Precognition (DEXTERITY)
It allows the force user to anticipate rival moves a Attachment is forbidden; possession is forbidden.
few moments before an imminent battle. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional
Tier 1: +2 to PHYSICAL temporary mod. Tier 2: You love, is essential to the life of a Jedi.
can introduce a narrative detail before the battle.
Enlightenment (Dark side score: 2) (EMPATHY)
Heal (PHYSICAL) You can transmit the precepts of combat in a state
You can eliminate the damage that comes from of calm and serenity.
narrative effects on your allies or yourself. Tier 1: add one effect when defending. Tier 2: add
Tier 1: You can heal 1 effect. Tier 2: You can heal 2 one effect when attacking and two when defending.
effects. Tier 3: You can heall 3 effects.
Inspirar (Dark side score: 2) (EMPATHY)
Stun droid (WILLPOWER) You can strengthen the will of every ally in your
It immobilizes droid targets, confusing their sensors. vicinity.
Tier 1: Immobilize. Tier 2: Deactivate. Tier 3: Tier 1: +1 to the temporary mod. of WILLPOWER.
Deactivate in area. Tier 2: +2 To the temporary mod. of WILLPOWER.


Drain Force (INTELLECT) Slow (INTELLECT) (Cumulative effects)

It increases the waiting time between powers of the Clouding the mind, with a poisonous harmful evil.
target and decreases the own. Tier 1: -1 to the temporal mod. of INTELLECT. Tier 2:
Tier 1: In one turn. Tier 2: in two turns. Tier 3: In -1 to DEXTERITY. Level 3: -2 to PHYSICAL.
three turns.
Drain Life (WILLPOWER) Damage, suffocate and then kill. This power doesn’t
This power allows you to absorb the life of others in admit mistakes and affects to temporary mod.
order to heal your own. Tier 1: Wound. Tier 2: Choke. Tier 3: Fataly injured.
Tier 1: Transfer a +1 PHYSICAL temporary mod. to
yours. Tier 2: Transfer 2 temporary mod. to yours. DARK SIDE EXCLUSIVE POWERS

Force crush (WILLPOWER) The Dark Side is something deeper than all the
The energies of the Dark Side are redirected to blind passions of neophytes with bloody thirst for
shredding through telekinesis. power. Titles fall, everything changes and evolves.
Tier 1: -2 to the temporal mod. of two ATTRIBUTES.
Tier 2: As above, but to several rivals. Evil is a term used by the ignorant and weak. The
dark side is survival. Release your inner power.
Force Scream (WILL) (Cumulative effects) Glorify the strength of the individual.
A sound wave that damages everything it reaches.
Tier 1: -1 to the time mod of DISTANCE. Tier 2: -1 to Crush opposition (Dark side score: 4) (WILLPOWER)
the INTELLECT mod. Tier 3: As above, in area. It weakens the will of every enemy in the vicinity.
Tier 1: -2 to the temporary mod. of WILLPOWER.
Fear (INTELLECT) Tier 2: -2 to the temporary mod. of WILLPOWER
Bind the target in a state of varying turmoil and and PHYSICAL.
Tier 1: Panic. Tier 2: Horror. Tier 3: Cosmic insanity. Fury (Dark side score: 4) (PHYSICAL)
It unleashes an unstoppable power that is immune
Shock (DEXTERITY) to disabling effects.
It unleashes a devastating electrical burst. Ter 1: 1 further attack, you cannot defend yourself for
Tier 1: Lightning. Tier 2: Multiple lightning strikes. 1 turn. Tier 2: 2 more attacks, 2 turns undefended.
Tier 3: Electrical storm.

They are the definition of each character. When
creating characters, assign values of -2,-1,+0,+1 Mocking your fate
and +2 so that their nature points add up to the
When assigning scores to each attribute, a
score corresponding to their seniority. Then, assign
distinction is made between two main categories:
training points according to their rank.
nature points and training points. Each fulfills two
distinct functions that complement each other by
deciding not to risk the fate of the dice and to take
It represents the use of logic, memory, deduction,
control of the scene.
Bond with the Force: When thoughts are unleashed
they become hasty.
Depending on the wars you have fought and the
initial nature points of an attribute by your kind, the
points are distributed in such a way that their sum
It represents the measure of wisdom and resistan-
is indicated by the character’s veterany.
ce to mental wear and tear.
Bond with the Force: When resistance is unleashed
A bothan who felt the Force during the Jedi civil
it makes you distant.
war starts with 1 nature point in WILLPOWER, and
the sum of his essence points must be equal to 3.
The following essence points are distributed for
It represents physical strength, both to hit and to
the character: INTELLECT (+2), WILLPOWER (+0),
Bond with the Force: When power is unleashed it
The sum is equal to 3, so that would be all.
becomes uncontrollable.
According to the rank within the jedi teachings,
It represents your muscles’ explosive, graceful and
your character will get, at least, a +1 training point
lively response.
linked with an ATTRIBUTE. They serve to reduce
Bond with the Force: When unleashed it gives way
the probability of advancing to the dark side when
to moments of pure expression.
using the points of frustration and arrogance.
The same bothan of the previous example did not
It represents the ability to manipulate what the
join the Jedi order, he felt the call but did not seek
rational language cannot express.
training. So he decides to award 1 training point in
Bond with the Force: When feelings are unleashed
an ATTRIBUTE, EMPATHY, to counteract his tendency
they control you.
to get carried away by intrigue.

The wealth represents the extent of each Force user inventory in the exile.
Everyone seeks their own ways to hide, whether in deprivation or in opulence.
The level of wealth is determined as indicated in each species, being the
minimum 1, giving the following inventory:

Poor (Wealth 1)
Apathy is worse than death. You don’t produce and you only consume.
You get: 7 objects (lightsaber, crystals, items and clothing).

Survivor (Wealth 2)
You’ve managed to produce enough to survive.
You get: 9 objects (lightsaber, crystals, items and clothing).

Comfortable (Wealth 3)
Comfort is a delicate truce with the past, don’t forget that.
You get: 12 objects (lightsaber, crystals, items and clothing).

Well-off (Wealth 4)
Jedi, Sith, The Force, they’re all just stories to scare the fearful.
You get: 16 objects (lightsaber, crystals, items and clothing).

Rcih (Wealth 5)
All that codes were a mere exercise of power, because there is only power.
You get: 20 objects (lightsaber, crystals, items and clothing).

Your character’s equipment will be the sum of For a jedi, the lightsaber represented the values
the abbilities in which her kind is valued and her of the Order: the defense of peace and justice
wealth, which adds a greater degree of detail. throughout the galaxy. This perception has lasted,
Choose carefully, because it’s the only thing you despite the many conflicts, until the end of the Jedi
have left to lose to completely disassociate yourself civil war, when even the masters of the Order began
from a material galaxy where the Force is mortally to doubt their own teachings.
The lightsaber consists of a blade of pure plasma
When it comes to follow some trails, doing ordinary emitted from the hilt and suspended in a force
routines, using the Force to feel its echoes, or being containment field. The field contained the immense
seduced by the whispers of an untamed power heat of the plasma, protecting the wearer, and
you never imagined, your equipment has great allowed the blade to maintain its shape. The handle
relevance. was almost always manufactured by the wearer to
suit her needs, preferences and style. The hilt was
CHOOSE YOUR LAST BELONGINGS also constructed similar to her master’s lightsaber
as a mark of respect. In the hands of an expert of
When you create your character, you determine her the Force, the lightsaber was a highly respected
starting equipment based on her wealth level. This and feared weapon. To wield a lightsaber offered
includes a number of clothes and a set of objects an eerie sense of respect and confidence, as well
to choose from, such as lightsabers, crystals, items as masterful skills and attunement to the Force.
and clothing, limited by a maximum number that
varies according to her wealth. CRAFTING A LIGHTSABER

For example: If your character is poor, she will Depending on your wealth, choose a crystal that
have a garment to determine and all the possible marks the color in which the blade shines and two
combinations that her maximum number of objects crystals that meet your needs as a Jedi in exile
allows. In this case, the maximum is 6, so you when creating your first lightsaber.
could have, for example, 6 inoperative lightsabers
because you don’t have crystals, or take a balanced
option of 1 lightsaber, 3 crystals and 2 utensils.

Your lightsaber
Designed an elegant combat and ceremonial rites,
the lightsaber was a distinctive weapon, whose
image was strongly linked to the mythic Jedi Order
and its opposite, the Sith.


Blue crystal Silver crystal

If the blade of a lightsaber was blue, the one If the blade of a lightsaber was silver, whoever
wielding it protected the weak and was very talented wielded it did so through the Force. It reminded the
in combat. It was the color of the Jedi Guardians. streams in the Hall of a Thousand Fountains.

Green crystal Orange crystal

If the blade of a lightsaber was green, the wielder If the blade of a lightsaber was orange, the wielder
preferred peaceful solutions and was very talented focused on fighting the Force. It was reminiscent of
in strength. It was the color of Jedi Consulars. Hasaq’s sunshine.

