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1/25/2022 BLUE: circle time RED: small groups

: 21 : Winter/ animals : January

Circle time
12 students
15 minutes

Small Groups
6-8 students
15 minutes

Activity Planned:
The Mitten

Mitten memory game/ matching

English Language Development: 3. Engagement in English Literacy Activities: Understanding and responding to books,
storytelling, and songs presented in English.
Language Development: 1. Attending and Understanding: The ability to comprehend or understand language.
Literacy Knowledge and Skills: 1. Print and Alphabet Knowledge: The interest in books and their characteristics, and knowledge
of the alphabet.
Literacy knowledge and skills: 3. Comprehension and Text Structure: The ability to understand and get meaning from stories and
information from books and other texts.
Reading, Writing and Communicating preschool standard 1. Oral expression and listening

Social and Emotional Development: 5. Cognitive Self-Regulation (Executive Functioning): The ability to regulate attention and
English Language Development: 1. Receptive English Language Skills: The ability to comprehend or understand the English
Language Development: 1. Attending and Understanding: The ability to comprehend or understand language.

Reading, Writing, and Communicating Preschool Standard 1. Oral expression and listening: Children comprehend and
understand the english language
Reading, Writing, and Communicating Preschool Standard 2. Reading For all Purposes: Children understand and obtain
meaning from stories and information from books and other texts.
Reading, Writing, and Communicating Preschool Standard 4. Research inquiry and design: Begin research by asking a
question to identify and define a problem and it’s possible solutions.

Mathematics Preschool Standard 1. Number and quantity: Know number names and the count sequence
Mathematics preschool standard 2. Algebra and Functions: Understand simple patterns


Students will be able to attend to language during stories, conversations, or other learning experiences

Students will be able to follow two-to-three- step directions (for accommodation- students will be able to follow one verbal direction
with redirection if needed)

Students will be able to show interest in shared reading experiences

Students will be able to retell information from books through conversation, artistic works, creative movement, or drama

Students will be able to make predictions based on illustrations

ELL: Students will be able to demonstrate eagerness to participate in the story time book

ELL: Students will be able to learn a part of the book and copy/ repeat it (i.e. “the fox went in the glove. Who went in the glove?
Child says ‘fox’)

Students will be able to ask and answer questions and make comments about print materials

Students will be able to maintain focus and sustain attention with minimal adult support

Students will be able to persist in tasks

Students will be able to demonstrate flexibility in thinking and behavior

Students will be able to follow two-to-three- step directions (for accommodation- students will be able to follow one verbal direction
with redirection if needed)

Students will be able to count to 20 (accomodation: Students can express knowledge of numbers by matching or counting to 10)

Students will be able to follow simple patterns of finding matching gloves

Materials Needed:
Helper sticks
Daily schedule visuals
Pointer stick to count friends
“Hello” and “Friends” song
Window to check weather
Weather and temperature magnets
Fred the Frog and his clothes
(pm: calendar)
The Mitten book
The Mitten animals visuals
Names for small groups
Adult support for students
Assistive seating for extra support

Mitten sorting/ matching game

Carpet to sit on


Teacher actions:
● Teacher welcomes students to the circle by singing “come to the circle come to the circle everybody come to the circle sit on
your bottom sit on your bottom everybody sit on your bottom”
● While waiting for students to sit down, the teacher asks an open-ended question to the group of students already sitting. This
open ended question relates to learning that has previously happened or something that relates to each child’s life. Today’s
question was “what did everyone wear today to keep their bodies warm?”
● Teacher starts circle time by pulling a student's name on a popsicle stick to decide the helper.
● Introduces helper
● Assists helper with counting peers and checking the schedule
● Sings “hello” song or “friends” song along with the signs
● Assists the helper with seeing what the weather looks like
● Leads “what’s the weather” song
● Gets Fred the frog off the white board and gets his clothes pulled out
● Assists helper in picking out weather appropriate clothes for Fred
● Pm class: assists helper with the calendar and leads “days of the week” song
● Introduce book “The Mitten” and use visuals to go with the book

● Teacher calls students names for small groups.