Yellow crystal Viridian crystal

If the blade of a lightsaber was yellow, the wielder If the blade of a lightsaber was Viridian green,
preferred to work in anonymity to reveal the truth. whoever wielded it did not seek to alter its balance
It was the color of the Jedi Sentinels. in the Force. It was common on desolate planets.

Red crystal Dark crystal

If the blade of a lightsaber was red, the wielder If the blade of a lightsaber was black, whoever held
might have succumbed to the Sith teachings. It was it had corrupted it with the Force. It is believed the
the color of the dark jedi and the Sith. blade Mandalore wielded was that color.

Violet crystal Grey crystal

If a lightsaber was violet, whoever held it maintained If the blade of a lightsaber was grey, whoever held
an aggressive balance between good and evil. It it possessed a clear, serene and calm mind, or else
was the color of one of Revan’s sabers. liked to collect oddities.

Cyan crystal White crystal

If the blade of a lightsaber was cyan, the one who If the blade of a lightsaber was white, whoever held
wielded it used it to focus on the Force. It is thought it was in the service of justice. It is believed that its
that Exar Kun had a sword of this color. origin lies in the pearls of Kryat Dragons.


Adegan crystal Firkrann crystal

Also called Illum crystals, they are extremely This heavy glass is collected by the natives of the
common. planet Rafa V.
The beam of lightsaber releases energy with each It produces a devastating electric shock by rolling a
impact by rolling a 5 or more on a die. 5 or more on a die.

Bondar crystal Hurrikaine crystal

This crystal was obtained from an asteroid orbiting The very rare Hurrikaine crystal is known for its
the Alderaan system. outsainding beauty.
It produces a volatile beam that stuns your opponent Each impact releases fragments capable of bruising
by rolling a 5 or more on a die. armor by rolling a 4 or more on two dice.

Damind crystal Jenruax crystal

This crystal can be found in the desert world of The refined form of Opila glass is totally free of
Daminia. impurities.
A wider, longer beam that allows you to hit another The blade is capable of deflecting, by instinct, heavy
opponent by rolling a 5 or more on a die. blasters and precision rifles.

Dragite crystal Kaiburr crystal

The Dragite crystals are located in M’haeli, in the Perhaps the most powerful crystal, it grants insight
D’olop mountain range. and masterful strength.
The lightsaber beam resonates loudly and deafens It allows you to override two narrative effects of the
your opponent by rolling a 5 or more on a die. opponent by rolling a 4 or more on two dice.

Eralam crystal Kasha crystal

Sith bombing swept away all the deposits of Erai’s This crystal is used by the Cereans as a meditation
third moon from where was extracted. tool.
The blade becomes so much brighter, misleading It allows to cancel a 6 if in another dice you get a 3,
your opponent by rolling a 5 or more on a die. a 4 or a 5. You can combine this with other effects.

Estígium crystal Opila crystal

As strange as its deposits at Aeten II, Nucleus244 Este cristal se encuentra en los campos de asteroi-
and Maramere. des del sistema Fyrth.
The blade is undetectable to optical sensors and Produce un haz intenso que impacta dos veces al
targeting systems. sacar un 4 o más en dos dados.


Phond crystal Sapith crystal

The result of combining impurities of certain alloys It was excreted every 11 years by the Volice worm
and random conditions. of Lwhekk, now extinct.
The lightsaber burns fiercely with each impact by The beam becomes more intense and manageable,
rolling a 4 or more on two dice. adding a narrative effect when you attack.

Pontita crystal Sigil crystal

This crystal is one of the rarest forms of Adegan Mined in the Sigil System, it is an expensive but
crystal. valuable addition.
The beam radiates a powerful aura that cools the A fine beam burns fiercely, adding an extra effect
skin and the temperament by rolling a 4 or a 5. when defending by rolling a 5 or more on a die.

Qixoni crystal Solari crystal

They formed on a planet when an ancient star Ood Bnar bequeathed it to his apprentice Shaela
turned into a supernova. Nuur and then lost it in the great hunt.
If your Dark Side is 4 or more, introduce an aditional If your Dark side is 1 or 2, add two adtional narrative
narrative effect when using Dark Side powers. effects when using Light Side powers.

Rubat crystal Upari crystal

This crystal, so common in lightsabers, is extracted This crystal is usually found in the orbit of forest
from the surface of Phemi. worlds. It is fragile but versatile.
The light beam is profiled, reducing by 1 the number Introduce an aditional narrative effect if you are
of subtracted effects of the combat forms. atacking and remove one if you are defending.

Ruusan crystal Velmorite crystal

These crystals come from the Middle Rim planet of These crystals from the planet Velmor make a
the same name. versatile and fierce blade.
By focusing on their light, it reduces the waiting It releases an energy capable of incapacitating the
time between force powers in one turn. opponent if, at least, one of the dice is a 1.


One of these crystals count as two inside the hilt of

a lightsaber.

Ankarres saphire
This crystal has legendary healing powers and
many other effects.
By concentrating on the beam, it grants the healing
power in its master form.

Barab ore lingot

This Barab I mineral is exposed to high doses of
lethal radiation.
It burns almost losing its cohesion, weakening the
opponent (-2 to a temporary mod.) with each blow.

Lorrdian gemstone
The Force-sensitive Lorrdians used these gems to
read their opponent.
The blade deflects the shots back to their source by
rolling a four or more with the dice.

Ultima pearl
This Mon Calamari stone is an unusual but powerful
The lightsaber becames an untamed beast, adding
three effects when attacking and defending.

The clothing of someone living in exile takes on a variety of forms as
surprising and heterogeneous as life in the galaxy. Various types of materials
and shapes used by the intelligent species to cover their bodies. In addition
to their protective functions, clothing was also used for socialization: on
worlds like Naboo, Coruscant, or Alderaan, clothing styles reflected all strata
of society.

Some species also wore such coverings for modesty, hiding parts of their
bodies that were considered private. No matter what, it is curious to observe
how the clothing of the different peoples and cultures of the galaxy adjust
to two constantly changing universal variables: morality and social status.

It is not surprising that in the darkest hour of the Republic, the rich boast of
their demure garments that hide their greedy intentions and the poor have
nothing to protect their remaining dignity from cold and hunger.


Depending on your level of wealth make a garment or choose between the

various robes of the different Force philosophies that existed in the galaxy.
These last ones have a veterany requirement, an I indicates that it is available
for those who started the paths of the Force in the Jedi civil war, a II for those
who participated in the Mandalorian wars, and a III for all sentient beings
who still live to tell the great Sith war.


Padawan/Dark padawan robe Baran Do sage robe (Veterany: III)

Simple clothing that gives the appearance of The robes of those who see the past, the present
humility and offers freedom in combat. and the future of the galaxy.
It is available for those who have reached the rank Once per session, you can read the past, understand
of padawan. the present or see the consequences of an action.

Baran Do novice robe (Veterany: I) Ossus keeper robe (Veterany: III)

The initiatory robes of the most venerable Kel Dor The seal of the Hall of Knowledge of the Great Jedi
philosophy centered on meditation. Library of Ossus, before its destruction.
Once per session, you can reduce by one the result Once per session, you can draw upon the wisdom
of a Dark Side die roll. that was stored there before it fell into oblivion.

Matukai apprentice robe (Veterany: II) Zeison Sha initiate armor (Veterany: II)
Matukai apprentices came to master meditation The mark of assistance and independence to help
thorugh the martial arts. those in need.
Once per session, you can achieve immunity to Once per session, you can avoid a physical attack
cold, fire or poison effects. by creating an instant barrier through the Force.

Jedi knight/Dark jedi knight robe Zeison Sha battle armor (Veterany: III)
Simple clothes that look humble but they don’t hide In battle, the Force becomes one with the body as
the enjoyment for fighting. a weapon.
It is available for those who have reached the rank Once per session, you can throw a hand-to-hand
of jedi knight. weapon, to impact and return without failures.

Matukai adept robe (Veterany: III) Jal Shey neophyte armor (Veterany: I)
The Matukai guide their bodies thorugh the Force, Dignity and intellectual competence, without any
achieving great physical feats. trace of spirituality, for dialogue.
Once per session, you can harden, heat or cool your Once per session, you can successfully persuade to
own skin to unimaginable limits. close a deal. It must be interpreted.

Jedi master/Dark jedi master robe Jal Shey advisor armor (Veterany: III)
Simple clothes for those whose will and authority Wisdom and diplomacy have manipulated entire
are unrivalled. civilizations.
It is available for those who have achieved the rank Once per session, you can successfully manipulate
of Jedi master. or wisely inspire. It must be interpreted.

Devices designed and built for all types of situations, weapons, shields, ho-
locameras, tactical elements, medical supplies and drugs for physical and
intellectual improvement. Everything that is beyond a lightsaber and that
may make the difference between life and death.


Depending on your wealth, you can choose from a variety of weapons and
supplies when building your inventory.