● One teacher (Michelle Daly) leads phonics or handwriting group
● I will lead a creative curriculum or GOLD small group.
● Have students in my group sit in a close circle with me
● Give directions on how to play the game
● Give students example of how mitten memory is going to look
● Facilitate and help assist students when needed during memory game.
Student actions:
● After writing name, students pick a button at the circle to sit
● Students answer and participate in questions being asked by teacher
● Student who is the helper checks the schedule. Other students help the helper by saying we did do the routine and what is
● Students participate in “friends” and “hello” song
● The helper checks the weather outside of the window and the other students participate in “what's the weather” song
The helper dresses Fred
● Pm class: students tell the teacher what day it is. Students participate in “Days of the week” song

● Students listen for their name to be called on and go to assigned small group
● If students are with me, they come to the circle on the floor.
● Students listen to directions and pick one mitten up and examine it. Then, students find out what what mitten matches the
one they chose

Informal assessments: observation, and open ended questions:
“What did Niki’s grandma want to make him?”
“why did Niki’s grandma think white mittens would be a good idea?
“What happened to the mitten when Niki got out to play?”
“What was Nikki doing when he lost his glove?
“Look at the mitten. What do you notice?
“What do you think would happen if if the bear went inside the glove?
“Do you think this story could really happen? Why or why not?
“How many animals fit inside the mitten?
Informal assessments: observations and open ended questions:
“How do these mittens match?”
“What are mittens used for?”
“Who’s turn is it next?”
“What colors are these mittens?”
Language objective 8 listens to and understands increasingly complex language a. Comprehends language
Language objective 9 uses language to express thoughts and needs b. Speaks clearly, c. uses conventional grammar
Language objective 10 uses appropriate conversational and other communication skills a. Engages in conversations, uses social
rules of language
Cognitive development objective 11 demonstrates positive approaches to learning a. Attends and engages, c. solves problems, e.
Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking
Cognitive development objective 12 Remembers and connects experiences, a. Recognizes and recalls, b. Make connections
Literacy objective 17 demonstrates knowledge of print and its uses, a. Uses and appreciates books
Literacy objective 18 comprehends and responds to books and other texts, a. Interacts during read alouds and book conversations, c.
retells stories

Language objective 8 listens to and understands increasingly complex language a. Comprehends language
Cognitive development objective 11 demonstrates positive approaches to learning a. Attends and engages, c. solves problems, e.
Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking
Cognitive development objective 12 Remembers and connects experiences, a. Recognizes and recalls, b. Make connections


Modification: teacher uses direct phrases and simple sentences for students to comprehend what is being read. Allow for students to
have access to visuals while reading the circle time book, weather, expectations for circle time, and during small group instruction.
Students can mimic one-word phrases and use simple language.
Extension: Teachers focus on supporting student speaking and have compelling questions to enhance engagement through language.
Students can use small sentences that relate to the subject being taught. For circle time focus on using 2-3 word sentences around
The Mitten. For small groups, students use phrases such as “I found the yellow mitten”. Allow for time to have students speak
when answering a question. Teacher asks open-ended questions.
Modification: Visual schedule of what the daily schedule looks like. Use visuals for pages that are being read. Use language such as
“first we will do this. Then we will do this”. Having a sequence of what the story is about. For this story, we would have a picture
chart showing from left to right of what animals crawled in the mitten.
Extension: teacher provides comprehensive open ended questions to students and allows for enough time to think independently and
share amongst peers.
Modification: students are able to participate in circle time (whether that is by sitting, verbally communicating, nonverbally
communicating, being attentive to the story or the music, etc.) students can participate in small group activities with peers and have
adult support.
Extension: Students are able to contribute to the circle time and small group experience and reach objective goals with little
Modification: Extra adult support and physical support such as cube chairs, a sensory bin, allowing for students to sit close or far
from the teacher.
Extension: students are able to complete and finish circle time with little to no outside reinforcements.

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