Blaster gun (blaster, ion, disruptor, repeater) Exploration Kit

Small weapon for compact power cell ammunition. The tools that everyone needs to survive in almost
It adds a narrative effect depending on the type of any kind of environments and situations.
ammunition. When necessary, use it to overcome adversity.

Blaser rifle (blaster, ion, disruptor, repeater) Kolto kit

Medium or heavy weapon using a variety of lethal A first-aid kit with the healing nectar of Manaan.
ammunition. It eliminates a harmful narrative effect on biological
It adds two narrative effects depending on the type beings.
of ammunition.
Personal shield (stunning, heat, electric, energy,
Grenade (stunner, sticker, fragmentation, plasma, physical, cold)
poisonous) A device for personal use that confers a certain
A compact explosive that affects anyone who stay type of protection.
in the radius of explosion around a target. If a result equal to or greater than 4 is obtained
It adds a narrative effect depending on the type of on two dice in a roll against each other, damage is
grenade. avoided.

Mine (stunning, adhesive, fragmentation, plasma, Rations

poisonous) Varied food adapted to the situation.
Once they’re activated, they affect everyone who is Its size and quality varies according to the richness
present in the radius of explosion. of the character.
It adds two narrative effects depending on the type
of mine. Toolkit
A set of tools and applications to repair machines.
Staff It eliminates one narrative effect on machines that
An archaic weapon to defend yourself in unique need to be fixed.
hand-to-hand combat.
It adds an appropriate narrative effect in combat. Stimulants (empathic, physical, intellectual,
motivational, reflex)
Vibroblade/Vibrosword An injectable substance that gives a temporary
A sharp hand-to-hand weapon that oscillates at the advantage in the corresponding attribute.
proper frequency. On the die roll of the associated attribute, a 3 also
It adds two narrative effects in combat. counts as the success granted by a 4.

Shared wounds
All these memories begin to condense like an asphyxiating steam around
your figure, but rather the memory of it. They whisper strange sounds that
are familiar to you in your birth tongue, in an inquiry-like tone striking in all
directions as you wait to find one last crack that will destroy you.

And they find it...

It is enough for one to enter so that all come flooding through that small,
almost sealed, impregnable hole that has bowed to the only questions that
really matter:

-Who are you?- A wound in the Force, a void in where its will can be denied.

-What do you want?- Holding on my right to follow my goals.

-Who will follow you?- The last voices that will speak about the Force.

Motivations Relationships
After feeling a strange disturbance in the Force, All this is nothing but the memories of insignificant
your fate in exile becomes uncertain. You must lives diving into the dark paths of a self-indulgent
move cautiously through troubled waters and adopt wasteland. However, even in exile, they do not walk
a new code that has emerged from the fires of their path in solitude. Even at the gates of true
darkness to dim the blinding glow of light. death, all these have accepted their bonds as the
last heralds of the Force.
Peace and passion. Strength and knowledge. Power
and serenity. In the uncomfortable silence of their own chains,
Harmony will lead me to victory. the ones they have forged, the ones they try to drag
along and the ones they intend to break forever.
With its balance, the Force will release every being
from its own grip and, although this has nothing Quelash is like my brother, I could never betray him.
to do with the galaxy anymore, whispers can still My teacher Avilia and I never trusted each other
be heard. Rumors that suggest all of this will be again after the war.
impossible unless: I never knew what to expect from Gob Tul, so
unpredictable and independent.
A father manages to save his daughter’s life... Nevaro, sooner or late, you are going to admit it.
An apprentice hunts who betrayed his master...
A blackmail web keeps each mouth away from A FRAGILE ALLIANCE
Her brave countenance falls with her into oblivion... Relationships define emotional ties, although being
Protect all their loved ones from the Force’s strange bound together by apathy is a fragile alliance at best.
designs... They unite and separate. They create and destroy,
defining real conflict. The war lived out within all
WHAT YOU PURSUE WILL DESTROY YOU hearts against their past. When you define the
relationships with the rest of the player characters
Motivations define personal goals, they are those take into account how many they are, according
pillars on which lives are sustained in a spiral of to their number you establish the relationships as
apathy and denial. They are achievements to be follows:
fulfilled that shine intermittently, waiting to be
attended or to be consumed in the darkness. When Establish as many relationships of hate or friendship
you create your character, choose 3 motivations with each other as you wish. Then add other links of
according to the tone of the setting. One of them indifference. In both cases, justify why cooperation
must be common to the group. is possible.

-It would be very coincidental if these memories were not yours.- you
meditate while failing to concentrate on your surroundings. Everything is in
order. There is no doubt about it. The galaxy will always be at war with the

Your memories may be very messy. You doubt very much how they began,
because sometimes you have had visions of the years stretching behind
you, while at other times it seems as if the present moment is an isolated
point in a shapeless infinity. You can’t even be sure how to convey this whole
message. All those memories, all those experiences, and even though you
know you are remembering, you have the vague impression that it will take
some strange mediation to bring whatever you are thinking to the points
where you want it to be heard. Your identity comes over you in a disconcerting
way, as if you had suffered a fleeting impression which perhaps, and only
perhaps, is the consequence of the cycles of experience.

A unique and unforgettable experience. Denying a power that does not be-
long to you.

-Loneliness is an unattainable luxury with all these memories.- you think so.
There is no death, only strength.

But with the passing of each age, even the Force can die.

Unless... (page 102)

-Indeed.- (page 104)

An echo in the Force
It’s an unattainable luxury unless...

-It cannot be possible. I am not this person.- you start screaming in panic as
you stare at the skin on your arms. Tingling, defiant and flabbergasted to
every vestige and impulse to try to control them. Your limbs are a ferocious
and barbaric juggling show, with its lights and shadows. But suddenly, in all
that maelstrom of confused thoughts, your body is numbed by the terrifying
memory of having overlooked an important detail. A very important detail
that, at some point, you choosed to ignore, for your mental safety.

You look up. You feel as if you are gliding over an uncharted territory, with
the notable difference that this territory is your body, and yet your name
and your memories have always been with you. -Too much coincidence to
not be yours, don’t you think?.- A undecipherable pile of whispers sudenly
become evident, the face of a corpse that is more presence than flesh in a
desolate landscape. His dark robes take hold of your collapsed body with a
superhuman agility. They immobilize you, in a lethargic ecstasy. Smothering
you slowly, very slowly.

His body is completely covered and although he looks human, he seems to

be drawn in a blurred and confused manner, distant and repugnant to sight
and smell. Yet even as you try to free yourself, for you do well to believe that
your life is coming to an end, he manages to trick you into approaching his
masked face in white and red. Now you remember, your sight slips and you
end up cursing the Force itself for coming to the Conclave of Katarr. What
was once a paradise now lies dying like a cemetery of the Force, and your
tomb is nearby. His mouth opens. You can smell his hunger. You notice how
he slowly releases you.

You are that last breath trying to make its way through life and death like the
first gilled creature to emerge from the oceans and gaze at the land. To your
astonished understanding of reality, that was all. The strange being releases
you from its padded arms. But still, it has an insatiable curiosity. He extends
his hand to your forehead and begins to explore a melody of a time that does
not contemplate the present or the past.

You make your way through all the tragedies that scream across the galaxy.
You suffer a terrible pain that feels chronic and intense. Then the strange
Sith Lord looks away from your face. He seems to have found a Miraluka
trying to hold on her life. Behind it, you can see how his dark ocular basins
are smiling. But he has not forgotten you, even though he is no longer inte-
rested in you.

He puts aside his mask and you can see the power in its purest form.

But no one can have such power and still perceive the universe as we do.

A mysterious force claims your fading carcass, pushing you into the abyss.
Cutting off your connection to the Force, depriving you of joining it. Then you
understand that you were the only being who managed to realize that all this
was not a dream, but an original form more horrible than the most fearful of
nightmares. That the Darkness had finally shown itself, and that it answered
to a single name:

Darth Nihilus, Lord of Hunger.


You have touched the force, what does it feel like?
It is like a cloud, a mist that drifts from living crea-
ture to creature. Set in motion by currents and ed-
dies. It is the eye of the storm, the passions of all
living things turned into energy, to a chorus. It is
the rising swell at the end of life, the promise of
new territories and new blood, the call of new mys-
teries in the dark. Feel this moment, for as long
as it’ll last. Feel life as it is, but the crude mat-
ter stripped away. But let us be silent, words and
thoughts are distractions. Wipe the fear from your

A unique choice
This words are my last solemn vow. I am _______________, I was born
under the skies of ______________. I am the legacy of my people, the
_____________; for my family, I am the last __________________.

I am a _______________, but above all, I am a dying wound in the Force, a

void in which its will can be denied. All these decades of conflict, I have felt
and live throught the teachings of the ___________________________.

After feeling the echoes of the Katarr Conclave, my fate is uncertain. So

I must move cautiously through its turbulent waters. Peace and passion.
Strength and knowledge. Power and serenity. Harmony will lead me to
victory. With its balance, the Force will free me from its own grip. All this will
be impossible unless I:



But even in exile, I will not walk this path alone, and if it were part of the
prophecy that the Force would die, those of us who walk together will die as
the last harbingers of the Force.



This is my tragedy.


Dwelers of the Oblivion
Who are they? A wound in the Force, a void in where its will can be denied.
What do they want? To hold on to their right for inhibition and their right to
follow their passions. Who are they? The last voices, dwelers of the oblivion,
that will speak about the Force.

Here are some characters who are waging their own war from the shadows,
while bearing the weight of the scars of their respective lives. Some may
survive their own destruction while harbouring some hope of achieving
their goals, or they may continue an uncertain and wandering journey into
a self-imposed exile. Others simply will face a fate worse than death itself.
This is their story, and from here you can see the end of them all.


Each character is represented by the same characteristics described in the

chapter Wounds in the Force.

Harbingers of the Force: A list of four pre-generated characters ready to be

used by players and to be thrown into an adventure of horror and misery.

Antagonists: Here you will find two characters that will be a real challenge,
with their own reasons to walk or flirting with darkness.

Harbingers of the Force
In the next pages, you will find four character sheets prepared for each player
of your game party to choose the one they want to play. In turn, each one
brings with it a series of goals and a background that can serve to the game
director as a seed of ideas for the adventure sketched out below.


The four heralds of the Force on the following pages have a common bond,
the frivolity of a smuggler named Atton Rand, but the scars of his past do
not converge in a single pit of despair.

Qualesh Duula and Dalya Tong met in Korriban when the former hired her to
recover the alleged sword of Ajunta Pall. It was never known what happened
inside the tomb of the Sith Lord, but the truth is that they barely escaped
from that filthy valley. Treachery, compassion, madness, ignorance. We’ll
never know for sure, (maybe they could tell us what really happen at all)but
it certainly wasn’t enough to cleanse the stain Qualesh’s son disgrace. After
that event, Dalya simply disappeared without further explanation.

When Yeda Brook was younger, she was promoted to the rank of Jedi
Knight. On those days, she expected that her teacher would be Dalya Tong,
but instead, Dalya decided that Yeda’s master would be Strumbor Travtaris.
Another jedi knight who did not reach the rank of master. Yeda burned in
anger, but never acted out. Strumbor, after the civil war, embraced the fires
of passion as easily as he embraced the heat of battle, forming a family
with Yeda’s sister. This slip took the form of a peaceful family life, until the
day when Onderon’s secret service accused his wife of committing treason
against the Republic, by the grace of a blow from Atton Rand.

Manaan ended up being the dumping ground where this debris finally
converged. Atton Rand has stolen the sword of Ajunta Pall and taken it to
the depths of this oceanic world. To the domain of the Progenitor, but there
is always a bigger fish and its hungry jaws don’t discen the metal from the
flesh, nor the void from the Force...

Qualesh Duula
NAME Qualesh
KIND Selkath (Manaan)
VETERANY Greath sith war
WEALTH Well-off

RANK Adept

1. The kolto must flow. No matter what the dealer Nature Training Temp.
is. Manaan must prosper. INTELLECT +1 -
2. You and your son have an unresolved issue be- WILLPOWER −1 -
cause of his sympathy for the sith. PHYSICAL −1 -
3. Atton Rand has taken advantage of you, but it DEXTERITY +0 -
will be the last time. EMPATHY +2 +1

Strumbor is a cantankerous, idealistic bum, a damn Lightsabers: None
disgrace. Clothing: Jal Shey advisor armor, Selkath referee
Yeda has helped you keep your refugee sector safe garment and Baran Do sage robe.
in several ocasions. Items: Sonic gun, disruptive gun, personal shield
Dalya Tong saved your life, but it’s better to keep (stun) (x3), personal shield (electric) (x2), stimulant
her away. (reflex) (x3), exploration kit and kolto kit (x2).

When your son sympathized with the Sith, you felt Kind feat: The kolto must flow: Medicine/First aids.
the Force, but you hid it. On an expedition to Ko- Combat forms: None.
rriban to cleanse your son’s disgrace and buy the Force forms: None.
silence of many, the strange Dalya Tong saved your Force powers: Affect mind, healing, force scream,
life. Since then, and in the face of the inevitable co- telepathy, the voice of the Progenitor and wound.
llapse of the Republic, you swore that no refugee
in Manaan would suffer. You hid the young Yeda
because she was useful to you, but Strumbor is an
ongoing problem for your samaritan thugs. Atton
Rand has tricked you and Dalya is back. Will she
come back to save your day?

Dalya Tong
NAME Dalya
KIND Kel-Dor (Dorin)
VETERANY Greath sith war
WEALTH Comfortable

RANK Custodian

1. Manaan risks being forgotten. is this a blessing Nature Training Temp.
or a curse? You decide. INTELLECT +2 +2
2. You have felt a disturbance on the ocean floor. WILLPOWER +1 -
You must silence it. PHYSICAL −1 -
3. Atton Rand has stolen the sword of Ajunta Pall, DEXTERITY +1 -
you must find him. EMPATHY −2 +1

Strumbor and you are strangers bound by the same Lightsabers: Green lightsaber (Barab lingot ore)
name: Atton Rand. and grey lightsaber (Sapith/Sigil).
Yeda hates you for not instructing her, even though Clothing: Master jedi robe and Baran Do sage robe.
that’s is, in fact, part of your teachings. Items: Stimulant (physical) and kolto kit.
Qualesh survived because of your intervention and
he decided to make amends. FEATS
Kind feat: Wind Performer: Combat.
BACKGROUND Combat forms: Shii-Cho, Makashi, Soresu, Ataru,
The winds of Dorin have swept you away into the Shien and Niman.
insignificance, except for those lives in which you Formas de la fuerza: Channel and Maestry.
left an indelible mark. You trained Yeda but never Force powers: Anya seff, battle meditation, burst of
took her as an Jedi Knight, you saved Qualesh at speed, force aura, force sight, force shadow, inspire,
the tomb of Ajunta Pall and made his swear that he shock, telepathy, and stun.
would try to redeem himself in the eyes of the Force
and yours. You and Strumbor pursued Atton Rand
for days for the harm of his selfish and unconscious
actions. Now he’s endangered the refugees of Ma-
naan, causing trouble from the depths. It’s time to
come back.

Strumbor Travtaris
NAME Strumbor
FAMILY Travtaris
KIND Human (Onderon)
VETERANY Mandalorian wars

RANK Jedi Guardian


1. The Force has revealed to you the moment of Nature Training Temp.
your death. You are preparing for it. INTELLECT +0 -
2. You must face the memory of your wife Eda and WILLPOWER +1 +1
your daughter Alura. PHYSICAL +1 +1
3. Your former friend Atton Rand will answer for his DEXTERITY +1 -
actions. EMPATHY −1 -

Eda’s sister, Yeda is a sister to you too. You will fight Lightsabers: Blue lightsaber (Damind/Sapith).
side by side until your last breath. Clothing: Leather jacket.
Qualesh hate that you killed his corrupted guards Items: One kolto kit and one toolkit.
in the past
Dalya Tong has returned to find you without many FEATS
words. Kind feat: Freedom from inhibition: Repairs.
Combat forms: Shii-Cho, Makashi and Soresu.
BACKGROUND Force forms: None.
During the Mandalorian wars, a bond was forged Force powers: Burst of speed, force body, force
between you and Eda. You focused on calming the push, force scream, force valor and wound.
fires of contention, but yours burned more brightly.
In the end, you and your apprentice Jeda were
exiled to Manaan as refugees. The arbiter Qualesh
knows why you turned your back on the order and
detests it, though it no longer matters when he
extorts thousands so that the poor in Manaan do
not go hungry. In the midst of this situation, Dalya
Tong has returned and it seems that the reason is
Atton Rand.

Yeda Brook
KIND Human (Onderon)
VETERANY Mandalorian wars

RANK Jedi Sentinel


1. Conoces a algunos esclavistas a los que dar ca- Nature Training Temp.
cería. INTELLECT +1 +1
2. Refugiada, pero nacida noble. El conflicto de cla- WILLPOWER −1 -
ses vive en ti. PHYSICAL +0 -
3. Atton Rand pagará por como vendió a tu familia. DEXTERITY +1 -
Strumbor, your teacher, is like a brother to you. You EQUIPMENT
will fight alongside always. Lightsabers: Yellow lightsaber (Bondar/Estígium).
Qualesh has always seen you in a good way, but Clothing: Refugee robe with turban.
eyes that don’t see... Items: Plasma mine and precision blaster rifle.
Dalya Tong has always been very unpredictable and
troublesome. FEATS
Kind feat: Freedom from inhibition: Negociate.
BACKGROUND Combat forms: Shii-Cho and Soresu.
Onderon tasted defeat and a victory that felt Force forms: Affinity.
bittersweat and ephemeral. When the Strumbor Force powers: Affect mind, burst of speed,
Knight came to coordinate the troops with your force shadow, fear, force valor, stun, shock, and
sister, he felt the Force in you and you were trained precognition.
in the ways of the Jedi sentries. As part of your
training, you prevented an insurrection against the
monarchy, but you had to finally flee your planet
with the strange help of Qualesh. Now in Manaan,
your worst fears have come true when Master Dalya
Tong has returned from the shadows.

Below, you’ll find two antagonists to include in your game sessions, each
one comes with a set of goals and a background that summarizes their
personality, strengths and weaknesses. Depending on the extent of the
adventure you want to direct as a game master, take more or less motivations
from the suggested list or create your own.


The legend of an exile who long ago entered into the solitude of an existence,
that is closer to the will and the material essence of inert things than of
life, circulates among the Mirian people. Others say that this is just a myth
to frighten both younglings and elders. The truth is that the object of this
legend, Ocorum Pertinax, cares nothing for these rumors about his state
of non-existence. Inside his cave he lives unrepentant, without penance or
satiety, contemplating an oceanic sky under a rocky dome popullated with
thousand holes. There are rumors of those who have seen him, others even
claim to have survived a conversation. In both cases, apathy has completely
consumed their lives, and when asked why they have covered their emotions
behind an impenetrable shell, the answer is always the same: There is
nothing to protect or hide when you harbor nothing inside. It seems that
they have already accepted this.


Harmony, beauty, tenacity, intellect and, above all, perfection. The Hauth
family was touched by the wonders of cloning technology with the aim of
perpetuating their lineage unchanged throughout the ages. But the Force is
conflict, the Zabrak people are siblings of the conflict and the Hauth house is
the same ambition made manifest. That’s why it’s perfect. When the fires of
the galaxy devoured worlds over five decades, a seed sprouted from within
perfection to spread chaos. Zenda Hauth could feel the Force, and so the
Order quickly took her away from her family. But a liberated slave never
ceases to be a slave, and we are all slaves to our nature, no matter how
artificial it is. Zenda has returned to Ruusan, having contemplated the true
meaning behind the beauty of her mirror and no one is going to stop her.

Ocorum Pertinax
NAME Ocorum
FAMILY Pertinax
KIND Mirialan (Mirial)
VETERANY Great sith war

RANK Custodian

1. The Force is apathy, it does not seek balance. It is Nature Training Temp.
indifferent and the galaxy will embrace that reality. INTELLECT +2 - +4
2. Every civilization that falls, does so because of its WILLPOWER +2 - +6
own lies. It’s time to bring in the truth. PHYSICAL +2 - +4
3. There is no good, there is no evil. Only an uncaring DEXTERITY +2 - +4
power that turns achievements to ashes. So be it. EMPATHY −2 - −2

He left his home long ago and long ago he knew Lightsabers: Candelabro de tres sables luz; Blanco
the lies that every civilization keeps. Decades of (Perla Última), Gris (Zafiro de Ankares) y Oscuro
conflict brought him a revealing truth, and instead (Dragite).
of condemning it, he embraced it. Contrary to Clothing: Piel petrificada.
what the teachings shouted throughout the galaxy, Items: None.
he understood that the Force does not seek a
balance, that it does not honor the Light or judge FEATS
the Darkness. That just as a freed slave is still a Kind feat: Tribal tattoos.
slave, the Force is only the ashes remaining from Combat forms: Schii-Cho, Makashi, Soresu, Ataru,
a huge stone that even if destroyed will remain a Niman and Juyo.
stone. Nothing changes, nothing serves a purpose. Force forms: Channel and Mastery.
Behind his inexpressive mask, many made the Force powers: Battle meditation, crush opposition,
mistake of judging that he was hiding something, fear, force aura, force barrier, force body, force
when the truth is that behind it there is absolutely crush, force resistance, force scream and fury.
nothing. Those who have crossed words with him
have found empty expressions of emotion and the
greatest pain in knowing that all hope they held,
like everything else in the universe, was in vain.

Zenda Hauth
NAME Zenda
KIND Zabrak (Ruusan)
VETERANY Jedi civil war
WEALTH Well-off

RANK Jedi Consular

Nature Training Temp.
1. Occupy the throne of the House of Hauth. My WILLPOWER +2 - +2
sister is too bellicose and idealistic PHYSICAL +0 - +0
2. The Hautha Codex must be finished. My family’s DEXTERITY +0 - +0
legacy must be preservated and sealed. EMPATHY +2 - +4
3. They only saw what was in the mirror, I saw the
beauty beyond. It is time to share it. EQUIPMENT
Lightsabers:: Green lightsaber (Damind/Bondar).
BACKGROUND Clothing: Coat of nobility
The Hauth family was the fruit of years of Items: None.
experimentation with cloning technology.
Grandmothers, mothers, granddaughters, and FEATS
nieces All of them form a dynasty where it is difficult Kind feat: Escrito en la piel: persuadir.
to differentiate its members, because beyond Combat forms: Schii-Cho and Niman.
the physical they all share a common desire that Force forms: Chanel and Potence.
varies in its presentation: to fill the planet that was Force powers: Affect mind, beast control, fear,
designated to them centuries ago with beauty and stun, force deflection, force drain, inspire, iridonian
harmony. An unparalleled one that can only be school, precognition and wound.
found in one place in the galaxy. In the blood of their
family. However, in a project of such magnitude any
deviation is possible and Zenda is the living image
of it. After feeling the call of the Force, he left his
planet to join the Jedi Order. I didn’t hesitate, but
after Malak’s defeat, she was displeased. The
galaxy has had enough even when the Force has
been silent. It is time to prosper. To turn the horrible
into the beautiful. Whether you agree or not.

Dying suns
A planet can be described as an organism, a creature with a skeleton of sto-
ne and a heart of molten rock. The species that inhabit a planet, both plants
and animals, from microbes to giants, are the planet’s organs, its symbionts
and its parasites.

Here are the different places in the galaxy that are waging their own war from
the shadows and the aberrant end of a past condemned to oblivion. Some
may survive their own destruction through the ages, others may wander the
dark seas of time, others will simply lie before them one way or another. This
is what was written. What happens to them has yet to be written.


Each planet is characterized by a series of details that are classified around

three categories and a summary to its most recent history.

Astrographic data: which system it is in and what are its basic characteristics.

Geopolitical information: what is the predominant climate and biome, the

level of population, how it is organized (if at all) and its current situation.

The blemish of the Force: the conception of the Force, the presence of the
Dark Side, its capacity of seduction and the reason for its presence.

Avloom IV
So, the decision is unwavering. We condemn you to walk through a desolate

Region: Outer rim.
Sector: Skine.
System: Avloom.
Stars: 2. Av (red giant star) y Loom (white dwarf).
Moons: Asteroids belt.

Environment: Frozen karst.
Population level: Equilibrium with the environment.
Government: Feudal ithorian theocracy. Smugglers.
Current situation : Permanent orbital blockade.
Main economic source: Food and fossil oil.
Authorities: Inquisitorial ithorian guard and mercenaries.
Social hierarchy: Abyssals (high ithorian clergy), crawlers (scientists),
vigilantes (basic citizenship) and ascended (exiles, outcasts and refugees).
Orbitals (inhabitants of space).


Conception of the Force: An ancient taboo and a rumour.
Dark Side Leve: The planet is vicariously hostile.
Tentative Level: Common but subtle manifestations.
Origin of the Dark Side: The own planet that refuses to be transformed into
a different habitat than it is by its nature. Remembering that what lies dead
must remain so, that the Force cannot do everything.

Avloom IV is a planet on the cold fringe of the Avloom habitable zone,
an isolated binary system in the Skine sector of the Outer Rim, far from
the Five Veils Route. In the past, it was enough to follow the star charts
from Farstine (Middle Edge) via Skynara (Outer Edge) to then join any
convoy of the ithorian restoration fleet. Nowadays, its whereabouts,
although delimited somewhere in the sector, has been lost and those
who, by bad luck, have found it have regretted it so much that not even
the greatest of punishments has managed to make them share the
location of this lost system, perhaps, as a courtesy to the entire galaxy.

The history of Avloom IV goes back to the decades before the great Sith
war. At that time, a restoration project was designated on this planet. The
Avloom system was governed by the action of the gravitational force of two
sinister opposing suns. Av (the red giant) occupied her throne listlessly in the
void, looking timidly terrifying behind her crimson red veil phagocytized by
a legion of tiny insects and the most absolute indifference of time. Loom,
(the white dwarf) roared with the strength of a great beast fighting not to be
devoured by its neighbouring star, rumours spoke of the majestic display of
a cloud of particles thrown at near light-speed velocities, capable of piercing
flesh, metal and the Force itself.

For every plant that is torn out, two must be planted. No world will be left

Unlike what happens in systems with only one star, Avloom’s habitability zone
oscillates, so the bordering regions last longer outside that area, in which
life proliferates, than inside it. Nevertheless, the data collected by the first
exploration probes had promising results. Despite the situation of Avloom
IV with respect to its neighbours within the habitable zone, life, although
scarce and bizarre, was possible. This had occurred around the geological
terraces of the interior caves and in the depths of the many kilometres of
holes found along the surface of the planet, a karstic landscape bathed in
ice. Due to this peculiar feature, Avloom IV earned the nickname of “the
tomb of Utapau” among the first batch of planetary restorers, because of its
similarity to this planet and its remarkable difference in surface temperature.
But desecrating a tomb is a ominous profession.

After the arrival of the first ships, about nine scientific colonies were founded
inside the chasms that descended dozens of kilometers, leaving behind
a landscape of dusty stone of a carmine color, giving way to a system of
caves piled vertically by levels. The geological terraces that were found at
great depths allowed a less hostile climate and resources were abundant.
During the first phases of Project 15 (codenamed on those days), a series
of essential climatic parameters were calibrated and species from the
neighbouring planet Avloom III were incorporated. The compatibility with
the local flora and fauna fitted in with the expected responses, as they were
adapted to the conditions of brightness and the common properties of the
other planets in the system.

The terraformation stations accomplished a great work supervised by a high
command of ithorian priests, who in turn had the support of a scientific
committee in line with the philosophy of such a project. The unexpected
surprise came when a speleological expedition confirmed a vaguely
considered theory. Behind the thick layers of rock of the underground lakes
there was another place, another cavity, an unknown reality that extended
under the whole planet. They called it the Hollowdome.

An immense underground ocean with imprisoned remains of a primeval and

wild age but which held a precious treasure for trade, the Viaticum. Its exotic
properties as a long-lasting and efficient fuel were kept under summary
secrecy so as not to attract the attention of unscrupulous corporations
tempted to turn this unusual planet into a tomb smothered by the fires of
metallurgy and technology.


Although Avloom IV never drew attention in the galactic financial market,
it was the project leaders’ own obsession with exploring the Hollowdome
that slowed, and even stopped, the progress of Project 15. The reports
began to pile up, the machines were programmed for a state of minimal
energy consumption, the Avloom IV colonies became isolated from each
other, initiating a state of seclusion that led to feudal societies. The spiritual
leaders of each colony self-proclaimed independent kingdoms, each
scientific committee limited communications with the other stations and
finally, the population was segregated into different social strata.

In the deepest strata were the Abyssals, the top of the Avloomian social
hierarchy, ithorian spiritual leaders. Theirs was the power to establish
contact with the local fauna and flora, to obtain raw materials, to regulate the
exchange of material goods in the higher strata and, ultimately, to convene
the Inquisitorum. This conclave was both the supreme guard and religious
authority of each kingdom. The position of the Supreme Inquisitorial stood
out, which in turn completely governed the fief. Although this political
attitude was totally alien to the ithorian civilization, in Avloom IV it found
a reliable proof of its existence, through a fragile balance in which peace
required a global condition of apparent cold war.

It is not a cold war, it is indoctrination. A forced conversion. People disappear

and are never heard from again. But everything is fine, everything works. Our
people have become more solid since then.

A little higher up, with no guaranteed de facto access to the Hollowdome,

were the Reptantes. Scientists of different species who had shown their
sympathy with the new social order. Knowing the language of machines,
they were surprised when spiritual leaders turned their backs on their faith
in the old ways. This turn was met with ephemeral joy by this new caste
of industrialists. Under the diffuse threat that spoke of an evil they could
not even imagine, they cooperated in the establishment and maintenance
of a system that granted them full occupation of the industrial sector
and enormous privileges. Underground shelters, genetics laboratories,
acclimatized sections and, perhaps most essential, a plethora of virtually
unlimited supplies.

The Vigilantes, a wide range of ordinary citizens with access to ration coupons
and basic supplies, were piled up in the upper strata of the cavernous
terraces. They were despised by the lower circles, although conditions varied
from kingdom to kingdom. Their main function was to generate services to
meet the needs of the fief through medical services, recreation, education
and trade under a system of planned supervision. Higher up, almost on the
surface of the planet, there were piles of refugees, travelers, outcasts, and
inhabitants condemned to exile. Their situation was marked by the scarcity
of material means and by the remoteness of any outcome of the planetary
restoration process. It is said that rarely was anyone condemned to exile
beyond the last higher level. Since executions were strictly forbidden, this

constituted an effective form of a death sentence. Despite some classified
attempts, such an edict has never been found in the records of Avloom IV.

The limits of language are the limits of knowledge. Our name was not their
knowledge. They thought of us as ‘Hearers’. The limit of thought is the chain
of listeners like me. I cannot speak if they cannot listen. We only know the
minds of our chain. Your people choose their chain in a dimension that we
don’t know. I was the only one who chose to move through time from this
eternal stratum.

The most surprising thing about this whole system is that, despite its
dictatorial nature, it was exercised in practice with a clear demonstration
of good intentions that acts of rebellion did not go beyond a mere formal
and civilized discussion. The ithorian philosophy of life had gone further
and managed to establish itself by creating a social culture based on a
benevolent moral authoritarianism.

With Project 15 stopped, and given the remoteness from the rest of the
worlds and trade routes, all interest in the existence of Avloom IV was lost.
Its population, already established, grew totally unrelated to the galactic
situation. It was not until the decades of subsequent conflicts that its skies
bore indifferent witness to a space battle between fleets of retreating ships.
An open front between a fleet of Republican warships, Sith destroyers and
smugglers corbettes. After the battle, the survivors began to recover all the
wreckage in an attempt to send a distress signal to the nearest system. As
there was no response and the situation was critical, they put aside their
differences and began building an orbital station with the wreckage of the
battered flagships. The smugglers descended into the jungles of Avloom III
and obtained enough food that, through advanced techniques performed
by republic and sith empire scientists, they managed to sequence in order
to produce a certain amount of food. The combined efforts of this fragile
alliance led to the construction of the Ogun orbital station.

Once their lives had settled within the walls of Ogun, they received a answer
from where they least expected it. Avloom IV had spoken. They wanted to
offer them a deal, the Abyssals gave them Viaticum in small quantities and
in return they asked for Avloom III species for confidential purposes.

There’s another mind here. It’s dying. What’s dying? A disconnection. The
absence of knowledge. What’s it for? Will the mind learn something? It will
stop learning. But it will retain its identity.

Although it seemed like the kind of agreement to get out of that system, the
first negotiation turned out to be a failure. The triple alliance between the
Sith, the republic and the smugglers presented itself to that strange signal
sent on an anomalous frequency as The Triumvirate. After an intense debate
and setting the protocol for a first contact, they sent probes to explore Avloom
IV. What happened next did not follow the usual line of ithorian diplomacy.
They had perfected their game to an unsuspected level. The Uyghorians
disabled all input and output frequencies, not only in Avloom IV’s orbit, but
throughout the system. After losing those probes, the smugglers bombarded
the asteroid belt with old missile warheads.

Maybe they don’t speak our language. Think about it, they’re telepathic,
right? If you could feel what I was thinking while I was thinking, would you
need to read this message? Or develop the language? Seriously, if they were
going to talk to us, I think it would have to be something very important.

The purpose of this maneuver was to cause a phenomenon that couldn’t

be hidden by those living down there and force contact. However, a swarm
of drones commanded from different fiefdoms managed to attract the
creatures that roam Av’s solar corona to destroy the missiles and thus alter
the violent activity of this unstable star. Several fragments of the asteroid
belt were ejected and reached the surface of Avloom IV. Despite this, the
Avloomians refused to make contact.

The depths did not serve the creatures there in darkness...

The Sith intelligence then proposed to use a device to project a visual

message onto the clouds of Avloom IV. The nine fiefdoms sent a signal, they
were ready to make contact. However, the Republic and the smugglers chose
the greatest caution and sent a small unmanned ship, which was destroyed
on landing. Not a single drop of blood had been spilled, yet the material
losses from this conflict were counted in thousands over the months. The
kind and helpful temperament had taken a leap toward righteousness and

cordiality, oriented toward the pursuit of selfish interests not accessible to
understanding. In the end, the Triumvirate chose to apply, from the Ogun
station, a permanent orbital block. To do so, a planetary shield was built from
orbit, with the objective of avoiding any kind of sabotage by the unknown
population of Avloom IV.

The months became years and the years became decades of coexistence
in which they established colonies on Avloom III from where they obtained
the necessary resources to maintain that station. However, fuel tanks were
scarce on that planet and refueling with the energy of the two suns was,
above all, an invitation to a terrible and silent death. It was never known
what the outcome of that hostile diplomatic contest would be; today all that
remains are the rumors of those who, betraying all compromise, fled that
system, upset by the notion of a planet that was born forgotten and died
rejected. Although most of the hypotheses seem to assure that, if such a
system continues to exist, it was a formidable fiasco. How can we know all
of this if the information was lost? May you ask. It’s not possible, unless
you have always been there or have just arrived to discovered it and then, to
burnden yourself.

... the darkness gave rise to those who became resistant to the pressure and
chose to enlighten themselves. Unbroken as a stone.

And they called it home. To a land beset by an ancient evil...
... and a plague of distant suns.

Region: Colonies.
Sector: Falkir.
System: Ahdon’at.
Stars: The corpse of a gargantuan creature avoiding a light leak.
Moons: A moon (Shontt) and asteroids in the Lagrange points.

Environment: Cold.
Population level: Settlements.
Government: Corporation (post-Fordan society).
Current situation: Executive board under renovation. Markets operate entirely
outside of the usual political agenda.
Main economic: Nova crystals.
Authorities: Sothiana Security Services.
Social hierarchy: Executive board. The rest of the inhabitants, including
security personnel, develop their lives around their work and the capital
acquired through it.


Conception of the Force: Ceremonial function in remote settlements.
Dark Side level: The planet is vicariously hostile.
Tentative level: Persuasive whispers.
Origin of the Dark Side: The echoes of the teachings of a race that condemned
those who were sensitive to the Force. The penalty was death.

Tn’Soth is an icy planet in the Ahdon’at system, in the Fakir sector of the
Colonies region, which is barely habitable. That is why its administration
does not depend on a local government to use, but is the headquarters and
property of the ProSoth Foundation, a compendium of companies interested
in maintaining operations and research controversial enough to be approved
by the jurisprudence of any civilized world. Thanks to this status, investors
build facilities in the most isolated places, ranging from their surface to the
safe places of their orbit covered by a colossal blizzard.


The history of Tn’Soth goes back to a period long before the Republic, during
the days of the Infinite Rakata Empire. It is believed that this planet was once
a fertile, life-sustaining paradise. However, a glimpse into the heart of the
Ahdon’at system is enough to form an idea that fails to sense the cataclysm
it hints at. The seven planets that cohabit in a sort of vacuum without a
pretender to the throne dance in erratic orbits around a gargantuan creature
that wraps its corpse around the remains of a dying star.

Go find out what kind of misfortune took place here, although it is true
that it was one almost as old as the galaxy itself. A bruised and cracked
breastplate like Malachor V lies eternally covering in its wind a grey dwarf
that in a few centuries will be consumed in itself and not even the radiant
surface of a god’s corpse will be able to prevent it. Condemning this system
to a definitive death that neither the ithorians nor the most megalomaniacal
mind in the galaxy would dare to challenge. The mystery is surely a twisted
way of knocking on the door of thousands of lives with a hopeless but
promising message.

This is how during the Mandalorian wars, different companies from all over
the galaxy came in a desperate hour to those places where nobody saw
opportunities, because in them resided the real fortune. The war was seriously
hurting the economy of the Republic and in that suffocating climate, the rats
began to abandon ship. An inefficient bureaucracy adapted to a wartime
economy was unable to respond to various purchasing movements. This is
how the ProSoth Foundation was born, in the middle of the shipwreck of the
galactic economy and as a result of an exaggerated motivation to survive at
all costs.

From humans to Rhodians, through species as unknown as givin
mathematicians. Where the rule of law had failed, the rule of capital and
labour emerged as the guarantor of civil liberties. All it took was a system
rich enough in resources and ignored enough to arrive, place the first
standard and claim it as its own with a professional private army. The rules
of the company would come later, if anything had to be regulated.

Another war would not be necessary. When all this is over, the Republic will
be too, and thousands of systems will follow suit.

Tn’Soth could have been very different, but after the Mandalorian Wars it
had another purpose: the extraction, refinement and sale of nova crystals
in a rising market. Ships arrived, facilities were deployed, and fifteen
settlements were located after months that ended in a pile of exhaustive
reports, now confidential to a greater or lesser degree. Thus, the Republic
could not cope with the increasing bureaucratic actions and registrations
made by companies that wanted to operate on the sidelines. Tn’Soth had
been colonized for itself, without laws or governments.


Despite its inescapable spirit of flexible production and total voluntary
subordination to the wildest free market economy, Tn’Soth is not a criminal
world. Every being that lives here, since this planet lacks fauna and flora
(beyond that which is manufactured at convenience in different facilities),
is part of one of the divisions of the Foundation and each one represents
itself before its confrontation in a peer-to-peer approach, without mediators,
nor any kind of forced intervention by third parties. Of course, this is was is
written on the sheets, but it’s very different in the streets.

To a certain extent, this planet showed from its origin the need for a strict
and efficient order, sustained by the funds destined to security measures,
from private professional armies to defensive systems managed by several
advanced IAs. Each company of the Foundation is in charge of a specific
task in the same way as the political and administrative regions of a country.

Nowadays, these are the seven companies that shape the foundations of
the ProSoth Foundation itself:

Mechari: it is the company in charge of the design and manufacture of
industrial vehicles in charge of transporting and extracting nova glass. They
manage the Forquad and Huxel settlements.

0pB0t: it is the division dedicated to the planning, proposals, design and

construction of advanced IAs for maintenance control and energy supply.
They operate from the Ribot and Nulidad settlements.

BrAInary: the firm with the most confidential content of all the planet. Its
interest is focused on the application of nova crystals in brain-machine
interfaces. They investigate from the Cortex and Talamud settlements.

AizTek: it is the corporation in charge of the integrity of the design of the

installations, looking for a synthesis between inverters and planetary
aesthetics. They sketch works of art from the Domo and Veridian settlements.

T-14: they are in charge of the design and manufacture of weapons through
nova crystals. They are an army at the service of the highest bidder since the
forts Holdon and Koran.

Alerite: it is the business in charge of obtaining rare mineral veins a ores

in order to processing them and create exotic alloys. It has a droid army on
Wurthz and Shaida settlements.

BellaGen: It is the most powerful biotech firm of the planet. It is focused on

cloning and stem cell techniques to feed this entire planet from its assorted
settlements in Quaza and Vlum.

The Executive Board is made up of one member from each company. At

present its leadership is disputed and awaiting a decision::

CEO (Contested): Barks Ley’laf (Bothan) of Mechari and Ar’alani Krell (Chiss).
Director of Operations: Tavir Ondrak (Humano) of Alerite.
Commercial Director: Cicero Aurel (Zabrak) of 0pB0t.
Marketing Director: Vian Myrite (Lorrdiana) of AizTek.
Human Resources Director: Dia Alima (Twi’lek) of BellaGen.
Customer Success: Nekonda Karr (Rhodian) of T-14.
Financial Director: Nissal Juarism (Givin) of BrAInary.

Each designates the best in her house to take a seat on the Executive Board
of the ProSoth Foundation, the Novuan spaceport, whose headquarters sits
on a glacial valley and rises to the high atmosphere like an all-powerful and
unwavering tower. An ode to all that ambition and money can achieve, if
labour rights are not taken into account. Novuan has a population of nearly
2,000, much larger than the timid hundreds in each settlement, and serves
as an impregnable fortress for the foundation’s business interests. In this
social system, the acquisition of new goods is rewarded without any room
for political considerations or the same working conditions. The company’s
staff can apply for the position they aspire to without remorse, but they
cannot affiliate with other workers. Even administrative jobs with some
ideological influence are considered, but there is no right to vote. Tn’Soth
is, in the eyes of all forms of government in the galaxy, a kind of capitalist
utopia (or nightmare) in which negotiation with the boss is unnecessary and
democracy non-existent, a controlled experiment where life is focused on
the achievement of pleasure through intrapersonal relationships, superficial
and accelerated, and through the purchase of goods and services.

Not enough, the ProSoth Foundation has built a facility governed by an

omniscient AI with fairly clear programming: all inhabitants must work
to achieve, what computer engineers called, grace. This whole capitalist
planetary commune seemed to work effectively: entrepreneurs working by
and for entrepreneurs, a kind of temple to work and profit. But terrible news
was about to come from the unruly heart of the system, and it would not be
until the Jedi civil war that the veil hiding the shadows would fall.


When the Mandalorian wars ended, Tn’Soth went unnoticed, operating
from the shadows, paying and extorting huge ammounts of money to erase
any trace of this planet from the star charts so that they could continue
to sell nova crystals without much competition. The profits tripled in a few
semesters. With this, the ProSoth Foundation launched an annual project
competition; mapping the icy paths of the orbit, creating leisure habitats,
unraveling the past history of the system, creating an underground ocean,
extending the Foundation’s domains, creating the first Sothian fleet, among
others. There was no shortage of ideas to be presented and they all received
the approval of the Executive Board. They were so blinded in their ambition
that they ignored the strands that chain everything touched by the Force.

A year before the end of the Jedi civil war, the Foundation had achieved a
number of masterful achievements. The construction of the First Sothian
Fleet had been completed and was sent to investigate the heart of the
system commanded by a neural network of servers connected to the neural
interface of the scanning equipment. In turn, AizTek and Alerite joined forces
to develop a plethora of materials and architectural designs adapted to the
Ice Path, while Mechari and 0pB0t combined their data libraries so that the
scanning probes could contrast the data they obtained with a large library of
semi-confidential galactic information. But the galaxy hides many mysteries
for which the other factors are nothing more than obstacles that prevent the
definition of an entire species at its hegemonic point. Conflict.

When the ships of the First Fleet stood near the twisted corpse of that titan,
which they did not dare to name, they understood that there are mysteries
that would be better left as such. Unfortunately, it was a decision made too
late. That dying creature seemed to possess a magnetosphere of its own,
stronger than that of the very star that garrisoned its interior. By interfering
with the ships’ sensors, it entered resonance at a frequency that was highly
conductive to the neural network, sending out a strong discharge that was
felt on every planet in the system.

May everything that has been planned come true. Let them believe and let
them laugh at their passions. For what they call passion is really not some
emotional energy, but the friction between their souls and the outside world.

The creature’s belly opened to make way for tongues of black sibylline fire
that flowed through it like rivers of poisoned blood. The light paled throughout
the system, but a glow emanated from another point in the galaxy. A terror
from the stars yet to come. The skies of Tn’Soth were darkened and that icy
land shone strangely from very specific points, hidden and almost invisible
to the best of radars. The light was not consumed at those points when the
first expeditions were sent to try to understand what had happened, but to
their surprise they were not alone. They were never alone in all that time.

And most importantly, they want to believe in themselves. Let them be

helpless like children, because weakness is something great and strength is
nothing. When a being is just born, it is weak and flexible. When it dies, it is
hard and insensitive. When a tree is growing, it is tender and supple...

Ancient ruins, imbued with an ascetic non-aesthetic aesthetics, sober and
decadent with a clear influence of a civilization of which little was known
beyond its existence, the Chiss ancestry. Star wanderers with humanoid
appearance and blue skin coming from unknown regions. They have rarely
been seen in the galaxy and that day they emerged from the shadows of
Tn’Soth. All that time they had been watching the Sothiana Foundation, from
the depths, but not through technology, but through the Force. A power that
was persecuted and punished by death among Chiss society. They showed
no resistance, but also no interest in responding to the usurpers of what
they considered their place of retreat. A place of exile for those who carried
the bright flame of light to where it could not shine. Their records, though
charged with a language too poetic for a business culture and even for the
own Chiss ancestry, were intact:

When the leaves descended from the great tree in the cold, radiant night
into an abyss of darkness, they landed on a wall of perpetual mist and fog.
The ash tree had abandoned them. Stripped, torn away by the whispers of
the gnawing one, they built their roots on a wall in the image of the icy horns
of the tree. They broke through it, and called it it home. To a cursed land
where they fought stories of ancient evil and a plague of distant suns.

There was no mistake about it. Tn’Soth had been a Chiss outpost planet, in
a region quite distant from its unknown home, covered by the dark aura of
an ancient evil that had been called. The scouts soon realized that there was
only one thing they could do in such a situation; wait. Wait to hear the death
of the galaxy, now that they still could, if only through whispers.

When the Jedi civil war ended, in the midst of all those internal discussions
the figure of the moment came intrigued. Revan felt a timid disturbance
in the Force, so he came as a mediator between the different groups in
secret meetings, ensured the respect of those Chiss guardians and earned
his own by submitting to the strange conception of the Force they had
developed. A much more introspective, but devastating, philosophy that
sought transcendence through a sincere dialogue in which the user of the
Force finds, face to face, with herself, whether it is the best or the worst
moment of his life.

...But when it’s dry and stiff, it dies. Hardness and strength are the companions
of death. Flexibility and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being.
Because what has been hardened will never win.

Revan negotiated the coexistence of the Foundation with this sect, calling
itself the Krellites, by designating their temples as sacred places reserved
for ceremonial acts among the members of the Executive Board of the
ProSoth Foundation who were able to enter the retreats of the Krellite sect
and overcome the strange ritual of the Gate.

Little is known of this ritual, other than that all Krellites accompany those
who wish to submit to a door behind which is a room from which those who
have returned have succumbed to their most intimate desire, that which
they so long for without becoming fully aware of it. The last CEO discovered
himself in that moment of loneliness, after realizing that his greatest desire
was not, as he firmly believed, to embrace his brother again, but to become
miserably rich. Thus, aware that he was deeply selfish and materialistic, he
despised himself until he hung himself. His position is currently in dispute
between a Bothan and, for the first time, a Krellite Chiss.

Strangely enough, materialistic and spiritual traditions have found a delicate

and syncretic synthesis in times of genuine need and ignorance. The Dark
Side calls from forgotten lessons about the pain of a race subjected to a
self-imposed exile who dare not speak of those days of tragedy and the
growing discontent of a population weary of the noise of vulgar industrial
and colorless routine. Meanwhile, the body of a god lies on the back of a
star. Those who have passed through the Gate and returned to tell the tale
say that behind it lies the very cold heart of a dying sun, others say the face
of the beast. Be that as it may, the same question is always wisely continued
with the same answer:

What can be found there? Only what you carry with you.

... and in the end, you will be broken.
star wars betrayal
Fill in the gaps with your character’s name, your home planet, your kind and your last
name. Next, indicate your rank and the first war you fought (your veterany). 1 +1 narrative effect Lightsabers Write down the color and the narrative effect of each crystal.

These words are my last solemn vow. I am__________________, 11 +2 narrativeeffects

I was born under the skies of _______________. I am the legacy of
my people, the ____________; I am the last ________________. 111 +3 narrativeeffects

I am _______________, but above all, I am a dying wound in 1v +2 narrativeeffects Clothing Write down your clothes along with their narrative effects.
the Force, a void in which its will can be denied. All these decades
of conflict, I have felt and lived through the teachings of the v +1 narrative effect
___________________________. This is my tragedy.
v1 Embrace the Dark Side Items Write down your tools (weapons, shields, kits, etc) and their effects.
1 training point.
Adept You didn’t join the Jedi order. Dark Side feat
If you receive training, pass to this rank.
1 training point. +1 1 training point. +2 training point.
Padawan Jedi Knight Master THE FORCE
Choose combat forms and Force forms. Use the available space to write down the narrative
Guardian Weaponmaster
Consular Scholar effects. Choose your Force powers and their potential according to your rank.
Sentinel Custodian
Jedi civil war Guerras mandalorianas Gran guerra sith Arrogance Frustration
-1 narrative effect. +0 narrative effect. +1 narrative effect.
3 naute points. 2 naute points. 1 naute point.


Choose your character’s motivations as well as their relationship with the group. One of Distribute nature points according to your veterany and training
the motivations must be shared (survive, make a fortune, revenge, etc.) points according to your rank. Keep space for temporary modifiers.
Nature Training Temporary
MOTIVATIONS points points modifiers



Final words
Horror is a familiar face that we prefer to forget. While the non-intelligent
beings of the galaxy only contemplate death with fear, those who employ it
until they acquire a certain consciousness remember something they had
forgotten; its insignificance. This manifests itself in various ways, but the
universe itself is essentially the antithesis of the psychology that inhabits
it. Wars, plagues, genocides, diseases, among other evils, populate the
inhospitable interstellar distances. Suicide is the common cause of death
in most sectors, civilized or not, it doesn’t matter, and those who don’t kill
themselves normally wish they had, others do it while living, day after day,
without any truce.

Anxiety, depression and horror are the ultimate end of life. Almost all
beings suffer a mental breakdown at some point in their lives, and as long
as this is the case, it will take many millions of years before the galaxy
stops molding itself into its conflict and eventually dies.

This extends to the metaphysical realm. Withhold wise beings from, at

least one of their senses, and they will not be long before they contemplate
madness in its manifest form. Perception is everything, there is no greater
lesson in all this, only a galaxy torn by the struggle that takes place in
the darkest corners of those who are still alive. It is a kingdom without
a crown, without laws beyond the indifference that still allows to raise
pyramids from the sand to spread them like dust among the stars.

Its inhabitants are not mentally well. The past leaves its scars and long
distances make personal demons very often become literal. Illusions can
become reality at a given moment. That is the Force, a hurtful illusion.
The most powerful and diseased creatures that exist are those who try to
possess it. They are so profusely sick that they actually distort the world
around them. They use this ability to drive the universe further and further
into madness. War after war, death after death under every failed ideal, in
the desperate hope that reality will kill itself and end this suffering. That is
the Force, the mirror to the cosmic horror.

Entire civilizations have formed around the express goal of not succumbing
to madness and reaching the Sublime among the stars. That is why not
even one, not by a long shot, has succeeded. This is the way I have kept in
mind while writting Star Wars Betrayal and I hope warmfuly you enjoy it.

Antonio Ganfornina Andrades

The Jedi Order is dead. The Republic is on the verge of collapse. However, in
the most inhospitable corners of the galaxy, another war is taking place...

Star Wars Betrayal includes:

· A setting along the early days of the First Jedi Purge.

· The adaptation of aclaimed Cthulhu Dark rules for the darkest hour of the galaxy.

· 14 playable species from the Star Wars universe with their own characteristics.

· A narrative character creation through 50 years of galactic conflicts.

· The possibility of playing Force-sensitive beings in exile.

· An untamed and malleable power through various feats and Force powers.

· The necessary elements for crafting a symbol devoid of any meaning: your lightsaber.

· Four harassed characters, two antagonists and two doomed planets.

Think carefully on your choice. if you choose to fight, if you choose war, you must know that
it is a path few turns from once the first steps are taken. It carries with it a terrible price
and, in the end, you may find you have nothing left to sacrifice.

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